Embrace the Romance

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Embrace the Romance Page 11

by S. E. Smith

  “It helped being here in Mandra and Ariel’s house. Jabir had his own toys and bed. Pokey is sleeping with them,” she said, stepping back and guiding him to a large chair by the window. “I made you some dinner. Let me get it.”

  Asim tugged on her arm, pulling her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. He held her close, his chin against her hair and closed his eyes. Pearl could feel the heavy beat of his heart. She relaxed against him, understanding that he needed this time.

  “I was afraid I was going to lose you,” he murmured.

  “You weren’t the only one,” she replied, resting her head against his shoulder and staring out at the dark. “When Hans told me what they had done to you, it pissed me off.”

  Asim chuckled. “You showed him!” he said, gazing down at her.

  Pearl smiled. “He did it to himself, really. Neither my dragon nor I wanted a dead body in the house,” she declared.

  “I knew the moment that you knocked my ass in the lake that I had met a woman who was a warrior at heart. You proved it tonight,” he said with a sigh and his arms tightened around her. “Tomorrow, I’m setting up a security system throughout the valley.”

  “No, tomorrow you are going to get up and take care of the animals like you do every day. We will not live our lives in fear because of one incident. Besides, we have an army already here! Between the Grombots and the emus, I can’t imagine a safer place to live,” she said sternly.

  “I do believe you are right,” he said, bending his head to brush a kiss across her lips.

  “You bet your ass I am,” Pearl retorted.

  She turned and threaded her hands through his hair. Pulling his head down again, she captured his lips in a long kiss that shared the depth of her fear of losing him. Asim deepened the kiss and thanked the Goddess once more for giving him such a perfect mate.


  Present Day:

  “Wait a minute! What happened next?” Brogan demanded, leaning forward with his hands on his knees when Asim stopped talking.

  “What do you mean ‘What happened next’? We got the kids to safety,” Asim said.

  Brogan pushed up off the floor and grabbed the wooden sculpture. He shook it in front of Asim’s face with a frown. When Asim gave him a puzzled look, Brogan released a growl of frustration and shook the wooden emu again.

  “What happened to the other man? What happened to the emu that was shot?” Brogan demanded.

  “Oh,” Asim replied with a grin.

  Barrack stood up and brushed the back of his pants. “Do you want us to hunt down the other man? We are excellent hunters,” he said.

  “No, no…. Crag was eventually caught for another offense and is serving time on an Antrox prison asteroid,” Asim assured Barrack.

  “What about the emu?” Brogan asked again.

  “You know, emus are amazingly resourceful and hardy creatures. The one that was shot received only a minor wound that was healed quickly with the help of my symbiot,” Asim reassured the agitated warrior.

  “What about the half-blind Pactor and the Grombots and Roam and Jabir…?” Brogan added, with an intense curiosity that took Asim by surprise.

  Asim chuckled and stood up. “Come, I will show you,” he said.

  The three men walked through the barn. Brogan and Barrack gazed around them in wonder, as if seeing the animals in it for the first time. Grombots – more than a dozen – swung from the rafters. Large nets were strung beneath the beams to catch the little ones still learning. Brogan stumbled when a half dozen Marrats raced out in front of him. Tasiers slept or munched on thick blades of purple grass and watched them from behind the safety of the glass cubicles that separated the boys from the girls.

  Asim paused in the door. Out near the corral, Pearl and Ariel laughed as they petted the newest member to their family – Hobbler and George’s daughter – Isabel. Adalard and Mandra jumped to the side when half a dozen emus swept past them at a run with Jabir riding the largest one in front.

  Jaguin and Sara were standing with two other men and a woman. The small group turned and smiled at Barrack, Brogan, and him. Asim heard the two men next to him draw in a startled breath when they realized the other two men were twin dragons – and they each had an arm wrapped around the small, dark-haired woman between them who was holding a toddler in her arms.

  Cree and Calo murmured to Melina before walking in their direction. Asim could see the confusion and suspicion in Barrack and Brogan’s eyes as the other twin dragons approached. The expressions on Cree and Calo’s faces reflected their own feelings of disbelief and uncertainty.

  “Asim…,” Calo greeted, not looking at Asim but at Barrack and Brogan.

  “What is all of this?” Barrack quietly asked, gazing at the chaotic, yet somehow normal scene before eyeing the two warriors who stopped in front of them.

  “Hope. A second chance,” Cree said before he clamped his lips together.

  “Jaguin thought you might like to know that it is possible to find a mate – and for her to be strong enough,” Calo explained, his gaze moving back to where Melina stood holding their young daughter.

  Asim turned and looked at the twin warriors. “This is home – a place where family and friends come and share. It is a place where you find love and acceptance for who you are. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t perfect, that is what makes you special,” he explained with a wave of his hand.

  “In our village, everyone feared us. Our whole life we were feared and rejected for being who we were – twins,” Barrack murmured, staring around him.

  “We were treated the same way, but we found Melina. She loves us and fought to save our lives,” Calo said, turning to look at the men. “She is our partner. She keeps us grounded.”

