Born to be My Baby

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Born to be My Baby Page 23

by Lori Ryan

  “I know you have no expectations.”


  Oh, God, here it came.

  “If you stay, please don’t use Maggie,” she said. “She deserves better.”

  Ben raised a brow. “She deserves a knight in shining armor?”

  “All girls do.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “If you can’t give her that, then bow out gracefully.” She stared at him but he didn’t say a word. “I’ve got to get ready for work.”

  She walked out of the kitchen but glanced over her shoulder. “And we need to talk about all those budget cuts you made.”

  “I know,” Ben sighed. “You have a vision. I fu—” Ben stuttered, “uh, messed up. I’ve already contacted the vendors and reordered the products I cancelled a few weeks ago. And I’ll email Shawn and the crew this week to tell him the original build-out plans are back on. You'll get everything you want, Ma.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. I'm glad you're on board. The cabins and the barn will be spectacular.” She waved one hand in the air as if presenting a stage show.

  “I sure as shit hope so with the money we’re spending.”

  “Language, Benjamin.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  His mother blew him a kiss and strolled toward the stairs. “See you soon?”

  Ben nodded, despite his desire to collapse into his bed. What he needed was a nap, and another evening with Maggie. Considering he’d never been in a long-term relationship, nor did he own a suit of armor, he considered his mother’s edict seriously.

  They were short-term, a fling. They’d both agreed. Maggie didn’t want more.

  Neither did he.

  The one piece of the puzzle he couldn’t figure out was this nagging sense he was beginning to want more. Beginning to want to be her knight after all.

  Chapter Thirty

  Maggie sat in the office, staring at the accounting program as she reviewed the expenditures from the previous month for the hundredth time. Things weren’t adding up.

  How did John Sumner do all this?

  Maggie had always known John did a lot of things around the lodge, and she’d always appreciated it, but in his absence, she’d had to pick up many of his tasks. Tasks she wasn’t prepared for, like accounting. Now she was doubting her dream of owning her own hotel one day.

  If she were really honest, Maggie would admit that her dream was starting to morph a little. She wasn’t so sure she wanted her own hotel anymore. Maybe managing the lodge, managing the staff, working with Valerie was truly her dream. All she’d ever wanted was that feeling of accomplishment that always seemed out of her reach.

  Maggie refocused on the work in front of her. She had experience with most of the job functions she performed, and those she didn’t she learned quickly. But balancing the books might be too much. The stress was killing her. The business of running the lodge without John, mixed with taking care of her father, was draining her.

  And then there was Ben.

  God, last night had been something out of a romance novel.

  Or porn movie. Maggie laughed to herself.

  “What’s so funny?” Emmett asked behind her. He’d taken up permanent residence at John’s old desk and no one seemed to mind.

  “Nothing,” she shook her head trying not to remember Ben on top of her, behind her, in front of her—

  “You and my big brother have fun last night?”

  “What?” Maggie whipped around in her chair. “What are you talking about? Did he say something?”

  Emmett shook his head and smirked. “Didn’t have to. Saw it written all over his face this morning. So did our mom. It’s all over your face now, too.”

  Maggie cupped her face, feeling it heat. It was bad enough Emmett knew about the two of them but Valerie, too? She wanted to crawl under the desk and hide for the rest of the day. No, the rest of her life. How would she face Valerie now that she knew Ben had spent the night with her?

  “And the smile on that guy’s face tells me one thing,” Emmett said.

  “What?” Oh, God, please don’t let him say something sexual. She glanced under the desk. There was room for her under there, wasn’t there?

  “He’s nuts for you, Maggie Lawrence. No surprise though.” Emmett leaned back in his chair. “Always has been.”

  Maggie leaned toward him. “What are you talking about?”

  “He’s been in love with you since high school. Well, I guess for teenage guys, it’s more like lust, but you know what I mean.” He smiled but Maggie saw no humor. She thought she might actually vomit. “But, listen, Maggie,” he leaned in closer, “I don’t want you to get hurt here.”

