Bondage a la Carte

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Bondage a la Carte Page 10

by Jurgen von Stuka

  Naked and chained, Katrine closed the heavy drapes on the windows and slipped into the huge bed, feeling the chill of the chains and the increasing heat of the five cuffs as they warmed to her body temperature. She breathed easily through her nose, felt the embrace of the collar and cuffs and, as she drifted off into a calm and relaxed sleep, wondered if the second bag would contain what she was already anticipating: two large metal cocks and a third chain to keep them in place.

  V – Fun With Metal

  Madrid, Spain

  The electric prod provided sufficient encouragement. She moved as quickly as she could with her ankles hobbled and her hands behind her back. When she stumbled or stopped, the prod struck her in the ass or on the side of her tits. The surge of pain it brought made her nearly black out, but with the two men holding her and dragging her forward, she had little choice other than to move on and try to avoid the prod. Her mouth was taped shut with a wad of rag filling it and keeping her silent. The blindfold they had first used was now slightly loose and she could see a bit as they plodded on.

  The inside of the warehouse was empty, except for the women hanging in chains and ropes from the electric hoists on the overhead beams. There were more than a dozen of these suspension units and some were occupied but most were vacant. The occupied chains, in most cases, held exceptionally beautiful young women: naked, bound, hooded and suspended above the concrete floor. All had their feet chained to heavy weights on the floor.

  Her two masked escorts guided her to one chain with a strange-looking device attached to the end, dangling about seven feet above the floor.

  “Stand here. Stand still,” Mario, the guide, said harshly as he used a wired remote control to lower the dangling metal array. She did so, fearing the cattle prod more than the vague prospect of being somehow attached to the frightening metal device with its assortment of short pipes, adjustable clamps and circular cuffs. The largest cuff, she quickly discovered, was actually a wide collar and they slipped it around her neck and locked it closed. It fit quite well. They unlocked the cuffs that held her hands behind her back and inserted each wrist into one of the smaller cuffs attached to the device on either side of her neck. This placed her hands high up on her back with the chains connected to the collar.

  They placed a U-shaped metal clamp around her head, the curved portion at the back of her head and the threaded sidebars close alongside her cheeks, extending out in front of her mouth by an inch or more. A flat metal bar with holes at each end and a short, open metal tube in the center came next. The holes at each end of the bar fit the threaded end bars of the U clamp and the open tube was forced deep into her open mouth. They pressed the tube fully inside her mouth and then tightened two wing nuts on the side bars, pressing the flat bar and tube deeper between her wide open jaws. It was, of course, a gag, a terribly uncomfortable one that held her mouth open, but allowed them access to the interior of her oral cavity and throat. The unyielding metal tube pressed uncomfortably against the top of her mouth and held her tongue pressed flat in the bottom of her jaw. Any attempt to form words or speak came out sounding like an alien language. She tested it and they laughed, having no idea what she was trying to say.

  With her neck, wrists and mouth thus disabled, they placed a hinged metal belt around her chest, just below her somewhat flattened breasts. Once again, she was surprised to note that this hardware fit so well, enclosing her chest and ribs snugly. A simple padlock secured this belt. Two circular clamps were fitted to the chest belt and these went around each breast and were tightened until the mammaries became swollen with trapped blood and the skin of each tit became shiny and hard. A pair of thin wires was attached to her nipples and threaded upward, through a D ring in the front of the collar, then drawn tight until each nipple pointed at the overhead and the accompanying breast tilted skyward as well. She moaned in complaint, but they ignored her. Nevertheless, the sounds coming from the tubed mouth were by now apparently annoying her tormentors, so they literally corked her by inserting a fat rubber plug into the end of the mouth tube. This lowered the sound level and the two men went back to work on their captive. To accompany the gag, a metal band with cloth pads went over her eyes and sealed out any light.

