Bondage a la Carte

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Bondage a la Carte Page 20

by Jurgen von Stuka

  “Ok,” said Julio. “It’s time for their first interview. You will do this for both of them alone. I can’t spare anyone else today and they must get started before their full strength returns. Understand, Sarah?”

  “Of course. I know the routine.”

  “Good. Let me know if anything unusual comes up. I’ve pretty much closed all the loose ends for these two. The greedy cousin may become a problem, but I have the New York agent working on her. She may just have an accident in the subway one of these days if she makes any more trouble. She has sent us six subjects over the last year and her time is just about up.”

  “I’ll get right to it,” said Sarah. “Do we want them both as aggressors?”

  “Yes. For now. Let’s see what emerges from the interviews. For now, I want them just as Gladiators. Later, we’ll see if they might work out better in the bull ring games.”

  Chapter Four

  The game was a major attraction at The Villa. It was, with all the show, pomp and glamour, a fantasy bull fight. The bulls were young women pressed unwillingly into the roles. The bullfighters were also captives, but they had earned the right to be toreadors and they often regretted the choice when the “bulls” won the round. The toreadors wore traditional costumes. The bulls were in full bull garb. A complete bull’s hide, horned head and all, was stitched onto the nude body of the captive. The hands were carefully sewn into hollowed out bull’s hooves, their heads sealed into the empty bull’s head. The costume was more or less permanent and once a bull was created, it stayed in character until its usefulness was lost. This occurred when the bull either died from the continuous torment of being confined inside the animal skin or, more often, because of some slipshod ring work by an erstwhile toreador. The object of the bullfight was for the toreador to take down the bull. The required takedown was to get the bull on its back, at which point the toreador carried out a sexual attack on the bull. While the observing crowd cheered them on, the woman bullfighter attached a monster dildoe probe to a leather harness at the front of her skintight leather pants and attacked the subjugated bull. A successful mating in the ring brought down the house and netted the bullfighter a few day’s R&R. The Bull was sent back to training, to be kept in a small metal cage and fed weeds and garbage from The Villa’s kitchen.

  On several occasions however, the bull proved agile enough to knock down the toreador or pin her to the wall of the ring. When this happened, the crowd would roar its delight and give the fateful thumbs-down sign. Then, if she could, the irate young woman bull would batter her adversary with hooves and horns until the ring mistress and her helpers decided that the toreador had had enough. The fate of the toreador was based on her prior performance and showing in the ring.

  Cindy and Amy were put into training as Gladiators, but somewhere down the line, they’d be considered as participants in the big money game, the Bull fight.

  “You will attack your opponent, strip her and carry out a sexual assault,” said Julio slowly and with emphasis on the words “strip” and “sexual”. Both women looked at him without comprehension. They shook their heads and took a step back from the places where they stood. They could not believe what they had heard. Amy and Cindy stood in a boxing ring, each held by an Amazon. They wore minimal cotton bikini panties and bras that barely covered their nipples. Each had a metal collar locked around her neck and the escort held a leash from the collar. Their hands were tied behind their backs with nylon rope. They were gagged with leather plugs that fitted between their teeth and allowed their mouths to close around the leather. A single strand of light stainless steel cable held the gag in place and locked behind their necks at the base of the skull. The gags would not come out unless they removed the small brass padlocks and the cable slackened enough for the leather plugs to be taken out of their mouths.

  “Do you understand?” Julio almost shouted. He was sitting in a director’s chair at ringside, looking up at the four women in the ring. “This is your first test. You will learn more as time goes on. Today, I want you to box, or wrestle your opponent to the floor, then carry out an oral rape with your mouth, gag and all. The winner gets a reward. The loser will pay with her body. Losers pay for twenty four hours. You’ll see what that means and I recommend you make every effort to win. Your escorts have a few little tools that will encourage you to participate with enthusiasm.

