The Seal of Solomon

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The Seal of Solomon Page 11

by Jeffrey Ellis

  With that, heavy bars and thick transparent panels went down over every window as heavy metal shields dropped on each deck with access to the outside.

  “Supply-wise, we are fine. We have self-contained water and food supplies that will last three times our numbers for a year, so provisions are okay if you don't mind freeze dried ration packs. Our generators will kick in should the grid go down and their internal power supply has a half-life of several hundred thousand years, so the lights will stay on. We have a fully stocked armory but resupplies on that front are iffy at best so conserve battery packs and ammo. Shoot only if you must with energy weapons preferred since they’re rechargeable. Okay, everyone, you have your orders let's do it,” he said.

  "Sir Sebastian, I need to see you before you go." Sir Sebastian walked over to him and Lady Chelsea came with him. "I didn't ask for you Lady Chelsea I need to speak with him alone," said her boss.

  "He's one of us now and if you're going to put him on some shit detail because he's new then I want to protest that," she told him.

  "It's nothing of the sort. I have full faith in Sir Sebastian. This is a personal issue and he probably wouldn't want me to share personal details," said the Facilitator.

  "It's okay, sir. What you need to tell me you can tell her," said Sir Sebastian.

  "I should have seen this becoming less casual and more involved," said the Facilitator. "You two are welcome to your relationship. You are equals. There are no rules against it. Do NOT let it interfere with your duty, am I understood? I think the future is going to get difficult after tonight let’s not lot personal issues make it more so," said Facilitator William.

  "Yes sir," both replied.

  "Now, Sir Sebastian, the reason I wanted to talk to you. Sit down, please. That's not a request it's an order," he told the young man. Sir Sebastian sat down, and Lady Chelsea sat next to him. "I'm sorry to tell you this kid. Director Abraham was at a conference in California. Your father's building was in a quake zone in Los Angeles and is in rubble. There are believed to be no survivors. We haven't gotten a team in there yet and I don't know when we will. Don't get your hopes up. The building is destroyed and what the quake didn't damage, the flames did. I wish I could give you time to mourn but I can't. You’re both needed to join Beta in the cells. For what it's worth Sir Sebastian, you have my sympathy," he told them and headed to his office.

  Sebastian and Chelsea were quiet during the long elevator ride down to the cells and just stood together holding hands. As the elevator reached its destination, they looked at each other. “You are my strength," he said holding her.

  "And you are mine," she said, and they kissed. She held him during the remainder of the ride. He was hurt but wouldn't let it show.

  The doors opened, and Sir Bradley was there and addressed them. His brow was more furled than usual, and a vein throbbed on his forehead from stress. He had a nervous habit of running his hands through hair when he was nervous, and people joked it was why his hairline was receding. If that was true, then at the rate he was doing it tonight he would be bald by morning. He noticed how they were embraced and seemed annoyed. "Okay, you two that's enough we have work to do. We've split up into several details. Each squad is taking a regiment of guards and securing specific cells. All monitors show green with no breaches so that's good. However, as the Facilitator said, we want a visual inspection of every cell. Every cell. We'll all handle the big one together."

  Sir Sebastian looked at Lady Chelsea. "He's the senior agent, he's in charge kid," she told him and added, "Where do you need us?"

  "North wing, check on the shifters and suckers. Watch out, the one that claims to be Tepes got really talkative after the quakes according to the guards. I don't trust that one," Bradley told them. "Stop by the main guard station and grab a squad to take with you."

  As they walked in that direction Sir Sebastian said, "It's still hard to believe we have a vampire named Tepes."

  "That's what he claims. He says he's Vlad the Impaler, the first vampire. I say it is bullshit but he's not like a normal sucker. Stakes don't kill him. Sunlight hurts him but doesn't burn him and if he doesn't drink he stays weak but doesn't die like the others. They say he's been in that cell nearly a century. I can attest to eight years with nothing to drink and he's weak but he's alive or whatever passes for life in those things. It likes to talk so watch out. I skipped his cell when we did your tour because of how annoying it is," she said.

  They stopped at the security station and picked up some heavier body armor and a squad of guards. "Okay people. We're checking the north wing. Let’s do it," she said.

  “We don't know why these prisoners can't be killed like others of their type. They are stronger obviously but beyond that, we simply don't know. Testing reveals nothing. Biologically and genetically they're identical to others of their kin but seemingly indestructible. You've all read the dossiers, I hope. If you haven't, then speak now so I can replace you," she told the guards.

  She waited a moment, and no one spoke so they proceeded to the wing. They went through the cells one after the other, checking structural integrity after the quakes, verifying the electrical grid was stable, all monitoring and containment systems online and all prisoners confirmed. They found no issues with any of the cells they went through. They only had one left, the creature that called itself Tepes. They finished the external check and found no problems. As they opened the steel door, the creature behind the transparent wall smiled.

  "Broken. Power. Delicious. When I get out I'm going to feast on you all," it said as the steel door slid back.

  "Ignore it and focus on the job," said Lady Chelsea.

