Making Demons Purr (Flushed and Fevered Book 2)

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Making Demons Purr (Flushed and Fevered Book 2) Page 5

by Selena Illyria

  Both men took a step back. Cool air caressed her torso, slipping along her spine, between her breasts, across her stomach. Confusion set in. Why had they stopped? She glanced from one man to the other and then down at their groins. Both of them were sporting erections that tented their pants. She studied their faces. Carver’s and Thorn’s features were hardened. Determination lit up their eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Sera. We went too far.” Carver bent down and picked up her corset.

  Sera blinked and then shook her head as understanding dawned on her. “Leave it. Consider it a freebie.” She brushed her hair back over her shoulder. There was no way to judge if they’d planned that just to give them an advantage in the game, but she wouldn’t put it past them. Sneaky demons. They would pay for it; she would make sure of that.

  Carver folded her top and placed it on the coffee table. Thorn settled down on the sofa and shuffled the cards, acting as if nothing had happened. Sera decided it would be safer and to her advantage not to sit between them again. It would be too tempting to just throw the game and demand that they fuck her. She pulled one of the plush wicker chairs closer to the coffee table. The rough scraping sound echoed around the room. She paused and listened for approaching footsteps. Nothing. She sank down into the deep cushion.

  The smooth, firm back of the chair dug into her skin, keeping her alert. She waited for Thorn to act while she tried to calm her body down. Moisture coated her thighs and her clit pulsed. Her nipples were sore and her breasts ached. Tingles raced along her skin, making her want to move around. She could feel the ghost of Thorn’s lips on her back, and her lips burned from Carver’s kiss. She could taste the sweetness, spiciness, and richness of the whiskey he’d been drinking.

  The imprint of their bodies against hers had branded her flesh. Now that she had the time to study him she noticed that Thorn was dressed in almost all leather. He wore a jacket, pants, and boots, and a mask with a satin shirt to top it off. She couldn’t quite say what his costume was supposed to be. A pirate? Or a rake? Maybe a highwayman? The guyliner was a nice touch, making his steely gray eyes stand out. His dark red hair, streaked with golden highlights, was pulled back into a low ponytail. Only a few strands had sneaked out to frame his angled face.

  If she hadn’t known any better she would have said they were brothers. They had similar hawk noses, but Carver’s lips were fuller; Thorn’s had a more sensual curve to his. Both had sharp features, but Thorn’s were the more defined. Neither man was Hollywood pretty. There was a roughness about them, an untamable quality edged in danger. Since coming to Evenfall, neither man had ever tried to fit in with the shifters, the vampires, the witches, or wizards.

  Demons liked flash. They liked sparkly, pretty things, which is why they gravitated to places like Vegas or New York or Chicago or Paris or Rome. They loved areas where souls were offered up freely, and they could wheel and deal unchecked. Having two demons all to herself made Sera want to find out a few things and report back to Bridget.

  She considered the card game laid out before them. What would they want to know about her if they won? There wasn’t much to tell. She didn’t do much: an occasional drink with the girls, some shopping in the city, maybe a spa day if she had the time. Lately, she’d been spending more time at the office than at home. She hoped she didn’t come off sounding boring. But how else could she sound? Ever since the breakup she hadn’t made the effort to get out there. She’d been nursing her wounds.

  As Thorn dealt the cards, Sera focused on his hands. They were strong hands, with smooth backs, tanned with a smattering of red and blond hair. He dealt out three cards, one for each of them, with ease. Sera picked hers up and examined it. A two of clubs. She looked up at what the men had gotten. Carver held up an ace of spades and Thorn showed off a five of hearts.

  “Well, well, well, I lose the first round. You’ve already taken off my corset…” She reached up and cupped her breasts, giving each globe a few squeezes before taking both nipples between her thumbs and index fingers and giving them a pinch. Electricity arced straight to her clit, giving her a jolt of pleasure. She moaned and released the tips. “And I took off my panties…” She slid a hand down her abdomen, pausing to circle her middle finger around her navel before continuing on to cup her mound. Pleasure and heat swirled around her body as the arousal woke in her again, and the pressure began to build. She groaned and lifted her hips. The tip of her middle finger was only a few millimeters from her clit. If she eased her hand a little lower she could work it through the skirt.