  “I understand now what Pearl and you were trying to tell us,” Brogan reluctantly admitted, glancing around him as if seeing their world through different eyes.

  “What is that?” Asim asked.

  “That there are different rules that can help guide us this time – and help us in making the right choices,” Brogan said.

  “We grew up with the people of our village believing one thing – that we would never find a true mate. We were fortunate that our parents believed differently. Your mate is out there, but you will need to handle her with care, for she will not understand the ways of the dragon,” Cree cautioned.

  Calo nodded. “… Or the needs of twin dragons. You will need to be patient,” he said.

  “And follow Pearl’s last rule, no matter what happens,” Asim agreed.

  “Which rule was that?” Barrack asked.

  “Pearl’s Unbreakable Rule: Family and Friends come first. Be loyal, be true… and love them like there is no tomorrow,” Asim quietly shared, staring across the yard at his mate. Pearl turned to look at him, a small smile curving her lips. “Cree and Calo can explain that one to you.”

  Asim didn’t wait to see if the twins finally understood. His gaze was locked on Pearl. She met him halfway across the yard. He could see the questioning look in her eyes fade to understanding when he gently nodded his head.

  “Are they ready?” Pearl asked, lifting her hand to trace the lines near the corner of Asim’s right eye.

  “They will be. You were smart to ask Jaguin to have Cree, Calo, and Melina come,” Asim replied, bending to brush a kiss across her lips. “Perhaps, I can talk them into taking all three Pactors home with them.”

  Pearl chuckled and shook her head. “You know you’d miss them as much as Ariel and Jabir would,” she said.

  “Fly with me,” Asim suddenly said. “I know this little place in the forest not far from here….”

  Pearl reached up and captured his lips. Her hand ran down between them and she brushed her hand across the front of him before pulling back with a grin. She stepped back and turned. Looking over her shoulder, she had a mischievous sparkle dancing in her eyes.

  “Last one there is on the bottom,” she laughed.

watched his mate transform. The silver dragon flicked her tail, stroking the tip along his chest before she lifted up off the ground. Jabir, riding the emu, swept by him, laughing and waving to Pearl as she flew off.

  She going to be top, his dragon snorted, impatiently pacing and wanting to pursue his mate.

  I think it is time you tried the bottom, Asim said with a wicked grin.

  Oh, yes! His dragon groaned when Asim sent a deliciously wicked idea to his dragon.

  Asim shifted into his dragon. In a flash, the battle scarred dragon was in fast pursuit of his mate. Well, fast enough to reach her just a few seconds too late to win. Wrapping his tail around Pearl’s silver tail, he locked them together and brought her gently down to the ground where the delicate silver dragon settled on top of the large male who groaned in delight.

  Yes! I like, his dragon agreed.

  To be continued: If you enjoyed Pearl’s Dragon, there are a lot more stories in the Dragon Lords of Valdier world. You can read Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1 available for free at all major distributors and on my store at S.E. Smith Store.

  Also by S.E. Smith

  Additional Books and Information

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  Additional Books by S.E. Smith

  Dragon Lords of Valdier Series

  Abducting Abby (Book 1)

  Capturing Cara (Book 2)

  Tracking Trisha (Book 3)

  Ambushing Ariel (Book 4)

  Cornering Carmen (Book 5)

  Paul’s Pursuit (Book 6)

  Twin Dragons (Book 7)

  Jaguin’s Love (Book 8)

  The Old Dragon of the Mountain’s Christmas (Book 9)

  About the Author

  S.E. Smith is a New York Times, USA TODAY, International, and Award-Winning Bestselling author of science fiction, romance, fantasy, paranormal, and contemporary works for adults, young adults, and children. She enjoys writing a wide variety of genres that pull her readers into worlds that take them away.

  A Grim Pet


  M.K. Eidem

  About A Grim Pet

  The Great Raptor is a fearsome and deadly creature; and while the Raptor is no one's pet, he is fiercely protective and loving of his family...

  Carly and Miki have never forgotten the stories that Grim has told them of the Great Raptor, the symbol of their new home world of Luda. Yet, it is the comparison their mother once made of the Great Raptor to Grim that gives them the courage to help the injured bird they find in the garden.

  Find out what happens when their single act of love, faith, and kindness creates far-reaching consequences that no one, including their mother and Grim, could ever have predicted.


  Lisa just smiled as Grim, for the third time, checked to make sure her cape was securely closed against the slight chill in the air before doing the same to the girls’. The capes weren’t the same gray ones they had worn at the Joining Ceremony. Grim had those destroyed, never wanting to be reminded of how he nearly lost his family. Now they wore capes in the deep, purple color of his house, House Luanda.

  "We are fine, Grim,” Lisa told him as he went to adjust her hood again. “It's not that cold out."

  "I should have considered that the sun would not have yet warmed this area when I chose it," he grumbled.

  "But it will soon," she said, putting a reassuring hand over his. "I can't believe you and your Warriors were able to get all this done in such a short time."

  She let her gaze travel over the newly-constructed, circular arena that now sat on the grounds in front of House Luanda. There was a raised seating area that curved around half of it, and then a gathering area for Warriors at the far end. Today was the Festival of the Goddess, but it wasn't like any festival Lisa had ever experienced back on Earth.

