Hearts on Fire 9: Her Shadows of Light (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 9: Her Shadows of Light (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Insurance, huh? That’s great. I’ve been to New Orleans a few times. Where will you be working?” Rusty asked and then took another slug of beer.

  She started talking about Louisiana, which she did know a bit about, having cousins out there. In fact, she had a few who were firefighters and police officers.

  “You have cousins in that area who work as cops and firefighters? Damn, I knew I liked you.” Reece moved his hand under her hair and gave her neck a gentle squeeze.

  It sure did affect her in ways she wasn’t used to. They were absolutely perfect, but this situation and meeting here wasn’t.

  They were more than likely out for a good time. Well, she was too, but she didn’t sleep around, although these two would be a fantasy come true. Still, she wasn’t stupid.

  As they continued to talk, she found out they had a lot in common and were both New York Giants fans. That got them talking about sports, which she knew a lot more about than most women did.

  “Another round, on us this time,” one of their friends called out, and they handed out shots again.

  A little while later, they walked toward the pool table set up in the bar area and started playing a few games while her friends made out with the two guys they’d just met.

  Time seemed to go by so quickly, and she really was having a fun time with Reece and Rusty. She knew she shouldn’t keep drinking, but they were all enjoying themselves, and she was loosening up so much she started touching Reece and Rusty, running her hands along their muscles.

  At one point she was asking about Rusty’s tattoo on his wrist and noticed a cut along his arm.

  He pulled her onto his lap on one of the small couches in the pool area and told her how he’d sustained the injury during a fire just yesterday.

  She was impressed but also turned on by him and his brother who sat on the arm of the chair and caressed her hair. She didn’t think twice when she brought Rusty’s wrist to her lips and kissed the cut.

  His eyes darkened, and he looked at her then her lips right before he pulled her close and kissed her.

  That kiss grew deeper until he released her lips and exhaled.

  “Holy shit, Brighid.”

  She felt exactly the same way. Never had she felt so in tune to a man. Well, to two men at once, as Reece touched her chin and tilted it up toward him. She stared up into his dark blue eyes.

  “I want to taste you, too.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and wondered if she should or not.

  Then Rusty caressed her hair and ran his hand along her leg and her knee.

  “Go on and kiss my brother. We share everything, and you’re too perfect for us not to let him kiss you, too.”

  She swallowed hard and noticed her friends were having a great time, as were the men’s friends. So when Reece leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, she was shocked when she felt just as connected and attracted to Reece as she did when she’d kissed Rusty.

  “Jesus, Brighid. You taste so sweet.”

  He gave her a wink, and she smiled and then looked at her friends.

  This was what tonight was all about. Having a good time, letting loose, meeting new people, and not having any regrets. But as more shots were passed around and she started to feel numb and as if she never wanted this night to end, she let go and decided to live for once in her life instead of being a stickler for rules and order. There was plenty of time for that when she started her new job.

  * * * *

  Rusty couldn’t believe their luck. Brighid was gorgeous, sexy, classy, and so much fun he didn’t want the night to end. He was pissed off that she was moving to Louisiana. He tried to figure out a way to see her again, maybe visit her. She was that fucking perfect. Reece was holding her hand and walking with her out of the lounge area and toward the hallway. They were all feeling pretty damn drunk. Her friends had taken off with some of their friends an hour ago, but she didn’t seem like the kind of woman who slept around. It was three o’clock in the morning, and the bar was clearing out. He wondered if they could make plans for tomorrow.

  As he stood up to follow them out of the room, he felt the room spinning and so did Reece.

  “Holy shit, I think you got me drunk, Brighid,” Reece said to her, and she wrapped her arm around his waist and chuckled.

  “Don’t worry, fireman Reece. I’ve got you.”

  Reece chuckled and ran his hand along her ass. He gave it a slap, and she gasped and then laughed. “I think I like being got.”

  Rusty took position on her other side and grabbed onto her waist.

  “I think you got us both drunk.” Rusty tried to focus on where they were headed.

