The Professor and His Obsession : A Forbidden Romance

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The Professor and His Obsession : A Forbidden Romance Page 14

by V. F. Mason

  “I’m glad you were entertained, and I wasn’t going to anyway.” I grab my bag. “Let’s have lunch?” I need to bite my teeth into something, since Ryder’s flesh isn’t available at the moment.

  “Oh. Imagine if they do get married.” Morgan sighs and then smacks a kiss on Josephine’s cheek. They’ve been very open about their relationship, and to our shock, their families accepted the whole thing quite easy. Since Morgan had never dated girls before, they expected some trouble with that, but thank God they faced none. “We’ll be the maids of honor.”

  “You’ll be those no matter who I marry.” I throw the words out and then freeze when instant fire-like waves crash into me, making me shift my focus to the side and see that most students have left already, and Ryder drills his stare in me. By how his eyes flicker with a dangerous light, I know he heard my words. “After all, the future is uncertain.” I add the last part just to rile him.

  Josephine mutters, “Girl, don’t poke the beast.” We go down the stairs, my chin high, as I do my best to ignore Ryder, even though earlier all I could think about was jumping in his arms after three long days apart.

  Amazing what a little discussion can do.

  “Estella.” He calls my name, and judging by the tone he uses, he expects me to stop and listen to whatever he wants to say.

  Morgan and Josephine halt abruptly, sharing a look but still staying close to me while I grit my teeth, stopping yet still not turning toward him. “Walk with me to my office.”

  “I’m afraid I have other plans, Professor.” I emphasize the last part while buzzing sensations crash into me, one after another, anticipation sinking in me and speeding up my heartbeat, although I can’t understand it. But then again, when did I ever defy him? “You can send me an email.” With this, I march to the door, ready to push it open, when his next statement stills me, his husky timbre promising me retribution if I dare to go against his demand.

  “Unless you want me to stake my claim on you for the entire university to see, you will walk with me to my office.”

  The girls’ eyes widen, and their jaws drop open while they dart their gazes between us. “This is awkward,” Josephine says and straightens up. “You can't threaten her, Professor MacAlister.”

  Ah, my new best friend sure is the protector for all the cheering she does for this relationship. According to her, pleasure of the flesh should be explored as long as it’s consensual and between adults, although she draws the line at possessive men, finding them too intense.

  Which is hilarious, considering how she hovers over Morgan. The girl just needs to want something for Josephine to get it for her.

  Besides, if she only knew how intense my man is… she’d tell me to run for the hills.

  Ryder ignores her, and by the blazing fire in his eyes, I know he will deliver on his promise, announcing to whoever listens that we are together.

  And oddly, it only adds to the fire burning me from inside out and mixing with my anger so strong I can taste it on my tongue, pulling me in two directions.

  One craves to slap him and the other to kiss him, and since both options are out of the question now, it leaves me with unsatisfied confusion.

  Huffing in frustration, I give my bag to Josephine and muster up a smile for my friends’ sake, who got caught in our crossfire. “Go to the cafeteria without me and please order some pasta. I’ll be there shortly.” Josephine opens her mouth to protest but closes it when I whisper for her ears only, “Please.”

  “Fine.” She kisses me on the cheek, and Morgan does the same before sending a glare Ryder’s way, and they walk out of the auditorium.

  “That was completely unacceptable,” I hiss at him the minute we’re alone.

  “I don’t give a shit, darling” is all he says as he grips my elbow and practically pushes me through the door as we emerge into the empty hallway.

  Tearing my elbow away from him, I exhale in relief that there are no students in sight as we stroll to his office located on the second floor.

  All the way there, we are silent, but strangely, the silence unsettles me much more than any words could, pumping my blood and hitching the air in my throat.

  Finally, we reach his office, and he inserts the key, unlocking it and letting me in. Entering, I spin around and attack him right away. “You have no right to—”

  He cuts off whatever else I want to say by shutting the door, wrapping his arm around my waist, and then pressing me hard against it, my back connecting with the wood.