  "I'll save you for last and savor your life essence. I might even make you my own. My pet for eternity," it said, its voice dry and harsh.

  Sir Sebastian turned towards it and put his hand on his gun and it turned to look at him. "Her king. Her protector through all time. I'll make her watch me kill you," it said laughing.

  "What did you say? Why did you use those terms?" he asked.

  "I can see you. I can see inside you. I know your essence. Flesh is a shell. A delicious shell but still a shell. What we are transcends the shell. You are her king and she is your queen. I am your death. Come to me. Feed me. Give me your strength great king and set me free. I will make you immortal and you will be my general, good sir knight," it said.

  "Ignore it," said Lady Chelsea. "It's just trying to get under your skin. It does that. It once told me I was the queen of the Britons. It's just a thing with the ability to get into your head and whisper lies." They closed up the door and she let Sir Bradley know the wing was clear. Sir Sebastian looked at her.

  "He told you that you were a queen?" he asked.

  "Yea, a few years ago. We were replacing a capacitor on the stun field for his cell and I was one of the people on suppression detail. He said I was the queen of the Britons and that my king was coming for me. What a load of crap right?" she said laughing.

  "Yea. Crap," he replied.

  Alarms started going off and sirens wailing.

  "Breach in East Wing all units respond if you can," Sir Bradley announced over the comms.

  They rushed towards the location since they just finished and found one of the large reptilian things had gotten out of its cell. It seemed disoriented. They didn't have a name for it, only a designation as Reptilian Humanoid 429. They fought with it for several minutes, one guard was hurt but nothing significant before they managed to subdue it.

  "Report," said Sir Bradley to the team handling that block.

  "Door malfunction. We can't find a reason for it. It's secure now but I recommend ongoing guards just in case it fails again," said the agent.

  "Concur. Security Chief, post two guards at all times," Sir Bradley agreed.

  As they were talking, several other doors swung open. Lady Chelsea looked down the hallway. "I think we should fall back, Sir Bradley," she said. "There are quite a few cells opening. We need backup," she said
. "We should move, NOW," she said louder.

  "Fall back to the security checkpoint, everyone," yelled Sir Bradley. They strategically withdrew, firing cover fire as they did so and got to the security station and dropped down the barriers.

  Sir Bradley was indecisive. "Uh, we need to call the Facilitator. He'll know what to do," he said stammering.

  Sir Sebastian pushed Sir Bradley out of the way and ran over to the main console. "Security, fan out and guard this checkpoint. Heavy weapons authorized. Activate all suppression systems. Knockout gas, sticky foam, napalm, if we have it then use it. Lockdown every one of those things we can. The more unconscious or suspended, the less we have running free. Close all bulkheads and security gates. And get me eyes on the big cell, NOW. Oh, assuming that's your order Sir Bradley," he added.

  "Uh, yea, what he said," replied Sir Bradley.

  Sir Sebastian continued, "Sir Bradley, perhaps you should deliver the report in person to the Facilitator? Lady Chelsea is second in seniority, I’m sure she can handle things until you get back, sir."

  "Yea, that's a good idea. Lady Chelsea you have command," he said and went to the elevator.

  "He's a good agent, he just isn't as good as he used to be," she said to Sir Sebastian. "Look at you though, a junior agent on the floor taking charge like a seasoned veteran. You surprised me there," she told him.

  "I did? I just did what I thought any agent should do when leadership fails. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have barked orders at senior agents" he replied.

  "You absolutely should when those senior agents are standing around jerking off and no one is getting anything done. You might not be a king like Tepes said but damn if you didn't act like one," she told him and whispered to him, "And I like it. I like it a lot."

  He smiled at her. "So, my queen, tell me something. What are we going to do about these monsters in our kingdom?" he asked.

  "That is a very good question. We can't kill them and with that many of them loose we can't take them out. We don't have enough manpower. I think for the moment we contain and assess. They might breach the smaller gates, but they'll not get through the bulkheads," she said.

  He thought a minute about their options. "I think you're right. There's nothing else we can do now. Hopefully, Charlie and Delta are having a quiet night and can provide backup. Who knows what's happening outside the building though. They could have their hands full as well."

  She looked at him. "Do you believe it's just a coincidence? Be honest. Massive natural disasters. The natives in the cells are restless. Things are not going well and it all centers around Caerleon. Do you think it's the source?"

  He shrugged. "I don't know what to think. A few hours ago, I was in your arms and now, I'm in a dank prison basement possibly about to die if those things get through the barrier. They said a fourth of the population. That's five billion people dead in just a few hours and we still have volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, and aftershocks. It's like the entire Earth shuddered for a moment and now we're feeling the aftereffects of that stress to the plates. On top of all of that, I've been having weird dreams and now my dad is dead. He wasn't the father of the year, but he was still my father and now he's gone. I don't think I can process all of that, much less consider the source of this mess."

  She held him, protocol be damned. "I am so sorry. I only met him a few times, but he was a dynamic man and had a presence. And Sebastian, I don't know why but I think I am falling for you. Since I met you, there's been a connection I can't explain and the only thing that makes this night bearable is you. I'm ready to curl up and cry on the inside but being here with you makes it tolerable. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I think I just want it in the open because this could be our last night if more of those cells get open."

