Northern Proposals

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Northern Proposals Page 14

by Julia P. Lynde


  "Do you want me to stop?"


  She took one of my wrists and wrapped something around it. I heard a snick. She did the same with the other wrist. Then she did something to attach them together and pulled them over my head. She fumbled around for a moment, then she pulled my arms tightly above me.

  She moved down to my feet, caressing me with a finger on her way. She wrapped something around one ankle, then the other, then she pulled my legs wide and secured them that way. When she was done, I couldn't move.

  "Do you want me to let you go?"

  "No, Jessica. Please touch me."

  She began stroking my body. "Tell me what you are feeling emotionally."

  "Nervous." I said. "Excited." I felt myself blush. "Wet."

  "That's physical," she said, laughing. Then she dipped her fingers between my legs and brushed them across my labia. "But accurate."

  She reached up and smeared my own juices around my lips, then licked them off me.

  "What else?" she asked.

  "Vulnerable," I told her. "You could do anything you wanted to me, and I am wide open to you."

  "Do you like that feeling?" The entire time, she was stroking my body, little touches up and down my skin. I started to squirm a little.

  "Yes. And I like the touches."

  "What else?"


  She bent down and kissed me.

  "Trusting," I said. "Lustful."

  She lay down next to me, her body stretched along mine. "Are you glad you obeyed?"

  "Yes, until we get caught. I don't want to get locked up for indecent exposure."

  "No one can see us," she said. "If anyone comes, I'll cover you and either untie you or start the motor and drive us around until they leave."

  "You would drive me around like this?"

  "Yep." Then she pulled away and I heard her rummaging in the gym bag. "Do you want me to keep going?"


  "May I make this very intense?"

  "Are you going to scare or hurt me?"

  "No. I am going to drive you insane with desire. You may not come without permission. If you do, I will punish you."

  "How?" I asked, gasping as she flicked a nipple.

  "I don't know," she said. "Maybe I'll find some mosquitoes."

  "You wouldn't! Jessica, don't even tease like that."

  She giggled. "Punishments aren't supposed to be fun."

  "I would freak. I swear, I would freak."

  "All right. If you come without permission, I'll make you wear a butt plug to the meeting with Karen tomorrow."

  "Oh-" I almost broke a rule.


  "Take me."

  She bent down and kissed me ravenously. Then her hand traced a line down my body to my crotch. I arched my back as her fingers spread me open.

  She shifted, and then I felt something pressing against me. She slid it in slowly.

  "What are you doing?" I squirmed. "What is that?"

  "Shhh," she said. "Accept it, love."

  I squirmed and tried to escape whatever she was sliding into me. She stopped, then two of her fingers moved to my clitoris and began teasing me. Soon she had me squirming, and every time I squirmed, whatever she was using slid a tiny bit further into me.

  "Jessica, what is it?"

  "You are safe, Jade," she said. "I won't hurt you."

  "Please, tell me what it is."

  "Honey, if you ask again I will tell you, but it will ruin the mystery a little."

  "Please kiss me."

  "You are safe, Jade," she said. Then her lips were on mine, kissing me softly. But she still held a hand over my crotch, and something continued to slide deeper into me. I tried to escape from it.

  "Are you okay?" she asked. "This shouldn't be freaking you out, Jade. Do I have to stop? I won't hurt you. You're going to like this, Jade. It feels really, really nice. I had this inside me two nights ago."

  "What?! Who was running it? Stop!"

  "Honey, I was alone. I was thinking about you at the time. I picked this because it had just been in me while I was thinking about you, and now I want to share it with you."

  I squirmed, unable to escape. "Go slow."

  "I will. It's not big. I know it feels that way, but it's not big. It can't hurt you."

  Soon she had me filled. Whatever she was using was curved, and I felt it pressing against my G-spot. There was something else pressing against my clitoris, and the sensation was strange.

  Then she did something, and it began to buzz. I almost exploded out of my skin.

  "Oh my god!"

  "I'll forgive that one, but if you do that again, you're getting the gag I brought, Jade, and it's a cruel gag. You won't like it."

  "I'm sorry."

  She began pressing the invading toy against me. Press, relax, press, relax, and all the while it was vibrating. Her other hand was stroking my body as she knelt over me, caressing my nipples, my skin everywhere, my face, my lips. She reached down and played with my clitoris for a moment, then her hand returned to my mouth, and I opened to accept the two fingers, now filled with my scent. I sucked on them and squirmed.

  She did something, and the vibrator changed vibration pattern. I jerked. It had been vibrating steadily, but now it was starting out barely vibrating, then increasing in amount before decreasing again. It was doing that over and over.

  I squirmed. "Yes," I said quietly. "Oh, Jessica."

  "You will learn to trust me," she said quietly. "Do you understand? I need you to trust me."

  "Yes. Ohhh."

  "If you come, you know what happens tomorrow."

  "You couldn't," I said. "It would pop out."

  She laughed. "She of little faith."

  I gasped and squirmed.

  I felt her shift, and I heard her digging through her bag. Then I heard small clicking that sounded like a necklace.