  A surprised groan slips past my lips when he pushes his pelvis into me, caging me in his embrace and leaving no space between us.

  Instantly, his heat surrounds me as his hard muscles dig into my curves, awakening everything female in me while he leans closer, his tobacco breath fanning my cheeks. His gently spoken words laced with steel and possession glide over my skin like the softest silk designed to trap me in his wicked web, sending me in a spiral of passionate sensations. “You. Are. Mine.” He wraps his hand around my throat, tipping my chin up and exposing my neck to his searching lips. He sucks on my flesh hard, the action making my fingers clench his shirt, trying to push him away while my hips shift forward of their own accord.

  A loud moan escapes me, but he quickly covers it with his other palm so no one will hear me, continuing to leave his marks on me that will be visible for everyone to see.

  Possessive, possessive man.

  And despite my annoyance with him, I can’t resist him worth a damn.

  He slides his lips lower to my shoulder, nipping it as his hand trails to my collarbone, tugging on my shirt until fresh air from the open window brushes over my breasts. His every touch sets my body aflame, so the cold doesn’t even register in my mind.

  His hard-on grazes over my stomach, need slamming into me, and my pussy clenches just imagining his thick length thrusting into me right now.

  I hear loud voices in the hallway; some other class must have just ended, and several people even pass by the office, only arousing me more. My core grows wet, my body demanding to be soothed right now and stake my claim on the man all over again.

  Although the place couldn’t be more forbidden even if we tried.

  Suddenly, my mind reminds me of his dismissive ways with me back in the auditorium, and the memories pierce through the sensual haze he’s casting on me. I push at his chest, biting hard on his palm and earning myself a hiss from him.

  A sinister smile curves his mouth at this though, and his lips trail up, up, up until he reaches mine, letting us share a breath, while I glare at him despite the thousands of goose bumps popping up on my skin. He jerks his hips forward, digging his cock into me. “Why are you mad at me, my darling?” He removes his hand from my mouth, places it on my hip, squeezing it so hard I gasp into him. “Answer me.”

  “Because you treated me like an idiot in front of the whole class!” I whisper-shout at him while he unbuttons my shirt quickly, his hot palm settling on my bare stomach and driving me insane. “Stop this!” I protest, wiggling in his hold when the voices become closer and louder, indicating that anyone could knock on that door any minute now.

  Instead of horrifying me though, a thrill rushes over me and fans the fire blazing inside me anew.

  His muscles become rigid, tension filling the air as his brown eyes flicker with an emotion I don’t understand when he looks at me.

  “I’ve never treated you like an idiot, darling,” he murmurs, his fingers cutting into my hips and leaving more marks on my body, invisible imprints for everyone else but the one he adores to stare at.

  According to him, it’s an art form to let anyone close by know who I belong to.

  My betraying heart melts at such thoughts, and without thinking, I open my mouth when he grazes his above it. My hands slide upward to circle his neck before tangling my fingers in his silky black hair, drawing him in.

  His deep voice toys with my nerves when he whispers, “I’ve always treated you as an equal.”

bsp; He bites on my lower lip, trapping it between his teeth and pulling it to the side. I hiss at the sting sending prickles all over my system, and then he licks it before connecting us in a deep, hot, and all-consuming kiss, curling my toes. It leaves no doubt my body and heart fully belong to this complicated yet irresistible man.

  My hold on him tightens; he presses me harder against the door while I angle my head to give him better access. My hands pull at his hair, earning myself a groan from him, followed by my moan. He swallows it, thrusting forward, his tongue exploring my mouth and delving deeper with each glide as his grip on my hips becomes stronger to the point of discomfort.

  Yet I welcome it, because the pain grounds me in the present, never letting me forget this is my reality and not a fantasy in which my professor is completely obsessed with me.

  My core dampens at the thought. I hug him tighter to me, rocking into the thick bulge covered by his pants, which I wish to rip away so it won’t keep the real thing away from me.

