A Baby Dragon for Christmas

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A Baby Dragon for Christmas Page 3

by Eve Newton

“Yeah, your Beta husband,” he mutters under his breath.

  “Still my husband,” I remind him sharply.

  “That reminds me,” To’Kah pipes up. “If Rex is your Alpha and Pres is your Beta, what does that make me?”

  Both mine and Rex’s eyes go to him in surprise. I’m ashamed to admit that I hadn’t even thought about it. Clearly, he has, and it has been bothering him.

  “Uhm, my second Alpha?” I put it out there, lame as it is.

  “You can’t have two,” Rex says firmly. “I am the Alpha around here.”

  To’Kah splutters. “Only because you are more alpha than Pres, you arrogant ass. If I had gotten here first, it would be me.”

  “Stop!” I exclaim, putting my hands up in front of me.

  “Now who’s being arrogant?” Rex challenges him, ignoring me completely and squaring off.

  “What is with you two?” I ask, bewildered.

  “I want to know,” To’Kah says, ignoring Rex and focusing on me. “What am I?”

  “My second Alpha,” I say with more firmness than before.

  “So, I defer to him, is that what you are saying?” he asks, indicating Rex with his head.

  “No, of course not,” I snap at him and receive a smug look. “You defer to me. I am the Alpha around here.” I give Rex a level gaze that he accepts with a smirk.

  “Why, yes you are,” he says smoothly.

  I roll my eyes at him.

  “Ass,” I mutter. “So, are we happy?” I ask in a normal tone.

  “I suppose,” To’Kah says, “But, I really was here first.”

  Rex gives him a scathing look. “I don’t recall you being here on our wedding night,” he says.

  To’Kah grits his teeth.

  This has to end. Now.

  “Rex! Dragons! Now!” I order him.

  He nods once and then Astrals out, leaving me with a very annoyed Guardian.

  I wait for him to say something, but he doesn’t. He lets it go with a soft sigh. “What do you need me to do?” he asks instead.

  “Just be next to me when I make our announcement,” I say gently.

  He smiles and comes to me, his hand gripping mine. “I can do that,” he says before he bends to give me a kiss on the forehead. “And when it’s over, I want some alone time with you. Proper alone time. We never get that anymore.”

  I nod, giving it to him. I knew it would come. Rex and Pres stated on our wedding night that they wanted time alone and it has never happened. Not in the sense that we are alone as a couple.

  “I will give you all some time with me this week,” I say. “Will you balance my Dragon before we go?” I add, giving him something that he really wants.

  His eyes light up. “Yes,” he says, Astralling his clothes off straight away, then turning me around.

  I strip off my clothes and feel his hands on my back straight away.

  The Dragon swoops over my back, eager to get to him. He strokes Her with a soft murmur. “Beautiful.”

  I close my eyes and let him peel Her off me, feeling the sense of vulnerability fall over me. I take in a deep breath, keeping my back to him, letting him have this private time with Her. One of the first things I intend to do after the baby is born, is to Shift, and let him have my Dragon in the way in which he craves.

  He replaces Her and then kisses my shoulder.

  His erection is pressed against me, but I don’t have time to take care of it for him. I need to get downstairs and prepare myself for the announcement.

  “Sorry,” I mutter. “I’ll sort that out later.”

  He lets out a soft laugh. “Keep me hanging, why don’t you.”

  I turn and give him a small smile, licking my lips.

  I can’t help but see his cock, it’s so enormous. Ah, fuck it.

  I drop to my knees and suck him into my mouth hard and fast.

  “Oh, Delly,” he whispers, shoving his hand into my hair. “You are so perfect.”

  I work my tongue up and down his length, my hands tugging on him furiously to bring him to a quick climax. He doesn’t disappoint me. He shoots his load into my mouth seconds later, groaning with the relief of the release.

  “Mm,” I murmur, swallowing and standing up. “Better?”

  He nods with delight, and Astrals his clothes back on. But then his eyes cloud over. “About Blayne...”

  “It’s done,” I say shortly. “Rex has the solution and I will go through with it. I cannot have him showing up here and starting a war. I just can’t.”