  "This is going to sting a little," she said. "If it's too much, I'll take it off, but try to last a minute first."

  She teased my nipples, both of them, until they were fully engorged, then she clipped something to the left, then the right. I hissed. It more than stung, it hurt!


  "Try to hold on, Jade," she said.

  "Trying." Then the vibrator changed again into a higher, faster pulsing, and I squirmed, quickly forgetting about the violation of my nipples. But she leaned over and licked one, and it was exceptionally intense.

  "Are you all right?"

  "I'm not going to last long! Oh Jessica."

  "The butt plug has a remote control to make it vibrate," she said.

  "Oh god!"

  "Oh honey. You know what happens now. Do I need to release your nipples?"


  She removed both her hands from me and fumbled in her bag. "If you accept this without fighting me, it will go easier on you. Open your mouth, Jade."

  I obediently opened my mouth. I had broken the rule. She slid something into my mouth then somehow attached it to the harness she'd put on me earlier. Then I heard something that sounded like a blood pressure cuff they use at the doctors, and whatever was in my mouth began to expand and expand.

  "Mmmmm!" I complained into the gag.

  She pumped it a few more times, and my mouth was completely full.


  "Jade, are you asking me to stop? Nod or shake your head."

  I shook my head.

  Her hand returned to the vibrator, and she pressed it firmly into me. I jumped.

  If I hadn't felt sufficiently vulnerable before, the gag drove the point home. I moaned and squirmed, helpless and vulnerable.

  And I wouldn't want her to change a thing.

  I'd never felt like this before, and I'd never been with a man I trusted the way I trusted her. I would never have let a man do this to me. I would never have trusted a man to protect me if I needed to be protected.

  I moaned again.

She continued to touch me, continued to talk to me, continued to let the vibrator fill me with its pulsing pleasures. I felt my mind shut down as I surrendered more and more to what she was doing to me.

  "More," I tried to say. "More," I tried to moan.

  She continued to whisper into my ear. "Mine. You will trust me, Jade."


  "You will obey me. You will be mine. Trust. Obey. Surrender, Jade. Surrender."

  And all the time, she continued touching me, caressing me, and driving me insane with desire. I tried to drive my pelvis against her hand, trying to gain greater pleasure from the vibrator, but I was stretched as far as I could

  "Uh huh," she whispered. "I set the pace, Jade."


  "I promised to go slow. Don't come now, Jade. You better obey me. I never bluff."

  Just the thought of wearing the plug in private increased my sense of helplessness. The idea she could make me wear it in public started to push me over the edge.

  "No no no," I tried to say into the gag as the orgasm began to take hold of me.

  "Don't come, Jade! Not yet!"

  And then I was gone, the shudders filling my body, the orgasm exploding through me. I screamed into the gag, shuddering and thrashing before I grew still.

  "Oh Jade," she said quietly. "You weren't supposed to do that."

  She did something and the vibrator grew silent. She kept it inside me for a moment as the aftershocks rode through me. Then, slowly, she withdrew it, and I felt empty.

  "Mine," she whispered to me. I nodded.

  The gag was next. First she deflated it, then gently removed it. As soon as my mouth was clear, her mouth was over mine, inhaling me. I moaned, lost in her.

  Slowly, she released me from the bonds, my ankles, then my wrists, then the blindfold. I wrapped myself around her, and she held me, spreading a towel over me as a blanket.

  "Thank you, Jade," she said.

  "I'm sorry I disobeyed," I said. "I could hold it back any longer."

  "Oh honey, you lasted longer than I thought you would."


  "You, my dear, were never going to receive permission for that orgasm."

  I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

  "That was my fantasy," she said. "The whole thing, including the punishment for coming." She paused. "Does that make you angry?"

  "No. But paybacks are a bitch."

  She laughed.

  "My fantasy isn't over," she said.

  "I know. I have to wear the plug tomorrow."

  "The part tonight isn't over. I want to go skinny dipping with you."

  I opened my eyes and looked at her again. "Serious?"

  "Yes. Please."

  "All right." I grinned. "I want something."


  "Never stop."

  She laughed. "I promise."

  "Seriously, I want something."


  "I don't know. Just make me feel safe, and that this isn't just kinky sex for you."

  "Oh honey," she said. "I am falling in love with you. I'll do anything for you."

  "Hold me, then get naked and I'll swim with you," I told her.

  So she did, pulling me into her arms and lying down on the boat with me. She was warm and it felt so good to let her hold me. "Jessica, have you ever been on the receiving end of any of this?"

  "No. I would freak out."

  "Do you know what it feels like?"

  "I have asked my lovers. I asked you. I know that's an incomplete sense. I also can read your body language. You are feeling vulnerable, but being in my arms makes you feel safe."


  "That's my kink, too, knowing my arms are a safe place for you. You don't know what that does to me."

  I snuggled in more tightly. "Tighter."

  She squeezed me tighter. I suddenly couldn't get close enough to her.

  "Are you okay?" she asked quietly.

  "No. Hold me."

  "Did I hurt you?"

  "No, just. I can't get close enough."

  She pulled me tighter, and I clutched at her. I trembled a little.


  "Scared suddenly."

