The Seal of Solomon

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The Seal of Solomon Page 37

by Jeffrey Ellis

  “Facility 14 and Camelot have progressed well. Training is slower than ideal, but we have limited people capable of teaching and their focus is split in many directions. We are also going to be getting new blood soon. We lost a lot of people during the cataclysm and the ALF raids were costing us as well but more on the ALF in a moment. We have several groups finishing training and with Camelot acting as a fast-track training facility for the exceptional magical trainees, we’ll start replenishing our losses. The cataclysm itself has driven up recruitment. It’s good to see. It’s a good sign that so many people want to become actively involved in the protection of their fellow man during a time of crisis. I understand GloCom recruitment is up as well and we’ve sent many of our applicants to them when they don’t meet the criteria for Warden recruitment.”

  “The A.L.F is still the second of our three primary focuses. Their attacks have dwindled and returned to their old methods of random small bombings or isolated assassination attempts but the general concern it’s just a lull until they finish building another force. We have some progress towards Tokyo. The president has a soft approval and we’re just waiting on final clearance from GloCom. There is some concern as to whether the reactor at the ruined base shut down correctly. Once we have that verification, we’ll greenlight the mission. We don’t want our recon group dying of radiation poisoning,” she told the group.

  “Are there any actual concerns or is GloCom just delaying?” asked Coordinator Sebastian.

  “We think they’re delaying. Our satellites show zero indication of an unstable reactor at that location. If there were, the heat and energy signature would be unmistakable. Why they are delaying is the real question,” said the High Lord.

  “Without a valid reason, they will continue to delay as long as they can to get their own surveillance teams in the area to fully scout it and see what they can find. They’re confident in their drones and will send unmanned air and ground vehicles. They are trying to either verify there is nothing there, so we look like idiots or if there is, get the first strike before we can,” said Coordinator Sebastian.

  “We’re all on the same team why would they care?” said Coordinator Anna.

  “They don’t like us. The president said they want to limit our power and access and I can tell you from serving with GloCom they consider us a nuisance. To them, we’re just civilians with way too much power and authority and they would love to see us leashed or even better moved to their control,” Coordinator Sebastian told them.

  “Has anyone made any other progress on the ALF situation?” asked the High Lord.

  Director Thomas replied “I’ve got some good people working on the data streams. We haven’t found anything and that’s what is strange,” he said.

  “Really? Nothing? Not even casual chatter?” asked Director Abraham.

  Director Thomas told him, “No and that’s the odd part. They’ve gone dark. We’re still seeing isolated attacks, their usual level of activity but they’re not talking about it anymore.”

  “Well, they have to be communicating somehow. Even if it was highly encrypted we could still see it. Hell, our own frequencies can be found just not eavesdropped,” said Facilitator William.

  “Can they be using magic?” asked Coordinator Anna.

  “Unlikely,” said Master Nefertiti. “Telepathy is very hard on the mind and only a few can master it without pain. It’s a rare gift even among mages,” she said.

  “Well they sure as hell aren’t using smoke signals,” said Abraham.

  “Maybe they are,” said Facilitator Chelsea.

  “Are you drunk?” said Director Abraham.

  “Not necessarily smoke signals but what if they are using something else we would consider equally obsolete and not even bother looking for? Maybe some old technology like a radio,” she replied.

  “That’s not a bad idea,” said High Lord Alecia.

  “Technology is my division, so I’ll get people on it right away,” said Director Thomas.

  “No,” said High Lord Alecia. “Or rather not just your people. Your people are very good with current technology but if they’re using something old, something antique, let’s put this on everyone’s plate. Brainstorm it with your people everyone. Think about unusual solutions. It might end up being a dead end but let’s at least take a look,” she told the group.

  “The final reason we’re here is to discuss the Seal breaker,” High Lord Alecia told them.

  “We all think it’s Mordred and maybe it is. That does not change how we continue to handle the search. Coordinator Sebastian, any news?”

