Illegal Liaisons

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Illegal Liaisons Page 20

by Grazyna Plebanek

  An hour later he was at Heathrow, looking out for passengers arriving from Warsaw. There were quite a few people apart from him; they obscured the exit so that although he had glimpsed his father, the latter had still not seen him. Pulling his wheeled suitcase, his father was skimming his eyes tentatively over the faces. Jonathan stood on his tiptoes and raised his arm. That was how they used to greet each other at the airport: his father had raised his arm just as Jonathan was doing now.

  They greeted each other awkwardly. He was taller than his father and towered over him in such a way as embarrassed both of them.

  “Janusz. How you’ve grown!”

  Their regular joke. Jonathan straightened his back but soon slouched again. He took his father to the hotel and from there they made off for their tour of Jonathan’s childhood haunts, along paths trodden with friends during the holidays when he couldn’t go to Poland. Toward the end of the day, seeing that his father was tired although not willing to admit it, he accompanied him to the hotel.

  During the night, Jonathan, curled up on the sofa in his mother’s living room, ruminated over the moment in front of the hotel when, saying goodbye to his father, he’d felt the urge to ask his advice about what he should do. “I’ve got two women, Dad, two loves,” he would have said. But he didn’t because he’d never confided in his father.

  His mother … When she was still married but had already fallen in love with Nick, how had she felt? He’d never asked her somehow. He’d found a ready-made world: his father in Poland, mother in England with Nick, and he, Jonathan, in a boarding school. A gap had formed where the stories of his parents met, his own kingdom so envied by Stefan. “You had freedom,” his friend would repeat. “And I’m only tearing myself away from the leash now.”

  Jonathan lay on his back and breathed deeply. It was stuffy; the size of London apartments was nothing compared to those of Brussels. He was amazed how very detached he’d grown from what until recently he’d considered his own. It had sufficed to leave and be happy somewhere else.

  London, that of today and that of a few years ago, the crossing paths of father, mother and son, all this formed a strong knot in Jonathan. That gesture of the hand, for example, shooting up so his father could find him and follow him into an unknown world – Jonathan’s world.

  Returning to Brussels, he clung on to hard facts: Megi was to come back the following day with the children. All of a sudden, he was seized by the fear that he wouldn’t be able to bear it and would end up writing to Andrea. He grasped the telephone and dialled Stefan’s number.

  Brussels was hot and humid, and Stefan, at the Poseidon swimming pool, looked like a sea lion, especially as he’d grown a moustache during the holidays.

  “What’s all this with the facial hair?” Jonathan struck up a conversation when they sat down on the wall having completed several laps.

  Stefan stroked his dripping moustache. Jonathan glanced at a passing girl in a red swimsuit. He couldn’t see her face clearly without his glasses but, as Stefan would have said, that wasn’t the point.

  “Did you want to look like a political leader?” continued Jonathan after a while. “Evoke noble principles? Maybe Solidarity’s, with its peasant leaders? Emphasize bestial masculinity? Divert attention away from the broken tooth?”

  “Leave my moustache alone.”

  “Where do they sell them, Carrefour?”

  He fled underwater before Stefan’s fist reached him.

  An hour later, they were sitting in front of the St George brasserie on the corner of Emile Max and Victor Hugo. The outside tables stood next to a small roundabout; avenues, full of trees and apartments in the shade of the leaves, branched out in five directions.

  “The world has five directions,” Jonathan wondered. “Do you think it’s only like that in Brussels?”

  “I come here when I want to escape,” replied Stefan, not following the subject.



  Jonathan looked at him in surprise. Stefan’s relationship with Monika was like a mathematical calculation: it gave Stefan relative freedom, Monika status. The condition of it lasting was discretion and assumed ignorance, meaning the prewar recipe for a successful marriage.

  “She’s started arguing of late,” muttered Stefan. “That I get home too late after work and so on.”

  “Why do you get home late?”

  Stefan twitched his moustache as if to check whether it was about to fall off.

