Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3)

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Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3) Page 20

by KL Donn

  “If you’re sure?” she asked sleepily.

  Walking around the table Linc knelt down in front of her, picking up her hands he kissed the insides of her wrists gently, telling her, “Go, Sunshine, I got this. It’s been a long day.”

  Nodding her head, she allowed them to pull her up to her feet before Creed led her from the room and up the stairs. Stopping every once in while so she could admire some new detail of the house she hadn’t seen yet.

  When they got to the heavy oak doors of the master suite, he pushed them open with a flourish guiding her inside with a hand on her back. The look of wonder on her face was sweet. Her eyes lit with pleasure as she walked into the room.

  When they had Dane and Coop oversee moving the furniture, they’d told them to have Emily decorate. Figuring they couldn’t go wrong with her opinion and they knew she’d make it as comfortable for Kennedy as possible. Turns out they were right.

  “This is amazing! How? When? How?” she asked in amazement leaning against the footboard of the king- sized sleigh bed in the middle of the room.

  “Emily,” was all he said.

  Her eyes immediately watered.

  “She did this for me?”

  “We asked her to, yes.”

  She was walking around the room now, admiring the watercolor paintings Emily had found at some flea market. As she approached the large vase of lilies between the doors of the walk-in closet and the master bath, she softly ran her fingers along the petals. Smiling as she did so.

  “Check out the bath,” he suggested when she looked up at him.

  Leaning against the door frame, he waited to hear what she thought of it. There was a huge Jacuzzi tub in there that was mounted into the wall, with two steps leading up to it. Bevelled glass surrounded it giving off a calming effect.

  When she squealed he ran in to see what happened, fear making his heart beat faster. Stopping short as she stood inside the tub with a huge smile on her face, he calmed down.

  “Woman, don’t do that,” he scolded with a laugh.

  “Do what?”

  “Scream like that. You’re gonna give a guy heart failure.” He tried to sound serious but the happiness radiating from her left him smiling.

  “Oh,” she whispered with a smile. “This is all mine?” she asked in awe, waving her hand at the tub. Nodding his head, she squealed again.

  “What the hell is going on?” they heard hollered up from downstairs. She looked slightly upset for about half a second before her smile returned.

  Going to the small cabinet in the corner by the tub, Creed pulled out the salts and bubble bath Emily had also picked up for her. Setting them on the steps he told her, “Help yourself to what you like, Sunshine, and I’ll go calm his ass down.”

  When he turned to leave, she jumped on his back. Caught off guard, they almost went to the floor. Wrapping her arms and legs around him she kissed the back of his neck and whispered a heartfelt thank you before sliding down and busying herself with choosing a scent she liked.

  He watched her for a moment as she hummed her pleasure. Seeing her happy like this was something he could get used to.

  Making his way back downstairs, he saw Linc was still at the bottom waiting for an answer. “She found the tub,” was all he said in passing. The huge grin that took up residence on Linc’s face told him he understood.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  She’d never seen something so spectacular. Her parents had a gorgeous home, but this? This was amazing. The colors, the décor, the feel of it all. It felt right. A huge part of that was due to her men. They made her feel again. They made her analyze before hiding. She didn’t think they knew just what they had done for her but she did, and one day she’d find a way to show them exactly how much she loved them.

  Starting the water and getting it to the right temperature, she added the cucumber melon bath salts. Waiting for the tub to fill she rifled through the medicine cabinets looking for a comb and toothbrush, not sure where her bag was and wanting to feel half-way human. Not seeing what she was looking for she decided to wait and ask after she relaxed.

  Undressing slowly, she folded her clothes and placed them on a chair behind the door, shocked when she saw a full-length mirror on the back. The scars on her back practically glared at her. The white jagged lines pulsing with every beat of her heart.

