Temptation Released

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Temptation Released Page 3

by Ayla Ruse

  Her nipples peaked beneath the bodice and she groaned, low. “You’ll have to wait until I can make him put his hands on me,” she scolded her impatient body. “One way or another, I’ll get him.”

  Elise unlatched the door and went to knock on it, but it pushed against her at the same time.

  “Oh! Pardon, milady,” the young man said as she regained her balance. “I didn’t mean to…” His voice dropped off as his eyes ate up the impressive display of cleavage she presented.

  She cleared her throat and placed a hand across said flesh. She wanted to entice the captain. Even though it sent a feminine thrill through her to see that the dress had its effect on men in general, there was only one man from whom she wanted such a reaction.

  “You were saying?”

  “Huh? Oh, yes. Pardon me. Um…right. The capt’n requests your presence for dinner. If’n you’ll follow me, I’ll take you there.”

  She followed the young man through the ship until he left her in what seemed to be a small dining hall. A single long table took up most of the space, surrounded by several wooden chairs. The boy ducked away, leaving her in the room alone. Strange. Maybe the boy’d been mistaken and she would eat alone? She almost turned to ask, but the two place settings at the end of the table caught her eye. Well. She would normally wait until she was seated, but as her stomach growled in protest, she notched up her chin and sat down at the setting to the right of the head of the table.

  She’d no sooner settled when heavy boot steps filled the air.

  El Angel ducked as he entered the room and Elise could only stare.

  “My apologies that I’m late,” he announced, walking toward the table. They looked at each other and a strange sensation shifted over her. He looked at her as though he knew something about her. It excited her just as it made her nervous.

  “That’s okay,” she stated. “I’ve just come myself.”

  “I know.” The wicked grin he graced her with made her cheeks flush.

  She realized, in that moment, she wanted him, for more than a means to her freedom. He exuded confidence and excitement and strength and danger to the point she didn’t know if she could trust him or not. And she liked that. She liked that uncertainty. But coupled with this was an underlying promise that whatever he would say to her, whatever he would do or not do to her, she’d love the result.

  Her pussy had grown wet again and she shivered, amazed at how much in thrall she was of this dark stranger.

  His gaze swept over her, lingering on the swell of her breasts, and she took a deep breath, pushing her chest out. His eyes narrowed and grew hooded and she forced herself to meet his gaze boldly. If she were to have the freedom she wanted, she couldn’t be missish or coy. She had to be bold and daring—just like the pirate stories she’d heard about.

  “Well then,” he said, breaking the heated spell. “So glad you could join me. I came from the galley. We won’t have separate courses tonight, I’m afraid. I told him to bring our meal and we’ll eat at our leisure. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Eat without courses? It wasn’t something she was used to, but it made sense. Besides, what say did she have in the meal?

  “That sounds fine.”

  Soon, several crewmen filled the room, laying down dishes of meat and fish and vegetables and fruits, along with a bottle of wine.

  She noticed him nod to one of the crew, and when the men left, the last one shut the door behind him.

  “I trust you found everything in your room to your liking.”

  “It is modest, but yes, everything is fine.”

  “Bien. You should be onboard for a week. I think you’ll be able to bear up. Luxury on a ship is not too often found.”

  “Oh, I understand,” she said quickly. She needed him to see her as a sturdy woman, not one who cowed at the loss of a few lace doilies. “It has all the necessities. In fact, it is finer than the cabin onboard The Star.”

  His lips twitched, but he made no comment. He filled their plates, then they ate quietly for several moments. She was famished and didn’t worry that there was no conversation.

  Despite her desire for him, she kept replaying the day and couldn’t help but worry about her friend. She’d expected to see Brianna at some point by now and a part of her was upset that the pirate had taken up so much of her thoughts.

  “Captain, can you tell me how Brianna fares?”

  “I imagine she is well. I left her onboard The Star, along with Paulo and a few other of my crew.”

