Deadly Intent

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Deadly Intent Page 28

by Misty Evans

  At $60,000 per placement, these dogs present a significant expense. MIRA USA pays all of the costs associated with receiving a dog as well as all of the follow-up training that takes place after the student returns home.

  Also in my research, I came across 4 Paws For Ability. Their mission is to enrich the lives of children with disabilities by the training and placement of quality, task-trained service dogs to provide increased independence for the children and assistance to their families. They place dogs with youth and veterans and assist with animal rescue when possible. A win-win if I ever saw one.

  I can’t say enough about these two amazing groups. A portion of the proceeds from the sales of this story will be donated to MIRA and 4Paws4Ability. I hope you’ll help spread the word about these great organizations and the work they do to help kids and adults alike!

  Happy reading!


  [email protected]

  In case you missed the first book in the SCVC Taskforce Series…

  Deadly Pursuit

  by Misty Evans

  Cooper Harris wanted to hit something. Hard.

  FBI Special Agent Celina Davenport—sexy siren of his daydreams as well as evil temptress of his night dreams—was sucking face with the biggest drug cartel leader in California and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  Her soft voice coming through the mic as she taunted Londano to have sex with her on the beach gave him an instant headache of giant proportions. But it was the silence that followed, broken only by the sound of them kissing, that made him want to slam the wall of the surveillance van with his bare fist.

  Sucker punched. That’s what it felt like.

  It’s her job, idiot. She knows how to handle herself.

  Didn’t make him any happier. Which showed what a total sexist he really was. Sure, he felt protective about all the guys on his squad, but he never second-guessed them or their skills. He never went apeshit if they kissed a mark or led her on in order to get the information to take someone down.

  Celina was female and a little one at that. Short, underweight, except for a few well-placed curves, and she had a soft, almost Southern Belle persona that totally belied her fiery Cuban roots. Push her buttons and you’d see that fire, but it took an ungodly amount of button-pushing for it to surface. He knew. Out of everyone on the SCVC taskforce, he’d managed to tweak every hot button she had at least once. Most of them he’d not only pushed, but punched into the stratosphere.

  He loved it when the real Celina came out. Not the professional FBI agent she’d polished to perfection, but the holy shit amazing woman underneath. The one whose emotions rose up and took over, blasting him with her clever wit and overwhelming logic even as she flushed with anger and made gestures with her hands he’d never seen before.

  Yeah. That was the Celina he’d fallen for.

  But he couldn’t ever let her know that. How she tied him up in knots. How absolutely gone he was every time he was around her. He was her boss. Head of the taskforce.

  He was also fourteen years, six months and four days older.

  She was a baby. A rookie. A Feebie, for Christ’s sake. DEA agents did not play well with FBI agents.

  And he was The Beast after all. His reputation would hardly hold up under the pressure if he robbed the cradle and got the female rookie Fed on his team hurt in the line of duty.

  So he didn’t cut loose and punch the wall of the surveillance van, didn’t give into the surge of acid in his stomach. Instead, he scratched Thunder’s tiny square head and batted away the image of Special Agent Celina Davenport kissing Emilio Londano.

  FBI agent Dominic Quarters’ gaze was heavy on Cooper’s neck. Fucker had the hots for Celina, too. Cooper shot him an accusatory glance. Fucker could eat shit. “What the hell is your girl doing to our op, Quarters? This wasn’t the takedown we had planned.”

  “Pull your shorts out, Harris.” The shorter man eased back in his plastic chair and shrugged. The San Diego Mafia had been formed in the early 1970s by Jose Prisco. Thirty years later, his twin nephews, Emilio and Enrique Paloma-Londano took over the business. While most cartels gained international reputations for brutality and murder, the San Diego traffickers posed as legitimate businessmen. Their unique criminal enterprise involved itself in counterfeiting, kidnapping, and drug trade, but Emilio and Enrique passed off as law-abiding citizens, investing in their country’s future and earning the respect of their neighbors and the general public. The Feds wanted them gone. The DEA wanted them gone. Even the CIA thought it was a good idea. Too bad it wasn’t one of the spies he’d worked with before instead of Quarters sitting next to him. “She saw an opportunity and ran with it.”

  An opportunity? That’s what this asshole called it? “She’s going to get herself killed.”

  Quarters did the shrug thing again and Cooper’s hand balled into a fist. Punching Quarters would be way more satisfying than punching the van’s side panel.

  The van slowed, following a discreet distance behind Londano’s car and bodyguards’ vehicle. “Perp is pulling off highway and parking approximately one-quarter klick from here,” announced Thomas, a West Point grad who’d held a high profile position with the Department of Defense before defecting to the DEA. The T-man was Cooper’s right hand man on this takedown.

  Two keystrokes of Thomas’s fingers and a night-vision view of the boardwalk appeared on the screen in front of Cooper.

  The surveillance van wasn’t the only vehicle in the area. A few diehard surf heads always parked near the beach overnight, only moving when the cops harassed them. There were plenty of cops in the area tonight, but none would be visible until after the sting took place, thanks to Cooper’s friendly relationship with the police units from L.A. to San Diego. They all wanted Londano out of business and they knew Cooper’s taskforce was about to do it.

  “Perp is exiting car.”

  Like he couldn’t see that. On screen, Londano and Celina headed to the beach. Thunder, in Cooper’s lap, whined. Cooper was petting the dog too hard. “Sorry, hot rod,” he murmured, never taking his eyes off the screen. He wanted to watch Celina. But years of intense training and experience told him to keep his attention on Londano. “Radio the other units in the area that this is going down here and now.”

  Thomas made a sound of acknowledgment and began notifying their backup.

  Celina kicked off her high heels and strolled into the rolling Pacific Ocean. The moon and stars lit the beach with a surreal light that even the night-vision view couldn’t compete with. Cooper could only shake his head at her stupid courage and undeniable sensuality. She glowed like a beacon.

  A beacon that only reminded him he was trapped in a hell of his own making.



  The Super Agent Series

  Operation Sheba

  Operation Paris

  Operation Proof of Life

  The Blood Code

  The Perfect Hostage, A Super Agent Novella

  The Deadly Series

  Deadly Pursuit

  Deadly Deception

  Deadly Force

  Deadly Intent

  The Justice Team Series (with Adrienne Giordano)

  Stealing Justice

  Cheating Justice

  Holiday Justice

  Exposing Justice

  The Secret Ingredient Culinary Mystery Series

  The Secret Ingredient, A Culinary Romantic Mystery with Bonus Recipes

  The Secret Life of Cranberry Sauce, A Secret Ingredient Holiday Novella

  About the Author

  USA TODAY Bestselling Author Misty Evans has published thirty novels and writes romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. As a writing coach, she helps other authors bring their books—and their dreams of being published—to life.

  Misty likes her coffee black, her conspiracy stories juicy, and her wicked characters dressed in couture. When not readin
g or writing, she enjoys music, movies, and hanging out with her husband, twin sons, and two spoiled dogs. Learn more and sign up for her newsletter at Like her author page on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Note from Author

  Excerpt from DEADLY PURSUIT

  More Books by Misty Evans

  About the Author




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