Temptation Released

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Temptation Released Page 5

by Ayla Ruse

  He crawled up her body and lay flush against hers. She sighed and met his lips in a kiss so deep and endearing she almost cried. He pressed against her, teasing her swollen folds and needy clit.

  “Enough, Raphael. Remove the rest of your clothes. I want you in me.”

  “Umm,” he moaned, dropping kisses over her face. “In time, cariño. But you need to come first.” He pushed his hips against hers, his hard erection pressing against her clit. She cried out, and he increased his thrusts, rubbing that bundle of nerves until she writhed and quivered in his arms. As her release washed over her, he swallowed her cries, one after the other, until her body lay spent.

  But he wasn’t done with her. He stood up and, through heavy eyes, she watched him open his breeches, that magnificent cock springing forward. Oh, how she wanted that. In her mouth, in her pussy, anywhere. She must have said her thoughts out loud because he chuckled and turned her over.

  “I’ll take that, anywhere,” he said darkly, and her nerves pricked. What did he mean?

  Her stomach had no sooner settled on the bed when he wrapped his arms around her waist and instructed her to rise up onto her knees. She did as he asked until her ass was in the air and her face lay on one of her outstretched and still bound arms. She gripped the material in both hands to help her leverage while he set her in the position he wanted.

  He spread her knees so wide they nearly touched either side of the narrow bed.

  “What are you doing?” She hoped she didn’t sound as nervous as she felt.

  “I’m going to fuck you, cariño, but in a way that will keep your virginity intact.”

  She groaned. “How is that possible?”

  He smacked her ass.

  “Raphael. What did I do?”

  “You are impatient. Easy now. Relax.”

  “That’s all you tell me to do.”

  He spanked her again, not so hard as to make her cry, but her bottom stung.

  “I don’t think I’ve been that bad, Raphael,” she said on a gasp, squeezing her eyes tight.

  His dark chuckle sent a shiver up her spine. “You have not been so bad, cariño. This spanking is not punishment. Instead, tell me what you feel right here?” He snaked his arm around her waist and set his thick fingers against her pussy. She pushed back into his hand and groaned, feeling swollen and out of her head needy.

  “Exactamente. See, your pussy is wanting me, but your ass wants me too.”

  She jerked away from the next swat. “What? You can’t do that.”

  “I think I can.” Then he spanked her, harder this time. “That one was because you were bad just now. Never pull away from me, Elise.”

  “But…you’re wanting to take me there…that’s not right, is it?”

  “It is if I say it is.” He didn’t spank her again, but he smoothed his hands over her sore bottom. It stung, but with it came a burning need.

  “No worries, cariño. I will take care of you. You’ll have your virginity intact, but you’ll have me inside you. Just take what I give you.” He rubbed his large hands over her bottom, spreading the stinging sensation.

  The bed shifted, he pulled her bottom cheeks apart, then his tongue dove into her crack and licked her tight little hole.

  She jerked and cried out at the unexpected touch.

  “Stay still,” he commanded, and bent back to his task.

  He licked from her pussy up her crack and back down to stop at her hole. He spread his tongue and laved the opening until she pushed her hips back to his mouth.

  It felt incredible. She briefly thought this might not be proper in the whole love-making scheme, but if she were to live a life of abandon, she had to get used to all manners of sex.

  “Yes, I like that,” she admitted, wiggling in his hands and thrusting back for more. He stiffened his tongue and thrust it in and out of her hole. Her muscles contracted and her pussy throbbed.

  When he pushed a finger inside her bottom, she whimpered into the bed, enjoying the penetration immensely. Then he added a second digit and she stiffened, the pressure now tight. He smacked her ass with his free hand and she amazingly relaxed, allowing both fingers full entry. He scissored them inside her, stretching her, readying her to take him.