  “I come here to escape,” he squealed, “and you spout the same things as her!”

  He controlled himself and added after a moment, “She carps on, even though she shouldn’t. She’s just found something to do. She tutors children for charity, you know, the poorer ones who have recently arrived and don’t know the language, whose fathers work on a building site and mothers are out all day cleaning.”

  Seeing the waiter who looked like the Lion King coming toward them with a menu, Stefan waved his hand to say no and raised two fingers.

  “I’ve been to London to see my father,” murmured Jonathan.

  “And Andrea?”

  “So as not to see Andrea. Megi’s given me time to write in peace. Her mother’s helping out with the children. They’re back tomorrow.”

  The Lion King stood two glasses of beer in front of them.

  “I envy you Megi,” sighed Stefan, settling more comfortably in his chair. “A man can grow with such a woman.”

  “A woman like that can’t be deceived,” interrupted Jonathan. He was feeling increasingly on edge.

  Stefan raised his glass and eyebrows simultaneously.

  “Even recently, in London,” continued Jonathan, lighting a cigarette. “I met an old friend at Heathrow when I was seeing my father off. We exchanged a few words, she told me about her kids and husband, I did the same, then she said she’s divorced.”

  “And you?”

  Jonathan moved away from the table; the chair scraped across the pavement.

  “And I nothing.”

  “Not one secret for another?” risked Stefan.

  “I ran when she started putting her hand on my arm.”

  “That’s quick.”

  “Don’t rub it in.”

  Jonathan glanced at the Lion King who, with infallible instinct, was walking in their direction again, this time with a snack menu.

  “You’re honest,” said Stefan, unconvinced.

  “With who?” mumbled Jonathan.

  He returned home tipsy, thoughts melting in the pot of memories. Megi – even that rascal Stefan envied him. Hardly surprising, she was so clever and pretty! His best friend – not his father, not his mother – only her. When she made tea, she also brewed some for him. In the mornings, she laid her head in the crook of his elbow so that they could get up and support each other when it was still dark outside. Megi – so good, so humanly good.

  And Andrea? She flirted with whoever was there, screwed left, right and center. And who fucks, fucks, and will go on fucking; such was the truth of folklore and the objective truth.

  Jonathan lowered his head, full of invective, and noticed with amazement that, despite the weakness that came with alcohol, he was swelling in his trousers. He hissed, looked around and discreetly adjusted the tip of his cock upward. He even had to take his cell out of his pocket; there was no room for it. And when he took it out, he wrote without much thought, “Kisses from Brussels, what are you doing?”

  The intercom woke him in the morning – the organ-grinder asking for money. Jonathan refused and went to the bathroom. He found it hard to arrange the blocks of the coming day. He was to collect Megi and the children from the station, do the shopping before that, and set the apartment to rights. And see Andrea. He shook his head, spraying drops of water across the bathroom. He glanced at his phone – the envelope was pulsating, within it the hour and place of his tryst with his lover. Jonathan looked at his watch. He had less than an hour. If he managed to sort himself and the negle
cted apartment out on time, he would just be able to see her before collecting his family.

  Fernand Cocq Square, usually buzzing with life, was exceptionally deserted, even though awnings tempted with their shade. As he saw Andrea approaching, Jonathan impulsively regretted his scruples. He’d had the house to himself for a few days; he could have had her there! Instead, he had sat and written.

  “Ahoj,” said Andrea in Czech.

  Something clutched at him. She looked tired from close up; pallor broke through her olive skin.

  “Czesc,” he replied in Polish.

  Her eyes turned to him but her face expressed no amusement.

  Not knowing why, Jonathan remembered an occasion when they’d lain in bed. “You’re a sexavore,” he’d said, and she’d laughed. He’d asked whether it was true, as rumors had it, that she and Simon were swingers. “My sweet, bourgeois hypocrite.” She had stroked him behind the ear.

  “I’ve missed you,” she said now as she sat in the passenger seat.

