Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)

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Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) Page 52

by White, Stella

  And gave him plenty of time to think.

  At present, he didn’t know if that was a blessing or a curse.

  He stared down at a paper he was grading, trying to concentrate on the twelve point font as the gray clouds beyond his office window threatened snow. It would be the first of the season – and an idea he still hadn’t gotten used to. It almost never snowed in London. The weather there was far too mucky. If anything, there would be a disgusting coat of slush that covered the entire city in a layer of gray that served to dampen the mood almost as much as it sullied the streets. Here, he would see snow. They would cancel school for it- and he’d be allowed to stay home in his cozy apartment with a fire blazing.


  The thought made him frown.

  The last person he needed to be thinking about right now was Alice Cantor. She’d already distracted him enough, and if the way she continued to act towards him was any indication, she had long gotten over whatever had once been between them.

  A twenty-five-year-old woman was ready to move on before an experienced professor – he didn’t know whether to be insulted or amused. Alice continued to surprise him- which was probably why he wouldn’t be able to forget her anytime soon.

  Setting his pen down, Thomas ran a slender-fingered hand through his hair, removing his reading glasses.

  What he needed to do was get some fresh air. He had long learned that, as much as he loved his books, there was little that a jaunt around campus couldn’t solve. It was important to hone the body as well as the mind – and sometimes, his little sessions could be his salvation. He didn’t think he’d had a decent run since he and Alice had fallen out.

  Maybe it was time to get back to his normal routine.

  With a soft chuckle, he rose from his desk to reach for the bag handing on the coat rack just next to the window. He always kept a set of jogging clothes there for when he decided to exercise on a whim, and he had no issue changing in his office. It was more convenient than making a visit to the men’s room, in any event, and cramming his tall form into a stall.

  The statuesque man shucked his sweater off over his head and was in the process of unbuttoning his dress shirt when the door to his office creaked open unexpectedly.

  Surprised, she turned to see one of his students standing in the doorway – a blonde in a second or third-year class, he recalled. Her name might be Stacy or Stephanie, but her face was familiar because he remembered the way she licked her lips whenever he passed close by her desk.

  In an almost Predator-like fashion.

  It amused him, to say the least. Before Alice, Thomas dealt with his fair share of overzealous female students trying to throw themselves at him – half of them more than a decade younger than him. Somehow, he always managed to call on his British breeding to let them down gently, though he’d sent a number of them from his office in tears. American women, he’d decided, were brazen, and he’d have to be careful on a college campus where hormones were running high.

  Of course, at the time, his own hormones hadn’t been in question.

  “May I help you?” He paused with his hands on the second button of his shirt, slightly irked that the young woman had barged into his office without knocking.

  Without saying a word, she stepped into his office, closing the door behind herself.

  It was then that Thomas noticed the manner in which she was dressed.

  Practically transparent t-shirt and no brassiere – despite the fact that it could barely be above freezing outside – a skirt that barely reached her mid-thigh, high heels, and enough makeup to be the star performer in a drag show.

  Dear God.

  “Professor Lerner, I need to speak to you.” When she addressed him, her voice was breathy with anticipation. “I have some questions about my term paper.” She crossed the room in four quick strides to all but plaster herself to his front, enveloping him in the scent of cheap perfume. Reaching up, he took firm hold of her wrists, his mouth pulling into a tight line.

  “If you need to speak to me, I suggest you take a seat there and allow me to button up my shirt, Miss-”

  “You can call me whatever you like.” She cut him off silkily, blue eyes half-lidded with lust as she all but wrapped a leg around him. “Just as long as you promise me a few private sessions, sir.”

  Well, this one was certainly aggressive.

  Clearing his throat, Thomas forced himself to swallow his annoyance, one hand curling into young woman’s thigh in an attempt to get her to release her death grip on him. “I’m sure you’re aware of the policy between students and teachers here, and I have no intention of-”

  Catching him off guard, she pressed her mouth firmly to his, and a low sound of surprise escaped him.

