Jude's Salvation: This Love Series

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Jude's Salvation: This Love Series Page 14

by Smith, Nicole

  "Fuck, she overwhelms me Byron, I'm not on my game when I'm with her. I love her too fucking much." I'm angry with myself. I almost break down but I somehow manage to hold it together. I can’t let Eden go and I can’t let all these people die either.

  "Your father has stepped up security in the estate but they think there may be an insider. I have a plan which I know you will hate but listen to me anyway," he tells me and I nod.

  "Daniels said Lex will wait till after her sister Bethany's wedding, so as not to create a scene. Daniels can explain her away after the publicity threat is over. Until then she has to remain safe and unaware of what's coming. You have to remain out of site, no more tour guide evenings and Jude, you have to let Lex take her. Once he has her he'll dismiss his guards from your parents house. I'll know who it is by then and have them disposed of. The Daniels family will leave on a long vacation. By then I'll have a proper team prepared and we'll go after Lex together. I have vendettas of my own with him," he tells me with a sigh.

  "I can’t sit back and let him take her, you know that Byron," I tell him.

  "He won't kill her Jude, he has a sick obsession with her, she is to be his pet," he says but that doesn't calm my fears in the slightest. I know what he wants to do to her, he wants to train her for the sex trade, just like he did Marisa.

  "He'll rape her," I growl, anger consuming me at the thought of his vile hands on my Eden.

  "We won't give him the chance, we'll keep him too busy. Jude, I know you never believed me when I told you this, but Marisa and I were close, at least before she became so addicted. She was the reason we hung around longer than necessary when Lex had them locked in that warehouse. I was stalling because we were waiting for back up that never showed in time. My men had been ambushed on their way to the warehouse and I lost communication with them. Lex found out they were coming but he never let on. After Eden was taken away I tried to get you out of that place as quickly as possible. While I thought Lex was preoccupied with disposing Marisa’s body he caught up to us. He pulled me aside by gunpoint and I thought he was going to kill me. Instead he threatened me with your life, if I ever went back to New York I'd be dead and so would you. I couldn’t save Marisa on my own just like you can't save Eden on your own. He will kill her just to make you suffer," Byron told me and I didn’t doubt him. I had no idea about his true feelings towards Marisa. I always thought he didn't really care that she died.

  "I will save Eden because maybe then I can forgive myself for letting Marisa die in that warehouse and because I don't want you to go through the rest of your life with that guilt, that you couldn't save the woman you love," he tells me. He understands that it isn’t just a crush or a fling, I love Eden. I nod and he turns and walks out of the airport. Byron has never been one for sharing personal matters, this was enough for him. He'll be in touch. In the meantime I'll continue to guard Eden and pay closer attention to the spies hovering around her.

  I watch her boarding the plane and I feel helpless when she disappears inside. There is nothing I can do for her once she's in the air. I wait patiently until the airplane begins to roll down the runway. No last minute passenger is a good thing.

  I run to my platform and greet the attendants. I look them all over, observing them for any signs of nervousness or anxiety. Any hint that something might be off but they all look like the same ones I've seen for years here. Their routine seems normal. I wouldn’t put it past Lex to try and take me out before he goes after Eden.

  "Good morning Mr. Everett. Will you be traveling alone today sir?" the pilot asks. I wish I could have brought Eden with me but that would have been too risky to us both. I would have loved to be on her flight with her but I couldn’t take the chance of one of her friends seeing me or worse, Lex's henchman.

  “Yes, just me today,” I tell him. Once on the plane I do a once over of the cockpit, the fuel gauge, radios and the engine, making sure everything looks normal, nothing is wrong, broken or unusual. The pilot seems worried by my questions but I'm grateful he does another checklist of his dials and the gas, no leaks or damage reports. Anything can happen now. I nod once I’m satisfied and take my leave. Once the plane is in the air I open my emails. I have one from Daniels which surprises me. As far as he is concerned I am no longer an employee of his. There isn’t a note just an attachment.

  Daniels, my friend,

  In case you have become attached to my darling Eden, and have any ideas about keeping her from me know that I have men on your wife and pretty Bethany too.

  I’m a nice guy and I’ve appreciated our business in the past so I will wait until Eden returns from Europe.

  I may even wait until after Bethany’s wedding, one thing we both don’t like is too many questions from too many people.

  It would be difficult to explain to your family and the press as to why she

  isn't there and from what I’ve seen she is close to her half sister.

  I haven’t forgotten and you shouldn’t have either.

  Eden is mine, since the day she was born she has been mine and I want her back, now.

  There was no signature, no name in the sender, just a bunch of numbers and letters. There was no use in going to the police anyway, Beth and Vivian would be dead before they even arrived and maybe even my mother. Lex has informants everywhere. I have no doubts now that Lex has been keeping track of Eden’s every move since Daniels adopted her into his family. If Daniels knew this than why has he kept her protected. He wouldn’t fight Lex for her so there must be another party involved.

