Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)

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Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) Page 40

by White, Stella

  Phillip pondered it for a moment. “I suppose it is for the night. And your Marie will need to be playing the piano anyway. I do believe she will be singing shortly as well. She does have a beautiful voice.”

  “She does.” Cornelius nodded in agreement.

  “I will have to dance with her next time. If she comes out from behind the piano.”

  “We will just have to make sure she does.”

  Phillip watched the three sisters, thinking that they were all very beautiful women. He could, by rights, have his choice. But he wasn’t about to imprison himself to a life of misery by choosing a woman for her looks. He desired respect and love. Not position and outer beauty. Many of the women he danced with were charming. But he could see through the fake behavior to what was underneath. They wanted to be a Duchess. That was clear to see. They didn’t care how he felt about them. And that was if they didn’t turn away in disgust because of the way he looked. He knew his facial scar made him look angry most of the time. But there was nothing he could do about that.

  Marie laughed, looked over and caught his eye. They gazed at each other for a moment before both of them moved their eyes away. He wondered what she thought when she looked at him.

  Most likely the same thing the rest of them thought. Something unpleasant.

  But her eyes had lingered a little longer than the other women who looked at him. And there was something about her smile. It hadn’t slipped when he caught her eye.

  He wondered…

  A few days later, the door to Marie’s room burst open, and Jenny came running through, sobbing, her hands covering her face. Marie stood up from her place at the desk and ran to her.

  “Jenny! What’s happened? What’s wrong?” Marie grabbed her sister and took her to her bed beside the desk, sitting on the edge with her arms still wrapped around her. She began to rock her and smooth her hair back from her forehead.

  “Oh, Marie, it’s horrible! It’s horrible!”

  “Sshhh. Tell me what’s wrong, my dear?”

  She looked over when Lucinda and Caroline came through the open door, both shaking their heads and looking tragic.

  “Wait till you hear, Marie. Oh my goodness!” Lucinda came straight over to the bed and sat on the opposite side of Jenny, facing her sister to comfort her like Marie. “It’s going to be okay, Jenny. It really will! Somehow it will change. Something has to change! Oh, my! Oh, my!” Lucinda was still shaking her head. She looked up at Marie.

  “Will you tell me what’s happened?” Marie asked softly.

  “Oh, that brute Duke Arlington has asked papa for Jenny’s hand in marriage and plans to begin courting her! They are to meet for a carriage ride and dinner tomorrow afternoon!”

  Marie felt her heart fall into her stomach, and she was sure she became quite pale. “Phillip? I mean, Phillip Arlington? Duke Arlington?” She didn’t know why she kept repeating his name. She couldn’t seem to get it out correctly.

  Lucinda narrowed her eyes. “Yes. You know, the ugly one with the scar.”

  “He isn’t ugly, for goodness sake!” Marie said defensively.

  Lucinda’s eyes went from narrow to wide open. She stared at Marie, still patting Jenny’s back. She didn’t say anything, and Marie was glad.

  Marie turned her attention to Jenny. She leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Jenny, my dear, this is tragic news. What…what about Jonathan?”

  Jenny lifted her head up, dropping her hands angrily in her lap and turned raging eyes to Marie, who pulled away a little in surprise. “Yes!” She snapped. “What about Jonathan! What about my Jonathan! What about me! What about what I want! I won’t do it! I won’t do it!” She stuffed one hand in her mouth and screamed into it.

  “Calm yourself, sister,” Marie said, soothingly, moving back in to hug her sister and whisper in her ear. “I must beg you to calm yourself and think logically for a moment. We can figure something out. I promise you we can.”

  Jenny’s anger abated enough for her to wrap one arm around Marie and push her face into her sister’s shoulder.

  “Oh, Marie, I don’t see how. Papa has already given his consent.”

  “Phi..Duke Arlington could change his mind. You never know.”

  “He’s not going to do that.” Madeline had appeared in the doorway and was leaning against it, one hand on her hip. “He’s determined. I’m glad it wasn’t me he picked, ugly old hound dog. I wouldn’t want to do it either. I’d throw such a fit!”