  Carver and Thorn stared at her. She felt the heat of their gazes as she leaned back into the chair and slid down. Pure lust shone in Thorn’s charcoal gaze while something darker and hungrier filled Carver’s obsidian orbs. It thrilled her to know they wanted her. She decided to push them a bit further. “So, whatever shall I do?” she asked, not knowing the answer.

  She twisted her nipple and moved her other hand to trace the curves of her right side. “Should my skirt be the next to go? Hmmm.” She pretended to think on it. An idea came to her. She released her breast and moved her hands over thighs. She opened her legs, spreading them as wide as the tight mermaid skirt would allow. She bent over, lifted the hem until it came over her knees. Once the material rested on her thighs, she leaned over and pulled off first one shoe and then the other. She threw them over the side of the chair before straightening up and settling against the back of the seat.

  She smiled, feeling a sense of power rush through her. Carver’s Adam’s apple bounced up and down and Thorn’s mouth fell open, just a bit.

  “Fuck,” Carver muttered.

  “Ditto,” Thorn responded.

  Sera picked up her card and handed it back to Thorn. “You’ll just have to win the next round for me to lose something else.”

  She couldn’t stop grinning. It felt so good to be in control of two powerfully built men like Carver and Thorn. She couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  She studied her picks: five of clubs. They had to have twos, threes, or fours for her to win or she’d have to lose something, and she wanted to be clothed a bit longer to continue the tease.

  They laid down their draws and giggled. Thorn lost the round with a two of hearts while Carver had a five of diamonds.

  “Go on. Ask.” Thorn sat back, a king on his throne, expectation in his eyes.

  Sera glanced at Carver, who nodded. “OK, what kind of demon are you?” Both men looked normal, human. Nothing about them indicated they were of the Underworld.

  Thorn scooted forward and bent over. He pulled off first one boot and then the other, letting them clatter to the floor. “Easy. I’m an upper-level ice demon. Would you like to hear what I can do or save that?” Mirth played on his features.

  She turned to Carver but he only shrugged. “Your call, beautiful.”

  After mulling it over she came to a conclusion. “What do you look like in your demon form?”

  Carver shook his head. “Not the rules. Draw and beat me if you want to know the answer.”

  She grumbled but didn’t object. “OK. Carver, shuffle.”

  Carver picked up the deck and jumbled it up. When Sera received her card, she slammed it down in triumph. An ace of clubs. “Beat that.”

  With a Cheshire cat smile Carver slammed down an ace of hearts of his own and turned his attention to Thorn.

  “Fuck, you’re cheating somehow.” Thorn placed a three of diamonds on the wooden surface. He bent down and removed his socks, wiggling his toes. The nails were neat and clean and the skin was pale.

  Sera resisted the urge to tease him about his lack of a tan. “Powers, what are they?”

  Thorn scooted in reverse until he was settled against the backrest. “My features will sharpen almost to points, my skin will become the color of snow under moonlight, and my muscles will bulk up. I’ll grow long, black talons and a long, thin, whip-like tail with a brush of fur at the end and thin horns on my forehead. And if I’m not in control I’ll fr
eeze you both. Happy?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. Next round.” Carver picked up the cards, rearranged them, and dealt.

  Sera lost the next round with a six of hearts while Carver got a king of diamonds and Thorn pulled a Jack of clubs.

  “So, what is your role in the leap?” Carver asked.

  Sera ruminated over the question. “I don’t do anything, actually. My mother took over all the duties that I would’ve had, such as keeping in touch with community, bringing grievances to the head of the leap, making laws, and hearing issues. I would also have helped organize charity events and fundraisers, but my mother took over all of that when I walked away.” A pang hit her heart. Saying it out loud made her realize just how much she’d left behind when she chose not to take her place as Leap Princess.

  Carver reached for her.

  She shook her head. “No, it’s OK. It was my choice. It doesn’t mean that I don’t care about my people.” She lifted her chin in defiance.