  “You left her?”

  “Yes. The Star is now Paulo’s, to do with as he sees fit. So Brianna is now his captive.”

  Elise blinked. “You promised me nothing would happen to her.”

  “And I don’t suppose anything will. Calm down, milady. Paulo is a trustworthy man. He’s gone ahead of us, in fact, and plans to meet us when we reach the port. You’ll see then that your dear friend is already there and awaiting your return.”

  “And if you lie?”

  He scowled. “I may be a pirate, but my word is law. I do not make a promise I intend to break. If I say she’ll be in port waiting for you, she’ll be there. If she’s not, it will have nothing to do with me or Paulo.”

  Elise may not know this pirate well, but the truth in his words reverberated through her. She dropped her gaze and didn’t question him again. With a lighter heart, she realized she believed him, and prayed that her friend had been able to calm down to enjoy the remainder of her voyage.

  Chapter Four

  As the meal wore on, Elise began to fidget, wondering how exactly to go about seducing a man. In the book she’d read, both parties had already been engaged or nearly engaged in a sexual act. She glanced at her dress. The modiste had assured her this was something a courtesan would wear. The dress may be all well and fine, but if even being naked didn’t entice this man to ravish her, what in the world would?

  “That dress is quite becoming on you,” he said.

  “Oh, thank you.” She sat straighter and sipped her wine.

  “Did your father approve its purchase?”

  She laughed softly. “The earl? No, he did not. In truth, I had this special made.”

  His lids lowered. “You did? For whom?”

  She couldn’t resist. She stared right at him and murmured, “Why, for you, El Angel.”

  He stood and walked past her to the end of the table and looked over the foods there. He picked at a few items and at something that was beyond the serving dishes of fruits and creamy desserts. They looked heavenly. It struck her then she’d not had such rich and fresh food in weeks.

  “If I may ask, Captain, how did you come by such fresh food?”

  “Easy. We brought it on board before we set sail. I knew this trip would be short, and I was looking for your arrival. I wanted the best for the governor’s niece.”

  “How did you know I would be onboard The Star?”

  He smiled indulgently. “That is a concern you need not worry with, my lady. Needless to say, you are here, we are enjoying a delicious repast, and in a week at the most, we’ll part company. You’ll go to live in grand style with your uncle and friend, and I’ll go my way.”

  “To where?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead, as he walked past her, he stopped directly behind her chair. Elise set down her drink and swallowed, wondering what he was about.

  He leaned over, his warm breath tickling her ear. “I cannot get the image of you out of my head, my lady.” His hands skimmed her shoulders and down her arms, bringing them behind the chair as he stroked. Something silky slid over her arms, but she was too entranced by his voice to pay much notice.

  She closed her eyes and shivered at his heated touch. Maybe she’d get her wish after all, to be ravished. But she had to be strong. She had to show him that although she may be a virgin, she wasn’t an ignorant one.

  “What image is that?” she whispered, her voice gone strangely husky.

  He groaned and nipped her ear.
“You. Naked. Touching yourself.”

  She gasped and tried to sit forward. She couldn’t move. He’d tied her arms behind the chair.


  “Easy,” he whispered, pushing her hair off one shoulder to kiss her neck. “I told you I’ve thought of nothing else but you today. I remember your naked body and I’ve imagined it, splayed out and waiting, wanting my touch.”

  It was her turn to groan.

  He continued to kiss her neck.

  “I want you. But there is only so much I will take.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “First, know that you will come to no harm from me.”


  “And right now, I want to play with what is, for now, mine.”


  “Sí, my naughty Elise. You are mine.”

  With this pronouncement, he tugged on her bodice, revealing her nipples. One more tug had the neckline tucked under her breasts. She glanced down and bit her lip. The sight was very erotic.

  He covered her breasts with both his hands and used his teeth to gently scrape her neck. Rolling her nipples between his fingers, he asked, “Do you like this?”