  Amy shook her head from side to side and made negative noises into her gag. Cindy was wide-eyed and disbelieving of the entire scene. Their hands were untied and a bell sounded. The escorts reached up and unhooked both girls’ leashes. Amy bolted for the side of the ring, grabbed the ropes with her hands and started to climb out of the ring. Suddenly she stopped, one leg on the bottom rope, hands clutching the top one. Her head went back and she shuttered and then released the ropes, falling to the mat. Her hands went to her groin and her breasts, tugging at the panties and bra and tearing them away from her body. Muffled hums of surprise and pain came from her gagged mouth and she rolled on the mat, legs pulled up to her chest, one hand buried between her legs, the other squeezing her left breast, pulling the tissue away from her chest. Her nails, carefully manicured short to prevent gouging and scratching, sought to tear the flesh of her crotch and breasts.

  “Oh my, Amy,” Julio crooned. “I forgot to tell you about the implants. These are your motivators. They work well, don’t they?”

  Amy groaned behind the gag. Her body was shaking and her breath came loudly from her distended nostrils. Both escorts were quickly upon her, pulling her hands away and twisting her wrists back behind her. Her hands were retied and she lay panting on the mat.

  “While you both were getting acquainted with your new roles here, I did some special modifications on you,” Julio said. “The sensations you just experienced are the result of some small implants that were added while you slumbered in the cellar this last week. The nutrients you got through the feeding hose also contained drugs that allowed us to do this work. Similar implants were surgically inserted in various parts of your body when we added the nipple rings. I think those little rings distracted you from the implants, didn’t they?”

  Both girls looked stupidly at Julio, still not understanding what he was talking about.

  “Well, anyway,” he added. “It’s a simple procedure and involves using what is basically a large syringe, so there is no scar and no blood loss. But as you, Amy, can now testify to, when these are activated, they can become powerful motivators.”

  Both girls shuddered. Amy at the fresh memory of burning pain that shot through her vagina and breast; Cindy with the strong visual impression of her friend and partner rolling around on the mat in the throes of such agony.

  “Everyone here has some implants,” Julio intoned gravely. “Even your escorts. That’s how I trained THEM. Now girls, let’s try this again. Amy, take your opponent down to the mat. Cindy, you had better resist in every way you know how. Unless you want to try the implant affects yourself.”

  Amy’s hands were freed again and the bell sounded. The girls moved slowly toward each other, not sure what to do next but not wanting a further encounter with Julio’s motivator. Round one was under way. They circled each other cautiously and made some feints. They grappled a bit, embracing and then pushing each other away and the round ended.

  After a two-minute break, round two began. Again, they grappled and swung unenthusiastically at each other. After three rounds of this nonsense, Amy’s escort Amazon stepped forward with a long cane and quickly slashed the flexible stick across Amy’s tightly rounded bottom. The girl jumped, turned to face the escort and yelped behind the gag. Cindy tackled her from behind and both girls fell to the mat. Cindy quickly gained the top position and wrestled her partner to the mat, pinning Amy’s arms outstretched and straddling her waist with her knees. Amy gave a few half-hearted thrusts with her back and hips, but was unable to throw Cindy off.

  “Take her, take her,” Julio shouted. Cindy’s Amazon came forward with a cane
and sliced the girl’s bare buttocks with the cutting whip. Cindy howled through the gag, butted Amy’s head with her own and executed a quick reverse, pivoting over Amy’s midsection and placing her crossed ankles over Amy’s neck, her knees on either side of her rib cage and her gagged face directly between Amy’s thighs. Cindy dug in with all her strength, the leather gag rubbing across and then into the other woman’s sex, pushing the shaven lips roughly apart and then with strong vertical strokes, driving her gagged mouth directly into the other woman’s molten slit. Amy struggled and tossed her head, but responded to the assault despite her verbal objections. What Cindy could not, in this case, accomplish with her tongue, she was doing very well with the leather gag and the thin cable holding it in place. She and Amy often engaged in rough sex and S/M games and this game, while it felt different, slowly brought forth the same kind of arousal to the young woman’s mind and body. Amy thrust and rolled about, seemingly trying to get out from under her friend’s pinning position, but the stimulation was building and Cindy showed no mercy and no inclination towards letting her up.