  He touched her hair, tucked a stray lock behind her ear. She shook her head – he’d forgotten she couldn’t stand having her hair behind her ears. He withdrew his hand and rested his back on the seat.

  “And I was in Normandy.”

  For a moment, he thought she was going to get out. He turned to her and already his lips were embracing hers, he was sucking the softness of her tongue, slipping his hand beneath her skirt, and finally touching her pussy. He groaned – she was not wearing any panties.

  Later they sat dazed, sweating. Jonathan’s thoughts drifted above Fernand Cocq Square, Ixelles, Brussels. “The cock and the vagina are both feminine in Dutch – roede and schede,” he recalled. Geert had once explained to him the intricacies of Belgium’s second official language. He’d said that the older generation still knew the gender of specific words, but the younger had to search in dictionaries. “Genders are getting blurred,” Geert had concluded.

  Jonathan glanced at Andrea – he knew she would have found it funny. But she was so serious now he didn’t dare mention it.

  “I’ve got to go,” he said instead.

  She sat as if she hadn’t heard him. Her lips were swollen, her neck covered with dark marks left by kisses.

  “I’m going to the station,” he added. “The kids are coming back from holiday.”

  He cast his eyes at her hands. She held them strangely, palms upward, like the hard-worked hands of a peasant.

  “How was Sweden?” he asked, his voice unexpectedly sharp.

  “We mustn’t meet any more,” she said.

  A gust of wind ruffled the branches on the trees, the church bells chimed. “Twelve,” rattled in his head.

  She got out without saying goodbye. “There must have been a gate here, there must have been a gate here,” pounded in his head. It didn’t make sense to him, nor did anything that day, that year, even what his life had brought. All around him rose vertical walls and he obediently climbed them and slid down, climbed and slid down. When he reached the station, he was a wound stitched together in haste.

  Megi holds the receiver close to her lips.

  “You know what he comes out with? That I ‘don’t share his passions.’ ”

  “What passions?” asks her mother.

  “Exactly, what passions? The need to go diving?”

  “Let it go, don’t take it to heart. It’s just a man digging around in the mire of his moods.”

  Megi’s thoughts return to their meeting at the station. From the moment she got into the car, she’d felt that something wasn’t right. And in the evening, even though they hadn’t seen each other for a week, Jonathan hadn’t reached out for her. He’d settled on the other side of the bed, neat and tidy as a newly pressed pair of trousers, distant in his smoothness and creases. Only toward morning did he huddle up to her back and then penetrate her in this one, embryonic position.

  Suddenly, Megi is dangerously close to going through his cell.

  “Don’t lower yourself,” she growls to herself. “Nosey parkers get bloody noses.”

  If Jonathan had checked her phone six years ago, would she have been able to end the affair in that early stage of besotted madness? Even if she had, Jonathan might have let her down. Not been able bear it. And they wouldn’t be together now.

  Megi forbids herself from making assumptions.

  Jonathan rested the back of his head against the window of St George’s brasserie. He hoped the glass would cool his thoughts. When Andrea had told him that they mustn’t see each other again, he’d fallen first into a stupor, then seethed, and finally fallen into another daze.

  “Beer?” guessed the Lion King.

  This time it was Jonathan who’d suggested “escaping to George’s” and now he wrapped himself in his friend’s optimism. Stefan poured out his troubles – his daughter, reacting to Monika’s constant control, was rebelling all the more fiercely and letting off steam with numerous piercings. The girl already had rings in her tongue, nose, and belly button. He preferred not to think where else; what he saw was enough to worry him and alienate him from his daughter.

  Stefan reached for his beer, froth settling on his moustache.

  “I saw Andrea,” said Jonathan and, seeing his friend wanting to say something, added, “Only to hear ‘we mustn’t see each other again.’ ”

  “Because she’s pregnant?”

  Beer shot from Jonathan’s nose.

  “Monika said they had plans, apparently.” Stefan looked troubled.