  “I’ve got you too, so no worries, sir.” She saluted and nearly fell forward.

  Rusty didn’t know how he caught her, but thank God, his reflexes weren’t totally off, or she would have fallen on her face. It was bad enough her heels were making her wobble.

  “Wait. Hold up.” Reece slid from her hold, went down on one knee, teetered a moment, and looked up into her eyes. Rusty, despite seeing two of Reece, could see the desire and attraction in his brother’s eyes.

  “Give me these heels, baby, before you break your pretty little neck.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet, Reece.” She leaned forward to hold on to his shoulders and then hugged him, her breasts against his face.

  Reece lifted her up and kissed her. Rusty joined in, feeling her body beneath his palms as he rubbed them along her hips and then her shoulders. He kissed her neck and suckled her skin. God, he wanted her so badly his cock ached with need.

  “Get a fucking room,” someone yelled, and Rusty turned to see some guy with his woman.

  Reece laughed after he released her lips.

  “I think he’s right.” Reece took her hand and led them to the elevator.

  * * * *

  Reece pressed Brighid against the wall in the elevator. He moved his hands along her hips and then cupped her breasts, shocked at how full and large she felt. He’d never been so attracted to a woman before, and this one had to be leaving for another job out of state. It sucked. He didn’t want to let her go, and surely didn’t want the night to end, but how could they make her stay with them?

  She kissed him back and then slowly moved her lips to the side to breathe.

  “God, you two are such good kissers. I don’t want this night to end.”

  He smiled. “We don’t either.”

  She smiled, and then he leaned his forehead against hers and felt the hallway spinning.

  “Jesus, I’m fucking drunk as hell.”

  “Me, too. I feel numb.”

  Then the door to the room opened, and Reece saw Rusty wobble and hit the door. Brighid chuckled and then wrapped her arm around Reece’s waist and walked with him into the room.

  That was when things got crazy. He and Rusty stared at her, both of them rocking on their feet.

  “I know this is crazy, and you don’t know us, but I want you so badly.”

  He reached for her, almost missing her waist, and he gripped her hips and pressed her backward. She held on as he swooped down to kiss her lips before they landed on the bed.

  He pulled back. “Oh God, I should go. I’m so tipsy.”

  She cupped his cheek. “But you’re gorgeous and sweet.”

  The bed dipped, and Rusty plopped down beside them.

  “And what about me?” he asked with a silly grin.

  She chuckled and then looked so serious. She cupped his chin.

  “You’re gorgeous, too.”

  She kissed him, and then Reece began to undress her, spreading kisses along her skin and her breasts. The room continued to move, but all he cared about was spending more time with Brighid and waking up with her in between them in the morning.

  * * * *

  Brighid woke up feeling as though she was in a cocoon of warmth. Her mouth felt so dry, her head was aching, and she could barely open her eyes.

  As she blinked t
hem open, she saw a man, a very large, muscular, naked man lying in front of her. She moved and heard a moan then felt a hand land on her hip and pull her back against him.

  Not one man. Two men were in bed with her, and they were all naked. She felt his hard thighs and then saw that the hand on her hip had a tattoo on its wrist.

  Oh shit. The firefighters from last night. Oh God, I slept with two men, brothers.

  As her mind processed what had happened, she began to panic. She slowly eased her way out of their holds and they both moaned and moved onto their backs.

  She somehow, still feeling tipsy, maneuvered out from between them. She stepped between Rusty’s thighs and then onto the floor, losing her balance and falling and then praying she didn’t wake them. She gripped the edge of the bed and stared at them. Don’t wake up. Oh God, please don’t wake up.

  She looked for her dress and her panties. Finding them, she bent to get into them. Her whole body ached, and her breasts were full and aroused.

