Dane's Restraint

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Dane's Restraint Page 3

by J. J. Ranger

  To draw her mind away from thoughts of a naked Dane tied to her bed, she sipped at her coffee. The hot bitter liquid soothed her nerves, warming to her core.

  Her thoughts turned to the conversation with Ben. Why did he have to call now? They’d broken up months ago, and he hadn’t bothered to seek her out after their last night. She didn’t trust him, didn’t trust he wouldn’t screw up her new life—a life that hadn’t even begun.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw the shadow of a person sit on the bench beside her. Even if she hadn’t seen Bridgette twittering with her friends, she would have known it was Dane by the way he smelled—soap, leather, and pure male. Her heart beat faster, and heat flooded her face. Please don’t bring up last night.

  “Morning,” he said and took a sip from his mug. His tone was so casual she was instantly suspicious.


  He kept his gaze straight ahead. “Why are you sitting off to the side? Shouldn’t you be hanging with the girls or out hunting for the next conquest?”

  She gave an elegant shrug. “I have a lot of things on my mind.”

  He scooted closer, his thigh barely touching hers, yet the contact scorched her skin. “You want to talk about it?”

  Really? He wanted to play shrink and patient? “Not really.”

  “Oh, come on,” he crooned, parting his knees so his leg pressed more fully against hers. “If your head is full of stuff, how do you think you will be able to find the next one-night stand?”

  She bristled. “I don’t know why any of that should be your concern.”

  “Just figured you wanted the reminder.”

  She arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips. What was he up to?

  A wicked grin crossed his gorgeous face, and he lifted a hand palm out. “Hey, I’m just one of those guys who likes to help a lady in need.” The corner of his mouth kicked up in a gesture she was quickly becoming to love. “The way I see it, we had an intimate bonding last night, so that gives you free rein to use my ear—or any other body part you need—to work out your issues.”

  Sara spit her coffee across the pit. She turned in her seat and cocked her head at him. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Bridgette glanced in their direction, a puzzled expression on her face, and Sara offered a feeble smile.

  His eyes widened in innocence. “I’m a willing ear. What? You thought I said something else?”

  Dammit, she knew screwing him had been a mistake. She should have stuck with the plan to grab a good ole local boy. “Thanks, but no.”

  She stood and, with as much steel in her backbone as she could muster, walked across the pit area toward her cabin. Boots crunched the gravel behind her, coming at a fast clip. A strong hand slipped around her waist and guided her in the direction of the pond.

  “Um, excuse me, but I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” She couldn’t ignore the way her skin sizzled to life when he touched her. He was like a flame to her candlewick, igniting and burning hot.

  Dammit, she didn’t want to feel this way for him. She hoped it would burn out quickly so it wouldn’t be awkward for them later when they met in town.

  Dane huffed and tucked her against his side like a lover. “Right. And you can’t wait to get back to fulfilling your adventure.”

  How had they gone from her fretting over Ben’s call to Dane taking charge and manhandling her? She refused to acknowledge the little thrill in the pit of her stomach at his dominance.

  She stopped and dug in her heels. “Just because we had sex one time does not mean you know me or have any responsibility for me. I am a big girl and can take care of myself.” Make up your mind, woman. Either you want his body or you want to spend the weekend masturbating.

  His eyes darkened to amber, and he slipped his other hand to her waist, turning her so they faced each other. “I don’t doubt that for a second. However,” he brushed a kiss across her open mouth, “we both know taking care of oneself is not nearly as fun as having someone do it for you.”

  Before she could protest, he planted another kiss on her mouth. There was no heat, no seduction, just a means to get her to shut up. She pulled back and folded her arms over her chest.

  “Spit it out, Dane. What do you want?”

  “The same thing you do,” he murmured, bending forward and touching his lips to her earlobe. “Adventure.”

  “We aren’t going on a safari. I just want no-strings sex,” she said on a sigh, her head tilting to give him better access to her neck.

