Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3)

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Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3) Page 17

by KL Donn

  Her body lit up from the inside out with that simple touch. He owned her mouth in ways she’d never felt before. The way he held onto her like he was never going to let her go left her breathless. He nipped her lip causing her to gasp so he could gain entry to her mouth. He immediately began to suck on her tongue in the most hypnotic way. With every tug she felt her pussy throb in tune, heating up with no way to stop it. When he finally let her up for air, it was with one demand. “Strip.”

  Frozen in spot, she wasn’t sure she could. She felt like a new woman in their presence, confident, strong, everything she used to be, but they were asking her to bare her soul in the most basic way. They’d seen her naked before, of course, but that was in the darkness of the villa. Here the curtains were light and the sun was shining brightly through.

  “Now, Sunshine,” Creed growled behind her.

  Taking a deep breath, she lifted her shirt over her head which was immediately followed by Creed unhooking her bra and tracing his fingers along the scars on her back. She shivered with each one he touched. For once, though, she didn’t feel each strike against her skin.

  He knelt behind her and began raining her back with kisses. Closing her eyes, she wholly felt the emotions he brought out in that moment. Cherished, loved, complete. “Creed,” she moaned when he pushed her pants and thong down to her knees before starting to nibble on her ass cheeks.

  “One day, Sunshine,” he murmured as he took a fleshy bite that was incredibly erotic rather than painful like she’d have thought. “You’re going to let me own this ass,” he swore like it was a done deal.

  Looking over her shoulder at him she met his eyes as he looked up, the lust and love in their dark depths stole her breath making her say, “One day, Creed, I’ll let you.” Sounding more like a sigh than a promise.

  Hearing a heavy buckle hit the floor, she turned back to stare at Linc just as he finished undressing. His body had her mouth watering for a taste. All sinewy muscle with a light dusting of hair across his chest led down to a ‘V’ pointing straight to his mouth-wateringly large manhood. Much bigger than she would have thought possible.

  Dropping to her knees in front of him again, she ran her fingers along his thighs, all the way up to his chest before scoring her nails back down, leaving just a small bite of pain. He moaned; closing his eyes and throwing his head back told her he liked the bite she gave him.

  She watched in fascination as his cock began to bounce and throb as if begging for attention, which she gladly gave. Keeping her eyes on his face, she led the tip to her mouth with one hand. Licking it she groaned in satisfaction.

  His entire body locked in anticipation; she could practically feel him vibrating with need. Taking a little more of him into her mouth she found a nice, slow rhythm of sucking and retreating, never going too deep. But tantalizing enough for him to be pleased.

  A feather-light touch across her ass drew her attention momentarily until Creed placed his hand on the back of her head telling her, “Keep going, Sunshine. I’m gonna play.”

  She tensed up but quickly relaxed as he ran the feather along her body after removing her pants the rest of the way. When she looked back to Linc, his eyes were on her and they glowed so brightly she felt the intensity of it in her soul.

  Humming low in her throat, she began sucking on him again. Every small spurt of pre-come in the back of her throat had her rubbing the insides of her thighs together, trying to gain some relief.

  “Uh-uh-uh,” Creed tsked at her running the feather between her butt cheeks and down between her thighs, causing a delicious shiver to race up her spine causing her to suck harder on Linc’s growing cock than before.

  “Shit,” Linc growled at her.

  Gazing at him she gave a small smile around his cock. “Hot fucking damn that is a beautiful sight,” he said worshipfully to her.

  “Close your eyes, Kennedy,” Creed told her from behind. As she did, she felt him place a blindfold over her eyes telling her, “Just feel.”

  With her eyes covered she was able to feel so much more. The little hairs along her body stood on end waiting for their every touch. When Creed backed away for a moment, she whined her disappointment at the loss of his warmth. They both laughed softly at her.

  Aggravated, she nipped the end of Linc’s cock playfully making him hiss out a pleasure-filled moan. “Sunshine,” he warned.