  “Nothing significant but we are making limited progress deciphering his methods. Lady Bethany is turning out to be phenomenal with languages and under Master Ra’s tutelage, she is, to use the Master Ra’s terminology, becoming very talented in the field of runic magic. Master Ra and Lady Bethany are mapping out the history of magic language in the greater Mediterranean area looking specifically for commonalities and origins and as you can imagine that’s a vast undertaking. Our hope is if we can understand his source of magic we can find a counter to it. Any linguistic support that can be provided would be welcome, specifically, people with knowledge in ancient Mediterranean languages, pre-Latin eras. They’re both very talented but they’re only two people and we’re talking nearly a dozen languages, that we know of, maybe more and most at least four thousand years old or older,” Coordinator Sebastian told the group.

  “Directors, check your personal files. Anyone meeting that criteria is to be reassigned to Camelot pending Coordinator Sebastian’s approval of course,” High Lord Alecia ordered.

  “Please check with me, Facilitator Chelsea or Lady Bethany before putting in transfer requests so we can base it on need and not have a bunch of unnecessary people being transferred and no unneeded duplication of language support,” Coordinator Sebastian said. “As far as locating him, nothing. We have the shattered Seal and a video by the ALF and nothing for a month,” Coordinator Sebastian said.

  “I know these seemed like points we could have discussed by conference video, but we so rarely have the opportunity to get together as a group and this holiday was a rare quiet time to do so. With everything going on right now the opportunity to connect is rare. This celebration is the first new year after the Seal broke and we are not only symbolically in a new calendar, but our world is changed enough it’s literally a new world. We’ve been through changes before as Wardens. We’ve survived both cataclysms, countless wars including the Crusades, five World Wars, the Unification War, plagues, disasters, changes in governments and borders and we endure. We all bear the same symbol, the Masters excluded of course,” she held up her wrists to illustrate, “And as Solomon’s Knot metaphorically ties things together, the Wardens have metaphorically tied history together. We have done so for eighteen and a half centuries and will do so for eighteen and a half more. I was going to say good job everyone, but this isn’t a job. It’s who we are. It’s what we are. We have always and will always transcend race, religion, nationality and any other division because we are Wardens and defend humanity when humanity can’t defend itself and I am proud to call every one of you brother and sister, Now, enjoy the party. Dismissed,” said High Lord Alecia to which everyone stood and applauded.

  As they returned to their seats, an alarm went off. Coordinator Anna immediately tapped her internal comm. “Excuse me, we have an incident in the cells. Don’t worry, it’s not the Tormentor I’ll have some people check into it and see what has the guards concerned,” she said.

  “Let them celebrate,” said Coordinator Sebastian. “I’ll go down there and see what’s going on,” he told the group.

  “Not without me you won’t,” said Facilitator Chelsea.

  Coordinator Anna told them, “This is my facility it’s only appropriate that my Facilitator and I join you,” said Coordinator Anna.

  “It is?” asked Facilitator William. “Yes, it is,” Coordinator Anna replied.

sp; “Wait,” said High Lord Alecia.

  “I will not have two Coordinators and two Facilitators going into an unknown situation. We’ll send field agents not command staff,” she told them.

  “With all due respect High Lord, that’s not your decision to make,” said Coordinator Anna.

  “It’s not? The last time I checked I was still the High Lord,” she replied.

  “Let me reference regulations. The Coordinator of a Facility has sole discretion in determining the disposition of Warden forces assigned to their Facility. They also state a Coordinator may temporarily conscript personnel from other Facilities when currently located at said Coordinator’s Facility if the need arises and any disputes must be settled by a full vote of the Directors since it’s a regulation dispute,” said Coordinator Anna.

  “Well it’s a good thing we have the full Director’s body here then, isn’t it?” asked High Lord Alecia.

  “Sorry, you’re short one Director. I recall you saying enjoy the party and I’m an hour behind on drinking and trying to woo some new recruit into an old man’s bed with dashing stories of his youth and there is no way in Hell I’m jumping into this catfight,” said Abraham as he walked out the door.