  Elise gurgled and moaned, ready for him. “Take me now, Raphael.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Do you want me to fuck your ass?” Raphael asked

  His voice was a harsh whisper, sounding as strained as she felt. She was getting used to his crude way of talking, but hearing the words, feeling his touch, knowing what he was about to do, made her mad with want.


  “Tell me.”

  “Please, Raphael, fuck my ass. I need you inside me so badly.”

  He left her, but came back and smoothed something wet along her crack and inserted it into her hole with his fingers.

  “Feel that?”

  She did. Her bottom heated and she squirmed beneath his hands. “It feels…tingly. Warm. Numb.”

  “Bien,” he whispered. “This will help.”

  With only those words as warning, he pressed up against her, his thick cockhead pushing against the ever so small entrance. She gurgled and yelped, but he stayed his course, one of his hands running up and down her back.

  “Push back against me, sweet,” he told her.

  And she did. He entered her so suddenly she went to jerk away from him, but he held her hips solidly to him and wouldn’t let her go anywhere. Only his crown was inserted, but it felt so huge.

  “How am I going to take all of you?” she asked, fearful now of what he was doing.

  “Shh, Elise. Press back.”

  She did, hesitantly, but followed his command. He dipped his fingers to her slit and rubbed her clit while he continued to insert his huge cock into her tiny hole.

  It seemed to take forever, and she panted with the effort, but eventually he was seated fully within her. She could feel his balls pressed against her slit and sweat dripped from her brow, and she felt so ungodly full.

  He remained still a long time, shifting only slightly. Most of her backside felt numb where he was, from whatever he’d put inside her, but there was still a slight sting and immense pressure.


  He asked as if her answer made a difference to him.

  She couldn’t speak at this moment, so overwhelmed by him being inside her, there, so she nodded and gripped the shirt tight in her fists.

  He retreated, the slide tight and hard, before he pushed back inside her, keeping a steady pace. She moaned as he kept up this sure, steady fucking. Not too slow, not fast and hard, but continuous.

  Soon, her body grew used to him and wanted more. She tested this by pushing back, surprised when he slipped deep inside, farther than he had before. When he went back, she pulled her body forward, then back when he sank deep again. They picked up the rhythm and were soon rocking and fucking like crazy. His hands gripped her hips hard and she yanked on the shirt in her hands, her body slamming against his.

  Soon he touched her clit again, and she went over. She screamed his name, her whole body quaking. He followed right after her, his cock jetting hard inside her, spewing his seed deep into that humid channel.

  He didn’t linger, but pulled out as soon as they’d come down from their high. Her hole was still numb, but her body was very satisfied.

  He turned her over and undid the shirt at her wrists, using the material to clean them both.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him cap his jar and set it on the little table. She expected him to tuck her in as he had the night before but instead, he returned to the bed and pulled her to his side.

  “Umm,” she murmured, laying her head on his shoulder. “I have to say I liked that. A lot. Thank you, Raphael.”

  He hummed his welcome and spread his hand over her back.

  “Tell me,” he asked after a quiet spell in which she almost fell asleep, “where did you get this defiant and lusty side
of you? I’m not used to daughters of the peer being so open.”

  She shrugged. “I suppose it comes naturally. I was my parents’ only child. They weren’t disappointed that I was a girl, but they wanted a doll for a daughter, not a person. I was the one to tag along after my best friend’s brothers. I made mud pies and climbed trees. I couldn’t wear a pretty dress for even an hour before something spilled or tore. I tried for a long time to be like they wanted, but that’s not me.

  “My father despaired that I’d ever find a husband. Most men want prim and proper ladies, and even though I do my best, I always fall short. I’m too dark or too clumsy or not dainty enough. I’ve had two seasons already and if there’s been any offers for my hand, I know nothing about them. My parents said it was because I was so unladylike, but Brianna believes it’s because my parents are so strict. Not many men wanted to talk to my father, who would just as soon tell a would-be-suitor how awful I was.”

  “The bastardo. If he wanted you married, telling a suitor your downfall would not make sense.”