  I glance at the email again and notice he sent it to Byron as well. It’s obvious why Daniels sent it to him. He needs Byron to keep me alive and away from Eden long enough for Lex to take her. As long as I’m alive then Eden will have a chance. Daniels knows Bethany will die and Eden will live under Lex’s captivity forever if he fights back.

  I close my laptop and place it down on the floor. Stretching my legs across the leather seats I close my eyes, feeling a throb in my temples beginning. I don’t know how I’ll be able to follow through with this plan. Seeing Eden back in Lex’s hands will trigger the killer in me. I’m seeing red already.

  I almost threw her back into my car and drove away with her at the airport. I know Lex and her father would have had us hunted down but the look of need in her eyes for me was almost too much for me to handle. I miss her already.

  I should have known something was going on when Daniels told me my services wouldn’t be required back in the states. I'll have to be careful when I go to her. I'm sure whoever is on watch will report my presence, especially if they see me in her apartment. I've already cased the place and had her new neighbors investigated before she left for Europe. I wouldn’t put it past Lex to paying one of them for information on Eden’s comings and goings as well as who she brings home.

  I attempt to get some rest after pouring myself a few shots of whiskey. I’m already missing the smell of Eden’s hair and the feel of her smooth silky skin. I can’t let Lex touch her, ever.

  Daniels sent me a text, waking me from my sleep letting me know that she has landed. His personal guards would be waiting for her to emerge from customs before I land. Little does she know she isn’t safe with her father. She won’t be protected anymore. Daniels added in his text that my services were no longer required. I’m sure it was for Lex’s benefit too. He sounds paranoid now, like he knows Lex is watching his every move.

  I grinned, there is no way I will ever stop protecting her, under Daniels watch or not, Eden is mine to keep safe. Since she was fifteen she's been mine to keep safe. I don't even bother to reply. He doesn't deserve my time. Unless he's willing to fight or pay off Lex he is of no use to me anymore.

  I’m not sure I completely trust my uncle yet either. He seemed too quick to come up with the plan of just letting Lex have her. He knows I won’t go through with it. I can’t. I’m not built that way. I fight for what I want. Byron sees her as a threat to his team. He sees her as a threat to his c
ontrol. He can't control me, one of his most valuable weapons if I might lose it to protect Eden.

  Angie worries me. I don’t think it’s Daniels that’s paying her, Lex admitted to knowing her every move and her relationship with Bethany. That’s something a best friend would know. Lex must know about me now. Her other friends may gossip, Daniels will know shortly that Eden met a man in London and has been spending all her time with him. He’ll know it’s me because I wouldn’t have let her get close to a stranger.

  Daniels sent me another text, informing me that Lex has been spotted at LAX now but he isn’t sure if he’s coming, going or waiting. He needs me back on her case. This is unexpected. The man is acting strange. Why is he making such rash decisions, volleying back and forth? One minute he’s done with me and the next he needs me. Something is going on. I don’t trust a man that can feed his daughter to the wolves but why does he want me to protect her now? Unless Lex is going to take her sooner.

  “Fuck,” I shout. I’m so angry about not knowing everyone’s place. The only player I understand is Lex right now and that pisses me off. I'll protect Eden regardless of Daniels orders, he would know this already so the text isn’t really for me. The possibility of Byron setting me up crosses my mind. Would he really betray me like that? We’re family, he wouldn’t. Lex might be waiting for me since he told Daniels he wouldn’t take Eden back until after the wedding which isn’t for a few more weeks.

  I reply as noncommittal as I can. I don’t want whoever is reading his texts to think I suspect anything.

  I have unfinished business in New York. If you would like I can continue services there. I'll be landing shortly to see that Eden makes it into your bodyguards custody safely.

  Once I've landed the games will begin.


  There’s Always Hope


  Jude asked me once what my last memory was and I said it was waking up in the hospital. Until this morning that was true but now I remember the last time I saw my mother. The last day I can remember before my world as I knew it vanished. Lex brought my mother into my cell for the evening. She knew he was going to kill her in the morning and this was his way of apologizing, letting us be together for a few final hours. I listened to her beg him for mercy but he was still so angry with her, I knew her attempts were falling on deaf ears.

  Once he left us and locked the doors my mother crawled to the back wall and rested her head against it. She didn’t look well. Her skin was pale and the darkness under her eyes looked blue. She was weak and her voice was shaky when she spoke like the energy she expelled was making her faint.

  "Eden, always remember I love you and I'm so sorry I couldn't get us out of this. It's still me and you against the world by baby girl, I'll always be fighting for you, I promise," she said before passing out. I figured she was going through withdrawal. Lex hadn't given her anything for three days. She was shaking in her unconscious state. She needed a doctor. I felt her wrist, her pulse was way too fast. I placed her on her side in case she threw up again. I could smell it on her from earlier. I walked over to the door and banged on it until a guard finally appeared. When he opened the door he held his gun against his shoulder and stared at me.