  Lowering her eyes, she fought the nausea she felt every time she saw them. They were the worst she had. Brought on by a thick leather belt or strap of some sort. She remembered each lash vividly as if it were happening again. Breathing deeply, she stood up to face her biggest fear.

  Loving herself again.

  They haunted her.

  Their smooth edges.

  It was something she feared she’d never be able to look at again. Unless… an idea formed. She’d asked Linc and Creed about it but had never really fully decided. With the idea firmly planted in her mind, her eyes opened and she dared her scars to mock her.

  This time she could picture them with color, with life. With words of strength and devotion. She refused to play the victim any longer. Refused to allow her demons to determine her future.

  From that moment on she vowed she would be a survivor.

  A warrior to empower victimized women everywhere.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  Darting up the stairs like some love-struck teenager, Linc slowed to a soft step when he heard gentle humming coming from behind the master suite doors. Quietly opening them, he watched as Kennedy hummed a melody he couldn’t quite catch and swayed around the room in a happy dance.

  Her naked hips moving side to side held him hypnotized. His eyes were locked on her small, round ass. Something was different about her. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it but she radiated sensuality and confidence in a way he had yet to see from her.

  His cock instantly hardened and he wanted to devour her. Adjusting his now too tight jeans, he quietly backed away from the door in search of Creed.

  Finding him locking the house up he told him, “Dude, I don’t know what happened but that woman up there is something from a wet fantasy.” He had to wipe his mouth to be sure he wasn’t drooling just thinking about the way she had been moving.

  “What are you talking about?” Creed asked him, clearly confused.

  “Just come here; I can’t explain it.”

  Going back upstairs quietly, he still heard her lilting voice. Slowly pushing the door open he again took a peek inside. Seeing her brushing her hair now with one of their shirts on was even sexier. She was still doing the little side to side hip thing. The shirt would raise just enough to tease him.

  Pointing in the room to where she was at, Linc motioned for Creed to look. He immediately went rigid and his breathing picked up too.

  “Holy fuck,” he whispered.

  “You see it?” Linc asked him.

  “Fuck yeah. I’ve never seen anything so stunning,” he whispered in awe.

  They must have made some noise because she turned suddenly with a shocked look on her face. “Hi,” she whispered shyly, a blush creeping up her neck. He could see her pulse picking up the longer they stared at her.

  Finally moving into the room, Linc watched out of the corner of his eye as Creed pulled his shirt over his head. Following suit, he was excited to see where she would let them take it.

  She was so lost in looking at his chiseled chest that she didn’t realize Creed was behind her now. “Was that dance for us, Sunshine?” Linc asked her in a low seductive voice.

  Nodding her head, she seemed to be lost in thought. It was only when her eyes caught his that he saw the burning lust for them there. She was nearly feverish with need.

  “I like this look, Kennedy,” he told her walking closer while Creed kissed on her neck, running his hands softly up and down the outside of her thighs.

  “What look?” she asked breathlessly.

  “I don’t know. You have a new air to you. Sweet, yet confident, but hot as hell. I
could eat you up right now and die a happy man.”

  Her breath caught at his admission.

  “W – would you?” Her voice so low he almost didn’t hear her.

  “Now that would be entirely my pleasure,” he promised.

  Kneeling down in front of her Linc ran his hands up her thighs, making sure to squeeze them at the top. Slowly pushing her shirt up Creed grabbed it as soon as it was past her smooth stomach, pulling it the rest of the way over her head. Sitting back on his heels he admired her gorgeous naked body, shivering in anticipation.

  As soon as she whispered Lincoln’s name he buried his face in her smooth little pussy. Breathing in her scent of melon, he smirked knowing she’d chosen the scent he and Creed wanted for her bath stuff. When she started rubbing her thighs together, either to get him moving or to get some relief, he lifted one over his shoulder. Kissing the inside of her thigh, he looked up her body to see her head leaning back against Creed with a look of bliss on her face.