  I get so drunk I fuck two men and fulfill a fantasy and I don’t remember any bit of it? Oh God, what the hell did I do? She stared at their bodies. She would love to take a picture. Hell, she would put it up in her bedroom and masturbate over them every night. They were that fucking sexy. What the hell am I thinking? I can’t believe I just thought that. That is so not me. Freaking tequila. It screwed up my brain. Oh God, I’m a slut. Jesus…no, not Jesus, don’t bring up his name. Oh God, I am never going to tell a soul about this.

  She grabbed her bag and her heels and took one last look at the two sexiest, amazing men she had ever met. If circumstances were different, and she weren’t leaving, or maybe had time to date them before she slept with them, there could be a chance. They were so perfect, she would have thought they’d been made for her and her for them. They were so in tune to one another, and there was that connection. Well, obviously a big connection.

  She bit her lip. Tears filled her eyes. She was such an idiot. And I can’t remember any of it. I hope it was incredible. I hope I was incredible. Fuck.

  She hurried toward the door and then slowly, and as quietly as possible, exited the room.

  No one would ever know this secret. She wouldn’t tell a soul. She stood out in the hallway and took a few unsteady breaths.

  She laid her head against the wall, needing a moment to stop the walls from looking as if they were moving. God, I’m still drunk. She smiled to herself as little bits of memory invaded her mind and her body buzzed with awareness. That was the best night of my life. I’ll never forget Rusty and Reece. Keep them safe in their jobs, and please make sure I never see them again or I’ll be mortified.

  Her phone started ringing in her bag, surprising her, and she hurried away from the door and to the stairwell. She answered the phone.

  “Brighid, I need a ride. Don’t ask me any questions. I drank way too much last night, and I just woke up in bed with a man I think I met last night.”

  Brighid smiled. “Don’t worry, Jenny. Your secret’s safe with me.”

  Chapter 2

  “What the fuck is your problem, Rusty?” his brother Pat asked as they unloaded the trunk from food shopping. It was Sunday, and they were all off from work.

  “Nothing,” he mumbled.

  “That must have been some fucking weekend to keep you in this shit-ass mood,” Pat replied.

  “Leave him alone,” Reece chimed in.

  Pat raised his hands up in surrender, and then he grabbed another two bags and chuckled as he headed into the house.

  “What’s the yelling all about?” his brother Tobin, the oldest and a detective in a special investigative unit in Treasure Town, asked.

  He was logging the receipt from the store into the computer. They budgeted out everything and tried to keep track of their spending habits. Not that they had to, but that was just how organized Tobin was. He was a true disciplinary and expected respect at all levels and in all relationships and connections. Sometimes he was too hard, but Pat wouldn’t dare start that fight up with him.

  “They’re both in rotten moods still?” Tobin asked as he closed up the laptop and went back to unpacking the groceries.

  “Yeah, it must have been a shitty fucking weekend. I’m glad we were tied up with work. They didn’t even say if Ron had a good time at his pre-bachelor party,” Pat said.

  “He had a great time. He’s already planning the real bachelor party and expects you two to be there,” Reece told them as he placed the last few bags onto the kitchen table. Rusty brought in the beer. He placed it into the refrigerator and then helped out with the other items.

  Rusty slammed the cabinet door, and Reece dropped a box of pasta then put it into the cupboard before slamming that door next. Pat looked at Tobin, who appeared to be getting tired of their bad fucking moods as he stared at them.

  “Okay, enough is enough. What the fuck happened over the weekend at that party that has you two moping around, slamming cabinets, and being dicks to everyone?” Tobin crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave them that stern interrogation expression that worked on thugs. It didn’t quite work on them, but they were brothers. They shared just about everything, so why weren’t Reece and Rusty sharing this?

  “We’re not moping around or being dicks. We’re just tired from the weekend,” Reece added, and Rusty plopped down in the chair, popped open a beer, and guzzled half its contents down.

  Tobin looked at Rusty, and Pat knew something big was up, but before he could ask, Tobin took the lead.

  “Shit, what the fuck happened? Spill the beans now,” Tobin demanded in that tone of his. “We’re brothers, and we don’t keep secrets.”