  “Didn’t say that, sweetheart,” Thorn’s eyes glinted. “We respect you for doing what was best for you.”

  She swallowed. They may respect her, but her mother didn’t. “Deal.”

  The next round ended with all of them getting sixes. For Sera it was of diamonds, for Carver it was of spades, and for Thorn hearts.

  “What do we do now?” Sera wasn’t sure whether she wanted all of them to strip or to ask questions.

  “I say we reveal something about ourselves. Each of us gets one question to ask,” Carver threw out.

  “OK. Thorn?”

  “Let’s go for it. Ladies first.”

  Sera crossed her legs at the deep tenor of his voice. The sound reverberated inside of her, caressing places he had yet to touch with his hands. Carver’s eyes had gone so dark they seemed to swallow the light.

  She shivered, her nipples pebbled, and her pulse thickened. “Um,” she licked her lips once more and tried again. “What kind of demon are you, Carver?”

  “Fire,” he purred out the single word. “I’ll give this to you for free. Listening?”

  All she could do was bob her head in response.

  “In my demonic form my skin will become so red it will seem as if I’ve been dipped in red paint. My eyes will become entirely black. No whites will show. And if I lose control, I could burn this house down with all of us in it. Only Thorn and I would come out unscathed.”

  Sera swallowed.

  “Thorn, why don’t you ask Sera something? Since I know all about your scrawny ass.”

  Thorn snorted. “You’re just jealous of my fashion sense. Don’t mind him, Sera darling. Do you fantasize about us?”

  This was one question she didn’t have to debate. “Yes, yes I do.”

  Desire filled every curve and line of Thorn’s face. Just witnessing it made Sera wonder how long she could go before she broke.

  Chapter Five

  Carver wasn’t sure how much more he could take. Any second now his body would explode or implode or incinerate; he wasn’t sure which. His pants were so tight it was beyond uncomfortable. No matter how many times he adjusted his dick, nothing worked. His balls throbbed for release, and he was pretty sure any second now he’d come in his pants. A glance at Thorn showed him the same thing. Tension lines bracketed his eyes and lips.

  Can’t take much more, Thorn mouthed to him.

  All Carver could do was nod back at him. He hadn’t thought a woman taking off her shoes could be sexy, but that slow tease with the skirt had just about blown his top. Thorn looked like he was at the end of his tether.

  At least the fire would be out, Carver mused.

  The great thing about their relationship was that they kept each other in check. But adding Sera into the equation would push them to their limits. Normal control wouldn’t work anymore. Carver knew what needed to be done, but he wasn’t sure if Sera would be OK with it.

  Carver cleared his throat, drawing their attention. “We need a safe word. More than just stop. I know I’m close to my limit of control and I’m sure Thorn is too. You drive us crazy, love, and being here with you is testing us. We need something that will stop everything, otherwise you’ll have to tie us down.”

  They’d used this type of thing in the past, but it hadn’t been this serious before. Now, with her, they needed it as a precaution. Carver refused to endanger them just for the sake of fulfilling a fantasy. He couldn’t deny bringing bondage into play was appealing. He was man enough to say he wouldn’t mind if she was in charge. Neither he nor Thorn had ever allowed a woman that honor. Would Sera want to do it? He studied her and found no answers. His mind began to fill with handcuffs and blindfolds, maybe even a whip or two.

  His cock jerked at the thought of being at her mercy. He imagined soft leather wrapped around his wrists, his ankles, and his cock, controlling his ability to come. He imagined Sera covering his body in kisses, sucking his nipples, brushing the soft end of a flogger over his swollen shaft…

  He swallowed as his dick swelled, and again he found himself close to coming. Damn it. Seconds ticked by like slow drops of water from a leaking faucet. He could feel the demon fraying the magic seals that kept him in place. He could smell the light aroma of brimstone and ashes on the air. A fever crawled through his body. He hadn’t changed, but the change could come at any moment.

  Carver turned to Sera. “It’s your call, love.”

  Emotions flowed over her beautiful face. He waited, unsure of whether or not she would go along with this update to the game. She pressed her plush, crimson lips together and folded her hands in her lap. Her gaze rested on his face.

