The Seal of Solomon

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The Seal of Solomon Page 29

by Jeffrey Ellis

  “Very curious. Do you think they are on a path for natural ascension?” said Ra.

  “I believe they may be. They weren’t ready in their past lives and needed guidance but now they may be ready and may ascend with or without our interference. Their pace is unparalleled though. We should let them have their opportunity,” said Merlin.

  “I agree. Once we attempted to control the path of magic in the world and it only brought us conflict. I agree we should not interfere and let Arthur and Guinevere discover their path, helping them with guidance as they need,” said Ra.

  “And what of saying they will not let Masters regain power?” Merlin asked.

  “That, I think, is a good thing. We had absolute power and what did we do with it? We caused death and destruction on unprecedented levels” Ra said.

  “I think once they ascend, they'll see things differently. They'll realize our place as the guides and leaders of the mortals,” Merlin said.

  “I’m inclined, for now, to see how this plays out. They think I’m some feeble old man and that works to my benefit. If I’m right, they’re our key to stopping him once and for all,” Merlin told Ra.

  “So, you think it’s him again?” said Ra.

  “I don’t know for certain, but I suspect it is. It’s the only thing that makes sense. We found a way to survive through time, Arthur and Guinevere survived, is it so hard to fathom he could have survived? Who else would have that kind of power in a world that was devoid of magic?” said Merlin.

  “No, it is not hard to fathom but it is unnerving to think that all our effort was fruitless,” Ra said.

  “Maybe not, it feels different this time. Arthur is the key. I don’t know how yet but I think he is,” said Merlin.

  “I hope you are right. Your skill in divination was always superior to my own so I will trust your opinion on that. I do not believe we will get another chance after this one,” Ra told him.

  “Now Master Ra, on to more important things. Since you are here I want you to try a local delicacy, they call it a hot dog,” said Merlin and handed him a plate.

  Ra ate the Coney. “In all the times I have eaten dog, never has it been so wonderful. That strange soup they put on it, marvelous.”

  “They call that chilly though it’s generally served warm or hot and never cold as the name would imply. Their nomenclature is strange but their food worthy of a Caesar,” said Merlin.

  “But the new clothing they provided...reprehensible and stifling but when in Rome one does as the Romans do. Having spent much time in the actual Roman Empire, I can say with first-hand experience you should indeed do as the Romans do. It is their fashion and I will do as I can to fit in. I will not wear the undergarments though. A man should not bind himself,” said Ra.

  “I agree. I discarded those despicable garments at the first opportunity,” Merlin said laughing.

  Ra joined in on the laughter and the two men joked and talked into the night.


  Everyone else slept, preparing for the trip to Karnak except for Sebastian and Chelsea. They lay in their bed talking.

  “I was Arthur. Half the knights in my command died fighting the Tormentor. I was a general in the Unification War’s Asia front. Tens of millions died in that campaign just from the nukes. I’ve had countless people die under my command throughout time, why is this one so much worse? First, I lost Mason in Giza and then I had to kill the sergeant in Hawaii. I killed many members of the ALF when I was in the infantry and corps. Why do this hurt so much when those deaths didn't?” he asked his lover.

  “Because the Unification War is just a fragment. It's like reading a biography. Sure, it’s your biography but our memories of those past lives, for the most part, are just fragments. I bet in those lifetimes they hurt just as much. When you were in GloCom, you fought an enemy and killed to save lives. What happened with Mason, that was fresh, and he was close to us. Since the Seal broke, he’s been a part of almost every mission we’ve been on as a team and he was our friend. You’ve known him since the day you arrived. Other than me, Mason was the first friend you had in the Wardens and now he’s gone and more than that, we watched him die. It hurts and you’re asking yourself what could you have done to prevent it? How could you have stopped it? Why couldn’t it have been you? As for the killed a man who could not fight back. He was a danger and the law was clear. You had to take a defenseless man's life. That should never be easy,” said Chelsea as she held him.

  “I know because I’ve been there. I’m only a few years older than you but I’ve been in the Wardens a lot longer. While you were doing your tours with GloCom, I was leading fey hunts. I’ve had people die in front of me before and I have felt the same thing you feel, and I feel it now. I've had to execute fey who were beaten and no longer able to fight back. It’s like the colony on the moon or that woman who died in your arms in LA. That still hurts you,” she told him.

  “When does it get easier, honey? When does losing someone become less painful?” he asked.

  “Because you’re a good man Sebastian, it never will. And the fact that it never will, that’s what will make you a great leader. You’ll always care for everyone in your command, even the ones you just met, and you’ll always do everything in your power to bring every last one of them home every time just like I do,” she said as she held him.

  They didn’t speak anymore and just held each other until they fell asleep.


  The shuttle was in route to the temple of Amenhotep IV at Karnak.

  “Ra, you’re our guide this trip. You’re not a full strength and you don’t have any combat training so if a situation arises please let us handle it,” said Sebastian.

  “No combat training? Do you not know who I am Arthur? I’m not some feeble old man like Merlin. Without my magic, I am still Ra. I was trained to fight from the time I could hold a sword. Your Coordinator was kind enough to provide me armor and weapons and I will handle myself. I will yield to your leadership but do not insult my ability or I will have to challenge you to an honor duel,” he said.