  She got so lost in pleasing Linc that when Creed was back behind her again, she jumped a little. Placing a hand in the small of her back and pushing down lightly, she arched her back and cocked her ass higher for him.

  “Relax, Kennedy,” he told her in a voice barely above a whisper. Nervous now, she tried to look at ease only to remember her eyes were covered, and she knew that they would take it off if she requested it. However, this was about trust and she needed them to know she trusted them as much as they needed to know it.

  When he began to push his very hard cock inside of her, she moaned and pushed back against him, wanting more. “Easy, Sunshine,” he murmured sounding distracted.

  Linc started pumping his hips slowly in and out as she began sucking him again; she could almost feel the juices running down her legs. When she felt Linc’s cock grow larger she had only a moment to wonder what was happening before he growled roughly, “Pull off, Sunshine, I’m gonna cum.” Making a quick decision she continued to suck him harder into her mouth, swallowing as the tip hit the back of her throat. His shout of ecstasy and the jets of semen hitting the back of her throat told her that he liked it.

  It didn’t stop there, though. As Creed began pumping his hips in and out of her she moaned at the stretch and burn consuming her. Going to pull off Linc’s still hard cock, she mewled when he told her to stay. If she’d had the presence of mind she might have barked at him, but she was quickly becoming immersed in mind-numbing pleasure as Creed’s cock kept hitting some secret button inside her that had her body lost in pleasure.

  When Linc leaned over her and pulled her ass cheeks apart, she froze. Clamping down on Creed’s cock so harshly had him moaning. “Just playing, Sunshine,” he promised her.

  She felt a cool gel hit her anus followed by a seeking finger rubbing it around. As she relaxed into their touches she realized how nice it felt, a whole new kind of pleasure, a darker kind. The kind she secretly wanted to get lost in before her life had changed. It opened a whole new world of promises for them.

  When Linc started to massage her cheeks gently, the probing finger pushed through the tight ring of muscle in her ass causing an intense burn that she found to be more gratifying than she would have thought possible.

  Linc finally pulled his now flaccid cock from her mouth as they continued their assault on her ass and pussy. She felt that all-encompassing desire grab hold of her again as Creed’s thrust picked up speed and intensity. When he slammed into her one last time while inserting another finger in her ass, she went off.

  Her body locked up in the most spectacular orgasm of her entire life. A flush worked its way across her body making her hotter than she ever imagined. Just as she was coming down from her high, she felt Linc lean back as he pulled her up for a slow panty-melting kiss.

  Creed pulled from her just as she felt his cock grow thicker. He placed the head at the small opening his fingers had created in her ass and let go of his own orgasm. Feeling the ropes of his cum splash against her, she pushed back slightly lodging just the mushroomed tip of his cock inside her; the burn had her coming with him again.

  “Fuck me, Sunshine. That was spectacular,” Creed whispered from behind her with his cock head still pulsing inside her. Leaning back against him, he slid the tiniest bit further inside her as she leaned against his chest looking into his eyes. “Love me, Creed,” she begged.

  “With everything I am, Kennedy,” he promised as his lips descended to hers in a slow kiss.


  “Jet lag sucks balls,” Linc groaned as he rolled over to the bright lights of the sun hitting his face. Si
tting up in the bed he threw his legs over the side, rubbing a hand down his face. He made to get up when a gentle finger started tracing the tattoos along his back. First the tribal lines, then the seal of brotherhood he and Creed had gotten together on their shoulder— an American flag with their last name weaved through the red and white stripes.

  They had been twenty-five when they got them. Just out of the Marines and wanting a way to solidify their time served for their country with their commitment to each other. It wasn’t long before that they’d met Nate and Ty’s parents and saw what they had. Even so young they knew it was something special, something they’d want. The tattoo also represented their choice to one day share a woman; the woman currently drawing light lines across his back.

  When he heard her softly moan he turned to see Creed with his head buried in her neck, eyes closed, and a sensual smile on her face. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight in his life. Rolling back into bed he pulled the sheet away from her body, admiring every dip and curve.