  “What? Why would I get hurt?”

  Maybe because she was giving Ben more than just her body.

  “You don’t want more?” he asked.

  “He’s going back to Seattle, Emmett. How could this be anything more?” She mocked with air quotes.

  “Maybe.” Emmett sat back up and stared at his screen.

  Maybe? What did that mean? Did Emmett know something she didn’t?

  She loved spending time with Ben, especially in bed…or on the floor, or against the wall—Stop! It didn’t mean she wanted more. Did it?

  “Your phone is ringing.” Emmett nodded toward her desk.

  Maggie’s head was such a mess, and her emotions all over the map, she hadn’t even heard it ring.

  She picked up the receiver. “This is Maggie Lawrence.”

  “Meet me in the maintenance room in five minutes,” a husky, familiar voice spoke from the phone.

  “Why? What’s happened?”

  “We’ve got a big problem,” Ben said.

  “Oh, no. All right, I’ll be right there.” Maggie hung up the phone and jumped from her seat. “I’ve got to go, Emmett. Ben said there’s a problem in the maintenance room.”

  “Sure, there is,” Emmett smirked, never looking up from his computer screen.

  “Wait, what are you saying?”

  Emmett finally glanced up. “Go take care of the problem, Maggie. And tell my brother I said hello.” His resounding laughter echoed through the room as Maggie closed the door.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Ben!” Maggie shouted as she rushed into the large maintenance room at the back of the lodge.

  He took a moment to drink her in. Her auburn curls flew around her head like a dancing halo as she darted around the room, searching for him. Her cheeks were flushed and her green eyes glowing. Tight jeans hugged her delectable ass, an ass that had been in his own hands less than twelve hours ago. How was it possible he was insatiable for this woman in such a short time? One taste and he was addicted to Maggie Lawrence.

  “Over here,” Ben called from the doorway of the storage room.

  Maggie’s head darted in his direction. She rushed toward him. “Is everything okay?”

  Ben wrapped one arm around her waist and tugged her into his body. His other hand slipped into her hair, fingers wrapping around the nape of her neck. “It is now,” he growled as he lowered his mouth to her neck.

  “Ben,” she fussed, swatting at his chest.

  His lips caressed her neck and his tongue laved at the pulse point he knew from experience was one of her erogenous zones.

  “Ben,” she moaned, her tone no longer one of admonition but need.

  He moved his mouth higher, kissing the shell of her ear as he whispered. “I’ve missed you.”

  She wriggled in his arms. “It’s only been six hours since I’ve seen you.”

  Ben pulled back and stared down at her beautiful face. “Well, that’s six hours too long.” He lowered his head, his lips touching hers, teasing her.

  “Ben,” she repeated.

  He slipped his tongue into her open mouth, cutting her off. He could convince her to take a break. She deserved one with the way she slaved over the lodge. And he was happy to oblige.

  Slowly her hands slid up his chest and around his neck. He smiled wh
en she pulled him closer, as if she were the one who couldn’t get enough.

  His hand skimmed down to cup her ass then lifted her.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Ben, we can’t,” she moaned, her body responding to him in direct opposition to her words. “Someone might find us.”

  Ben kicked the storeroom door closed with his foot. “Lock it.” He stood, waiting for Maggie to give her final approval.

  Slowly she reached around him and clicked the lock closed.

  Yep, she was his.

  Ben leaned in to take her mouth again but she reared back, her arms still locked around his neck.

  “Your brother knows about us,” she said.

  “So?” Ben leaned in closer to resume his kiss.

  Maggie pulled back further. “Your mother knows, too.”

  “Uh, huh.” He moved, trying to get to her neck. She drew away.

  “Sooo,” she drew out. “She’s one of my best friends and I can’t—”

  Ben moved until she was trapped between him and the wall and cut off her words with a kiss. His mother was happy for him, he knew that. He just needed to make sure his intentions with Maggie were clear.