  “My apologies Ra, I was not informed regarding your training and skill. I meant no insult to your honor and spoke out of a lack of information,” Sebastian told him.

  “Your skill at diplomacy is as strong as your skill in combat Sebastian. There is no slight when the insult was not intended, and all is forgiven,” Ra told him.

  Chelsea said, “Ra, your words are eloquent. You speak with a golden tongue.”

  “You are not the first woman to compliment my tongue, Chelsea. My wives have sung the praises of it loudly and often. Now we must find Nefertiti, so she may once again do so,” said Ra laughing.

  They landed in a clearing on an old stone platform that once housed a structure long ago destroyed by elements or enemies, but the reason lost to time. The desert sun beat down upon them as they left the shuttle.

  “Karnak, what have they done to you?” asked Ra.

  “A lot has happened, Ra. Egypt has been involved in a lot of wars throughout history and some of their enemies were not kind as to leave ancient and sacred sites untouched,” said Xavier.

  “That is sad. History is a teacher whose lessons should never be forgotten,” Ra said to no one in particular.

  “We’re Wardens, Ra, and no one knows that better than we do. We’re one of the few groups who hasn’t altered our history books, but many others have. History is written by the victors,” said Sebastian.

  “I take it then Egypt was not victorious,” said Ra.

  “Not all the time. Fortunately, wars are barely more than a memory since the Great Unification War. Once the nations allied, once Global Command was established, we’ve had little more than minor border disputes. Our only real issue now is the ALF” Chelsea told him.

  “I have heard this name in passing. What is this ALF?” asked Ra.

  “They’re a terrorist organization. They’re anarchists who want chaos and disorder. They claim the governm
ent is forcing unification on the world. After the fourth global war, all the members of the old United Nations had lost their taste for violence and voted to unify, and that vote was almost unanimous. After the horrors unleashed in that war, nuclear and biological weapons of immense power, the thirst for combat was over. A few seditionist groups formed and eventually banded together and then started a rebellion and they grew until they became an army and we fought the last global war against them. The ALF is the remains of those Seditionists. They cause riots, they attack the police, kill innocent people and bomb government buildings. We’ve nearly eliminated them but it’s hard to behead a hydra,” said Bruce.

  “There will always be bad people. We can be thankful that the good usually outnumber them,” Ra replied.

  “Ah. We are here,” said Ra.

  They had arrived at a walkway that was mostly rubble. One side was lined by sphinx statues that were far smaller than the one at Giza. The area itself was little more than an open space. The remains of a few structures could be seen but the temple itself was gone.

  “Beautiful Akhenaten was glorious in her day. Some of it was destroyed by my own countrymen but it seems that whatever they left is now a memory as well,” said Ra.

  “It wasn’t just wars that caused this damage. Various religious groups throughout history have tried to bury the past. They tried to suppress other beliefs to make theirs the only choice,” Chelsea said.

  “It saddens me to know this, but I can mourn my people’s legacy another time. Now we must find Nefertiti and she is here,” Ra told them.

  “I don’t see anything,” said Xavier.

  “That is because you are looking for buildings in front of you and not below you. In the Priesthood we built our temples deep for protection as you saw at the Necropolis. There is a similar complex here, though it is smaller. The main entrances were permanently sealed during the reign of the Romans. There are other entrances, secret ones. Please, assist me,” said Ra as he walked over to one of the sphinx statues.

  The group joined him, and they started pushing on it.

  “Time has closed the doorway permanently as well it would seem,” said Ra sounding despondent. “To be so close to her and have no way to proceed weighs heavy upon my heart.”

  “I promised you we would find Nefertiti and we will,” said Sebastian and tapped his temple.

  “We’ll use the shuttle’s engines for some extra power,” he told Ra.

  “Hah! Your flying chariot continues to amaze me. I want one,” said Ra.

  “We’ll see what we can do when we return,” said Sebastian. The shuttle arrived a couple of minutes later.

  “We left no guide for the chariot, yet it seeks you out. Your magic is stronger than I thought,” said Ra.

  “It’s not magic, it’s technology. They have a limited ability to self-guide, it’s called an autopilot and can handle simple flying. Now, let’s get the tow cables hooked up to this statue,” Sebastian ordered.

  They lined it up per Ra’s direction and Chelsea jumped in to manually control the throttle. The shuttle strained a few seconds then the statue ripped loose, and the shuttle lurched forward. Where the statue stood was a hole with a stairway. Chelsea hopped out and the autopilot returned the shuttle to its landing point.

  “If anyone from the Egyptian government finds out about the broken statue, it was like that when we got here,” Chelsea said.

  “You know, I could be convinced to keep my mouth shut. I could also use larger quarters and a few weeks of paid vacation. Just saying,” Xavier said with a grin.

  “I'll remember that attempt at blackmail the next time we spar,” Chelsea said.

  “Okay. Okay. My lips are sealed,” he said as they both laughed.

  “What can we expect in this one?” asked Trish.

