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Love in Dublin

Page 12

by Jennifer Gracen

  The truth was, none of her flings had been as satisfying, melting her body and mind, as her night with Colin had been.

  In recent years, since she’d started being with new men, she was very careful about who she chose to be alone in a hotel with. While there had been some truly lovely encounters, her rule was she rarely let a man sleep in her bed and stay the night, or stayed over with him. She needed to always be aware of her surroundings, on guard. Traveling alone had its perils, so she tried to be safe and smart. No sleepovers.

  But she’d been breaking rules with Colin left and right since she’d met him. She didn’t fully understand it. She’d invited him on her weekends away. She’d shared a hotel room with him at Moher. Tonight, she’d brought him back to her place, let him sleep over… but it felt fine. She hadn’t overthought it; she’d just fallen asleep in his arms, curled up into his chest, his hand sweeping slowly up and down her back, lulling her into peaceful sleep.

  She felt safe with him.

  There was a knowing, deep in her bones, beyond reason or explanation, that she was truly safe and sound with Colin McKinnon. And that was more of a comfort and a delight than she’d counted on. Or wanted to analyze.

  So she wouldn’t. She’d just enjoy him, for as long as this went on.

  He radiated heat. It was so warm under the covers, up against his solid, lean body. She breathed him in, nuzzling his neck as she wrapped her arm around his waist and settled against his chest. The deliciousness of cuddling was something she hadn’t experienced—allowed herself—in too long. It felt decadent, an emotional luxury. Her eyes slipped closed. She hoped she’d fall back to sleep, but if not, this was heavenly.

  “You all right?” Colin’s whisper at her temple was a tender, gravelly rumble that sent warmth flowing through her.

  “Fine,” she whispered back. “It was raining. Had to close the window.”

  With an affirmative grunt he pulled her closer, his hands gliding over her hair and her back. Their legs intertwined as they fit themselves into one another. “You feel so good,” he whispered, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “This is grand.”

  Her heart gave a little kick. She’d just thought those exact things. “It is. Go back to sleep.”

  “I will. I’m exhausted.” He snorted gently. “You wore me out, lass.”

  She smiled and kissed his shoulder. “Not sorry.”

  “Me neither, believe me.” He pressed her closer and exhaled.

  They lay together in the quiet, holding each other. But after a minute, he sought out her mouth and kissed her sweetly.

  “I need to admit something to ya,” he whispered. “I’ll only do it in the dark.”

  Her heart gave a little flutter. “Tell me.” She peeked up at him. She could see him clearly, her eyes had adjusted. His stare was fastened to her face.

  “The sex was incredible. It really was,” he said. “But this part is also… I, ehm…” His voice trailed off and he looked away, shaking his head. “Jesus. Just forget it.”

  “No way. Say it.” She kissed his lips and held his chin, making him look at her. “Please. You can say anything to me. You can.”

  He paused, still hesitant. When he finally spoke, his whisper was so soft she barely heard him. “I didn’t know how much I missed being held, or holding someone, until now.” His expression was serious as he stroked her hair, her cheek. “I didn’t think you’d want me to stay over. I wasn’t sure about… well, any of this. What to expect. So… thank you for this. All of it.”

  Something in her heart twisted, then melted. Burned hot and overflowed, turning her insides molten. She’d been thinking practically the same thing, only he’d had the guts to say them out loud. He just gave her a shy little smile. Overcome, she gripped his face and swallowed hard to dislodge the lump in her throat. “You’re so welcome,” she whispered back, then kissed him tenderly as she held him even tighter. For once, she was the one at a loss for words.

  Their gentle, lazy kisses were long and slow, searching, learning. Drugging and drowning. Their chemistry simmered, a deliciously slow build as their light caresses turned into more demanding strokes, as their kisses grew hungrier and the need burned hotter. His hands and mouth possessed her, claiming her, and she gladly gave in. Soon his erection nudged her hip and she couldn’t ignore it. She didn’t want to. She reached down to stroke it and he groaned softly.