  She tasted as if she’d been drinking, and Thomas grimaced against her lips, cursing his body’s reaction. If it weren’t for his mind’s recent turmoil, no doubt he would have been with a woman recently enough that he didn’t become aroused from the touch of an undoubted floozy – but as things were, he could hardly help himself.

  Not that he intended to see things through. One kiss from his inebriated, dogged student was quiet enough.

  Tearing his mouth from hers, Thomas opened his mouth to reprimand her – only to freeze in place.

  His unwelcome visitor wasn’t, it seemed, the only student to come and see him.

  Standing silhouetted in his doorway was none other than Alice, her eyes wide at the sight that greeted her.

  It took a moment for Thomas to realize how compromising his position must look – and at that moment, Alice’s expression crumbled into one of the most intense pain he thought he might ever have witnessed. Without a word, she turned on her heel and fled –

  Leaving him in the arms of the campus harlot.

  He snapped out of his trance quickly. “Jesus Christ, sod off.” The words left him on a snarl as the professor shoved his way from the blonde’s embrace. He paused just long enough to grab his coat from the rack next to the door before racing down the hall after Alice.

  Bloody hell, he’d done it this time.

  It was just beginning to snow as he burst out into the parking lot – and it took him a split second of searching before he discovered Alice’s hunched form making her way towards the library. “Alice!” He hurried to catch up with her though he had no idea what he planned on saying. “Alice, wait. Please!” His legs were far longer than hers – and besides that, he was accustomed to running long distances. He caught up to her within a minute, taking one of her shoulders in a gentle but firm grip. “I don’t know what you saw, but that wasn’t-”

  “Don’t!” She cut him off, the sweet voice he hadn’t heard in so long taking on a sharp edge. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, Professor, trust me. You don’t owe me anything.” He didn’t know what hurt him more, her words or their tone. “It’s none of my business who you chose to fuck.”

  He inhaled sharply. He wasn’t used to such vulgarities from her – at least, not outside intimate circumstances. He found it both angered and aroused him.

  “I’m not fucking her,” He hissed in reply, his cultured voice low and taut with tension. “Though I’m sure that was her aim.”

  “Well, it’s not very gentlemanly of you to leave her waiting like that.” Though the dark-haired woman’s voice was firm, her lower lip trembled slightly, as if she were on the edge of tears –and guilt consumed him. “No need to worry about me. I’ll catch you at a better time.” She attempted to pull away from him only to have him tighten his grip incrementally.

  He wasn’t about to let her go now – not after going so long without her. “What did you need, Alice?” He forced his voice to remain neutral, even if there was nothing he’d rather do then toss her over his shoulder and carry him back to his car to desecrate the ever-loving hell out of the back seat. She was gorgeous, even angry, with snowflakes caught in her raven hair, her cheeks flushed with the passion he so adored. “To discuss a thesis, perhaps? F
eedback on paper subject?”

  To his surprise, Alice jerked from his grip in an unusual show of strength, her eyes gleaming with intense emotion. “You asshole.” The words snapped from her mouth like the crack of a whip. “I’m pregnant.”

  For a moment, silence hung, thick between them, swirling among the snow.

  Thomas just stared at her, his mouth slightly parted in shock.

  She was…what? “…Pardon?” The word left him in a hoarse rush as he stared down at her, completely flummoxed.

  The young woman trembled visibly, wrapping the thin sweater she wore more tightly around her chilled form before she spoke again, blue eyes fixed on his. “I wanted you to know…I’m not asking you for anything. It’s just…I suppose that if I’m going to keep the baby, you should know. And if you’re at all interested in seeing him or her…I’m not going to keep you from it.”

  “I…” He ran a hand brusquely through his hair, immediately assaulted by a plethora of emotions. “Bloody hell. How long?”