  Marie held in her anger, wincing when Madeline called him an ugly hound dog. She was seething inside but kept her eyes on Jenny. She shook her head and put one hand under Jenny’s chin when she looked toward Madeline, turning it back so that Jenny was looking at her again. “Listen to me, Jenny. We will figure something out. I know you don’t want to marry the Duke and you don’t think there’s a way out, but we’ll figure one out! I will think about it all night until I come up with a plan. Okay?”

  “Why are you so invested?” Madeline asked suspiciously, coming in the room and staring hard at Marie. “What do you care whether Jenny marries the Duke? It would make her a Duchess! She would be wealthier and have a much higher station. Is that it? Are you jealous because she will be a Duchess and you won’t be?”

  “No, of course not! I would never think that!” Marie was struggling to hold on to her fury. She wanted to slap her sister.

  “Then you must be in love with the Duke!” Madeline spat out the words as if they could never be true. Marie sputtered but could not come up with a response. Madeline stopped advancing suddenly and narrowed her eyes. “That’s it, isn’t it? Isn’t it, Marie? Fess up, sister! You love the ugly old hound dog, don’t you?”

  Marie balled up her fists and stood up to face Madeline. “Will you please stop calling him that! He’s…he’s not ugly! It’s a scar, that’s all! It won’t be passed on to his children, should he ever have any. Why do you have to be so nasty, Madeline? What has the Duke ever done to you?”

  Madeline stood her ground, not backing off from her little sister. “He’s never done anything to me, and I’ve never done anything to him. He’s an old coot who can’t find a proper lady.”

  “Well, he certainly didn’t pick you to be his Duchess!” Marie cried out.

  “Nor you!” Madeline responded.

  “Oh!” Marie turned her back to her sister and sat next to Jenny again, taking her little sister’s face in her hands.

  “You will not worry, Jenny. I will hatch a plan. We will figure something out, I promise!”

  Jenny’s eyes were wide and filled with tears. Marie thought how pretty she was even with her red eyes and nose. Jenny’s voice shook a little when she said, “Do you really have feelings for Duke Phillip, Marie? Because I would feel even worse if I had to marry him, knowing that you wanted him from the start.”

  Marie shook her head and pulled Jenny into another hug. “Don’t you worry about me, sister. I will figure something out where we will all be happy.”

  She ignored Madeline, who snorted behind her in a very unladylike fashion.

  Chapter Four

  When Marie woke up the next morning, she shot out of bed and had her robe around her shoulders in mere moments. She rushed out of her door, down the hall and into Jenny’s room, where her sister was sleeping soundly in her large pink canopy bed. Marie tossed back the curtain and sat on the edge of the bed, shaking Jenny awake gently.

  “Jenny. Jenny, wake up, I think I know what to do! Jenny, wake up!”

  Her sister opened her eyes to slits and then wider. “Marie? Oh! What is it? Have you thought of a plan? Oh, thank goodness.” In only a few moments, Jenny went from lying in her bed asleep, to sitting up and then falling back onto her pillow in relief. She picked up the pillow next to her own and hugged it to her, sitting up again. “Tell me what you’ve thought of, Marie.”

  “I’m going to talk to Papa.”

  Jenny looked crestfallen. “That’s your plan? But the Duke…”

it for me to finish.” Marie smiled at her, and Jenny pressed her lips together with a small grin. “I’m going to talk to Papa because he was previously unaware of my feelings for the Duke. I’m sure if he knows that I would be a better choice than you for marriage; he will approach the Duke about it. I also thought that perhaps you could feign illness today and not go on the carriage ride with him. Instead, Papa will ask if it would be all right if I went along. The Duke has not spoken to me since the beginning of the Season…”

  “Because you’re always playing that piano.”

  Marie blushed as she went on. “Yes, I know that, Jenny.” She giggled a little. “Regardless, I believe that if Papa mentions me as a possible substitute, Phillip will take him seriously. You know how much in high regard he holds Papa.”