  "Can I talk to Lex, please, it’s important," I begged, feeling my hands shake. He stepped back from the door and closed it. I banged on the door again. I needed to see Lex, I had no choice. The guard opened the door again and glanced at my mother passed out on the floor then back to me.

  "He said he'll be down eventually, don’t wait up sweet cheeks," he replied with a sneer.

  “Thanks,” I said before he shut the door again. “And Fuck you too,” I muttered but I knew he couldn’t hear me. Turning back to my mother, I went to her side and sat down. Her breathing was raspy and her lungs sounded full. It seemed like hours before I heard the door unlock again. I must have dozed off. I jumped up when the door flung open and Lex stood there glaring at me. My body trembled in his sight.

  "Why did you demand to see me my darling?" he asked, walking closer to me. His gaze drifted to my mother. I'm sure he could hear it too, she was dying.

  "I'm sorry Mr. Lewis but she's having trouble breathing. She needs help," I said hearing the break in my voice. He stood closer to me and brushed the hair from my face, looking into my eyes.

  "You know she is a drug addict right? You understand what that means don't you? I am attempting to save her. Her body is just cleaning it all out. Eden, that’s why I took her here. I know it seems cruel but I did it to be kind. Once she is clean of her addiction than maybe I'll consider letting her go. You are mine but once she’s clean I'll let her go in exchange for you. You will take her place my darling," he informs me. I have no choice but to nod. If it will save her life than I have to agree. I shudder when he kisses each cheek. He keeps his eyes on me as he calls his guard in.

  "Gerard, take her to the medic," he orders, pointing at my mothers limp body. Looking at her then I didn’t expect her to the last the night and I don’t think Lex did either.

  "Your birth father will be here tomorrow morning to take you away for awhile. No matter what happens Eden, remember I am your master, for life," he whispers in my ear, holding my cheek. The smell of cigars surrounding me. He looks so out of place here in his black suit, polished dress shoes and slicked back hair. His gold rings shimmer in the dim lighting. I'm confused when he wraps me in his arms and holds me. I don't know what to do so I do nothing. I stand there shivering as he hugs me. I think I almost hear him sigh.

  "I'll miss you both," he states before releasing me and walking out. The door is locked again and I'm alone, so alone in the dark. I can’t sleep, not knowing if my mother will make it or not. He said he would let her go if she does in exchange for me.

  I sit up in my seat and look out the window as the plane begins our descent. Then it hits me, his words. He will exchange her for me. Oh my god, maybe she's alive. He's letting her go in exchange for me finally. This must be why he waited so long, he didn't want me yet because he wasn’t ready to release my mother.

  He could control my father, have him keep him posted of my whereabouts. The only way I'll know if she's alive or not is go with Lex when he comes for me. It’s also the only way I'll be able to keep Jude alive. He'll never let him take me without a fight. It will have to be done when Jude's away from me. I'm terrified but it’s the only way I can save the two people I love.

  I never actually saw my mother’s dead body. I saw her limp body when it was carried out of the cell and when they carried her out of the warehouse with a blanket covering her. I heard the gunshot but I never saw it fired or where it hit. Everything goes black after that. I don't remember leaving. My mother already had blood on her face before they carried her out and her eyes were already vacant but she was alive the last time I saw her. I have to believe she still might be. Only Lex will know and if she is alive only Lex will know where she is. I have to go back to him and then somehow I'll find a way to escape to Jude after she’s safe. If Lex is true to his word he'll kill her if I don't comply.

  To my readers:

  Thank You!

  I would like to thank each and every one of you out there for reading the first installment in the

  This Love Series.

  Book Two ~ Eden’s Weakness ~ available soon.

  Please visit my website, http://nicoletmsmith.wordpress.com for more details and a listing of all my books.

  A very BIG Thank You!!! To those of you that have taken the time to leave a Review and a Rating. As an Indie writer, your support is greatly appreciated.

  Visit me at my website:


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  Twitter: NicoleTMSmith

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  Pinterest: nicoleTMsmith

  Goodreads: Nicole_Smith

  Blog: nicoletmsmith.wordpress.com

  Instagram: nikkismithauthor

  Other titles available:
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  At seventeen years old, Scarlett Rayne Jones used to have a simple life, aside from standing on the sidelines while her father battled his demons.

  Willem Chauderon, or Buddy as he introduced himself that night, dazzles Scarlett with his rebellious edge, leather and smoke in the dark. Abandoning all rational thought she escapes with him. Their time together is short but alters her life forever.

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  Can she find the courage to call him back to her before she self destructs? Can he forgive her for all she has done and accept her back as his?


  Everything in fifteen year old Charlotte's life changes the night she witnessed her parent's brutal murders. She wasn't the criminal, she was the victim, yet she's been held prisoner ever since.

  While living under the witness protection program a game of cat and mouse begins with the killer and Charlotte.

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