  The two ring-tending Amazons now brought their canes into play, flogging slowly the thrusting bottom of the aggressor and swatting accurately at Amy’s raised and outstretched legs. Both women on the mat moaned and yelled into their gags and the Amazons struck continuously and with great accuracy. Cindy buried her head deep inside Amy’s crotch, moving up and down, from side to side, eliciting a steady stream of moans and groans from her pinned captive. Amy rolled her head from wildly, arms flailing uselessly above her head, legs jerking and shifting from flat against the mat to upraised and beating on Cindy’s back with her heels. For nearly ten minutes the scene continued with the Amazons striking out at any exposed flesh they could find, except for the heads, in the pile of young women on the mat. Finally, after the appropriate yelps and groans and spasms from both figures, the activity slowed and stopped. Both women were exhausted from the action and the continuous flogging. From neck to buttocks, Cindy’s back, the backs of her thighs and buttocks were criss-crossed with long red weals as she rolled off her defeated opponent. Amy remained on her back, legs outstretched and well marked from the caning. Both Amazons put down their whips and seized their charges, quickly binding their wrists behind them and taking them from the ring to the nearby showers where they were strung up from overhead bars and hosed down with hot, soapy water. Cindy’s face and gag got a heavy hosing down, as did Amy’s crotch.

  “You both did well for the first time,” said Julio as he watched the two captives being bathed and toweled dry. “I have the feeling though, that despite your objections, this is not your first time. Have you two played before?” The question was posed sharply and both girls slowly first looked at each other than then nodded to Julio.

  “Aha! I knew it!” he said. “That may be very useful to us all. A matched pair of young bitches, you’ll make. Guards, give them both the night off. We’ll resume our game tomorrow or perhaps Monday after some additional training.” Julio turned and left the washroom. Amy and Cindy hung from their tied wrists, toes on the wet tiled floor, wondering exactly what the bastard Julio had in mind for them.

  As weeks went by, it was clear to all parties that the two girls were not exactly all that unhappy with their extended visit to Mexico. Julio and the Amazons had their work cut out for them though, for the Americans were both stubborn and accustomed to their own routines. Constantly bound and gagged, forced to perform at Julio’s command and being kept from their home and jobs, the girls resisted more than they cooperated. By week three, they had agreed to give up their jobs and had called and written the necessary letters to keep people in the states from becoming unduly concerned about their whereabouts and welfare. By week five, they were performing nightly to the delight of a mixed audience. Their performances were half-choreographed and half-spontaneous, motivated by a sincere desire to avoid the implanted stimulators and also by a need to have their individual sexual needs fulfilled. Outside of the ring, they were treated to a series of exercises designed to excite and entice them into animated sex plays for their audiences.

  One evening they were taken to a different room where there was no ring, only a large, thick oriental carpet with a blood red motif. The girls were dressed in skintight Lycra body suits. They were hooded as they entered the room. Only their eyes were visible with the hoods. Their arms and wrists were bound with steel cuffs behind them and their feet were chained and hobbled. They wore steel collars and were led in by the Amazons with short chain leashes. Exercise and Julio’s diets had hardened their bodies and improved their figures that were now accentuated by the black suits. The legs were cut ultra high up on the hip, ending just above the waist. The necklines plunged to the navel and only small, thin strips covered their nipples and rose to a halter neck that was anchored in the back by two crossed straps that descended to join the suit at the waist.

  They wore nothing under the suits. Fighting the leash, Amy entered the room reluctantly, buzzing behind her gag and tugging at the steel cuffs holding her elbows nearly together behind her. Her hands were closely cuffed and pulled against her buttocks by a thin chain that came between her legs and neatly divided her lower lips, ending up in a chain around her waist. The tugging at her wrists accentuated the split crotch and drove the chain and suit material deep into her cleft. By the time they were in their corners, both girls had worked themselves up into a sexual frenzy and the cat suits were dark in spots from their pre-match efforts.

  Seated around the room in leather armchairs were a collection of Julio’s clients from the states and other countries. The room was dark except for two spotlights that lit up the opposite corners and for the glow of cigarettes and cigars smoked by several of the guests.

  “Tonight, my friends,” said Julio, who was seated like his guests, facing the center of the room, “we have two new arrivals for your enjoyment. You have seen the vital statistics, but I’ll remind you of a few key points. On the left, we have Amy at one hundred and ten pounds, measuring thirty-seven, twenty-four, thirty-six. She has some training in boxing and wrestling, but is basically unskilled in such combat. On the right is her opponent, Cindy, weighing one hundred and fourteen pounds and measuring thirty-nine, twenty-four, thirty-six. She too is new at this game and has no particular combat skills,” Julio lied.