  “A war?” he asks, his eyes going wide.

  I sigh. “Yes, don’t you see? The Dragons won’t take it lightly that a Light Fae has entered the Realm to try and claim me. It will be seen as an act of war right now.”

  His face goes deadly serious as my words sink in. “If you do this, then you need to be extra careful, Delly. This won’t be taken lightly either.”

  “I know, that’s why I was hesitant, but it is the only way,” I say. “He trusted you with this information while I was on Earth,” I add.

  His dark eyes bore into mine. “Your point?”

  “Stop competing with him. It’s unnecessary and causes me stress that I don’t need. You are friends, first and foremost.”

  Eyes narrowed now, he says, “No, Delly. You are first and foremost. Don’t ever forget that. I will try to do as you ask, but he knows which buttons to push.”

  “Because he is your best friend,” I point out lightly.

  He draws me to him, wrapping his big arms around me, making me feel safe and loved. “No, you are,” he murmurs to me. “You are my everything.”

  I run my hands up his shirt and kiss his chest. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Delly. Now let’s go and tell the Realms that we are having a baby.”

  His bright smile at me makes me feel such guilt. I’m still not sure he is the father, but for now, I will play along because I have no choice. I have no proof either way.

  I return his smile. “Can’t wait.”


  I SMIRK TO MYSELF. Second Alpha. That really makes me laugh. He will be so pissed off with that, but trust Delinda to put him in his place. Well, put all of us in our place. She is the ultimate Alpha and I’m happy to defer to her. On everything, except the Fae marriage. It turns my stomach to have to do this, but if I don’t, then Blayne has an open door to come in and claim her. I won’t let that happen.

  “Rex,” Pres calls to me and I stop walking.

  “What is it? I’m on a mission for our Empress,” I say.

  He frowns at me. “Anything I should know?”

  “She’s asked me to gather the Empire. She’s announcing the pregnancy in an hour. Less actually, so I need to get going.”

  “Okay, I’ll be quick...that partial Shift thing you did with your teeth...teach me how to do it.”

  I blink at him. “Why?”

  I’m only asking to make him blush. I know exactly why. I saw his eyes light up and heard his moan of desire over it.

  He does as expected and goes a furious bright red. “She liked it...I want to give that to her.”

  “She didn’t just like it, kid, she fucking loved it. She creamed my cock so hard...” I chuckle as his eyes go wide.

  “Please,” he whispers. “I want to taste her.”

  Hm, so that is what it all boils down to. He wants it for selfish reasons.

  “To’Kah is right, her blood is powerful. Not sure you could handle it.” I impart these words and then turn to leave.

  He grabs my upper arm in a grip that is tighter than I expect. I draw to a halt and glare at him. He doesn’t let go, if anything he tightens his hold on me. “Teach me,” he grits out.

  I narrow my eyes at him. He has adopted an air of menace that isn’t to be taken lightly. It surprises me, and also turns me on something fierce.

  “Grown a pair, have you?” I comment. “Since when do you make demands of me?”

  “Since it will please our wife,” he replies

  “A partial Shift is difficult to accomplish. I don’t think you have it in you,” I mock him.

  “Try me,” he growls.

  “You’re too young...” I’m just winding him up now.

  “You are such a fucking asshole,” he says and lets me go. “I’ll figure it out on my own.”

  I bite my lip as I watch him go. “Pres,” I call out to him. He stops but doesn’t turn around. “I’ll help you on one condition.”

  He turns to face me. “What’s that?”

  I move in closer to him, so close that I could lean down and kiss him if I didn’t find it a breach of trust between me and my wife.

  I Shift my teeth to those of my Dragon, just smaller, and flash them at him, snapping my jaw gently in his face.

  He breathes in deeply.

  “You also bite me with them, drink my blood, when the time is right,” I whisper to him.

  He lets out a breath, a muffled moan of desire. “Okay,” he murmurs, grabbing my hand and pressing it against his raging hard on.

  I smirk at him and pull my hand away. “Easy, tiger. Remember the rules.”