  High Lord Alecia stifled a laugh and tried to continue her cold glare at them as the four of them left the room.

  Director Thomas said, “I bet you’re pissed.”

  She looked over at him and said, “Only because my rank doesn’t allow me to go with them.”


  The four of them went to the elevator and headed down.

  “Why exactly did you volunteer the two of you to come with us. Don’t misunderstand me, it’s welcome it’s just out of character,” said Sebastian.

  “It’s what the High Lord said about how we’re Wardens. This is who we are and I don’t get to do this anymore. The regular Facilities don’t have the loose operating controls you have at Camelot so we have to follow protocol. That means I don’t get to go out helping people because I’m stuck running my enclave no matter how much I argued making the command staff more active. The High Lord didn’t agree so I’m stuck at a desk,” Anna replied.

  “Why did you volunteer me? There’s a massive party on the roof and I could be there,” said William.

  “Because this is probably nothing but if it is something, I want the best at my back and right now in this elevator are the four best field agents the Wardens have seen in my lifetime, pardon the ego for counting myself among them,” said Anna.

  “If you two were a couple it would be like a fey hunting double date,” said Chelsea laughing.

  Anna and William looked at each other.

  “Oh my god! You are! I want details,” Chelsea said.

  “We’re not a couple, we’re friends,” said William.

  “You might be friends but that look wasn’t a friend look,” Chelsea told him.

  “We’re more than friends, you’re right Chelsea but that’s not public information. We’re...figuring out what we are. We used to be close and drifted apart years ago and recently have drifted back together,” Anna said.

  “I want details! I bet he’s an animal in bed,” Chelsea said smiling.

  “Oh look, we’re on the armory floor,” said Sebastian.

  “It would appear so. We should get geared up,” said William with Chelsea still giggling.

  Anna and William equipped themselves and the four returned to the elevator. Sebastian and Chelsea almost never took off their armor and their sword and shield stayed strapped to their backs, and as such, were prepared.

  They headed back to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed Chelsea looked at Anna and said, “So is he?”

  “Is he what?” said Anna.

  “An animal in bed. You’ve got to dish on the details,” Chelsea told her.

  “Can we let this go please?” asked William.

  “You’re asking Chelsea to let something like this go?” said Sebastian.

  “You’re right. I forgot that underneath that hardened Warden exterior beats the heart of a teenager with the libido to match,” William said.

  “Now Sebastian, he can be an animal. Take the day he got out of the hospital,” Chelsea said ignoring the comment by William and Sebastian interjected.

  “Chelsea, please!” Sebastian said.

  “I don’t recall you saying please. I recall you just taking what you wanted,” she said.

  “Chelsea they don’t want to hear this,” Sebastian said.

  “Oh, we’ve heard it. The walls in this Facility aren’t that thick and you had a room on the same floor as I did,” William said.

  “Don’t forget the video camera in the alley,” said Anna.

  “Now you’ve got them started,” said Sebastian.

  “I bet they get started all the time,” Chelsea said laughing.

  “As often as we can find the time,” said Anna giggling.

  “I’m in an elevator full of teenagers,” said Sebastian.

  “Oh look we’re at the cells,” said William.

  As the four walked out, Anna leaned over to Chelsea and said, “Yes, he is.”

  “I knew it! Men fuck like they fight and these two are beastly in combat,” Chelsea said.

  “Aggression of a wolverine,” said Anna.

  “Power of a bear,” said Chelsea.

  “Stamina of a hound,” said Anna.

  “Agility of a tiger,” said Chelsea.

  “Okay, that’s enough ladies. We have a job to do,” said Sebastian and both women started laughing.

  “Yes, my king,” said Chelsea still laughing.

  They got to the guard station and Sebastian walked up. “Situation report,” he said. Chelsea loudly cleared her throat.