  Her arms crossed protectively over her midsection. “Seven…maybe eight weeks. I thought…I thought it was just stress, but then I went to the Doctor and…” Her breath hitched before she released it slowly, breaking his gaze. “Anyway, that’s all. I…I suppose I’ll keep you updated.” With that, she turned on her heel to begin towards the library once more, leaving him staring after her for almost a full minutes.

  Until something within him finally snapped.

  He was on her within seconds.


  “That’s all?”

  It was the only warning Alice got before a steel-like arm locked around her waist and dragged her backwards. She yelped as Thomas lifted her from her feet, her heart leaping into her throat. Shock and warmth immediately flowed through her, even as she struggled, and she forced a protest through her lips.

  “Thomas, put me down!”

  In reply, the man landed a hard swat on her left buttock, and she cried out at the sharp pain. “Sodding Christ, Alice, you’ll close that sweet mouth of yours, or I’ll put your bare arse over my knee in the middle of this damned car park.”

  Well, that got her. Alice’s mouth snapped shut as Thomas carried her back across the parking lot to his waiting car. Without a word, he unlocked the passenger side door and bundled her inside before shutting it with a sharp thud that made her jump.

  In a trice, he was sliding into the driver’s seat, frowning fiercely. He started the car, barely letting it warm up before he shot out onto the main road.

  She had no idea what to say. While it was obvious to the young woman that she’d pissed him off, she didn’t know how she’d done it. She wasn’t asking him for anything. She didn’t want his support; she told herself. She didn’t want a single penny. She just wanted to forget him and the awful pain he caused her.

  But, somehow, his severe expression kept her from uttering a word. Instead, she tried not to tell herself how gorgeous he looked, even when he was obviously furious – those dexterous fingers of his curled tightly around the steering wheel, elegant jaw tight, biceps stretching his coat sleeves taut.

  They drove for a good ten minutes in complete quiet – not even the radio eased the tension between them. It wasn’t until they pulled into a fairly posh apartment complex across town that Alice found herself squeaking a nervous question. “Where are we?”

  Thomas’ answer was curt. “Get out of the car.”

  She all but scrambled to obey him, caught between intense arousal and fright at his firm tone. The moment the chill air hit her, she shivered – but Alice didn’t have long to be cold. Within seconds, she was wrapped in Thomas wool trench coat, and the man’s arm was once more leading her away.

  It wasn’t until they were inside of the warmth of a cozy third floor flat that the man finally rounded on her, his dark eyes blazing. “Let me tell you something, Alice Cantor: That is not bloody all.” The young woman inhaled sharply at the molten fire in his tone. “If you’re carrying my child, that means you will not bloody well walk around in freezing temperatures without proper clothing. You’re not going to starve yourself for the sake of your studies, and you are not staying in that bullocks little flat across town that barely has decent heating. You’re staying here, with me, where you belong.”

  For a moment, Alice struggled with words, utterly flummoxed. So he…he wanted the baby? He wanted her? “I…you…dear, God, Thomas! I’m not a child! You can’t order me around!”

  “Oh?” The immense man arched a brow dangerously. “Watch me.” He snatched for her, and a soft scream escaped her as he caught hold of his jacket, yanking the heavy material from her. Alice bolted for the nearest escape, which happened to be a long hallway. Though she had no idea where she was going, her heart hammered in her chest, and anticipation and fear mingled on her breath. She tried the first door on the left and found it locked. With a low gasp, she tried the next door, only to find a half-full linen closet.

  By that point, Thomas was almost upon her, and her only outlet was the door at the end of the hallway.

  Of course, the dark room turned out to be the master suite, complete with an immense, stately bed and dark, masculine furniture. It was just as she’d imagined Thomas’ bedroom might be – though she hardly had time to contemplate the fact as the door shut behind her with a snap. Whirling, she gasped to find his imposing form blocking her only exit, his expression thunderous.