  In keeping with the prescribed plans, she still wore the ridiculously high heels she arrived with, but they were now fitted with a sort of steel instep/ankle clamp that held the shoe in place and made them unremovable without a key to the clever locks on the side of each foot. A short chain connected these and served well as a hobble. The shoes and dark black stockings with elastic hold-up tops were all that remained of her original, expensive, designer clothing. Her underwear and outer garments had been carefully removed hours ago.

  Another hinged metal belt, much like the one around her chest, went around her waist and here they had to compress the tissue a bit to make it fit. It too was locked and presented several D rings welded on in useful places. A chain hung from one of the rings centered in front, below her navel and just above her hairless frontal crevasse.

  One of the men was in the process of fitting a hinged metal clamp around her legs, just above the knee, when his partner told him to stop and pointed to the dangling front chain. Both men laughed and the one who was ready with the leg clamp put it down and went to the side, returning with two fat metal dildoes, balancing them in his hands and apparently speculating which would fit where. He unscrewed the ringed base of one dildoe and poured the contents of a small container of lead shot into the internal cavity. They both looked at the partly full dildoe and added another measure of lead, then screwed the cap closed and slipped a lubricated condom over the dildoe. She, being blind, could not know what was coming and the first indication she got was the rough parting of her bare lower lips and the tantalizingly hard tip of the dildoe probing her cunt. The dildoe went in, more quickly than even she expected. It was soon well seated up inside while the frontal chain from the waist belt was slipped through the ringed base and pulled back between her legs.

  A large brass ring, perhaps one and a half inches in diameter, was clipped to the chain. Then another short chain was connected to the ring and the entire series of metal objects pulled tight through her chain-split crotch. When fully stretched, the whole thing connected to the back of the waist belt with a lock. She could feel the chain cutting through her tender petals, pressing hard against the center of her crotch and driving the ring against her asshole as it forced the sides of her rear crack apart. The weighted dildoe in her cunt created an unusual sensation as it constantly shifted within her.

  “Now,” said Mario. “Now do the upper legs.”

  The original leg clamp went into place easily, pressing the smooth white thighs closely together. Her captors liked this look so much that they rummaged in their kits for another slightly bigger clamp and tested this on the very top of her legs. It fit well enough and had a handy center chain that functioned as a cinch, holding it in place just below her deeply split crack.

  The woman, whose name was Bonnie, now stood, stretching upward with her wrists and neck captured in the suspended, overhead, metal device, her pillaged mouth held open wide and plugged with the simple cork in the tube. Her breasts were tightly clamped at their base and shaped like large, ripe pears with the nipples wired and fully extended upwards toward the collar.

  “What have we forgotten?” Mario asked, almost rhetorically.

  “The elbows?” George, the second man, asked with a bit of a snicker, wondering what they could put on her arms to enhance the already perfect scene.

  “Oh, why not,” said Mario. “Go find some shackles for her elbows and we’ll pull them back and down to the belt, just for effect.”


  “But, my friend, what we have neglected is to fill that ring hole in the rear. You and I both know that we’d likely get our own asses reamed if we failed to fill that obviously vacant and essential cavity with something useful.”

  “Oh, ja, of course. I almost forgot the asshole.�

  “Me too. What have we got?”

  “Here’s the usual…” said George, holding up a blond horse tail that easily matched the girls braided mane.

  “That’ll work, but let’s change the plug so that it stays in longer. Don’t want her shitting it out as they flog her, do we?”

  “Ah, no. Surely not then.” More laughter.

  “I think an inflatable will do nicely,” said Mario, as he waved a greasy, fat, penis dildoe with a short hose and squeeze bulb attached to it. He lined this up with the ring spreading Bonnie’s firmly rounded buttocks and pushed. Inside the mouth tube and from behind the cork, a shrill scream seeped out. Mario pushed harder and succeeded in driving the rubber dick in about half way while the girl screamed and struggled in her hanging position.