  Just as I’m about to widen my mouth for a deeper kiss, he breaks it off. We both breathe heavily, and my heartbeat drums so hard in my ears I’m surprised my heart doesn’t jump out of my chest.

  He steps back, his scorching gaze sweeping over my form, admiring every inch of my body as if he’s staring at his most beloved possession that he doesn’t intend to share with anyone or ever give up.

  He takes off his suit jacket and throws it on his desk, then rolls up the sleeves on his shirt, showcasing his powerful arms, and a flash of desire grows rapidly with each of his movements, reminding me of his absolute power and experience when it comes to our sexual encounters.

  He’s a temptation no woman alive could ever resist, let alone me, the one hopelessly in love with him even though it scares me like nothing else.

  A future without his touch or presence scares me way more though.

  “I see the error of my ways now though.” I frown in confusion, barely concentrating on the conversation when he comes back to me and pushes my shirt down until it falls on the floor by my feet. “I should have never treated you equally.” He unclasps my bra at the front, pulling away the cups one by one before cupping my breasts, weighing them and then gripping hard, making me groan in pleasure and pain as lust builds in the pit of my stomach. It washes over me like an avalanche ready to destroy everything in its wake as long as it means finding bliss on the horizon. “You need praise, don’t you, darling?” He skims his lips over my chin, nipping my earlobe as he fists my hair and tilts my head to the side while uttering in my ear, “Would you like to be the professor’s favorite pupil?” The air sticks in my lungs, a hot flash exploding through me, sending electric jolts that force more goose bumps on my skin. My pussy clenches, a different kind of thrill awakening inside me at his question. “Were you not feeling special enough, Estella?” He leans back and puts his hands on either side of my head. “Answer me.”

  Gulping for breath, I stare at him while my body buzzes with anticipation and silently begs this man to finally give me what we know he is capable of giving. “Yes. You never compliment me.” Mortification fills me as I admit this to him, probably seeming too immature for him, not that it matters to me at the moment. All I can think about is how he always praises every other fucking student and never me. “You just dismiss me!” The accusation is whispered, and he chuckles, amusement dancing in his brown orbs.

  “Ah, my little darling feels neglected.” He dips his head forward, his teeth grazing the tip of my nipple. Instant heat travels through me, quickly transforming into a moan when he strokes his tongue around it, moistening it before sucking it hard into his mouth.

  Arching my back, I place my hand on his nape. My fingers dig into his skin as though I’m afraid he might deny me the pleasure that slowly consumes me and creates an inferno that threatens to erupt at any moment.

  His hand drifts between us, unzipping my skirt, and it joins the shirt on the floor, leaving me standing only in the lace panties that are stuck to my flesh.

  “Do you feel special enough?” He abandons that breast and moves to the other one, flicking the nipple, biting it gently and then suckling on it while his fingers skim over the panties, rubbing his index finger back and forth over my core. The air in my throat hitches while the fire inside me grows and grows, zapping through me from different directions. He is the creator of them all.

  “Yes,” I say, stilling a moan of protest when he takes away his mouth. My nipple puckers from the cold air brushing over it, creating more discomfort when the skin tightens.

  His finger glides up and down, pressing into me; wetness gathers between my thighs, driving me insane. Yet he continues to deny me the “real” contact and the euphoria on the other side of the cliff. “Ryder.”

  He hisses through his teeth. “I think you’re still not convinced you’re the professor’s favorite student, my darling. A student he thinks about fucking hard constantly.” His mouth shifts to my stomach, nipping and leaving small marks, as he sinks to his knees in front of me, his fingers skimming up and down my ass cheeks before he hooks one of my legs over his shoulder.

  Leaning my head on the door, I grip his hair as he runs his nose over my core, inhaling its scent as his hot breath pulls at my nerve endings, dragging them to that one place while my entire being buzzes with the need and longing I can’t control. “Ryder, please.” My voice grows stronger, and despite the noises from the hallway, I cannot be silent. “Please.”

  My pleadings though have little effect on him. “A professor who is obsessed with you.” He rubs his cheek over the inside of my thigh, sucking on the flesh before soothing it with his tongue.