  What are your intentions by the way? Not knowing, and not caring at this moment, Ben lifted her higher and moved toward a stack of containers in the corner.

  “Ben, we can’t do it here,” she mumbled against his lips, but this time she made no move to pull away.

  He sat her atop one of the large boxes and ground his erection into the crook of her legs.

  Their moans mingled.

  Her fingers slid into his hair as her heels dug into his ass, pulling his body closer.

  Slipping his hands underneath her shirt, he skimmed his fingers up her ribs, cupping her breasts over her bra.

  She released her hands and slowly raised them in the air, her silent message clear.

  He grabbed the hem of her shirt and raised it over her head, laying it on the crate next to them. He drank in her body—flushed cheeks, half-lidded green eyes, kiss-swollen lips. He bowed his head and slid his mouth over the creamy swells of one breast as his fingers worked at the button of her jeans.

  His lips traced over her skin as he tugged down the zipper to her pants. “Shoes,” he said quietly.

  Maggie toed off her sneakers with no complaints or hesitation.

  “Lift,” he spoke into her skin, his lips roaming over her smooth belly.

  Maggie braced herself on his shoulders and lifted her hips.

  Ben slowly slid her jeans and underwear down her hips and off her legs.

  “We really shouldn’t.” Maggie squeezed his shoulders, pushing him further down.

  Ben smiled. Maybe they shouldn’t, but they would.

  Ben didn’t answer her, knowing any words now might break the spell she was under. His spell.

  He moved his mouth lower.

  “Oh, God, Ben.”

  Yep, she wanted this as much as he did. She was wet and ready for him and he wanted to bury himself deep inside her. His dick throbbed against the zipper of his jeans but he couldn’t stop. One taste of Maggie last night hadn’t been enough.

  Her raspy moans had him close to exploding in his jeans like a fucking teenager. Fearing the worst, he pulled back and stood.

  “What? What are you doing? Why did you stop?” Maggie panted, her eyes fluttering open. Jesus, she was the epitome of sex on a stick.

  Ben fumbled with the button and zipper of his own jeans. “I’m sorry, I can’t wait.”

  Succulent lips curled into a mischievous smile. She knew exactly what she did to him and he had to admit, it was sexy as hell that she got off on that.

  Ben pulled free of his jeans and sucked in a breath as Maggie grasped him in her hand. “Maggie.” The word came out as a growl and he nearly exploded when her hand moved. “Crap,” Ben said. He stared down at Maggie, green eyes wide in confusion.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I don’t have a condom.” He raised a hopeful brow. “Unless you happened to stock the rooms today?”

  She shook her head, her smile falling.


  Maggie released a heavy, disappointed sigh.

  “I’m clean,” Ben blurted out. What the fuck?

  Maggie stared. “What do you mean?”

  Yeah, what do you mean?

  “I’m clean, I don’t have any diseases or anything,” Ben said nervously. Christ, was he really going to do this?

  Maggie continued to stare, remaining silent.

  “I had to do a physical for life insurance, a few weeks before my father passed away,” he continued. “It was one of the stipulations for the investment bank. All the board had to have one if the bank was going to back the plan for our business going public.” He paused, letting the words sink in. “I haven’t been with anyone since.” God, now he was rambling. Talk about a mood killer.

  “I’m on the pill,” Maggie whispered.

  Ben stared at her with great anticipation. He’d never had sex without a condom. Never wanted to before now. Even as a teenager, he hadn’t been tempted. His dad had drilled it into them that you don’t have unprotected sex. Ever.

  “And I’m clean,” Maggie added. “I get checked every year for my physical.” She hesitated and Ben held his breath. “It was just a few months ago. And I haven’t been with anyone since either.”

  Well, thank fuck.

  Ben spread her legs, settling himself between her smooth thighs, and slowly slid inside.

  Every synapse in his body was short circuiting and he feared his entire body might spontaneously combust. Nothing in his life had ever felt as incredible as being inside Maggie with nothing between them. “Okay?” he ground out, his voice raspy with anticipation.