  “Now, tonight’s first contest is a bit different. Once you have made your initial bets, there will be no further betting until the first fall. If that fall is final, all bets remain and will be paid then and there. If we go to additional falls, you may bet after each. Based on our previous arrangements, Madame Marsh and Mister James have the stimu-controls and neither of them is permitted to bet. Each ref is allowed two stimulator moves only. Are the rules understood by all?”

  There was a slow nodding of some heads. Others simply watched the contestants or tended to their smokes and drinks.

  “Good,” Julio said. “Let us begin.” The cuffs were removed from each girl and the bell sounded. As the girls slowly moved to the center of the room the lights picked up the collection of canes and whips in the two opposite corners. Amy made a feint to the right and dove left, seizing a long thin riding crop by the wrong end just as Cindy caught her high-heeled feet and brought the other woman down to the carpet. They rolled, Amy twisted to free her feet and flailed carelessly with the handle of the crop, striking Cindy about the hooded head and shoulders. From behind the gags, both girls shrieked and yelled. Cindy fought off the blows with one hand and reached for a group of long canes in the corner, quickly picking one as Amy continued to pound her back and thighs with her crop, now properly reversed and held at arm’s length. It looked like Amy was already getting the upper hand when suddenly she dropped the crop and doubled over, thrusting her hands into her crotch and dropping to the floor as the anal stimulators fired their barrage of shocks. One of the referees had used the first of the two allowed “stimulators”.

  The watching crowd murmured either in agreemen
t with the referee’s action or in objection, depending on their bets. Cindy reacted immediately with a strong upward cut to Amy’s ass, catching the other woman as she rolled over in pain from the implant’s action. Cindy followed up with cut after cut, swinging the cane in wide, broad strokes across the tightly rounded ass flesh of her partner, getting yelps and moans from her gagged and hooded opponent. But the second referee made her stimulator move and Cindy spasmed into a bowed crucified stance, the cane flying from her open hand and the other hand swinging inward to clutch her right breast. Through the thin lycra suit, the girl’s hand seized the full and pointed breast fruit, her long fingers wrapping around the pained base and the thumb and index finger grabbing the distended nipple and pulling it out and away from the explodingly painful mound. Inside the firm flesh of the breast, the stimulator had electrically triggered a series of bursts that felt as though a dentist’s drill was at work directly below the base of the nipple, driving the drill burr deep into the breastbone.

  “Eeeeeeeeuuuggghh….” Was the cry that escaped from the hooded, gag-filled mouth as Cindy crumpled to the carpet along side her fallen opponent. For a long moment they both lay there, head to feet, panting and struggling to be the first to regain some sort of fighting strength. Neither wanted another burst of hell from the implants and each wanted to gain the upper hand that would lead to ending the match. That end would come when one of them brought the other to her knees with the canes, crops or whips. Being felled by the refs didn’t count.

  Amy came up first. She simply kicked Cindy in the right breast with the sharp toe of her right high-heeled shoe. Coming behind the implant shock, the kick was enough to make Cindy black out. She recoiled from the kick, wrapped both hands around the punished organ and rolled over on her stomach, bringing her knees up under her and placing her head on the carpet. Her lower thighs compressed her full breasts, pushing the white and now marked flesh out to the sides. She was kneeling in the prescribed “I give up” posture, but Amy wasn’t having any of it. Striding to the corner, she picked out a stout six-foot bullwhip and turned back to face her partner and opponent. The whip uncoiled and Amy flicked its forked leather tongue across Cindy’s spread butt. Amy jerked back on the handle and the whip smacked soundly across the entire firm, lycra-covered surface of the girls behind, making her start and jerk. Her head came up just as the whip again landed, this time diagonally across the hips, cutting a wide slash and separating the stretched material. Red flesh now showed where black fabric had been only a second before. Cindy howled into her gag. Amy struck a third time, the whip coming up from under and wrapping around the shuddering body on the carpet. This stroke finished the match. For it cut across both Cindy’s breasts and sliced through the cat suit yet again as the braided leather thong snaked away. The crowd was pleased and there were hissed intakes of breath and unconscious groans as each member of the audience felt the power of the whip blows on the girl’s unwilling flesh.


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