  A motorbike slipped on to the roundabout, one of those little farters that shatter the eardrums. In his imagination, Jonathan ran after the bike, yanked the driver by the neck, dragged him off, and beat him up – for the “planned pregnancy,” for the hunch about what had happened in Sweden when she hadn’t written back, for being rejected.

  “Don’t take it the wrong way.” He heard Stefan’s voice. “But didn’t she use you to force Simon into procreation? I heard him myself once saying that he had grown-up children and that was enough. A young chick made him look good. But then she decided she wanted a baby!”

  Jonathan turned his eyes to his friend and, in his thoughts, sorted him out like he had the motorcyclist a moment ago.

  “And don’t worry about the pregnancy.” Stefan waved it away. “He probably can’t get it up any more. And even if the miracle of the immaculate conception does take place, then Andrea will have the baby and be hotter than ever. Married women are best. They take their moods out on their husbands. For you, they dress up, pamper themselves, buy underwear.”

  “Married women?” interrupted Jonathan. “So it’s not Aneta any more?”

  Stefan ran his fingers across his upper lip.

  “Aneta, no. Martyna.”

  Jonathan burst out laughing. The beer made his head spin; the bubbles rose to tickle his throat. He laughed, happy for a while, and light-headed.

  “You’re a body-snatcher. You sniff out weak relationships,” he choked out in the end.

  “Not a body-snatcher but a beast of prey,” corrected Stefan. “I hunt out weaker specimens. Besides, married women are safe. Trainees might be appetizing but they have one fundamental failing: they’re usually free. I’ve had enough of worrying that I might come across some madwoman who will want me to get divorced, saying I’ve got her pregnant.”

  “Don’t you know when you’re getting a woman pregnant?”

  “In the majority of cases, yes,” Stefan agreed carelessly. “Besides, the young ones, often enough, don’t get aroused. They pretend they’re hot stuff in bed but they give you a blow job then think they have to run and get a yoghurt at the corner shop. On the other hand, fucking a youngster, you feel you’re a right lad! A propos, did I tell you about my rubber bursting?”

  “During it?”

  “In my car. Going at top speed. It crossed my mind because I changed the tire in a place called Zdrada [Betrayal] near Debki. Write it down, it might prove useful for your book.”

  When Andrea wrot
e to him suggesting they see each other, he experienced a familiar physical reaction – churning in the stomach, dry mouth, tingling in the balls. Over the past two months, since she’d told him that they shouldn’t meet, he’d gone through just about everything there was to experience, at least that’s what he thought. Nevertheless, he agreed to see her.

  He left his car near the park where she’d proposed they meet. He was early and couldn’t decide whether to go for a short walk before she appeared or stay in the car. Neither solution seemed right; if someone he knew were to see him it would have been equally hard for him to explain why he was taking a walk right there as to why he sat drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

  Ever since he’d begun to cut the umbilical cord that joined him to his lover, he’d seen his behavior in a much clearer light. Until then, the overwhelming desire to be with Andrea had obscured all risks; now he thought in universally accepted terms: he was betraying his wife, meeting another woman. The dead weight of guilt and punishment crushed his chest to such an extent that he found he was wearing a trench coat for the tryst, like a detective.

  When he saw Andrea, admiration drove out self-ridicule. Her skirt emphasized the length of her legs, the blouse discreetly outlined her breasts, brown hair glistened bronze in the sun. She smiled at him through the window, then climbed in, settling in the passenger’s seat as if she’d just come home.

  “The park, not the church, this time?” he joked.

  She smelled of wind and fruit. He stole a gulp of air with her scent and rested his back against the seat.

  “I’ve sinned too much.” She looked at him with a tenderness that slipped beneath his skin and turned into desire.

  “But you’re fixing your ways,” he said light-heartedly.

  She grew unexpectedly serious. She filled her lungs with air and let loose: “I want you to know before others find out. I’m pregnant.”

  Jonathan stared at her, then to the side where a man, probably homeless, was lugging two bulging sacks on his back. He was swaying in a long, too warm coat – a white-bearded comma between balls of luggage. He stopped to rest; he was the color of the road.


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