  “Yes, I do. Oh Marie, do you think it will work? Do you think Papa will play along?”

  Marie nodded vigorously. “I know he will. He is always striving to do what will make us happy. And this way, we need not tell him about Jonathan quite yet.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful, Marie. I thought I was going to have to run away and get married to Jonathan elsewhere, leaving everything behind. I don’t even know if Jon would do that, considering how much work he’s put into restoring his father’s farm.”

  “Yes, that wouldn’t be a good thing.” Marie scolded her lightly. “I want to be there for your wedding, don’t you ever forget that. Even if you went away to marry, I expect to be given notice so that I might buy a train ticket to wherever you are. But that won’t happen now. All will be well; you’ll see. I’m going to talk to Papa now. I know that Phillip was supposed to retrieve you at half past noon. Is that right?”

  Jenny just nodded.

  “Well, I will get ready. You stay in bed. I will bring you breakfast, and we will say that you aren’t feeling well.”

  “I wasn’t feeling well until now.” Jenny smiled at her. Marie pulled her into a hug.

  “I told you I would think of something.”

  “Well, it helps that you have feelings for Duke Arlington,” Jenny said. “Love motivates us to do strange and crazy things, doesn’t it, Marie?”

  Marie nodded and gave her a soft grin. “It sure does, Jenny.”

  Marie dressed as quickly as she was able. She hurried downstairs and sent a servant to fetch Cornelius. She wanted to know if she should expect a brutal response from the man before she ventured off in a carriage with him.

  The servant came back with Cornelius in tow. When her friend saw her dressed for a carriage ride, his eyes opened wide. “Marie! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you quite so…”

  “Quite so what, Cornie?” Marie was anxious not to look out of sorts. She looked down at her mahogany colored gown. She had allowed Jenny to put her hair into long intertwined braids that wrapped around her head. There were loose strands circling her cheeks and touching her chin.

  She blew one away absentmindedly and gave him a wide-eyed look. “Cornie?”

  He shook his head as if to get his senses back together. “You look radiant, Marie. I’ve never seen you so beautiful!”

  She gasped and put one hand over her mouth. “Why, Cornelius Argabright, I’ve never heard such a lovely compliment. Thank you.”

  “You’re quite welcome, my dear. Now tell me, what was so urgent that you sent a messenger to fetch me at this time of the morning?”

  “When you talked to Duke Arlington at the ball the other day, what did he say? Did he say anything about me?”

  “Not a lot. He said you were the piano player. Didn’t you see him looking at you?”

  “I did, but he did not hold eye contact for long.”

  “What’s happened to make you think of this?”

  “He has asked Papa for Jenny’s hand. He wants to court her.”

  Cornelius frowned. “Really? How peculiar. I would have put all my money on him waiting to at least dance with you. I wonder why he chose to do this out of the blue?”

  “He gave you no indication that he was sweet on Jenny?”

  They were walking through the garden toward the house, and Cornelius couldn’t help admiring the beautiful flowers, shrubs and apple and cherry trees all around him. “None whatsoever, Marie, I promise I would have told you. He did mention her but not in a context that he would do something like this.”

  “Well, something must be done. I have made a plan, and I would like for you to be present when I speak to my Papa about it.”

  “I will be here for you, Marie. What do you want me to do exactly?”

  She grabbed his arm and squeezed it, smiling up at him. “Just be my support, Cornie. Okay?”

  He placed one hand over hers and smiled back at her. “All right, Marie. Whatever you need, dear.”

  “Have you made any progress with your sweetheart?” Marie asked, curiously.

  He chuckled. “A little. But let’s focus on your situation today.”

  They both laughed.

  Marie’s Papa didn’t seem surprised when she told him of her affections for Duke Arlington, and she wondered if she had somehow given herself away. He assured her that she had not been making a fool of herself. After all, she was usually behind the piano. He agreed to send her on the carriage ride in place of her ill sister.

  “Do you think he will be angry, Papa?” Marie asked.

  He chuckled. “No, I dare say, he won’t be. He would probably be flattered if I told him you volunteered to go.”

