A Baby Dragon for Christmas

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A Baby Dragon for Christmas Page 1

by Eve Newton

  A Baby Dragon for Christmas

  A Dragon Realms Novella

  Exclusive to Amazon

  Copyright © Eve Newton, 2019

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  A Baby Dragon for Christmas: A Dragon Realms Novella (Book 2.5)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  ~ Excerpt from ~ | Demon Bound

  ~ Prologue ~

  ~ Chapter One ~

  About the Author

  Other Books by Eve Newton

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or

  dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1


  “You need to back off!” I snarl at Blayne, suddenly regaining control of my senses.

  What in the Hell am I doing here? I need to get back home, right now. I know the dangers of being here. He could quite easily kidnap me and take me back to the Light Fae Kingdom — a place that I have no desire to go to ever again.

  “Oh, no, Princess,” he croons at me. “You are mine and you’re coming with me to make this official.” He grips my arm tightly.

  I give him a rough shove, that to my satisfaction, sends him stumbling back a few steps.

  Oh yes, who’s the Dragon Empress? That’s right, asshole. Me!

  “Don’t touch me again,” I growl at him, and prepare to Astral back to the Dragon Realms, when a surprise visitor startles me by puffporting into the room with us.

  “Delly! Finally! I’ve been waiting for you to come back to Earth,” Savannah cries and falls on me, giving me a big hug. “Congratulations on your marriage...s!” She draws out the plural with a tight smile and pulls back with a mock wounded look. “Thanks for the invite, by the way.”

  I give her a tight smile back. Not that I’m unhappy to see her, the opposite, but right now isn’t a great time. “Sorry,” I say. “It was all a bit of a rush.”

  “Hmm, following in our mother’s footsteps, as well,” she murmurs, pursing her lips.

  I roll my eyes at her. She, like Arathia, is a bit of a prude when it comes to men.

  However, it appears that my supposed Fae mate has caught her attention. She is giving him a thorough once-over that makes me raise my eyebrow at her.

  “Hi, Blayne,” she purrs. “How nice to see you again.”

  “Savvie,” he replies smoothly. “Always a pleasure.”

  I look between the two of them and bite my lip.

  Oh, she has it bad for him. He, however, is just being polite.

  “You two know each other?” I blurt out, unable to help myself.

  “Oh, yes,” Savvie says. “Blayne and I have spent lots of time together.” The possessive undertone doesn’t go unnoticed by me, or Blayne.

  He frowns at her and then his eyes shoot to mine and he shakes his head, almost desperately.

  I stifle my laugh. Oh, this is good. Very good.

  “Right, well, I need to be going now. I’ll catch up with you later, Sav,” I say and give her a little wave before I turn my eyes back to Blayne.

  “Bye,” Savvie mutters, having completely forgotten I was even there.

  I give Blayne a bright smile and then I fuck off back home, where my husbands are waiting frantically for me.

  “Princess!” Rex shouts at me as I land back in my bedroom. “I’m so sorry, for everything...”

  “It’s fine,” I tell him, resigned. “Honestly, I don’t really care. I’m not threatened by Lianna and I know the difference between you and Trey. I won’t be fooled again. I can assure you.”

  His look of utter relief makes me smile to myself. I’m going to keep the little Blayne incident to myself for now, as well as the fact that he looks a lot more like Rex than Trey does. His eyes are the same, warmer, whereas Trey’s are cold and hard. I’m going to leave it completely up to Rex to tell me that he is somehow half Light Fae, or whatever the Hell he is, and that he has a third brother that he failed to mention. If he chooses never to tell me, then so be it. We’ve had so much shit. It’s time to put it all to bed and concentrate on this little baby growing inside me. I don’t have the energy for another fight and worrying about more secrets.

  “I—,” I start, but he interrupts me.

  “Wait, before you say anything else, there is something we need to discuss right away.”

  “Oh?” To’Kah snarls at him, from over in the corner.

  I cast a glance at him. He looks crazy angry. He knows what’s coming, of that, I am sure.

  I turn back to Rex. “Oh?”

  I cross my arms across my chest, hoping that whatever it is, isn’t going to blow everything to Hell and back — again.

  He starts to pace, looking very worried for a moment, before he stops abruptly and strides over to me, grabbing my hands and unfolding my arms. “Delinda, will you marry me?” he asks.

  I blink at him as To’Kah growls in the background. Pres is silent. I know he is there, but I haven’t heard a peep from him yet.

  “Excuse me?” I ask, confused. “We are already married.”

  “Not in the Fae sense,” Rex mutters.

  “You have some fucking nerve,” To’Kah yells at him, marching over and giving him a shove that would’ve knocked a lesser Dragon on his ass. As it is, it appears that even with To’Kah’s height advantage and his higher Dragon status, Rex has something else to back him up.

  I gulp when I realize what it is. It’s his Fae power manifesting itself.

  Pres said they were beyond powerful, but Rex scoffed and said that he wasn’t, but that’s only because his Fae power had been bound, I guess, and now, unbound?

  “Hey!” I bark at them, as Rex squares off. “We don’t fight amongst ourselves. At least, not in this way,” I add. I grimace as a small pain shoots through my belly. I put my hand on it and take in a deep breath.