  He returns my smirk, knowing that I’m practically drooling at the thought of what I’d suggested. Dickhead. He is starting to know me too well.

  “I’ll help you gather the Dragons,” he says and spins on his heel, walking away from me towards the office.

  I watch him stride off, his confidence radiating in waves. My eyes go wide as I realize that he just played me. He really has grown a pair.

  I’m surprised and highly aroused, but right now, we have other things to do.

  I reach Delinda’s office and wave my hand over the magickal orb that is located on a pedestal in the corner. It glows a bright purple to let me know that the signal has been sent and all of the Dragons in the Empire have been notified that their Empress requires them. It is a sophisticated piece of magick that secretly impresses me. Apparently, it was Pres’s mother that had created it. I hold great magick, as do all Dragons, but I have never excelled at it as a natural talent. It makes me wonder what the Hell I’m going to do with the Fae magick once I start to allow it access. So far, I have been holding it at bay, even though it is calling to me. My Dragon is stronger. I have known it for over fifteen hundred years. I won’t ever admit to anyone that I’m scared to let the Fae in. What if it becomes stronger and I end up being more Fae than Dragon? I’m not sure I could handle that. I have done this for one reason only and that is to ensure that Blayne never gets his Fae mitts on my wife. I can’t bear the thought of my brother taking my wife. Not again. Not ever again.

  I narrow my eyes, as that reminds me of Trey and Lianna.

  I hurry out of the office, ignoring Pres, and head off to find Aida.

  Pres trails after me and stands there with an interested look as I find the Dragon Guard and mutter instructions to her: to find the troublesome couple and remove them from this Fortress immediately.

  She nods and off she goes.

  “Good call,” Pres mutters to me, but his eyes are looking behind me.

  “Boys,” a voice booms and I turn to find Dracul striding towards us.

  I blink at him. He looks...relaxed. I don’t think I have ever seen him quite so chilled out before.

  “You’re back,” I state. “Enjoy your vay-cay?”

  He gives me a puzzled look. “Vay-cay?”

  I snort and shake my head, as Pres also gives me an odd look. “Your trip,” I clarify.

  “Oh,” he says, huffing out a breath. “Yes, it was quite pleasant, thank you. Everything okay here?”

  “Of course,” I say smoothly. No way am I copping to the former Emperor, and Delinda’s uncle, of the issues we have come across the last few days.

  He nods and then says, “Why has the notification alarm gone off?”

  “Our Empresses wishes her subjects to gather,” I reply.

  He gives me a hard look. “Why?” he growls at me. “Is it time?”

  I sigh. “Yes, she is announcing her pregnancy in less than an hour.”

  He nods grimly. “Then you have your work cut out for you. Both of you. You cannot let her tell the Empire that To’Kah is the father of that child. One of you needs to own it.”

  I balk at him. “I don’t think so,” I say stiffly.

  “Don’t you?” he drawls. “Do you know how much disdain will be thrown her way if she tells everyone that her Guardian fathered her unborn child out of wedlock.”

  “Her husband now,” I spit out, resisting the urge to stick my finger in his face to make my point. He would snap it off and make me eat it for breakfast.

  “Pah,” he scoffs. “Husband after the fact. No, this will be a disaster. You cannot let it happen.”

  “It’s not up to us,” Pres says quietly and quite boldly for him, I think.

  “The backlash will affect you all,” Dracul warns us.

  “Everything will be fine,” I say firmly. “But knowing Delinda, she...” I pause reluctant to speak my thought out loud.

  “She what?” Dracul snaps at me.

  Pres’s eyes are boring into me, but I avoid his gaze.

  “She knows she can’t be one hundred percent sure that To’Kah is the father,” I say in a low tone. “I don’t think she will announce who the father is, just that she is expecting her heir.”

  Pres lets out a hiss that is quickly squashed when he realizes I’m right, but also knowing that I have potentially put To’Kah in the firing line.

  Dracul’s eyes narrow to two thin slits. “Are you saying he isn’t the father of this child?”