  Pat watched Rusty and Reece exchange looks.

  “Hand me a beer. If we’re going to tell them what happened, I’ll need a few of those.”

  Rusty reached back, opened the refrigerator door, grabbed three more beers, and placed them onto the table then closed the door.

  Reece pushed two across the table for Tobin and Pat.

  They popped them open, the sound filtering through the room, adding to the connection, the equality and bond they had.

  Reece looked at Rusty. “We met a woman.”

  Pat put the beer down and looked at Tobin, who squinted when he looked at his brothers.

  “She was fucking amazing. Beautiful, both outside and inside. A knockout,” Reece stated.

  “We all got drunk. She’s from out of town, leaving for a new job tomorrow morning in Louisiana. She was attending a bachelorette party with friends, and, well, we hit it off. We had so much shit in common. The chemistry was fucking incredible,” Rusty said, and Reece nodded.

  “So what happened?” Tobin asked.

  “We woke up the next morning, and she was fucking gone.” Rusty clenched his teeth, and the vein at his temple was pulsating.

  His brother was really upset about this.

  “So you two fuck some hot chick and she sneaks out in the morning and you’re acting like this? Why? Obviously it didn’t mean shit to her. She doesn’t even live nearby. It was a fucking one-night stand.” Tobin took a slug from his beer.

  “No, it was incredible. I mean, like lightning striking. My fucking dick was never so hard just from looking at a woman, never mind talking to her,” Rusty said.

  “She was sweet, Tobin. I think she panicked because she got drunk too, and the three of us didn’t want the night to end. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Every little touch affected Rusty and me. It was instant, and everything about her was perfect from her long red hair, big green eyes, and exceptional figure to her personality. I can’t stop thinking about her and what could have been,” Reece admitted.

  Tobin ran his fingers through his hair. “Jesus, you two are fucking serious?” Tobin sat down at the kitchen table.

  “Dead serious.” Reece drank down the rest of the beer in the can. Rusty opened up the refrigerator and pulled out four more beers.

  “Did you try asking at the hotel to find ou
t who she was, her name and number, anything?” Pat asked.

  “Dude, do we looking fucking stupid?” Rusty said. “Once we got over the fact that she’d snuck out, figuring she was probably embarrassed because she didn’t seem like a woman who did shit like that all the time, we went down to the front desk and asked. They wouldn’t tell us shit. Thought we were some stalkers or something.”

  “That’s hotel policy. They can’t disclose information on people to strangers. How about her friends or other members of the bachelorette party?” Pat asked.

  “We put in calls to some of the guys. We know two were hitting on her girlfriends, so we’re hoping to find something out that way,” Reece said.

  “Well, I hate to say it, but there isn’t much you can do about it. Even if you did find out her full name, her number and address, you aren’t going to fly out to another state just to talk to her and see where it will lead. Leave it as a memory of an unforgettable night. There isn’t much more to do.” Tobin opened the other beer, took a sip, then stood up and continued to put the stuff away.

  “It sucks. She was gorgeous, sexy as damn hell, with a knock-out body,” Rusty told them.

  “She even had a tattoo on her hip and one on the inside of her wrist. They were both small dragonflies,” Reece told Pat.

  “Those are distinguishing marks. Maybe you’ll hear from one of the guys, and it will lead to her number. If that happens, I would call her first before showing up on her doorstep. Then she’ll call the cops on you guys, especially if she only slept with you because she was drunk.”

  “Fuck you, that wasn’t the only reason,” Reece said and threw one of the bags at Pat’s head.

  “The attraction was instant. There was a connection there, and that’s what I don’t understand,” Rusty said.

  “Let’s say this hot, sexy woman felt it, too. Maybe she figured it wasn’t worth it to continue something that would end up nowhere. She isn’t even in this state. She’s nowhere near here. Just put her out of your heads. It wasn’t meant to be,” Tobin stated firmly, and it was obvious to Pat that the conversation was over as far as Tobin was concerned.


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