  “Rex?” I inquire sweetly to cover up my surprise that he is about to come clean so quickly and without being forced into it. “What in the blazes are you talking about?”

  Rex tears his eyes away from To’Kah’s furious ones. They soften as he looks deep into mine. “Princess. There are things I must tell you. I will give you the rundown now, and you can ask all the questions you want later. I found out a few days ago, that my mother — who I thought was dead — is in fact alive, and not exactly a Dragon.”

  “Oh?” I ask innocently.

  To’Kah, and now also Pres, are fuming silently so they must already know this. Rex must’ve told them while I was meeting Blayne back on Earth. “What is she then?”

  He hesitates and gulps. “A Light Fae,” he mutters. “Half Light Fae, but enough to want to stay there and take her three sons with her. She and my father fought over it until it was decided that she would take one and he would keep me and Trey. I have a third brother, Delinda, and I know that he is your Fae mate.”

  His gaze bores into mine expecting some sort of shocked reaction. I don’t give it to him. What would be the point?

  “I know,” I sigh. “I just met him.”

  “What?” he spits out at me, joined in by my other two men.

  “Blayne, yeah?”

  He nods slowly.

  “Yup, just met him, back on Earth. Seems that my half-sister is a little bit smitten with him though. Made for a good excuse to escape.”

  “You are going to have to back up,” Rex growls at me. “What the fuck are you saying? That he tried to claim you?”

  “Yes, however, I wasn’t going with him for anything. My place is here, not there. Anyway, you, dear husband, are the one that needs to back up a bit. You want to Fae marry me? Why?”

  He shakes his head at me, looking completely bewildered at my lack of kicking his ass over this huge secret. But, if he speaks the truth, and he didn’t know until recently, then who am I to throw Light Fae stones?

  “Don’t you see, Little Dragon? If Blayne, my triplet, is your supposed Fae mate, if we unite in a Fae marriage, that makes me your Fae mate.”

  “This isn’t fair!” Pres suddenly blurts out. “We were all supposed to be on level footing with her, and now you swoop in and claim Fae? Nuh-uh. You aren’t doing this. I don’t care who you are, or who your mother is, you aren’t Fae, you don’t get her in a Fae union as well as a Dragon one.”

  I gape at my Beta husband. He has put his foot down, it seems.

  “Don’t I get a say in this?” I ask lightly, just to shit-stir. I can’t help it. It’s who I am. A mischief-maker, some would say. Trouble, others would swear by. But it’s such fun.

  Bright blue eyes land on me with such fury, that I’m convinced he is about to blow every gasket that he has right here, right now.

  “Oh, calm yourself,” I snap at him. “I’m joking. It isn’t going to look good to the Dragons if I go and Fae unite with someone, even if it is my own husband. Sorry, Rex. I can’t.”

  “You have to, or Blayne will always have that claim on you,” he says quietly, looking down. And by down, I don’t mean at the floor, but sad.

  I squeeze his hand. “Look, it’s not just that. If we do this, you have to accept your Fae half, and I’m not sure that you want to, or should even. I promise that I won’t leave the Dragon Realms, if we table this conversation.”

  He shakes his head at me. “It’s not good enough, Princess. When my father unbound mine and Trey’s Fae powers, it also unbound Blayne’s Dragon powers. When he realizes this and figures out how to use them, he will be here like a shot.”

  “Oh,” I say a bit stumped by that. I hadn’t even considered the other side of the coin. If Blayne turns up here, then all Hell is going to break loose.

  “Okay,” I say quietly. “As long as you are doing this for the right reasons?” I press.

  “Your safety is the only reason, Princess. Don’t worry about me, it is my job to worry about you, and this is the only way I can see to keep you safe from him.”

  I gulp and chance a glance at To’Kah. He is raging inside. I can see the swirl of anger in his eyes. His face is like stone and his body tense.

  “This won’t change anything,” I say, pulling away from Rex and going to him, holding my hand out for Pres as well. He grabs it instantly. “We are all still connected through our tie-to-life bond and nothing will ever interfere with that.”

  “This will,” To’Kah grits out. “He gets you in a way that we can’t even begin to understand, never mind compete with.”

  “It’s not a competition,” I chide him gently. “I love you all equally. That will never change. I give you my word and... Aaah,” I gasp and double over, pulling my hands free to circle my bump.

  Erm, bump? I barely had one yesterday, but now it is busting at my dress and I can feel the baby wiggling around.

  “Shit!” Pres exclaims, his eyes wide as he catches sight of me when I stand upright again, hobbling over to the table to lean on it.

  “Delly?” To’Kah asks, his anger over the Fae thing forgotten in his concern over me. He scoops me up and takes me to the bed to lay me down gently.

  I give him a weak smile as Rex joins us, eyeing up the protrusion suspiciously.

  “My mother said the pregnancy would advance quickly. I expected it to be more gradual than all at once, but it’s fine. I’m fine,” I reassure them.

  Their looks turn relieved.

  “I guess it’s time to announce this then,” To’Kah says, trying to hide the proud smile.