  "Oh honey."

  "I shouldn't need someone this much. It's scary."

  "Oh honey," she said again.

  "Take your top off, Jessica. I need to feel your skin."

  She released me. and soon was as naked as I was, then pulled me back into her arms. I laid my head against her chest, breathing in the subtle scent from her chest and wrapping my arms around her.

  "Thank you," I said. "That's better. I'm okay, just needy."

  "Good. You're supposed to be needy. It's because you still feel vulnerable."

  She held me for a while, and it felt so good just to hold her and be held by her.

  "Take me swimming," I said eventually. "Please. But Jessica." I looked her in the eye. "You must never violate my trust. No tricking me. I couldn't stand it."

  "I tricked you a few minutes ago."

  "That wasn't the sort of laugh at me for being a fool type of tricking. But you could tell me to jump in naked, then not jump in after. I would be very hurt. That kind of tricking."

  "I promise. Swim now?"


  We got up together. I clutched at her as we stepped to the front of the boat. She lowered the platform we could climb out on, then she looked around. "We haven't moved hardly at all. It's very deep here."

  "Go in together," I told her. "I'll be okay once we're in the water."

  So together we stepped to the edge of the boat, and together we took one step, leaning forward as we stepped off the boat.

  The water was cold and shocking, and it woke me the rest of the way to my sense. We treaded water together, and I turned to her and kissed her quickly before letting her go.

  "Race," I said.

  She laughed.

  "If I win, I get a backrub tonight before bed."

  "And if I win?" She asked.

  "I'm not giving you a backrub tonight. I'm tired, scared, needy, and vulnerable."

  "All right. If I win tonight, you will wear a collar I brought."



  "Is this collar symbolic?"


  I thought about it. "I'm not ready for that in front of others."

  "At night when we're home alone, for a week, until morning. It locks. You'll need me to take it off you."

  "All right," I agreed. "I want a one lap head start on a four lap race."

  "That's a big head start."

  "I'll get tired sooner than you will."

  "Three fourths of a lap. So we aren't jostling just when I get started."

  "Agreed." We moved to the front of the boat. "Race from this pontoon," I said, touching the one I'd swim around first. "You start when you see my first splash near that one."

  "Go whenever you're ready," she told me.

  I took two breaths and began swimming slowly around the boat. Once I rounded the back, I started to speed up and was swimming full out when I turned the front. She was right in front of me, and I brushed her feet with my hands once, but then she started to pull away. She was a lot faster than I was.

  When I finished the second lap and turned into the third, she was already out of sight. My lap advantage was now under a half lap.

  By the time I finished my third lap, I knew I was going to lose. I was slowing down. Halfway down the boat during my fourth lap, her hand brushed my foot. I gained slightly going around the back, as she had to swim wider, but she was beside me before I'd gotten very far on the last half lap.

  She made it to the front of the boat and beat me by a body length at the end.

  She was breathing hard when I got to her. We panted at each other for a while. Finally I had enough breath to say, "You weren't this winded after the last race."

  "I really wanted to win this one. I was looking for an opportunity to collar you." She smiled,
still a little breathless. "I'll give you a little pampering when we climb into bed though."

  I reached for her and pulled her into a hug. "If the collar is itchy or uncomfortable, you have to find something else."

  "You already agreed," she told me.

  "If it's uncomfortable, I'll resent it, then I won't take more wagers."

  "If it is uncomfortable, I will give you the choice of wearing it anyway or satisfying me in some other fashion. You will be allowed to pick."

  "All right. I'm cold."

  "Me too."

  She helped me climb out and followed me. We dried off quickly and put our suits back on, then she started up the boat and headed in the direction of Marcy's cabin.

  * * *

  The collar didn't itch.

  The back rub was very nice, and I fell asleep in her arms. I'd never been happier.


  We woke early the next morning, facing each other. She looked into my eyes, then down to my neck, and her look was one of pure joy. She reached up and fingered the collar. She took on a faraway expression.

  "You're trying to come up with a new wager."

  "Uh huh. But not for today."

  "What do you want?"

  "I'm not ready to tell you yet," she said. "But I will."

  "Time to get up. Shower. Get dressed. Buy a cabin."

  She smiled. "The collar is washable."

  "Honey," I said with a small whine.

  "For me. Wear it for me until it's time to leave. Please."

  "All right."

  * * *

  Before I got dressed, she made me bend over the bed. "Relax, honey," she said.

  I bent over, my chest resting on the bed, my legs on the floor and spread. She made me clasp the bedspread. "Raise your butt as high as you can for me."

  "I don't think it's fair," I said. "You set me up."

  "Yes, I did." She started pressing something against my anus. "Relax now."

  "You relax!" I said as I felt something begin to slide into me. "Ohh..."

  "Shhh," she said. "It will feel good."

  She hadn't let me look at the plug. I only knew it wasn't the one I'd seen before. Slowly, she slid it in, filling me.

  "Relax," she said. "Surrender, Jade."

  I wriggled a little.

  "There you go," she said. "Good girl." She continued to slide it into me, filling me, until finally I felt her press it home.

  "See? How does that feel?"


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