  For Tornians, the Festival was a competition. A way for them to impress the Goddess with their strength and skill, in the hopes she would find them fit and worthy enough to bless them with a female. It was armed combat, and it wasn't uncommon for Warriors to be injured, sometimes severely.

  Lisa had been horrified when Grim informed her of this and told him that there was no way she could allow the girls to witness such a thing. It would terrify them to watch Warriors, that they had come to know and love, attacking and injuring one another.

  They had finally reached a compromise, and in a short time, they would discover if Grim's Warriors would accept it.

  "They knew it was their Queen's wish, so it was done," Grim told her, referring to the arena as if it shouldn't surprise her.

  "They are all fit and worthy males," Lisa said, smiling up at him, "but I got the best of them."

  "I should never have let you out of our chambers this morning," Grim growled as he leaned down, capturing her lips in a long, deep kiss, his hands slipping under the cape he'd just taken so much time to make sure was closed. He was about to lift her up into his arms and carry her away, when he heard Alger clearing his throat, and the girls starting to giggle.

  Pulling his mouth from his Lisa's, he almost ignored them all when the look in her eyes told him she wanted that too. Instead, he took a deep breath and forced himself to release her, only standing after he made sure her cape was secure again.

  "Go," she encouraged softly. "We’ll finish this tonight."

  Giving her a stiff nod, he turned and stepped to the front of the podium to address the large crowd that had gathered. Traditionally, the Warriors that wished to compete would gather at the training fields, but Lisa had expanded the Festival into a daylong event. She had invited vendors from every corner of Luda to set up within the walls of the House and offer their food, wares, and skills for credits. When they quieted, Grim spoke.

  “Warriors, today is the Festival of the Goddess." A roar of excitement went through the crowd, and Grim raised his hands to quiet them. "And we must give thanks for the many blessings she has bestowed on us." He turned and looked to Lisa, Carly, and Miki as a roar of agreement spread through the crowd.

  "These blessings have changed our lives for the better," Grim continued once they quieted again. "Now, we must show the Goddess that we appreciate them.” A confused silence met this statement. "As Warriors, we are used to the blood and gore that comes with battle. We must accept it. But Queen Lisa, Princesses Carly and Miki, and every other female here today do not. And I, for one, never want them to."

  A low murmur of agreement answered him.

  "Because of this, our battle swords and blades will not be used during the competition. Instead, only stingers shall be allowed." He gestured to the array of stingers propped up against the platform below him. "Any Warrior receiving three stings shall be deemed defeated."

  Absolute silence met Grim's declaration, and Lisa let her concerned gaze travel over those before them. Had she overstepped in asking this of Grim? Rising, she went to stand beside him.

  "I realize this comes as a shock to you," she said taking Grim's hand. "You believe that only by pitting your full strength and skill against your brother Warriors will you prove to the Goddess you are fit and worthy males." She let her words hang there for a moment, and saw many of the Warriors nodding their heads. "I do not believe that is truth. I do not believe that winning one competition is enough to prove you are a fit and worthy male." She saw they didn't understand.

  "Was Faber not once a winner?" she asked, knowing he was. "Was he a fit and worthy Warrior?"

  "No." Came the immediate reply.

  "Luuken once won in his manno's House. Was he a fit and worthy warrior?" she demanded.

They shouted even louder.

  "Then I say to you that while winning this competition allows others to see the strength and skills you have acquired through your dedication and sacrifice, it has absolutely nothing to do with you being a fit and worthy Warrior. It is your everyday actions that the Goddess sees, and that is what she blesses."

  "If you share this belief, then from now on the victor in the Festival of Goddess competition shall receive a trophy created by Master Glassmaker Gahan, and credits equal to a Warrior’s yearly compensation." A murmur of excitement went through the crowd, and Lisa raised a hand to quiet them. "Or if you do not share this belief, then you may continue the competition as it has always been with your battle swords and blades, but the Princesses and I shall not witness it. We have no desire to watch the fit and worthy males we have come to care about senselessly harming one another. The choice is yours."

  Lisa stood beside Grim, silently waiting to see what the Warriors before her would decide when out of the corner of her eye she caught Alger beginning to move.

  "Stay," Grim growled lowly, and Alger stilled.

  Both the King’s and Queen's Guard had elected not to participate in today's events. Instead, they surrounded the area where Grim and Lisa sat with the females from Earth, along with Padma, Gossamer, Gahan, Dagan, and Caitir.

  Because of this, Grim was not going to let The Guard influence the others now. It would be his Warriors’ decision on how they proceeded. Slowly, Warrior Tagma separated himself from the group of Warriors on the far side of the arena and moved toward his King and Queen, his battle sword strapped to his back.

  Once he stood in front of them, he placed his arm across his chest and gave them a deep bow. Straightening, he released the clasp that held his sword in place and wrapped the now loose straps around the sheath-encased blade. Setting it against the wall beneath where Lisa and Grim stood, he chose the stinger that best fit his grip. Turning, he walked to the center of the arena and waited.


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