  “That’s what I thought. Then he told me he was sending me to his brother, to be married.”

  “You’re to marry your uncle?”

  “No. But the man works with my uncle. I want no part of a marriage to a stranger. I want to be married on my own terms…if I ever marry at all.”

  “I understand. Now, explain your sexual knowledge.”

  “About a year ago, I found a book in my father’s library. I’d sit up for hours reading it. It was filled with pictures and stories of people having sex.”

  “It must have been some book.”

  “It was. I was loath to leave without it.”

  He chuckled. “So how do you figure your ruination will save you from this marriage?”

  “When Father told me his plans, he also let slip something about a payment from the stranger if I would come to him intact. That led me to thinking that if I weren’t pure, the man wouldn’t want me, and I’d be free from a marriage I didn’t want.”

  His fingers stroked up and down her spine lazily. “Your plan has some merit, but you are a woman. If you are ruined, who will look after you?”

  “I’ll look after myself. I did think on that. I have money with me and I’d planned to become a sailor. Maybe even a pirate.”

  Raphael’s chest shook. She tried to jerk away, but he held her to him.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Me? No. But a pirate’s life? Cariño, this is too hard.”

  “I can strengthen up. Just this afternoon, one of your crew told me he could teach me how to throw a knife. Little can upset me, and most importantly, as a pirate, you have no one telling you what to do, do you?” She knew she was prattling, but the short bit of time she’d spent with the crew had her eager to learn more.

  This time he did laugh. “Sweet, innocent little Elise. Do not worry. You will not become a pirate, and I will see what I can do to keep you from marring this man, yet keep you from ruin as well.”

  “How will you do that?”

  “I have my ways. Now hush, my sweet. Sleep,” he directed, and tucked her head back to his shoulder.

  Elise’s mind swirled with questions of how he could help, but she kept silent for now. He stroked her back again and she sighed, wondering if maybe he planned to make her his pirate queen? In minutes, she drifted off to sleep, images of her next to his side at the helm, fanning the way to her dreams.

  * * * *

  Raphael didn’t sleep well that night. He played Elise’s situation over and over in his head, trying to find a way to help her. The easiest option he could envision, he fought against. He could ask her to marry him. But the thought of marriage made him cringe. True, he enjoyed being with Elise and he had no doubt in his mind she’d bring him years of surprise and enjoyment, but marriage? He’d never given it much thought, and to hear her tell it, she wanted nothing of it either.

  Eventually, the circling in his mind exhausted him and he fell into a dreamless sleep. His last thoughts were that he still had at least three days before they made port at Carolina. He had three more days to bring her untold, forbidden pleasures, and that much time to come up with a plan to give her a happy life, yet still be able to have his revenge.

  * * * *


  An urgent shout came rudely through the door.

  “Captain? Come quick. There’s a schooner bearing down on us, coming up fast.”

  Raphael shot awake, instantly aware he was in Elise’s bed, her warm body pressed tight to his. His cock was hard, his body primed to take her again, and he vowed to kill Bilge, the man who’d woke him up.

  “Hmm?” Elise murmured, turning in his arms.

  “Lo siento. I’m sorry.” He climbed out of bed and pulled on his breeches. “Stay here. I’ll be back shortly.”

  He paused at the door and his chest grew tight at the sight of his woman in bed, all sleepy and well loved.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but go back to sleep. You’ll need it for when I return.”

  He left her then, as much as he didn’t want to, to find and throttle the rotter who’d awoken him.

  “Reddy,” he shouted as he made his way on deck. “Where’s that ass, Bilge?”

  “Not now, Raph,” Reddy said, coming fast from the port side. He handed Raphael the spyglass. “I think the ship is from the governor. She’s flying Carolina colors.”

  “Maldito. What is going on?”

  Reddy shrugged. “What do you want us to do? It’s coming up too aggressive for my likes.”