  Goosebumps broke out over her skin as he nibbled his way to her shoulder. He kissed her bare shoulder and exhaled moist, hot air that caressed and loved its way to her core.

  “Mmm. Yes. Sex. Hot, sweaty, nasty sex.” He trailed a finger down her nose and tapping the tip. “You want a fling, I’m available. Why not just stick with me as your sex slave for the weekend?”

  She about swallowed her tongue. “Wh-why would you think I want a sex slave?”

  “Oh, come on,” he purred, snaking his arm fully around her waist. “You said you wanted a weekend fling and adventure. Either you want someone to dominate you, or you want a man to experiment with.” He lifted one broad shoulder in deference. “In any case, I am the perfect man for you. We are attracted to each other, I have no problem being your alpha male, and if you ask nicely, I’ll put you in any position you choose.”

  Her pussy clenched with longing. “And what if I want sweet, cuddly sex instead of domination?”

  He leaned forward and licked her lower lip. “Baby, we can do it any way you like.”

  “Fine, but I’m in charge.” She poked a finger in his chest to hide the fact her knees trembled. “Me. I am the alpha. So get your sex toys and sexy underwear and get your ass to my cabin.” She lifted her chin. “I have to spend some time with the bridal party, but I expect you to be there after dinner.”

  With that, she turned on her heel and hightailed it back to the group. Where had that come from? Had she really just ordered Dane to do her bidding? She’d never been so forward, so bold, so amazingly assertive in her life. And it felt damn good. She hoped her outsides looked calm because inside she was a nervous shaking mess.

  A burst of laughter escaped Sara’s lips, but she quickly covered it with her hand.

  Ready or not…


  Sara prepped at the cabin. She unearthed the goody bag and used the top of the dresser to set up a display of the toys she wanted to use. Vibrators, silk scarves for restraints, massage oil of various flavors. Then she strategically placed candles around the room for ambience.

  Those tasks took up all of an hour. She still had several hours before dinner. Damn, why hadn’t she told him to come after lunch? To kill some time, she took a walking tour of the ranch. She’d already seen the stables, so she went in the opposite direction toward the pond.

  The property was rolling hills and wildflowers of yellows, whites, pinks and purples, outlined with groves of trees. A herd of about a dozen longhorn cattle grazed along the gravel entry road. A pickup towing a wagon full of hay rambled up the winding drive leaving a wake of dust. She smiled and waved to the weathered cowboy as he drove by. Nerves for the upcoming evening were chased away by the serene stillness of the ranch. The warm breeze caressed her.

  At the bank of the pond, she sank to the plush grass and drew her knees to her chest. Dragonflies buzzed the water lilies, and she dropped her chin to her knees.

  What was she doing with Dane, really? She didn’t know a thing about seducing anyone. Just ask Ben. Though did one have to have the skill to seduce? Wasn’t it really about instinct, doing what felt good and right, and showing your partner that you could make them feel good as well?

  Dane’s touch made her body scream with pleasure. He turned her on with one sly grin. She could still feel those hot palms against her waist. She wanted him. This evening couldn’t get here fast enough.

  All through school, she’d been tormented and bullied for being the daughter of a stripp
er. Kids used to tease her that she worked at her dad’s club after school, that she was a hooker. She stopped counting the number of guys who asked her out in hopes of an easy lay. When she finally started dating in college, she’d met Ben and brought him home to meet her parents. She thought he was different. He came across as caring and loving. He wasn’t pushy when it came to sex.

  It wasn’t until later that she found out he’d been telling his friends how cold she was in bed, and that the only reason he stuck around so long was because he knew she’d use her parents’ connections to get him into the swingers’ scene.

  She loved sex and had no problem being adventurous with her partner to a point, but she didn’t want to share. Unfortunately, she found, with Ben, she didn’t feel safe to open up that side of herself.

  Dane, however, had an air about him that said trust me. And she was looking forward to a mutual adventure.


  Blaze shifted impatiently, and Dane reached down to pat his neck. He’d stopped at the edge of the tree line the second he’d seen Sara sitting at the side of the small pond.