  “Relax, honey. Relax. It’ll fit. I know it will,” said Mario, pushing the thing in deeper and finally seeing the entire length disappear between the spread cheeks, its hose sticking out through the ring and the long blond tail falling down over her stockinged thighs. He gave it the squeeze bulb a few pumps while she yelled even louder and then he twisted the hose loose and stood back, seeing the girl writhe and struggle to accept this newest and most intrusive violation of her lower body. The tail wagged nicely in response to her movements.

  George stepped behind her and clipped a set of heavy steel shackles onto her arms, just above the elbow. A chain hung from each shackle. Then he stood back, looking puzzled.

  “Now, that’s a problem,” said George.

  “Yeah. Whatdayawannado?” asked Mario, grinning broadly.

  “Let’s see if we can connect them to the tits. Should work.”

  “Gees, nothing but one problem after another. I think I’ll go back to the trash pick-up job,” joked Mario.

  “Sure. Right. How often did you get a chance to fuck this kind of cunt in that job, Mate?”

  “Oh, now and then some nice piece would wave from the window and we’d stop for a bugger break,” said George, locking a loop of shackle chain around each already clamped breast and connecting it to the upper arm shackles. The effect was impressive. This arrangement led the chains from her shackled upper arms back, across her spine and connected to the sides of each breast clamp. There was no slack in the chain and they had to push and pull her elbows nearly together to allow the chains to reach the breast clamps. When they released her arms, the chains tightened and pulled hard on the tit clamps. Whatever flexing of the arms she might previously have been able to make was now limited to how hard she wanted the chains and clamps to pull her already tormented breasts to the side. The combination of having her nipples wired, breasts tightly clamped and chained to her arms brought Bonnie still another level of distress. She whined and mewed into the pipe gag in her mouth and tried to shift her feet into a less painful position as she hung from the overhead chain. The other suspended women around her offered no help as they were too deeply engrossed in their own terrible situation.

  “I think we’re done, buddy,” Mario said. “Nice work on the upper arms. Those heavy shackles fit well just above the elbows and pull everything into its proper place.”

  The girl’s arms were now double fastened: once in the original wrist cuffs that held her hands helpless on either side of her neck and then further strained as her elbows were pulled together by the cross-back chains connected to her tits. Her shoulders already ached from the tension of the elbow cuffs and the rough metal wrist cuffs chafed and cut her wrists. The breast clamps, a constant agony, increased their torment as the elbow chains tugged each tit sideways, placing additional stress on each wired nipple. Bonnie was in a state of unending and severe discomfort. The double plugs up her cunt and ass were of far less concern than the rest of her bondage, but every element of her enforced tip-toe posture brought her additional anguish.

  “Quite,” said George, surveying their work. “Quite lovely. I think they will be thrilled by this one. Hope she lasts long enough for them to get tired of her and pass her down to us for a bit of a prang or, huh?”

  “Not likely, George. Not likely. Let’s go have a drink. They’ll be here at seven and take over from there.”

  As they left the warehouse, stopping along the route to briefly inspect the other young women swaying from their chains in similar but different suspensions and confinements, the two men discussed the evening’s plans that their superiors would carry out.

  “You know,” said Mario, “the coolest part of this is that these broads know nothing.”

  “Right,” said George.

  “But they will be systematically tortured most of the night, supposedly because they have information the inquisitors want.”

  “Yeah. It’s a bit historical. A modern version of the church’s inquisition. Torture for the sake of torture, but make it look and sound like there is something these women must give up.”

  “It pays well enough, considering that it costs us almost nothing to find the random girl. This Bonnie that we just did was just too easy.”

  “There’s a lesson there,” said George.

  “Lesson?” said Mario.

  George elaborated, “Consider the situation. She’s your typical liberated business woman on a long week’s excursion to Bremen, Berlin and Munich. She elects to drive and stops at a rest stop for a break and we just happen to be cruising the same place. We chat her up, walk her to her car and wham, we got her. No one sees us or her because its night and no one misses her until maybe the next day when they find out she didn’t check into her Berlin hotel. By then her car is at the bottom of the river and she is on her way here with us.”