  “I want you again,” he rasped. “Please say yes.”

  “Yes,” she said, nipping at his neck. “You do owe me a third round, after all.”

  “Ha!” His hand raised to again squeeze her breast as he kissed her. He fondled one, then the other, lavishing equal attention on them. “I believe you were the one who said three rounds. So maybe it’s you who owes me, Yankee Doodle.”

  She adored it when he was playful. Absolutely loved it. That hidden side of him felt like it was all hers and hers alone. “I’ll gladly pay up.”

  His hands moved down to cup the globes of her bottom and squeeze. “And here I thought we were going back to sleep.”

  “You’re not sleeping.” She ran her thumb over the head of his erection, rubbing the tiny, sensitive ridge there. She was immediately rewarded with a low moan and the feel of pearly liquid at the tip. “Sure doesn’t feel like you’re ready to go back to sleep.”

  “How am I supposed to go back to sleep,” he asked between heated kisses, “when an incredibly sexy, beautiful woman is touching me like that?”

  “You’re not yet,” she grinned. “So take me, and then we’ll both go back to sleep.”

  “And sleep like the dead.” He rolled to lie on top of her, nudging her thighs apart with his knee.

  They embraced fully, hands roaming as their mouths tangled hungrily. His teeth scraped along the side of her throat, down until they closed around her nipple and tugged. She arched into him, enjoying his ministrations as her hands slid over his shoulders, his back, down to his ass and back up again.

  He slipped his hand between her thighs, testing her with a drag of his fingertip along her folds. Already wet and throbbing for him, she raised her hips and whimpered, seeking his touch.

  “You’re a lusty creature, aren’t ya, Maggie?” His deep, seductive tone made her insides go all wobbly and giddy. Between the playfulness and the sensuality, she couldn’t get enough of this new side of him.

  “I’m definitely lusty for hot, slightly older Irishmen,” she joked back. “Especially the surly, quiet ones with magic fingers.”

  “Good thing ya found one then.”

  He slid two fingers inside her and a long, low moan fluttered out of her. A long tremor shook her whole body. She clutched his shoulders and her eyes slipped closed.

  “You like that,” he noted with satisfaction. Scraping his teeth along the underside of her breast, he curved his fingers and worked them deeper.

  A sharp gasp flew out of her. “I love that,” she moaned. Her thighs quivered, and she thought her head would explode. “Ohhh, do it some more.”

  They caressed each other, grinding and kissing and whispering sexy words until he reached for the condoms and grabbed one. But when she reached for him, he shifted her body around, pressing her back to his front. She turned her head to meet his eyes over her shoulder, confused until he made his intentions clear; he hooked her leg up, then angled her so he could slide into her from behind, still holding her as they lay on their sides.

  The sound that came from her almost wasn’t human, and certainly wasn’t quiet.

  “I can feel more of you this way, ya see.” His hot whisper in her ear made her shudder. Kissing her neck, his arms banded around her, one hand on her breast and the other feathering her clit, as he slowly thrust in and out of her. Her head swam. “Yessss, Maggie… I get to hold you, stroke you, and take you all at the same time.”

  Between the low, red hot words and his labored, heavy breathing in her ear, his hands on her body, the feel of him stretching her as he moved inside her… all her senses reeled and spun
out. She closed her eyes as the sensations battered every part of her, lighting up her nerves, sending her soaring.

  “I love it,” she whispered. “Take me however you want.”

  He bit her earlobe in response and she moaned with ecstasy.

  She let him take over, willingly drowning in his embrace. She let go. He kissed her shoulders, nipped and licked at her neck… his hands moved over her, both greedy and constant… his hips rocked against her backside as he thrust inside her.

  “Oh my God…” She panted and clutched at him, one hand reaching back to twist in his hair, the other finding the hand at her breast and lacing their fingers together tightly. “Colin… I can’t… oh God, what you’re doing…”

  He squeezed her fingers between his, shifting their bodies enough so he could thrust deeper. They groaned together at the incredible sensation.