  Earlier he’d chuckled as she walked away. He’d been sure it would piss Sara off to know he thought she was the cutest damn alpha he’d ever encountered. She was no virgin, but no way was he convinced she was as worldly as she tried to portray. He’d figured the next few days would prove interesting. She wanted experience, and he wanted to be her teacher. Even if that meant giving over a little control.

  He’d wondered what would she think if he showed up with his box of restraints and toys? She was a sweet, beautiful walking contradiction. He’d planned to show her how to have both control and seduction and couldn’t wait to get started.

  Now, his heart tugged at the lost little girl look on her face as she stared at the water, and he was more drawn to her than he wanted to admit. Again, Blaze shifted and sighed.

  “Somebody has it bad.”

  Dane groaned and ignored his brother who reined his gelding to a stop. “Go ’way, Dusty.”

  Dustin grinned and readjusted his hat. “Come on, little brother. No need to be so pissy. I thought you might need a little loo-oove advice.”

  Dane huffed. “If I need love advice, I’ll talk to Mom and Pop, not my romantically dysfunctional sibling.”

  Dustin clutched his chest. “That hurts. I’ll have you know I am perfectly functional in romance.”

  “Yeah? How’s the reunion with Shannon coming?”

  Dustin scowled. “It’s fine. We’re just wonderful.” He clucked to Willie, and they headed back toward the house without another word.

  Dane looked back at Sara, fighting the urge to join her. Again she sat alone, pensive as she had by the fire. Whatever it was, tonight he would make sure to chase all troubled thoughts away and get her to focus on letting loose.


  Sara checked her watch. Dinner was in an hour, which gave her just enough time to shower and make herself sexy for Dane.

  No. This is not about him, dammit. This is about you spreading your wings and being a temporary wild child. You aren’t supposed to care what he thinks.

  Right, like it was that easy to shut off her emotions.

  The scowl on her face marred the reflection in the mirror. She lifted her chin and plastered a smile on her lips. She could do this. She could be a take charge woman, the kind who had men drooling at her feet. Dane would succumb to her wishes and be her sex slave, and when she was done having fun, she would leave the ranch and never look back.

  Good luck with that, a little voice whispered in her head. With a sigh, she shook her head and left the cabin.

  Take it one step at a time. Eat dinner, make your escape, and worry about Dane when you see him.

  Sara stepped into the lodge and surveyed the bustling dining room. So far, she had not seen Dane, which was good because she had that much more time to bolster her courage.

  She jumped in line for the buffet and filled her plate with baked chicken and scalloped potatoes, then scanned the room and found her cousins sitting at a long table near the wooden staircase. She crept up behind Bridgette and gave her side a poke.

  Her cousin startled and squealed. Then she smacked Sara on the arm. “’Bout time you got here, brat.”

  Sara laughed and returned a hug.

  Shannon stood and grabbed her in a hug as well. “You came out of hiding so I’m guessing things are going well.”

  Sara blushed and bit her lip. “I have not been hiding. I’ve been here.”

  “Yeah, like a ghost, that one,” Bridgette added. “There one minute, running the next.”

  Bridgette patted the seat next to her and Sara squeezed in. “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you eat since you got here.”

  “Whatever,” Sara scoffed and took a bite of chicken. “Mmm. That’s really good.” She downed a few more bites.

  Conversation flowed around her, and while she added a few words here and there, mostly she concentrated on eating to calm the tornadoes in her stomach. When the plate was clean and she noticed Bridgette was done eating, she said, “Hey, can I steal you for a minute?”

  Bridgette followed her outside. “What’s up?”

  She chewed on her lip. “You know I love you, and I’m all about partying with the girls.” She held her hands up. “But here’s the deal. I am kinda kidnapping Dane Dumen tonight and…”

  Bridgette snorted a laugh. “Really? You, too? I can’t believe all of my cousins are hooking up with these damn Dumens. Must be hung like horses.” She sighed. “And I suppose you’re going to spend the entire weekend screwing like rabbits?”