  “Mine too,” Raphael agreed, eyeing the approaching ship. “Ready the cannons, but wait to see what she does. If she is from the governor, we have his niece onboard. He wouldn’t fire on us for that reason alone.”

  “I hope not,” Reddy said under his breath.

  Raphael had to silently agree.

  When the ship came within easy sight, it fired a cannon shot to the left of Angel’s Light. Water splashed and Raphael cursed. “What idiota is leading that ship?”

  “What do we do, Captain?”

  “Wait. I’ll not be the one to start this war. If she fires again, then we’ll blast her out of the water.” His words were said in a whisper, but the news traveled like fire across the deck. Soon every hand was eager and ready, for it had been a long time since the Angel’s Light had engaged in a fight.

  No more cannons fired, much to Raphael’s disappointment, but he gripped the handle of his sword nonetheless as the schooner moved in closer.

  “El Angel!” A shout from the other ship’s deck could be heard. “I want to speak with the cursed El Angel!”

  No. That sounded like his cousin, Miguel. Imposible. He hid his surprise, however, as he made his way port side.

  “Cousin Miguel. What brings you into these waters? And firing upon us as though we’re criminals?”

  Miguel made a show of spitting toward Raphael’s ship. “You pirate swine,” Miguel shouted back. “You dare hold my fiancée for ransom?”

  “Your fiancée?”

  “Yes. Lady Elise Clifton is promised to me by her uncle and father both.”

  Raphael’s sight went red. Too many variables clicked into place and his knuckles turned white where he gripped his sword. This man was to be the one to take his Elise? Too bad their ships weren’t closer, or he’d kill the bastard where he stood.

  “Swine,” Miguel shouted again. “Prepare to be boarded so I can claim what is mine, then I’ll blast you and your wretched ship to the depths of Hell!”

  Before he could respond, a dark, feminine voice shouted out from behind him, “You are Edward M. de Marco?”

  “Elise. I told you stay below decks.”

  “I know you did, but I had no idea you were meeting with my fiancée. I thought you were about to go into battle. If I’m to be a pirate, I need to learn how to fight.”

  Raphael stared at her, not knowing if he should kiss her or scold h
er. And she had put on the breeches, damn her.

  “Lady Elise,” Miguel called out. “I’m here to rescue you. If that fiend has touched you, I’ll skin him alive.”

  “And he calls me a pirate,” Raphael muttered. But his gaze swept back to Elise, at the way she now studied his handsome cousin. Could she be having second thoughts? After all they’d shared, could Elise truly want to be with Miguel?

  In that moment, Raphael knew what he had to do to. He may not be able to take Miguel’s life this day, but he would definitely take what Miguel thought belonged to him.

  Chapter Eight

  “Elise,” he whispered. When she turned her head, he pulled her close and laid his lips over hers in a possessive, thorough kiss.

  Miguel’s loud cursing washed over him, but he used the insults to feed the growing anger in his kiss. All this time he’d kept away from taking this woman. Why? Because she was to belong to Miguel? Screw the ransom and the pardon.

  Miguel would never get Elise.

  “You have raped the last woman, cousin. I give you one chance to hand her over before I blow you up.”

  Raphael broke the kiss and glanced across the water. “She is mine, Miguel. Go to Hell.” Miguel sputtered his outrage, but Raphael ignored him. He kept a tight hold on Elise at his side and spoke to his first mate. “Reddy, the last act of piracy for Angel’s Light won’t be collecting the ransom for Lady Elise. It will be sending that pendejo to the bottom of the ocean. Once he’s gone, take us to Port Royal.”

  Reddy grinned then turned and quietly gave the orders to the crew while Raphael pulled Elise away.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Miguel yelled. Beside him, Elise stiffened and kept darting glances over her shoulder.

  “Are you really going to sink his ship?”

  What? Was she feeling sympathetic to the ass? After she’d begged him to remove her from the marriage? How dare she.

  “Me? No. I have what he wants and he knows that. My crew will sink his ship.”


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