  “Faster,” she gasped. “Harder. Do it, take me.”

  He did as she commanded, gripping her so hard she knew it’d leave marks. The thought of that, of his marking her, left her dizzy. She wanted that. She wanted it all.

  She felt the tingling up her spine, through her core, signaling what would be an explosive release. “I can’t hold back,” she cried wildly.

  “Don’t,” he growled against her ear. “Let me feel you. Give it to me.”

  She broke apart, shouting his name as the orgasm rose up and crashed over her. Wave after wave of feeling washed over her, hurling her into mindless, blissful space. He followed her right over the edge, his fingers digging into her skin as his long frame tensed behind her. Grunting against her neck as his muscles clenched, he gasped as he emptied deep inside her.

  They lay together panting, quivering, their fingers still tightly interlocked. After a minute, when the tremors eased and their breathing slowed, he covered her neck and shoulders with kisses before carefully withdrawing from her. He left the bed to dispose of the condom and she lay there in a haze of contentment, enjoying how her body throbbed and burned. She couldn’t think, or do anything but smile and feel her heart rate lower back to normal. That was the best sex she’d had in years. She couldn’t wrap her head around it…

  He slipped back into bed, gathering her against him and spooning her gently.

  “I bet you’ll sleep now,” she murmured. She felt boneless and smiley, a puddle.

  “Christ, yes. You will too.” He brushed aside her hair to kiss her temple, her cheek, then added in a whisper, “That was amazing, Maggie.”

  “It certainly was. And so are you.” She smiled and lifted their joined hands to her mouth so she could kiss his knuckles. His fingers between hers, his body against hers… it felt so good. So right. She was safe and happy and woozy… she closed her eyes, nestled in a drop closer, and let the soothing sounds of hard rain beating against the window and Colin’s quiet breathing by her ear lull her to sleep.


  Maggie woke to the smell of food cooking. Her eyes opened slowly; it was light out, though the window showed gray skies and continuous rain. She yawned and stretched her limbs, finding her body was deliciously sore in all the right places. And sure enough, tiny bruises on her pale skin from Colin’s fingers. Remembering how they’d gotten there had her smiling to herself with something like triumph. God, what a night. Grabbing her pale blue cotton robe from the hook on the back of the door, she tied the sash around her waist and ran her fingers through her tangled hair. As she quickly grabbed an elastic to pull it into a pony tail, she glanced over at the bed. It looked like a war zone. She smiled again, with deep satisfaction.

  She tiptoed out of the bedroom to find Colin standing over the small stove, his back to her. His hair was darker when damp and he was fully dressed, the button down shirt and jeans back on. A little grin of delight played along her lips as she moved behind him. Sliding her arms around his waist, she leaned her head against his back and breathed in his clean scent. “Good morning,” she purred.

  He turned his head to look down at her over his shoulder, smiling. “Good morning yourself, lass. I didn’t want to wake you yet.”

  “You’re all showered and dressed already.”

  “Aye. Obviously I’ll be late to work today, but I do have to go in.”

  “Of course.” She moved around to his side to see what he was cooking. Eggs and fat sausages sizzled in the pan. The smell made her stomach growl in appreciation. “But if you have to go to work, what are you still doing here?”

  “Makin’ ya breakfast.” He leaned down to drop a quick kiss on her lips, then expertly flipped the eggs without breaking the yolks. “Made do with what I found in your fridge. We both have to eat, right?”

  “I’m starving,” she admitted.

  “Me too.” He smiled at her. “Water’s hot in the kettle, if you want tea.”

  “I really want coffee, but tea will do.” She moved to the cupboard to get the tea bags there and noticed the countertop. He’d already gotten out two plates, silverware, sliced up a red apple and put it in a bowl, and had bread and butter on its own platter.

  “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed,” he said, noting her focus.

  “Mmm. Maybe next time,” she said with a loopy smile. She grabbed a tea bag and dropped it into her mug.

  His blue eyes seared into her, full of questions. The food popped and sizzled.

  “What?” she asked.