  I return it, but inside I’m worried about this. Not the pregnancy, but who the father is. They all assume that it’s To’Kah. I have let everyone believe that because it’s keeping him alive right now, but how can I be sure? I can’t. At best, it’s a thirty-three percent chance. I don’t even think my Heat gives him an edge because the Chosen bond is also a force to be reckoned with. Who can really know until the baby pops out and looks like one of them? Maybe. Even that might take time. Even a baby Dragon Shift won’t be any indication because she will take after me. I’m sure the baby is a girl. She has to be, as my heir.

  “Yes,” I say eventually, “We will announce it tomorrow. Right now, I need to rest. I’m feeling a bit weary.”

  They all jump to make me comfortable and tucked up nice and warm, but I’m not tired at all. The opposite. I feel wired, edgy and itchy. The Powers (yes, Powers with a capital ‘P’) of the baby are coursing through me now, turning my blood to fire. My palms are heated, and it is taking everything that I have not to throw Dragon fire out to release the tension that is building up inside me. I have always known that my first-born, regardless of their father, would be my heir. The Power of the Empress will be passed down, but I’m starting to realize something that no one told me. Maybe no one even knew, seeing as I’m only the second Dragon Empress to have ever lived. Dracul didn’t count. He was a male and a babysitter, not the real deal. As I start to shake uncontrollably under the covers, I’m completely convinced that my realization is correct.

  The Power increases with each new Empress.

  That means that I am twice as Powerful as my Grandmother was, and my daughter will be twice as Powerful as me.

  I gulp as the weight that has settled on my shoulders since I became Empress increases. I have more Power than any creature in any Realm. That means that anything is possible. I can do anything I want, be whoever I want to be. No one can stop me. No one can beat me. Not the Fae Kings when I decide to reunite us. Not my Mother and most importantly, not my father. To’Kah will be safe, even if he turns out not to be my daughter’s father after all.

  Chapter 2


  Eventually I must’ve fallen asleep, as I wake up surrounded by my men, all fast asleep. I smile to myself and climb over a naked Rex to get off the bed, hoping that I don’t disturb him. I need a minute to myself.

  I slip into the bathroom and take my nightgown off. I face the full-length, freestanding mirror in the corner and look at my bump. It isn’t huge, but it is a lot bigger than it was earlier. I run my hands over it, cupping it gently as I turn to the side.

  “You are beautiful,” Rex murmurs to me, closing the bathroom door softly and then kissing my shoulder.

  “I know,” I say.

  He lets out a snort. “I know you do. It’s one of the things that I love about you, Princess.”

  I turn to him with a smile. “That I’m beautiful or that I know I am?” I ask him coyly. He knows how to play this game with me. I adore compliments and I expect them frequently.

  “That you are sassy and full of fire but have a soft side that makes me melt inside,” he answers.

  “Hmm, quite the charmer, aren’t you?” I ask shrewdly, narrowing my eyes at him. “What do you want?”

  He looks mock wounded. “Who? Me? Why, nothing.”

  “Don’t believe you. Out with it.”

  He sighs. “I don’t feel that this Fae situation has been resolved, Little Dragon. I need more reassurance from you that you will unite with me in a Fae marriage.”

  I sigh as well. “We’ve been over this. I said okay. Even though it is going to cause fricti
on with my other two husbands.” I frown at him.

  “I know that, but it’s hardly the acceptance of the year, Delinda. It kinda gives a guy a complex.”

  “You didn’t really sweep me off my feet with your proposal,” I point out.

  “You told me you don’t go in for romance,” he replies.

  I give him an eye roll. “Use my own words against me, why don’t you? Look, I said yes, but this has to remain a secret for all of the obvious reasons. But it raises the question of who will conduct the ceremony? I’m not going there,” I state firmly.

  ‘We’ll get your mother,” he decides.

  “She can’t help. She is Dark Fae. I’m willing to bet it’s all different customs.”

  He purses his lips at me.

  “I’m not trying to make excuses,” I tell him. “I’m just cautious. This has to be dealt with correctly.”

  “Leave it with me,” he mutters.

  I’ve had enough of this conversation, so I reach out and circle his girth with my hand, gripping him tightly before I tug gently on him.

  He groans and drops his head back with his eyes closed. “Oh, Little Dragon,” he whispers as I drop to my knees and take him in my mouth. “That feels so good.”

  His hand slides into my hair, to hold me loosely, leaving all of the control to me.

  I’m in a wicked mood though, so I pop my mouth off him and use his hand to haul myself to my feet.

  His eyes open and blaze into mine. “Like that, is it? Rile a guy up and then bail?”

  “I want riling up myself,” I murmur to him.

  “Oh, I can repay the favor, Princess. I want to lick that sweet pussy until you’re dripping wet and then pull back and watch you squirm.”

  I catch my breath. “You are evil,” I mutter. “However, if you leave me wet and wanting, I have two other men that will quite happily see to me.”

  His eyes flash. “So do I,” he replies.

  “Not unless I allow it,” I retort.

  His smile vanishes. “Now who is evil?”

  I giggle and grab his hand, leading him back into the bedroom.


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