  “Oh, yes, El Angel,” she moaned.

  “Raphael. Call me Raphael.”

  The name sighed from her lips.

  “Tell me, Elise, is this better than when you touch yourself?”

  She thought of denying his words, but didn’t want to play coy. “Oh, Raphael, this is so much better.”

  He growled against her neck and pinched her nipples hard. She gasped, but he let go to fondle the flesh of her breasts.

  “Has anyone else touched you?”

  She debated quickly. He assumed her a virgin, but he’d seemed put off by this fact. If she admitted this, would he stop touching her?

  “Your answer, my lady,” he said, running his hands down her stomach. He pulled the material of the dress up her legs and she wiggled, loving his touch, even as they confused her thoughts.

  “Answer?” she asked, dazed, mesmerized by his large hands.

  By now the dress was up to her thighs. He must have dropped to his knees behind her because he easily caressed her legs. The strength in those hands and the heat of his touch made her moan.

  “Have you had lovers before?”

  “Yes,” she blurted, wanting, needing his touches to continue. “I’ve had dozens of lovers.”

  His laughter startled her, but his hands moved again. “You, the young daughter of an earl, have had dozens of lovers? Somehow I find that hard to believe, my naughty Elise.”

  “It’s true. I’ve been…fucked before.” Damn, she’d almost choked on the word. Now what else had the lovers in the little book said? “I, ah…I need you,” she added for good measure. Inwardly, she preened that she’d said something lover-like.

  “You say you have been fucked before?” His voice lowered. “Let’s see, shall we?”

  That being her only warning, he swept his hands up her inner thighs and stroked into her wet core. She gasped and pushed her head back against his shoulder, the touch better than she’d dreamed possible. He stroked through her slippery folds and she remembered how she’d done the same thing a few hours earlier.

  Then he did something she’d never had the courage to do. He pushed a thick finger inside her body.

  Her bottom flew up from the chair at the strange intrusion, but at the same time, it felt so good.

  His breath chuffed her neck and he cursed. “Damn, woman. If you’ve been fucked by dozens of lovers, they must not have been worthy men, because you are too tight to have had anyone decent.”

  She didn’t answer.

  “You, mi mascota, my pet, lied to me.”


  She stopped when he suddenly stood up and turned her chair away from the table and came to stand in front of her. His hands were on his breeches and he was unlacing them. She licked her lips, afraid and excited at what she was about to see. His hands slowed and she whimpered, wanting him to hurry.

  “You are an odd one, Elise. A lady, supposedly jaded and had by many, yet so tight I know your pussy has never met a cock.”

  She blinked at his words, spoken low. But he may as well have shouted them to her. His language was such that she’d read before, but had never heard. It made her skin tingle and flush yet it also made her squirm. She wasn’t bashful or offended. Quite the opposite. She was bloody excited.

  “I think it’s time you meet your first cock, Elise,” he whispered.

  He finished unlacing the breeches, pulled the panel aside, and his cock sprang forward so suddenly she jerked. He grasped the thick rod and stroked it. Up and down. The skin around the dark shaft moved like silk under his fingers, coming up to cover the fat head with a narrow slit at the end.

  “Wet your lips,” he told her.

  She did.

  He kicked her feet apart and she went further by spreading her legs to straddle the chair. Stepping close, he rested one of his knees on the seat between her spread legs, and straddled her thigh. The tip of his shaft angled toward her mouth.

  “Now wet my cock,” he ordered.

  Not sure what to expect, she took her time opening her mouth. She wished he hadn’t tied her arms because her fingers itched to touch him.

  He kept his hand fisted around the length and fed the head between her lips. She swiped her tongue around the bulbous part, finding his flesh hot and smooth. She dipped her tongue into that slit and tasted a drop of fluid that had gathered there and wanted more.

  He pushed deeper and she flicked her tongue over the rim of the head, making him groan. Feeling more confident, she opened wider and he continued to push into her, stuffing her mouth with himself. She gagged when he hit the back of her throat and she panicked, not able to breathe.