  Backing against the nearest wall, Alice attempted to calm her fluttering pulse, even as she warmth building in her lower extremities. “Thomas…” She attempted to warn him breathlessly, “Don’t you dare.”

  “Nay,” The man answered her in a low growl, prowling towards her like a sleek, dark cat, “but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew’d in corruption, honeying and making love

  Over the nasty sty…”

  The sudden, embarrassing gush of wetness between her thighs made her gasp as Thomas closed the remaining gap between them in two long strides to press his mouth hungrily to hers.

  Christ, how had she denied herself this for so long?

  Thomas tugged her lower lip between his teeth to suck devastatingly, and a low moan escaped her. Alice’s arms were instantly around his neck as she arched against his hard form in an attempt to fuse herself to his warmth. He smelled like vanilla and sweet musk, of everything good and dangerous in the world all at once.

  It was like he sipped every breath she took from her, nipping and sucking at her mouth until her lips parted to allow him entrance. When his tongue surged inside to tangle with hers, she groaned his name, her fingers sliding through the thick softness of his dark hair.

  His stubble rasped across her cheeks and chin as he lowered his mouth to her throat to suckle at her pulse point ravenously. In a swift motion, he jerked her sweater from her shoulders before working her shirt up and over her head to drop to the floor carelessly. “Alice…” He groaned lowly against her throat, his mouth sweeping over the hollow just above her collarbone before he bit down deliciously at the junction of her neck and shoulder. “Christ, Alice.” His hands slid beneath her skirt, up over her bare thighs before lifting her up and against the wall.

  The young woman folded her legs around his waist reflexively, whimpering as he pressed his impressive erection against the aching core of her.

  Almost every night for the past six weeks, she had lain in bed, her mouth clamped tightly shut to stifle her cries as she touched herself remembering how deliciously Thomas had filled her. “I need you.” The dark-haired man insisted, his hands finding the fastening of her bra to loose it before her breasts filled his hands. Alice’s dark nipples pebbled almost immediately, and Thomas wasted no time in lowering his head to take one between his lips to suckle powerfully.

  “Thomas!” She cried out sharply as he circled the hardened nub torturously with his tongue before toying with it delicately. Arching against him, she pressed his head more firmly to her chest in an ardent plea for more, and he groaned indulgently,
complying with a soft nip to her aureole.

  Alice rubbed against the man shamelessly as he moved back and forth between her breasts, teasing one nipple with his tongue and teeth until she was all but writhing in desire before moving onto its twin. His ministrations left her struggling to find her release, her toes curling as he exploited her sensitive flesh.

  Alice was so wrapped up in the sensation that she didn’t notice her lover had carried her to his bed until her bare back lay against the comforter. Supporting himself on strong forearms, he plumped a breast high to the heat of his mouth once more, and Alice’s fingernails curled into his shoulders as she moaned softly. “Thomas please…”

  “Oh, not yet,” He growled lowly against her stomach, working his mouth hotly down over each one of her ribs. “Not until I’ve tasted every part of you, darling. Then, maybe, I’ll let you have my cock.”

  So he intended to kill her then.

  Lifting her bottom half with one hand, Thomas whisked her skirt away, revealing her plain cotton panties – gone nearly transparent with the evidence of her desire for him. At the sight of her gleaming inner thighs, the dark-haired man licked his lips sinfully, and Alice shuddered. Tucking his fingers in the elastic hem, he worked them over her hips slowly, snapping the shining threads of her arousal left in their wake one by one.

  Once he had effectively retrieved her panties, he brought them to his nose to inhale deeply, making her squirm when his gaze darkened. “These knickers are mine,” He informed her firmly before tucking them into the back pocket of his slacks. “You’ll go without for the rest of the night so that I can have you where I want you, when I want you. Is that understood?”

  Alice couldn’t have refused him if she’d tried. She would have given almost anything at that particular moment to keep him touching her.

  She nodded quickly, her lips parting to answer him – only for a loud cry to replace the words on her lips.


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