  Creed was sucking on the pulse in her neck driving her wild with desire. As they met eyes Creed nodded, knowing what he wanted without them having to say a word. He wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her steady while Linc pushed her other leg up from behind her thigh so Creed could hold onto her.

  She was completely exposed to him. One leg on his shoulder and the other in the crook of Creed’s arm, she could hide nothing from him. Not the way her pussy fluttered when he licked his lips, or the way it pulsed when he blew a small breath of air on her bare lower lips. Never in his life had he been so hard as he was in that moment.

  She was ready, willing, and so turned on that her breathing was out of sync. Popping open his jeans, he let his cock out to breathe. Pointing straight at her, it obviously knew what they both wanted. Finally putting her out of her misery, he started kissing her mound. Not where she wanted but enough to let her know he’d be getting there.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·


  The sweet confines of sexual torture were slowly killing her.

  Linc’s lips moved along her mound, almost but not quite kissing where she wanted it most. Every time he was close she would hold her breath in anticipation, then Creed would nip the pulse in her neck forcing her to take a breath. It was torture. And they loved it.

  She may not make it through the night, but at that point, she probably wouldn’t care. As long as they kept kissing, sucking, and biting her overly sensitive skin she didn’t care what they did to her.

  “Please, Lincoln…” She wasn’t above begging him for what she needed.

  They had her in a position where she wasn’t even holding her own weight. Creed was holding onto her while Linc balanced them all out.

  “Soon, Sunshine,” Creed whispered to her, demanding, “Lips.”

  Turning her head, she let him control her with his kisses. His fingers gently massaged her where he held her with intense strokes of his fingers. When she ran her tongue along his lips he growled so deep in his chest she felt the vibrations along her back.

  Moaning when he sucked her tongue into his mouth, she was shocked as Linc wrapped his lips around her clit sucking deeply. The pleasure ran through her body like a current of electricity firing on all cylinders. She’d never felt something so strong before. It was incredible. The pleasure coursed through her veins, leaving her body tense as she tried to gain control.

  Her hips tried to buck of their own volition as Linc pulled her closer to his face. He devoured her just like he promised. Her thighs were shaking, her breath came in slow and deep. She was in heaven with the way they brought her body to life.

  Linc’s hands eventually came up to frame her most intimate parts for him. When she felt his lips leave her, she looked down to see him gazing at her with such devotion and lust. He seemed to trace her every curve with his eyes.

  “You’re stunning, Sunshine, you know that?” he whispered reverently.

  When she shook her head no he lightly pinched her clit between two fingers, making her back bow in pleasure.

  “What was that?” Creed laughed in her ear.

  Glaring back down at Linc, she saw the fingerprints from Creed holding onto her along her stomach and the tiny love bites on the insides of her thighs from Linc. She thought she’d feel revulsion upon seeing new marks on her body. These marks, though, were signs of love. An act of passion. A passion they felt so deeply for her that they couldn’t control themselves.

  With one foot already back on the floor, she slowly lifted her other one out of Creed’s strong hold. Smiling as seductively as she could at them, she crooked a finger for them to follow her. Which they did dutifully, showing her they trusted her just as much, if not more, than she did them.

  When they reached the bed she turned around, first going to Linc. She finished undressing him, pulling his dark jeans down his legs to pool at his feet. When he kicked them off, she slowly backed him towards the bed. Placing her hands on his muscular chest she gently pushed so he was sitting, legs sprawled open. She saw every glorious inch if his magnificent cock standing proudly, begging for her touch. Drooling with his need.

  Running her finger across the tip, she caught the small drop of pre-come there. His eyes were transfixed on her finger as she brought it to her mouth, sucking the little pearl off and moaning at the salty flavor that was Linc’s essence.

  Turning to Creed, she heard a deep growl followed by a “fucking goddess” come from behind her. Smiling at how much she could affect him, she gave her complete attention to Creed. Eyes hooded in lust, he waited for her to make her move. They somehow sensed just how important this bit of control was for her.