  “It is as the Necropolis though it does not have the chasm underneath, so the floors will all be solid. There should be no great monsters here though there might be some small ones,” Ra told her.

  He paused and continued, “We should be cautious, ripping one of the statues from its pedestal such as your chariot just did may have caused the other status to become threatened.”

  They heard a bleating sound from behind them. Sebastian turned in the direction and pulled his sword and shield.

  “The statues are moving,” he said.

  The rest of the group drew their weapons.

  “These strange blades your Coordinator provided are good, but I would prefer the heavier feel of a khopesh. I shall make do though,” Ra proclaimed as he extended two of them.

  The statues were transforming, the stone becoming fur. After a few seconds, they looked like a living creature.

  “Any special vulnerabilities?” asked Sebastian.

  “They can bleed and die in their flesh form and I suggest we make them do so,” replied Ra.

  There were only about ten of the sphinx creatures left, the rest having been destroyed throughout the centuries while still stone. They were like the one at Giza in having a lion's body except smaller than the Great Sphinx and with the head of a ram instead of a human. The creatures were fast and agile but the group’s vibroblades easily sliced through them and soon the things were all dead.

  “It’s a shame. They might possibly have been the last ones left in the world,” said Bruce with a sigh.

  “Then I shall teach you to make more,” said Ra laughing then continued, “Now into the darkness. May the only terrors in the deep be us.”

  They descended slowly and carefully. The steps were in bad shape and a few minor collapses of the ceiling made travel slow but not impossible. The steps went about the same depth as the Necropolis then opened into a small room with a door against the opposite wall.

  “This is the entrance to the Temple of Creation as the Priesthood called it,” he said then opened it.

  Their lights revealed a crumbling mess. Part of the ceiling had collapsed, and other damage could be seen.

  “Come. She would most likely be taken to the Chamber of Making,” said their guide.

  He led them through a series of tunnels and rooms, all of which were empty and eventually to a larger room. It was filled with columns and arches and had a higher ceiling than the rest of the maze.

  “This room is where our order created life. Once, a large passage led to the surface, but we sealed it when the Romans came. The first sphinx was created here nearly seven thousand years ago. Karnak was nothing but a small village then with a few hundred people. They didn’t even realize this place existed. The above ground complex was built here as a ruse to disguise the coming and going of the priests when the area grew larger and more populous many generations later,” Ra explained.

  They found the crystal sarcophagus in a small alcove.

  “There she is,” said Ra rushing over.

  “She is as beautiful as the day I met her,” he said as he started breaking the crystals.

  Once it was done, he opened the lid and Nefertiti opened her eyes.

  “Ra, my love,” she said, and he helped her out.

  They kissed for a long time then Sebastian interrupted. “I know you have missed each other, and I know how you feel right now but there will be plenty of time to catch up on the surface.”

  “Captain Arthur, you live. I take it the Seal did not last long then,” she said.

  “My goddess, I will tell you everything. Many centuries have passed, and the world is wondrous. Let us ascend to the surface so I may show it to you,” said Ra.

  The group followed Ra back to the stairs and started to ascend.

  As they went up, part of the ceiling broke loose and collapsed above Nefertiti. Sebastian reacted quickly and shoved her out of the way, taking the brunt of the collapse. He managed to save her but in doing so, had become buried in the crushing stone.

  Chelsea screamed and rushed over to him pushing past the group to reach him. Ra and Bruce helped her clear the rubble, some of the stones weighing more than a hundred pounds. Sebastian
was alive but unresponsive. Chelsea was in tears from panic. Xavier ran the portable med scanner over him.

  “A lot of broken bones, internal injuries, no brain damage detectable. Normally we shouldn’t move him and wait for extraction but I’m not sure we have a choice,” he told her. “The scanner shows significant internal injuries to several major organs. He needs medical treatment immediately and far more than we can provide in the field. Cairo Medical has an emergency trauma ward and the last update showed it back to full operation after the cataclysm.”

  They unfolded the stretcher in the medical pack and carefully placed him on it, then carried him up the stairs where the shuttle was waiting for them. They loaded him on the shuttle as Chelsea took the controls and opened the emergency channels.

  “This is a Warden shuttle on route from Karnak to the medical facility at Cairo and I suggest anyone in my flight path get the Hell out of my way,” she said.

  The radio lit up and someone replied, “Warden shuttle, this is GloCom Cairo Air Defense, please state your designation and approach vector.”

  “My designation is get the fuck out of my way or,” started Chelsea but Bruce killed her channel and opened his.

  “GloCom, this is Warden shuttle Sierra Alpha Tango 1-6-4 approaching on a direct vector from Karnak to Cairo Medical,” said Bruce.

  “Warden shuttle, we’re going to need you to deviate. We have air exercises on your vector,” said the voice.

  “Negative. We have a critically injured Warden here and deviation is not an option. I suggest you clear our approach vector,” said Bruce.

  “Warden shuttle that won’t be possible. Please deviate per transmitted flight path,” replied the military channel.

  “Negative. Our agent does not have time to detour. This is a life and death situation. We’re coming through whether you clear it or not,” Bruce replied.

  “Acknowledged Warden. Clearing your path and sending a fighter escort. GloCom out.”


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