  “Oh, right. I’m sorry Anna. This is your Facility,” Sebastian said. “Coordinator Anna,” he corrected looking at the guards.

  “It’s okay,” she replied.

  “What he said,” she told the guard.

  “It’s the vampire that calls himself Tepes. He’s trying to break down his cell door,” said the guard.

  “You sounded an alarm because a fey is banging on the door?” said Coordinator Anna.

  “No, ma’am. I sounded the alarm because he’s showing incredible strength for the first time ever and is actually damaging the door. I have a team deployed at the cell now in case he gets through,” the guard said.

  “Good call then. Stay at your post and continue to monitor the other cells,” she told him.

  The group of four worked their way through the cells and finally reached the one containing the vampire calling himself Tepes. The door’s hinges were showing signs of fatigue and cracks in the metal. *Whoom* echoed around the room. *Whoom* *whoom* over and over could be heard thudding from the chamber. They turned on the monitor and the noise immediately stopped, and the creature looked at the camera.

  “Well, hello there. If I had known to expect royalty I would have cleaned up a bit,” the creature said and laughed.

  “Royalty?” said Anna.

  “Somehow it knows me, and Chelsea are the reincarnation of Arthur and Guinevere. I think it has some telepathic ability,” said Sebastian.

  “Oh, you’re the reincarnation of far more than just Arthur and Guinevere,” it said. “There are Paris and Helena, Cleopatra and Mark Antony, and many others going all the way back to Baldric and Malka,” said the vampire.

  “I’ve not heard of Baldric and Malka. Anyone?” said William.

  “I’ve got nothing. They sound familiar, but I can’t place the names,” said Chelsea.

  “Yea, familiar but not sure from where. Probably some minor footnote in history. It’s just trying to make us forget it’s trying to get out of its cage,” said Sebastian.

  “They should be familiar to you. You doesn't matter, does it? You'll all be food soon enough,” said the creature.

  “It’s just delaying so why don’t we just kill it and be done with it,” said Anna.

  “Do re
d and gold robes remind you of anything?” the creature asked.

  “How did it know about that?” asked Chelsea.

  “We already know it can get into our heads it’s just reading memories of the dream,” said Sebastian.

  “What dream?” asked Anna.

  “Nothing important, just a fevered dream while I was recovering from the accident at Karnak,” said Sebastian.

  Anna pulled out her sword and fire blazed across it and William did the same.

  “Open the door,” Anna ordered. As she did the creature backed up in the cell.

  “We’ll make this quick and painless if you don’t resist,” said Anna.

  “Look at the pretty little swords. It seems someone has learned some magic but it’s just baby magic. Open the door and let me out. First I’ll feed on the servants, then on the monarchs. Royal blood is delicious,” said the vampire.

  Sebastian and Chelsea pulled their swords and the red-gold blades glowed as blue flames burned across them.

  “NO! Dragon’s ore! NO!” screamed the creature and it fled to a back corner of the cell and curled up into a fetal position.

  “It’s afraid of our swords. Why are you afraid of our swords?” asked Sebastian.

  “Dragon’s ore hurts. Dragon’s ore kills. I will relent. No more trying to escape my liege. I swear. Please don’t kill me,” it said.

  “What is dragon’s ore?” asked Chelsea.

  “No more. No more. Away with the dragon's ore,” the vampire replied.

  “Tell me,” Sebastian ordered, his voice reverberating.

  “The metal on your blades. Your rings. The king’s stave and the queen’s scepter. Spun into your robes. Dragon’s breath on iron. Dragon’s ore,” it said.

  “So you’re saying this metal, this reddish metal, it’s iron ore that a dragon breathed on?” asked Sebastian.

  “Send in the others sire. So hungry. So hungry. Let me feed,” it said.

  “Answer me!” yelled Sebastian his voice echoing with power.

  “Yes, sire. Iron. Dragon’s fire. Dragon’s ore,” it said.

  “Please let me feed. I’m so hungry,” it said.


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