  “Yeah. It seems to work well. Costs us nothing except the gasoline for the car and the cash in her purse was a sort of bonus. I ditched the credit cards and other junk in the furnace,” said Mario.

  Inside the warehouse, Bonnie struggled against the unyielding metal restraints. She still had no clue as to what had happened and why these men at the rest stop pushed her into her rental car, put a gun to her head and quickly bound and gagged her before they drove her to another secluded spot and placed her more firmly tied, gagged and blindfolded body into the boot of another car. She could not know that she would endure this night and others to follow as one of several captive subjects who would be interrogated endlessly by a group of sadists who filmed and video taped her suffering. The films would be edited and sold on the internet as downloads in part of a monthly subscription.

  And she would never understand that all they wanted was to see her struggle, cry out and mindlessly attempt to figure out what they wanted and why. There would be no correct answers. There was nothing she could tell them that would ease her suffering and it would be several days before Bonnie realized that she was nothing more than a play toy, an involuntary actor in a series of short story videos with no plot, a source of entertainment. Nothing more.

  Around her in the darkened building, Bonnie heard no sounds. Other than an occasional groan or ghostly rattle of loose chains, the warehouse was quiet.

  VI - A Visit With Doctor Gail

  Boston, USA

  It was impossible.

  How could this have happened to her?

  Who were these people and why had they done this?

  Marsha Gregory’s quick and Harvard-trained mind tried to sort the questions out while her body struggled with the restraints that held her immobile, robbing her of most of her critical senses. She could breathe and she could hear herself hum when she tried to speak or scream. There was feeling in her arms and legs and hands and feet, but almost no movement was possible as she tried to shift her weight or change her position.

  That position was one of her most troubling problems at this moment. As far as she could tell, she was suspended in some sort of harness that encompassed her entire upper body. She seemed to be resting on her knees, but her weight was distributed between her shoulders, which were achingly straining to support her body, and her crotch.

  There was no sound, no noise except fo
r the thumping of her own pulse in her ears and her regular breathing. She was breathing through her nose, because her mouth was packed very full of something that refused to give when she bit down and the packing was so far back in her mouth that she had to concentrate on swallowing every few minutes. Her jaws were open to their full extension, her tongue pressed against the bottom of her mouth, teeth separated by what seemed like pounds of packing. Tight. Unyielding.

  Her eyes were sealed shut and covered with a tight band that ran all the way around her head and compressed her upper head and scalp. No light filtered through the eye coverings. It could be day or night. She had been taken at night, but that seemed like a very long time ago.

  Her mouth packing was held by what felt like a similar band and there was absolutely no give to either one. She was sure now, after what seemed like days in this position, that her head was also sealed into some kind of tight bag or helmet because of the pressure all over, not just at the eyes and mouth.

  When she tried to scream or shout, all she heard was a loud hum in her own ears. If anyone heard her, there was no indication. Marsha moaned again anyway...anything to ease the confused, frustrated feeling that had taken over in her mind since she’d returned to her apartment early that evening and been jumped by those two crazies who were waiting there for her.

  Her arms were behind her. Fastened together at the wrists and elbows, pressed tightly against her back. Even her fingers were bound so that she couldn’t move or try to reach out and get to the bindings. Each digit was carefully and tightly bound to the same one on the opposite hand, left index to right, left little finger to right, each finger bound with rubber covered wire at the base and at the second joint. Her legs were fastened with the backs of her calves pressed against the backs of her thighs and each toe felt like it was bound to the next one, pulled up against her bare buttocks and immovable. Her legs were bent at ninety degrees from her upper body as though she was sitting and her knees just touched the floor, or whatever was below her. Under her armpits and across her chest, a series of tight bands stretched and supported her body in its suspension.


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