  Sara put her hands on her hips. “Not the entire weekend, no. I promise I will be there for the bachelorette dinner. Can’t wait for penis cake.”

  Bridgette pinned her with a mock glare. “You better be.”

  She squealed and kissed her cousin on the cheek. “You’re the best.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’d better be the first person invited to all your weddings,” she grumbled and walked back into the dining hall.

  “Why do people keep saying that?” The door closed, cutting her off from the crowd. She shrugged and headed toward the cabin.

  Operation Dane is now in effect.

  Chapter Four

  Sara’s heart raced in her chest, and her hands trembled. The closer she got to the cabin, the closer she got to a night of fulfilled fantasy. She rounded the corner and skidded to a stop. Dane sat on the porch railing, leaning against the post. He wore baggy worn jeans and a mint green T-shirt that stretched across his massive chest and arms. Her mouth watered. Damn, he was sexy.

  “Uh, hi.” Crap. That wasn’t confident.

  His light gaze raked over her body, lingering briefly on her exposed cleavage. Fire lit the topaz orbs, and she was glad she’d worn the red sundress with plunging neckline.

  “Hi.” He held up a bottle of wine and a small cardboard box. “I came prepared.”

  Fueled by the heat in his eyes, she walked up the steps and stopped when they were toe to toe. Lifting her chin, she stared into his eyes, praying he couldn’t see the nerves and doubt lingering. Reaching up, she placed a bold kiss to his lips.

  “Glad to see you’re punctual.” She brushed past him and fumbled inserting the key into the lock.

  Dane pressed against her back, one arm snaked around her waist, his hot, moist breath tickling the delicate skin of her nape. With his free hand, he reached around and opened the front door. He guided her inside and closed the door behind them, depositing the wine and box on the floor next to the bed.

  Sara turned in his arms and backed him against the wooden door. Their mouths fused on a groan, and his large hands cupped her ass. She stretched up on the tips of her toes to bring them groin to groin. God, he was hard, and she couldn’t wait to get him inside her.

  Dane lifted her, and she locked her legs around his waist. The instant he kissed her, nerves fled. All that was left was confidence and blazing desire.

he ran her tongue along his straight, even teeth, then sucked his lower lip into her mouth. He tore his lips away and attacked her neck with nibbles and licks. Her head dropped back allowing him better access to her throat.

  One of his hands slid from her hips under her skirt and along the crack of her ass. A finger slipped along the crease to her pussy. The long digit entered her slit, and she gasped. His finger stretched and filled her, touching her G-spot.

  “I want you so fucking bad,” she moaned.

  He withdrew the finger, set her on her feet, and slid the zipper of her sundress down. The dress fell to the floor in a flowered pool. With an eager kick, she sent it flying across the room to land in the corner.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, trailing his hands over her shoulders to palm her bare breasts. He lifted the mounds and pressed a kiss on each swell of pale skin. Dane shucked his clothes, then guided her to the bed. “Flip over to your stomach.”

  She peered at him warily. “Why?”

  “You’re so suspicious. I thought you could use a little massage to help you relax.” He grabbed a bottle from the box on the floor.

  Anticipation made her anxious. A massage? No, she didn’t want a massage. She wanted his dick inside her. Still, she folded her arms under her chin and turned her head to the side to watch his reflection in the dresser mirror. He read the label, then set the bottle on the nightstand.

  “Happy?” Flat on her stomach, her ass was totally exposed, but she didn’t feel scared. Just excited.

  “Much better.” He picked up the bottle again and squeezed a dollop of the liquid on his palm. He rubbed his hands together, then smoothed the oil over her shoulders.

  His hands were magic. Fingers glided down her back, tracing the curve of her hip. He caressed her shoulders, coaxing the knots from her muscles. She moaned, arching into his touch, and gave a soft gasp of pleasure when the tips of his fingers brushed the sides of her breasts.


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