  “Shh,” he told her, threading his fingers through her hair. He pulled his hips back then pumped into her mouth with short thrusts. “Just relax your throat, cariño. You can take me. Relax.”

  It took a few of his steady thrusts for her to calm down enough to do what he said. As soon as she did, he slid deeper.

  He felt smooth on her busy tongue and saliva dripped from her lips. She loved doing this for him, and the way he shuddered periodically and groaned made her want him even more.

  “Maldito, ya esta bueno,” he told her. “You are so good and you take direction so well, Elise.”

  She couldn’t answer, being stuffed with his cock, so she hummed her appreciation.

  “Now I want you to suck me.”

  Without over thinking his command, she hollowed her cheeks and did just that. He growled this time and thrust hard, keeping her pressed close to him. He was down into her throat and still she did her best to provide the suction he demanded. She breathed through her nose and curled the flat of her tongue to the thick underside of his erection and pressed, adding to the tight feeling he apparently wanted.

  “Fuck,” he barked out, pulling out of her mouth so fast her lips popped loudly off him.

  She opened her eyes and watched him pumping his shaft and aiming the tip below her chin. She had no idea what he was doing until he groaned again, called her name, and thick, white ropes of cream spewed from the head. The cum struck her bared chest and she shivered at the hot contact. His hand squeezed his cock through his orgasm until there was only a small dribble of white left along the slit.

  “Oh,” she breathed, in awe of what had just happened.

  “Elise.” She jumped her eyes to his. “More.”

  She looked at his cock and he pressed forward again so the tip was close to her lips. He squeezed and tugged, sending out a fresh stream of cum. She opened her mouth and took him into her, licking and sucking at his remaining release. The taste, salty and bitter, was different than what she’d tasted earlier, but it was addicting too. Knowing she’d caused this made her want to lap him up.

  When he pulled back she whimpered and tried to follow.

  He chuckl
ed and backed away. “I’m glad to see you like that. Next time I won’t pull out. You’ll swallow every drop.”

  “Please,” she said, wanting to do that now.

  “In time,” he answered, a smile lighting up his face.

  “Can you untie me?” What she wouldn’t give to touch him.

  “No, ma cariño. Now it’s your turn.”

  Chapter Five

  He dropped to his knees in front of her. “If your arms become stressed, push your fingers against the seat.”

  She twisted her hands and set her fingers on the edge, and just in time too, as he hooked his hands under her thighs and pulled her hips up. Without saying a word, he spread her open with his thumbs, then sank his tongue between the folds.

  “Oh, dear God in Heaven!” Nothing had ever compared to the touches he laid upon her body now. His tongue swirled and dipped and licked, and Elise shook her head in pure abandon.

  “Raphael, this is too good. I don’t know how much more I can take.”

  Between licks he answered in a gruff voice, “Sweet one, you will take all I give. Then you’ll beg for more.”

  His promise washed over her, sending a tendril of excited fear through her. This was almost too much pleasure, yet he spoke as if there would be more?

  Something firm swiped along her slit and she looked down at his dark head, at his face buried against her, and between licks saw it was his finger. The thick digit glided down her wet flesh, teasing the opening to an entrance never before explored yet greedy now for more.

  “Put it in me,” she panted, her womb clenching in anticipation of being filled. “Please, Raphael.”

  He chuckled and twirled the length of his finger along her wetness. “I will, but you need to relax, my love.”

  She did, but tensed the moment his finger swept lower and teased the entrance to that lower hole. “What…”

  “You’ll enjoy this. Relax.” With these words, he fastened his mouth over that tight bundle of nerves at the top of her slit that felt so good when she flicked it with her fingers. He sucked and used his tongue to rub the fat bud, firing off her nerves. At the same moment, he forced his finger into her bottom, using her own body weight to help the entrance.


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