  He looked to the pan, nudged the sausage links. “Will there be a next time?”

  She blinked at him. “I’d like there to be. How about you?”

  “I wasn’t sure what you’d want,” he said carefully. “What this was.”

  “You mean, if this was a one-night stand, or if there’d be more nights like it?”


  “Well… do you want to sleep with me again?” she asked outright.

  He huffed out a tight laugh, clearly taken off guard. But he cleared his throat and said, “Of course I do. Last night was incredible.” His eyes met hers. “You’re incredible.”

  “That feeling is very mutual,” she said warmly. “So why on earth wouldn’t we do it again?”

  He nodded, but his lips pursed as he turned his gaze back to the pan.

  “I can feel you thinking,” she said. “Whatever’s on your mind, just say it.”

  “That sounds straightforward,” he finally said, “as you always are. But I don’t know what this is now, and I…” He turned off the gas. “Guess I’m just wondering.”

  “We’re two adults who enjoy each other’s company,” she said easily. “We don’t have to label it. We don’t have to do anything but enjoy each other. Sometimes, enjoy each other naked. How about that?”

  The corners of his mouth quirked as he nodded again. He used the spatula to transfer the food from the pan to the plates. “So… just take it as it comes, then?”

  “Yeah. I mean, you know I’m leaving at the end of October. But until then…” She smiled warmly. “I’m not looking to hook up with other men while I’m here. I’m not like that. One man at a time. So please know that.”

  “Same here. I wasn’t looking to… I don’t usually… I mean—”

  “I know. So we can just take it as it comes, like you said. Is that okay with you?”


  She had to smile at his succinct response. Colin wasn’t a man of many words, so the ones he did use held more weight. They’d come to an understanding, and she was fine with that, since he seemed fine with it.

  She grabbed the bowl of apple slices in one hand, forks and knives in the other as he brought the steaming dishes to the tiny table. He grabbed the bread and butter, she topped off their teacups with hot water. Rain tapped against the windows as they ate in amiable quiet, exchanging soft smiles. When they were done, he got to his feet, stealing a last sip of tea before saying, “I have to get to work.”

  “Go. I’ll clean all this up. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “I’m the boss. No worries there. But thanks for cleaning up.”r />
  “It’s fair, since you did all the cooking.” She smiled up at him and added, “No one’s cooked me a meal in a while. Thank you for that.”

  “It was my pleasure.” His eyes locked on her face, intense and warm. She felt waves of energy flow off him, could feel words swirling in his head. It was a crowded, busy place, that mind of his. But all he did was place his hands on her cheeks, pulling her in for a soft, long kiss. Sumptuous and sweet. She felt the zing of it down to her toes. Then his hands dropped away, giving her shoulders a quick squeeze before he stepped back.

  She wasn’t quite ready to let go of him. He was divine. She stood, lifting her hands to hold his face. The dark gold stubble felt deliciously masculine beneath her fingers as she caressed his cheeks. “You okay, Irish?”

  “Okay? I’m better than okay, Maggie.” His arms went around her waist to pull her in. He kissed her again, deeper this time, lingering on her lips before he whispered against them, “Thank you for last night. It was wonderful. You were wonderful.”

  She smiled. “So were you. In every way.”

  Smiling back, he kissed her once more before releasing her. “Going. Have to.”

  “Okay, go,” she said brightly. “I have work to do too. I have to write up the weekend trip, while it’s still fresh in my mind.” Her grin turned mischievous. “Don’t worry, I’ll leave out the part about seducing you, and you making me scream in bliss.”

  “Ha! See that you do!” he said on a laugh. He headed to where his duffel bag sat by the door. “Ehm…” He ran a hand through his hair and looked back at her. Uncertainty flickered in his eyes. “I’ll text you later?”

  “You better,” she said with a grin.

  The doubt evaporated and he smiled, nodding quickly as he lifted his bag.

  She tightened the sash of her robe. “I won’t be at the pub tonight. I have dinner plans with Ciara, and that always goes long. Maybe see you there tomorrow night?”


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