  “Can’t believe you're all ours, Sunshine,” Linc whispered leaning down to kiss a scar on her thigh he’d missed seeing before.

  Spreading her legs for him, she sighed her contentment as they kissed every inch they could reach. “Can… Oh, my… can I ask you something?” she said in between panting for breath.

  “Anything,” Creed told her as he sucked one small, round pink nipple into his mouth.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking,” she started.

  “Oh boy.” Linc laughed when she swatted his head.

  “I want to get a tattoo. Well, a couple. Or maybe just one really large one.”

  That got their attention. Looking at her he saw the worry in her eyes as well as the desperation. “Why?” Creed asked her.

  Lowering her head she whispered, “My scars.”

  Just like that, he understood. She was ashamed of the scars and wanted to cover them up. “You’re gorgeous the way you are, Kennedy,” he told her, lifting her chin so he could see her eyes.

  “Scars or no scars, we’ll love you no matter what, Ken,” Creed told her.

  “It’s just they’re such a painful reminder. I don’t want that reminder anymore. I feel… They make me feel lost again. Seeing them every time I look in the mirror brings me right back to that awful cabin. I’m so tired of feeling like less than a woman, like I’m somehow damaged.” Her voice started as a whisper but the more she spoke, the stronger it became.

  With tears on her lashes, Linc wiped under her eye with his thumb. Kissing the tear away, he leaned forward and told her, “We’ll take you. But be sure, Sunshine. It’s not easily reversed.”

  Nodding her head she jumped into his arms with the most glorious smile to ever grace her lips. He was stunned at how happy their acceptance of her need to cover up her scars made her.

  “Do you know what you want, Sunshine?” Creed asked laying behind her still.

  “I do,” she smiled shyly. “I want a vine of lilies to wrap around my body, with the vines to run across my scars. Do you think that’s possible?”

  “Yeah, Ken, it is. Whatever you want we’ll get it for you.” Creed smiled at her and she practically melted in Linc’s arms.

  A knock at their door had Kennedy squealing and diving under the covers. They laughed while getting up to get dressed.

  “Umm, sorry to bother you guys, but well, I won’t be able to keep them out much longer,” Keeley said through the heavy door.

  “We’ll be down in a few minutes,” he told her. “C’mon, Sunshine, time to face the family.”

  Peaking out from under the covers, she had a haunted look in her eyes asking, “What if they hate me?”

  “Oh baby, no way. You’re not giving them nearly as much credit as they deserve. They’re your brothers. I’m pretty sure there’s not much you could do that they wouldn’t forgive.” He tried to reassure her before pulling gently on her hand, guiding her to her suitcase.

  “You’re right. I know you are. It’s just hard to let go, you know?”

  “We know,” Creed said hugging her from behind. “Want us to wait for you?”

  Shaking her head no she told them, “I need a minute to wrap my head around being home, and you two don’t help that very much.” If it weren’t for the gleam in her eyes he might have been insulted, but it was her way of trying to lighten up her mood. Nodding, they each gave her a kiss before leaving her alone.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  “You can do this, Kennedy,” she whispered to herself while she dug through one of her suitcases for something to wear. “They love you; they’ve always understood your crazy ass.” Looking up to make sure no one was watching her she shook her head laughing at the fact she was giving herself a pep talk to face her brothers.

  Taking her clothes into the bathroom, she washed up quickly. Getting dressed she took a deep cleansing breath to get herself ready for the emotional roller coaster she was sure she was about to jump on.

  Cracking the door open she peeked out to find the hallway empty. Fortifying herself, she made her way quietly downstairs careful not to make a sound. As a child, she always found the best way to find out what her brothers were really thinking was to eavesdrop.

  Following the sound of voices to the kitchen, she stopped short when she heard hushed voices. “Ma should be here, dammit,” Nate growled.

  “No, she shouldn’t. Kennedy came here because she knew you two big galoots wouldn’t overwhelm her. Don’t make her doubt that choice, Nathaniel,” Keeley argued.