  “Do you think it would be wise to tell him that?”

  “I think I might.” Her father said, a contemplative look on his face.

  “It would be nice for him to feel…”

  “Wanted?” Her father supplied. She nodded. “I agree. Do you know much about Phillip?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I think you will find that he is a very agreeable man.”

  “I’m sure he could be nothing less if you were in agreement that he could court and marry Jenny.”

  “You are a smart girl.” Her father grinned at her. “He is a very open man and can be very kind to people. He has been angry and bitter for years now. But he has a good soul under the rough exterior.”

  “I’m terribly glad to hear that, Papa. I was hoping he was just that way. I…I could see it in his eyes the times we have been together at the balls and dances.”

  “Why have you never approached him?”

  “I…I don’t know. He always seems upset when he’s at the gatherings.”

  Her father nodded. “He has been rejected and spit upon by both ladies and gentlemen for some time now. Because of the scar. Do you not find that unattractive?”

  “I feel it brings certain character to his face that he would not otherwise have.”

  “The blade came dangerously close to taking his eye, did you know that?”

  “I did not.” Marie lifted her hands to put over her mouth in surprise. “He was blessed to keep his eyes then!”

  “Yes, he was. All right, dear, he will be here any minute. I will go out and greet him and see if he is willing to do the swap.” He smiled, and she grinned back.

  “Thank you, Papa.”

  As they pulled away from the house, Marie’s heart was thumping in her chest so hard she thought it might come out somehow. She looked up to the second floor and saw Jenny standing in the corner of her window, watching them. She lifted one hand slightly and waved. Jenny waved back.

  “So your sister has taken ill, has she?” Phillip asked, looking down at her. She felt herself being analyzed and wondered what he thought of her.

  “Yes, she has a migraine.”

  “Oh, that’s very unfortunate then. My good wishes go to her.”

  She smiled, scanning his face the way he was with her.

  “I have not danced with you, have I?” Phillip asked.

  She tilted her head slightly to the side and responded, “Only last Season, sir. Not this one.”

  “Please dispense of the ‘sir.' I would ask that you call
me Phillip.”

  She blushed. “Thank you, Phillip.”

  “And I’ll call you Marie.”

  “Yes, si..Yes, Phillip.”

  He chuckled. “You are always behind the piano, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “You play well. The music is lovely every time.”

  “Thank you so much.” Her cheeks were on fire, and she had to hide her smile behind her hands for fear it might look silly for her to be smiling so big.

  Phillip was secretly glad that Jenny had not been able to come on the carriage ride. As soon as he had left the Downing mansion, he’d known he’d made a mistake. There was no reason to choose so soon and so abruptly, especially when he didn’t know the young woman, Jenny, very well. She was pretty, delicate and young. He knew that she was not abrasive or the kind of woman who would shame him in public. Even if they never found love, at least, he would retain his dignity, and her beauty was outstanding.

  But the longer he looked at Marie, the more he realized that she held a special kind of beauty he hadn’t seen before. At the balls and dances, she always seemed like a part of the furniture…or the musical instruments anyway. She blended in with her piano. He didn’t know any of the other key players in the orchestra either. But this one…his interest was growing by the moment. When she looked at him, it wasn’t with hard eyes, curious eyes that always landed on his scar or a look of mindless obedience. Her eyes screamed that she cared about him, even though she barely knew him.

  Marie wasn’t used to be scrutinized in such a manner. She was aching to know what he was thinking about her. She didn’t have to wait very long.

  “Did you send Cornelius over to talk to me at the ball, Marie?” he asked. She blushed furiously, and he knew what the answer was.

  “I did. I hope that wasn’t too forward of me.”

  “Not at all, Marie, not at all. Have you been thinking about doing that for a while?”

  Marie hesitated. “All…all season.”

  “Well.” He didn’t continue, and she was forced to look up and see how his face looked. She didn’t see his scar anymore. She saw a pair of soft brown eyes, wavy brown hair and a trim beard and mustache. She saw a handsome, kind-looking man and hoped he was seeing what he desired in her.


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