  Pressing her naked body against his partially clothed one, she rubbed her chest to his while laying light kisses along his toned pecs. Feeling his muscles jump after each kiss had her confidence rising. She eventually added her hands to the mix and grabbed his belt buckle, starting to undo it.

  Happy to discover that at least one of her men liked going commando, she gently drew the zipper down making sure he felt every vibration from each tooth disengaging as it ran along his hard shaft. His indrawn breath when she reached into the fold of his jeans made her smile softly at him. Knowing she affected him as deeply as he did her was heady.

  “Sunshine,” he cursed out when she squeezed her small hand around his big, hard cock. Gently stroking, she started to work his jeans down his thighs with her other hand, needing him to be as naked as she was.

  “Creedence,” she whispered as she slowly began to kneel in front of him. The need to taste him drove her, blew all of her insecurities out of the water. It made her want to go outside of her comfort zone, to show both of them that she desired them as much as they did her.

  As she came face to face with his very eager member, she took a deep breath. He was much larger up close than she anticipated. She had a brief moment of worry about how he’d managed to fit it all in her body twice now.

  “It’s beautiful, Creed,” she whispered looking up at him.

  He watched her with a look of such devoted love that it was something she hoped to see every day. Leaning forward, she nuzzled her cheek against his pulsing shaft. It was hard as steel yet soft as silk. Such a varying contrast.

  Turning her face towards him, she began to lay small kisses on it giggling lightly every time it would jump at her. She kissed as much as she could reach without being awkward. She may be inexperienced when it came to pleasing men, but she knew they would lead her to what they liked.

  When she reached the tip, her first thought was how red and angry it looked until small drops of pre-come began to leak from it. His desire for her was literally dripping from his body. She never had to doubt how much he needed her. It was a boost in confidence for her fragile mind.

  Licking the pearly drops from him as they appeared, he finally reached out for her grabbing hold of her wild mane that she never got to finish combing. “Sunshine,” he growled when she sucked just the tip of him into her mouth, running her t
ongue along the small slit he was leaking from.

  She didn’t stop and he didn’t ask her to. She slowly began to take more of him into her mouth, grazing the sides with her teeth gently because he filled her mouth to overflowing. When she hit a spot on the bottom of his shaft with her tongue, he jumped. Gripping her hair tighter, he growled as she looked up into his dark eyes.

  Dilated with pleasure, his features were taut with desire. Lips thinned in need, a deep blush worked its way high into his cheeks as he watched her worship his cock.

  When she finally reached as far as she could go she closed her eyes, sucking as she slowly pulled back away from him until just the very end of his cock was in her mouth. She started sucking him back in a little faster, enjoying the feel of every pulse and the sound of every whispered curse from his lips.

  When she felt him begin to harden further and lengthen a little more, her eyes flew open to meet his. Pulling her off of him by the hair he knelt down whispering against her lips, “You’re not ready for that,” before he planted a deep soul-stealing kiss on her.

  In that one simple move, he told her everything she needed to know. She owned him. She melted against him savoring the feel of his rough, solid chest against her smooth, fleshy one.

  He swallowed her moan almost as soon as he tore it from her throat, devouring her pleasure with nibbles on her lips. His hands gripped her hips so tightly that it was nearly painful. He lifted her up, carrying her to the bed where his brother lay in wait.

  Linc was still laying on the bed where she’d left him, legs open, leaning back on one arm while stroking his cock with the other. Creed set her down on top of him so her back was to his chest, leaving her slightly confused. When Linc’s hands replaced Creed’s, he gently guided her down onto his cock whispering words of praise as he did.

  “You’re dripping wet for us, Sunshine,” he commented the moment his hard cock found her entrance. She couldn’t lie, she was. She’d never felt such a feverish burn before. The moment he entered her, she felt a slight stretch and burn that was delicious. It left her wanting more of him.


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