  “No,” I say. “I’m not saying that at all. I’m pointing out that to outsiders, how could she possibly know?”

  He grits his teeth and nods slowly. “I see your point,” he growls. “But you had better be right, Rexus. On both accounts.”

  He Astrals off after that menacing statement and I breathe out.

  “If he finds out what you just did...”

  “He won’t,” I say, gripping Pres by his collar. “I did what I had to, to diffuse this situation. Besides, Delinda is Empress now. She won’t let anything happen to him, not even from her own family.”

  “I hope you’re right,” he mutters.

  So do I.

  Chapter 4


  I’m slumped in my golden throne, waiting for the hour to be up and for the Dragons to start showing up. I’m dressed in a golden robe with my gold crown on my head. I feel it’s all a bit over the top, but this is what they expect from me. I’m anxious to get this over with. I know that there are going to be questions about who the father is, and I’m going to have to decline to answer them. To’Kah will be disappointed, but until the baby is born, as far as the Dragons know, I can’t be sure.

  “You okay?” To’Kah asks me, as if reading my thoughts.

  “Yeah, fine,” I reply and stand up. The robe drops open and he raises his eyebrows at me. “They’ll want to see.” I indicate my bump on clear show, along with my tits and pussy. I don’t really care. They’ve all seen it before anyway at my first Empress address.

  “Uhm,” To’Kah mutters but I wave my hand at him dismissively.

  Fortunately, he drops it, but probably only because of my rippling belly that is currently freaking him out.


  “I’m fine,” I grit out, even though it hurts like Hell. I don’t know if something is wrong, or if she is growing again, or what. All I know is that it feels like she is raking her talons across my womb, while she does the conga.

  I place my hand on the top of my bump and she quietens down a fraction, easing up on the rapid movements.

  I hiss as an electric shock hits my palm, burning my skin like a particularly brutal brand of Dragon fire. Namely, my own.

  “Jesus,” I mutter and stroke the bump. “Stay back!” I bark at To’Kah who has come a bit closer. This fire will hurt him badly, if not outright kill him, if he gets burned with it. Since b
ecoming Empress, I have learned that the control of the fire in the execution pit belongs to the one who holds the Power. That would now be me. The fire’s origin is still a mystery that I hope to unravel one day soon. But if I throw a high-level orb of Dragon fire at someone, they are pretty much done for. It is scary as well as exciting to know that I can do this. I have, of course, kept this information to myself. If my husbands, especially To’Kah, knew that I was this dangerous, would they still want to sleep next to me?

  I’m guessing not, so I haven’t, and won’t, reveal this secret.


  I ignore the voice in my head.

  “Princess...I’m not going anywhere.”

  Blayne’s voice is like the beat of a drum in my head. Incessant and a bit annoying after a while.

  “You know we belong together, Princess. You will return to me.”

  “Oh, go and screw my sister will you,” I growl under my breath, to which To’Kah gives me a strange look.

  “Savannah and I are not what you think. I belong to you.”

  I turn my back on my husband and roll my eyes. “Go. Away.”

  “Not a chance, Princess. Your body is delectable, but I’m displeased with that baby you are carrying. It should be mine.”

  “In your dreams.”

  “And yours, Little Dragon, remember, I know the dreams you have of me,”

  I let out a low rumble. What is with the men in that family and that endearment? It makes me wish to never be called it again, even by my own husband. I grit my teeth against his comment. I don’t like to admit that I’ve had dreams about him. Sexy ones where he starts out as Rex and turns into Blayne and we make love in every which way on the cliff tops under the orange and black sky. If Rex knew, he would go ballistic. They all would.

  “Delly?” To’Kah’s voice interrupts my thoughts and the connection that Blayne has latched onto. It seems to happen every time I lose focus. It’s worrying me that I can’t get rid of him. I’m going to have to Fae marry Rex sooner rather than later.

  “It’s nothing,” I tell To’Kah and turn around as I hear the first of the Dragons enter the Great Hall.

  Rex and Pres land next to me in a sudden Astral that makes me jump. Blayne’s presence in my mind is freaking me the fuck out. He has got to go.


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