  “Perfect,” she said, tugging his head for an urgent kiss that told him she was feeling the same thing he was. At least, physically.

  Perfect. She was perfect, in every way.

  Ben pressed in further, his hands slipping under her hips to lift her, angling deeper. Maggie moaned and his fingers squeezed harder, drawing her in closer. Feeling Maggie, skin on skin, being this close in such an intimate way, had his body vibrating with need. Would he ever get enough of her?

  “More,” Maggie whispered against his lips.

  Ben obliged and moved in a steady pace, his pulse hammering hard as they moved together. Maggie was intoxicating and he was slowly becoming addicted. He reminded himself this was temporary, this relationship short-term. He and Maggie had a very definite end date. But God, he wanted more, more with Maggie. And he’d never wanted more.

  “What?” Maggie asked.

  Ben gazed down at her.

  Her green eyes stared up, searching his face. “You were calling my name,” she said.

  Shit. Had he been talking out loud?

  His mother’s words rang in his mind.

  She needs stability.

  She doesn’t feel worthy.

  Be careful with her.

  He shoved the thoughts aside and stared down at her flushed face, eyes bright and shining with need.

  His body moved with hers. “You feel incredible,” he whispered in her ear.

  “It’s amazing,” she sighed against his neck as her lips caressed his skin. Her tongue snuck out and trailed down to his collar bone.

  He moved harder, faster, the intense pleasure of being inside of her without protection too much.

  “Maggie,” he pleaded.

  “I’m there, Ben. Please. More.”


  She needs more.

  She deserves more.

  The mantra beat inside his mind and it wasn’t all about this moment.

  She tensed, her body tightening around him, legs wrapped firmly. “Ah, Ben, oh, God, I…” she panted. Her face fell against his neck and she pulsed around him with her release. “Yes, yes.”

  Her words pushed him over the edge and with one last thrust, a mind-numbing orgasm crawled up his spine and ex
ploded, the pleasure nearly painful.

  He sagged against her, his breathing erratic, their skin sweat-slicked and flushed, chests heaving. His mother’s words ran through his mind again as he came down from his high.

  Don’t use her.

  She deserves better.

  Bow out gracefully.

  Too late, Ma. Too late, he thought. He was falling for the woman who’d captured his attention years before.

  Maggie moved to pull away.

  “Not yet,” he whispered, threading one hand through her hair. Being with Maggie, so close and intimate, was something he could get used to.

  More. His heart seemed to beat to the word, as though speaking its greatest desire.

  She pushed against his chest, obviously not feeling the same way.

  “I need to go.” She squirmed in his hold. “I need to get back out there.”

  Ben released her and watched as she slid down the boxes, frantically reaching for her jeans and shirt. “Maggie?”

  “Where is my underwear?” She bent low, searching the ground. “Screw it.” She slipped her shirt over her head and tugged on jeans, sans panties, quickly sliding into her shoes.

  Ben reached down and pulled his own pants on. “Maggie.” He reached out but she skirted out of his grasp.

  She smoothed back her hair and shook out her hands as if preparing for battle.

  “Maggie, what’s going on?” He didn’t need an answer. She was running, that’s what was going on. She couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Ben snaked a hand around her waist, unable and unwilling to let her go yet.

  Maggie drew in a deep breath, her head falling against his chest. “It was too good,” she whispered.

  Ben grabbed her face in both hands and raised her head to stare in her eyes. “What does that mean? Too good.”

  “Nothing,” she said. “It was wonderful. The best I’ve ever had, Ben.”

  “Then why do you look like you’re about to cry?”

  “I think,” she stumbled, her eyes searching around the room. “I think it was just so intense and I’ve never…”

  He knew what she was trying to say. They’d never shared a connection, such an intimate moment with someone like this, ever. Despite being in the maintenance room of the lodge, this felt a lot like making love. He brushed her hair over her shoulder. “Me neither, Maggie.”


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