  He took her hand. "Chelsea, I feel it too. I am drawn to you like a magnet and have been since the first time I saw you. I don't know what tomorrow brings. Hell, I don't know what the next hour brings but I want you to be there with me when I find out. Marry me."

  She was shocked. She had had her share of boyfriends throughout her life but never considered marriage. She was a loner and had no reason for a husband. She had the Wardens and that was her life and she had no time for anything more. He was fun, and she had a great time with him but no, she couldn't let this go on. She was not going to allow herself to be distracted from her life. She made up her mind to say no and let him down gently.

  "Sebastian," she said her voice calm and gentle, "I think you're amazing. I've devoted my life to the Wardens and have not planned around a personal life. I have goals and things I want to do on my own while I'm young enough to do them."

  He sighed. "I understand. We've known each other less than a year and been involved only a few months. It was rash and impetuous of me to ask."

  She smiled. She started to tell him what she had planned but couldn't make herself formulate the words and instead said something different. "You need to let me finish. As I said, I have goals and wants and needs and I had my life planned out. Then I met you and don't give a damn about any of that anymore. I’ve been sitting here trying to convince myself to say no but I can’t so, yes. Yes, I will marry you. As tonight has shown us, life is unpredictable and crazy and chaotic, and we might die today or live to a hundred years and no matter how much time we have, I want that time with you."

  He smiled and embraced her. "I don't know when we can pull off a wedding but I will promise you this my love, space and time and all the magic in the universe can't keep me from your side and I swear on my life and by all of the gods in the universe I will be there to for you and love and protect you until the end of eternity."

  She smiled and replied, “And I swear by those same gods I will be there for you until the end of time itself.”

  They kissed deeply then stopped and looked at each other. "You've said that to me before," said Chelsea.

  "I know, and you’ve told me that but when?" replied Sebastian.

  "Who cares," she replied, and they went back to kissing.

  They were still kissing when the security console lit up. Facilitator William was on the screen. "Excuse me you two. I need you to hold out for a short while longer. Delta is busy with rioters outside the building. Several shuttles are in route with trainees and staff from the academy in Boston and should be here in minutes. The ones that are combat trained will join you in suppressing the escapees and the rest will replace Charlie team, so they can join you. Information is too critical to pull Charlie otherwise. Sir Bradley has been relieved of his duties. Report, Lady Chelsea," he said.

  "Suppression systems all activated and most have been contained. Something malfunctioned on East wing and we have about half a dozen brutes roaming free, two ogres, a reptilian, a fomorian and two unclassified. So far, they've not been able to open any other cells and are infighting among themselves. We got lucky it was the dumb ones," she told him. "For the moment, we're fine and the situation is stagnant. I'll let you know ASAP if anything changes. Any news from the outside world?"

  He glanced at the terminal on his desk. "The official word is a large asteroid somehow managed to elude the grid and passed very close to Earth causing a tectonic upheaval. No one is really buying it on the inside, but the public seems to be accepting the story, at least the ones that have media access to hear it. Global communications are seriously impacted so information is our highest need now. Anything else?"

  Lady Chelsea replied "Just keep us up to speed sir with anything relevant as you get it and get those academy people down here we are going to need them to get the big guys back in their cells. Oh, and one more thing. Sir Sebastian and I are getting married."

  He stopped looking at his terminal and looked back at the screen. "Congratulations," he said without missing a beat. "You two are good together. Now, how about you stop making out and get my prisoners contained again."

  “Do you ever actually react to anything?” Asked Lady Chelsea.

  “No. They remove that pa
rt of your brain when you get promoted. Now get to work,” replied the Facilitator.

  "Yes, sir. Lady Chelsea out," she said and turned off the monitor.


  The intruder alarm started going off. "Great, what now?" asked Lady Chelsea. "Anyone have eyes on the intruder?" she asked.

  One of the guards brought up the video cameras and cycled through them. A camera revealed an older man in faded white robes with a staff walking through the south wing.

  "Are you kidding me? How the hell did a senior citizen get inside this prison? He must be 160 or more." Chelsea said. "Two squads with me. Let's get him out of there safely if we can."

  She raised the security bars on the main entrance and her, Sir Sebastian and eight security personnel proceeded through it. Fortunately, the main entrance was on the Westside and they could get to the South without going towards the escapees. She only hoped they kept infighting long enough to get the old man out. They made their way to him and found him casually walking around peering at the cells.

  "Stop and put your hands up and come with us peacefully. You're in extreme danger here and we need to get you out. You're in a restricted Warden facility and in violation of a number of statutes with very serious penalties," she said to the old man. He smiled and looked at her. He spoke in a slow voice.

  "I am so glad to see familiar faces. I am curious how you both survived nearly two millennia without magic and the Wardens survived? Fantastic. Have you found any of the other Masters yet?" the old man said.

  Lady Chelsea looked confused. "I think you have me mixed up with someone else, old man. Now let's go."


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