  “OK. Do I pick the word?” Her voice was soft and husky, like a hush of velvet against his overheated flesh. It stoked his desire for her even more. He wanted to hear that tone during sex, crying out in passion until she was hoarse and couldn’t speak anymore.

  She gave him a smile, and it felt like the moon had just risen over the sea. For a moment he was in complete awe of that small gesture bestowed on him. He hadn’t seen a true, genuine smile from her in a long time, and he was grateful that he could give her that.

  She toyed with the hem of her dress as a mischievous glint entered her eyes. “I choose catnip.”

  Carver took a moment to process that response before he threw his head back and laughed. “Cheeky. OK, catnip it is. Unless Thorn has any objections?”

  Thorn shook his head. “Nope. Next round.”

  This time Carver shuffled and dealt the cards. Once everything was handed out he flipped over his pick and stifled a grin: a two of spades. He glanced at Thorn, who held up a three of hearts. Carver turned his attention to Sera who had a huge smile on her face, and she held up her card: a queen of clubs.

  Carver shook his head and chuckled. “Any suggestions?”

  Sera settled against the back of her chair. Her eyelids slipped down until only a narrow crack showed off the dark amber and green of her eyes. “Make it good. Put on a show.”

  Relief came over him. If he concentrated on taking off his clothes then maybe the seal would not crack, and the demon wouldn’t take over. Carver stood up and nodded to Thorn. “She wants a show.”

  He took hold of the hem of his shirt and lifted it up a bit, just to give her a peek. Cool air rippled across the exposed portion of his stomach. He ran a finger over the bottom portion of his six-pack. Fire lapped through his veins as he imagined her soft, delicate fingertip moving over his flesh. She would torment him by scratching her nails along his belly, marking him with thin red lines. He acted that part out as a groan tore up his throat and out of his mouth. His stomach muscles clenched in anticipation. The need to do more grew inside of him.

  With reluctance, he dropped the leather top and turned his attention to Thorn, giving him the spotlight for the moment and some time to catch his breath.

  Thorn flicked open the tine of his belt and pulled the flat leather strap through the loops, dragging out each movement before he slipped it out of the b
uckle. Then he cupped his erection and worked his hand over it.

  Carver refocused on Sera. Desire burned in her eyes. Her hands clenched the armrests of her chair. She leaned forward, hunger filling every dip, curve, and hollow of her features. The feline part of her glittered in the amber depths of her eyes. Her nose twitched and a soft purr rumbled from her. Her gaze flitted between them, full of expectation and need.

  Carver refused to disappoint her. He pulled his top up again to expose more of his torso and traced a circle around his navel before tracing the line that bisected his stomach. Heat flared, making him wonder if he’d burn alive before he even had the chance to kiss Sera again.

  Thorn moaned. “Do you see this, Sera? See what you put me through? How much I want you?”

  Carver dropped his top to the floor and tweaked the black barb that pierced his nipple. He resisted the urge to point out that he was just as hard as Thorn. He slouched down into his chair. In his mind, he returned to those lonely nights when all he had were his fantasies and his hand for comfort. His eyelids slid down until he saw the room through a veil of dark lashes.

  “Watch me for a moment, Sera. See what I do when I’m alone and all I have are memories of you to keep me warm.” Carver circled first one nipple and then the other. Then he tugged on the circle of blackened iron that shot through his right nipple. Dual shots of electricity jolted straight to his groin. He groaned as his shaft jumped and his pants became tighter. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take the tease without releasing his erection to relieve some of the ache.

  He pulled on the thick peaks of his nipples, setting off a line of fire. His breath came out in pants, and his body felt as though he were lit up from the inside out. He felt feverish and on edge. His breathing was labored as he tried to take air into his lungs past the tightness of the collar around his neck. The seal on his back burned and throbbed in time with the beat of his heart.

  To regain some sense of control, he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath until his lungs burned, until he felt as though they would burst. The perfume of her arousal swirled within him, combined with his own and Thorn’s. The tautness of the choker faded away, and he could only focus on their mingling scents. The brand between his shoulders still hummed with energy but it was calm.


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