  My core grows even damper, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by him. “Ah, this information pleases you, doesn’t it? Let me show you how this professor worships his favorite pupil’s pussy.” That’s all the warning I get as he yanks my panties to the side and stabs his tongue deep into me, a moan escaping me, and I move my other hand to muffle my screams.

  He swirls it inside my folds, gliding along my walls, pushing deeper and deeper, as his thumb flicks my clit from side to side and then presses on it hard, creating such a strong frenzy in me I’m thrown into the fire rapidly spreading through me and threatening to turn me to ashes. Pleasure surrounds me, dragging me closer and closer to the land where bliss exists.

  I groan when he licks up and down my lips, sucking on the flesh as a finger slides inside me, followed by another, stretching me to the hilt. My hips jerk forward, and my heel digs into his back; my hand tightens its hold on his hair as I yank him even closer, crying out when he traps my clit between his teeth.

  He adds another finger; the familiar burning and pressure grows inside me, promising me relief from this sweet torture that consumes me whole. He caresses my clit before he sucks it hard, flicking his tongue rapidly, his fingers driving into me in and out, deeper and deeper, creating unimaginable sensations.

  Sweat drips down my back. My skin tightens so much, as if someone has dumped me in hot water, while the pleasure becomes so strong I can barely breathe… or keep my eyes open to watch my man devouring me.

  One long lick. “Do.” Lick. “You.” Lick. “Feel.” Lick, lick, lick, the desire pours from me while I hang on the brink, ready to fall off the cliff or drown in the passionate pool he has created. “Special?”

  My hoarse reply is instant. “Yes.” Threading my fingers through his hair—once, twice—I beg, “Please, Ryder. Please.”

  If he will just give me a little more friction, I can….

  “I think you need more convincing, my darling.”

  “No, no,” I groan, tears forming in my eyes when he removes his fingers, opens me wider, and slips his tongue inside again, feasting on my flesh and driving me to the point of insanity. I’m ready to scream my lungs out in my professor’s office! “Ryder.” I bite my lip, stilling when he pushes against a sensitive spot, barely managing to breathe, ready to erupt at any moment yet not wanting to.

, the naughty part of me, the one I thought didn’t exist, wishes to be fucked so hard in this office I’ll never forget this experience.

  Or how we both lost our minds so much we didn’t care about the consequences.

  He stabs his tongue in and out of me, each time deeper than before, so I find the courage to voice my need, because right now all inhibitions have left me.

  Fisting his hair, I finally manage to drag his mouth away from me, and my core clenches. His lips glisten, and desire unlike anything I’ve seen before fills his eyes. Holding his stare, I say, “Fuck me hard, Professor. So I’ll feel you for days.”

  A dark look crosses his face as he slowly rises, widening my hips as he settles between them, hiking my leg over his hip as he unzips his pants. I whimper at the sight of his cock, thick and long, with precum leaking from it. The blue vein pulses, making me lick my lips, remembering how it felt to have it push against my throat the other night.

  “Greedy, greedy girl. If you’ll be a good girl, I’ll let you play with it once we get home,” he murmurs, rubbing the tip of his cock over my core. And then with one swift move, he thrusts inside, slamming me against the door that rattles from the force.

  He catches my scream with his mouth, fusing us both in a blazing kiss, our tongues dueling as my pussy stretches around his length. My nails dig into his back, forcing a groan from him.

  I long to stamp my own marks on him so everyone knows this man is taken by his favorite student and they can stop fawning over him so much.

  He sways back only to drive in hard again; the raw contact sends prickles of electricity to every nerve in my body as we continue to kiss, the strokes of our tongues in rhythm with his thrusts, no longer caring about anything else.

  My lungs demand oxygen though, so I pull my mouth away and gulp for breath as he grabs my other thigh and hooks it up too, changing the angle of his thrusts. I whimper as my hands circle his neck and pull him closer to me, although we couldn’t be any closer if we tried.


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