  “She left for nearly five fucking months, Butterfly, without a word to anyone. That ain’t no joke,” Nate bit back.

  “Don’t you swear at me, Nathaniel,” she scolded him. Go, Keeley, she thought. “I know how long she was gone for. What you two seem to forget is what she went through. I’ve been there, sort of. I understand how she had been feeling and being that low is not pretty. Nor is it easy to accept.”

  “You didn’t have a choice in being alone, though,” Ty said softly. “Kennedy chose to leave everyone who loves her behind.” He sounded sad when he said that and it broke her heart.

  Leaning against the wall, she fought to keep the tears at bay. She’d broken her family as much she was and it was never her intent to do that. It was just so hard to be around people that just wanted her better and they wouldn’t understand. Her brothers were so strong and foreboding and she was small and weak. Being broken didn’t help how she was feeling.

  She listened to the back and forth bickering for a few more minutes wanting to flee as fast and far as she could, but she forced her feet to stay rooted to the spot. She refused to run again; she didn’t want to be alone anymore. At the heel of that thought was Linc’s voice. “Knock it the fuck off you assholes. Don’t think for one fucking second that we won’t hesitate to take her out of here if you make her feel guiltier than she already does.” Linc growled sounding more pissed off than she had ever heard him.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Black. She’s our fucking sister!” Ty yelled.

  Slamming her hands over her ears to block out their fighting, she slid down the wall with tears streaming down her cheeks as they fought over her and her choices.

  “Enough!” Creed boomed, his voiced laced with menace. “Are you people fucking stupid or what? That girl went through hell. Alone. For four fucking months until she found the courage to finally write home, which was hard as hell for her. Do you have any idea what she did? She nearly fucking died. And that eats away at me every damn day, knowing we could have lost her before we truly had her. I, no we won’t allow you to make her feel one more fucking second of pain! Not while there’s breath in our bodies.” In that moment, listening to Creed tell them how strong she was, how scared he was when she left made all the horrible pain trying to drag her down disappear. They might not live in a fairy tale but they sure made her feel like a princess with not one but two dark knights.

  “Sunshine,” she heard Creed call her softly. “Come
on in here now.” She froze. She didn’t make any noise while listening, did she? “Come on, Kennedy,” he called again.

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, she peeked around the corner to find all eyes on her. Keeley with tears in hers, regret from her brothers because now they knew she’d heard a good chunk of their anger, but best of all pride and love from her men. That got her moving. Jumping to her feet she ran right into Creed’s arms, kissing him deeply as he picked her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, she put every emotion she was feeling into the kiss.

  Her love, her fear, immense relief that they loved her flaws and all. Pulling back she mouthed against his lips, ‘I love you’, knowing he would know exactly what she said.

  Sliding down his body she immediately felt Linc’s heat on her back while he held her hips tightly. Burying her head in Creed’s chest she closed her eyes, absorbing the love she could feel emanating from them for her.

  Without looking at her brothers, she told them, “I’m not who I used to be. That girl is as lost as I still feel most days. I’m sorry I left the way I did, Nate, but I felt smothered. I couldn’t stand being touched and that’s all any of you wanted to do. And you asked questions all the time. What happened? What did they do? Are you ok? More than anything I hated being asked that because no, I was not ok.” Opening her eyes she met their tortured ones. “I will never be ok again. I will never trust the way I used to. I will never be as fearless as I was. But one day, Nate? One day, I’ll find peace.”

  Not letting them say anything more she looked at Linc asking, “Can we go to my parents now?”

  “Anything you want, Sunshine,” he told her with a proud smile gracing his lips.

  “Shit, Kennedy, wait,” Ty called as they were about to walk out the door. “I’m sorry, Ken. God, this is just… It’s hard, you know? We worried for so long. We didn’t know what happened to you. Honestly? We were selfish not thinking about how you really felt. Why you left. No one thought to look any deeper than the fact that you ran. I’m so fucking sorry we didn’t protect you, Kenny. You’re our baby sister and seeing you so fucking broken left us all scrambling.”


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