Lion’s Honor (Paranormal Shapeshifer BBW Romance) (Ridgeville)

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Lion’s Honor (Paranormal Shapeshifer BBW Romance) (Ridgeville) Page 6

by Celia Kyle

  Looking into the yard, she didn’t find Grayson lingering near the tree line, and there was no hint of his presence amongst the bushes. He truly was staying away.

  Well, that wasn’t going to work.

  Nibbling her lip, she looked back at her room and then the world beyond her window once again. Okay, she could do this. She would do this.

  Honor dug through the bedside table drawer and found a notepad and pen. With hurried movements, she jotted a quick note to Alex and Maya.

  Went to find Grayson.

  Short, sweet, and to the point.

  Could she get Alex or Maya or anyone else to drive her? Yes, but she wanted to do this on her own. She wanted to go to Grayson without any help from another. Call it part of her healing. Her parents would call it pure stubbornness.

  Her parents… Guilt ate at her. She still hadn’t seen them or anyone else in her family. She’d reach out to them as soon as she had Grayson at her side. Which would hopefully be sooner rather than later.

  Taking a deep breath, she focused on the hard parts. She went to the closet and hunted up her old backpack. She dumped the contents on the floor, pulling out her books and papers. She’d clean up later. Like when she and Grayson were under the same roof once again.

  She looped the empty bag over one arm and went to the window. The pane rose silently and she peered over the edge, hunting for the best way down. And… found nothing. The Prime and Prima had done way too good of a job de-treeing the backyard. Apparently the twins became excellent tree climbers at a very young age.

  Well, there was no help for it, jumping it was.

  Honor pushed the window as high as possible and then swung a leg over the edge. She gripped the frame and then let the second dangle. Okay, a good third of the job was done. Taking a deep breath, she adjusted her position, holding the sill while turning around. Now she faced the house, her body hanging out of the window while she clung to the home.

  Okay, all she had to do was let go.

  She glanced down, noting how far the ground seemed, and thought jumping was overrated. Her cat whined, sensing Honor’s hesitation. Damn thing.

  It promised to help, to aid in the landing and even in approaching Grayson. It’d be a good lioness now; their mate had given her the courage to be a better beast.

  Stupid thing. Yes, no, maybe, okay, yes. It always had a different opinion.

  The bitch better help her. Honor would be really pissed if she broke her leg right when she’d worked up the courage to go after her mate.

  A tingle slithered through her, the presence of her animal pushing forward. She sensed the lioness beneath the surface of her skin, slinking through her body. Her muscles firmed, giving her strength to continue holding on until she was prepared to let go.

  She could do this. Grayson was worth a little bit of fear.

  One, two, three…

  Honor let go and landed on the ground with a grunt, her feet hitting first followed quickly by her ass when she tumbled backwards. Graceful, she was not.

  She hauled her ass up, grumbling at her animal for letting them fall. It reminded her that being agile applied to her shifted shape and shifted shape alone. Two legs were on their own. Great.

  Bag still in hand, she pressed her back to the home and crept along the wall, peeking into windows as she made her way to the far corner. She’d be out in the open when she broke into a run for the tree line, but she hoped the house’s occupants were together. If she got lucky and they were all in the same room, she could simply avoid that direction, even if it meant going out of her way.

  She raced past another window, pausing and peering before sprinting onward.

  She silently rejoiced when she discovered everyone, Maya and cubs included, lounging in the main living room. She crept beneath the window and then dashed to the corner.

  As fast and quietly as she could, Honor stripped—thankful no one lingered in the area—and tucked her clothes in the empty backpack. When it was zipped tight, she let her shift flow through her, allowed the cat to take control. It was as determined to find Grayson as her human half.

  She snared the bag with her teeth and then trotted to the tree line. She couldn’t talk to Grayson without being on two feet and she refused to be nude for that event, especially in a hotel room.

  In seconds the trees welcomed her and the forest wrapped its arms around her shifted form. Honor delved deeper, staying near the edge of the cleared land but still out of sight. Slowly she picked her way in the right direction. It’d take her a while to get to her destination, but she’d get there.

  Right then, right that second, nothing was more important than being at Grayson’s side. Fear wouldn’t keep her prisoner any longer.


  Grayson rubbed his hair dry, towel pulling the moisture from his shower out of the strands. It was the third cold shower of the day and he figured he had another two coming before he collapsed tonight. Man, he loved being with Honor, but she was hell on his cock. Inhaling her scent made him rock hard and ready for her. His entire being craved her, called out to her, and he couldn’t wait for her to answer.

  But he would wait as long as it took. She was too important to rush and push her into something she wasn’t prepared for.

  The jarring ring of his cell phone snared his attention and he quickly padded to the small table in the hotel room. Only two people would be calling him, Stone to give him more news about London, or Alex to update him about Honor.

  He’d made a conscious choice to remain at the hotel. While Honor told him she’d like to have him back under the pride house’s roof, he wasn’t sure he could without going into her room and pulling her into his arms. Even if it was for something as simple as holding her through the night, he’d want to touch her.

  Nothing she’d done had showed him she was prepared for that step.

  Grayson glanced at the screen and swiped his thumb across the surface before answering. “Grayson.”

  “She’s on her way to you.” The Prime’s voice was filled with a mixture of worry and pride. There was only one “she” he would be concerned about.


  “You. Her note said ‘went to find Grayson.’”

  His gut clenched in worry and his heart stuttered with excitement. “Nothing else?”

  “Nope. We found a pile of school supplies near the closet and clothes scattered on the floor. I figure she crept out of the window, stuffed her clothes in a bag, shifted, and is on her way.” A little more pride filled Alex’s tone. “We didn’t even know she’d gone.”

  Even Grayson grinned. He worried about her being on her own, especially when he didn’t know what she feared, but he was damned proud of her. A month ago, she wouldn’t leave Alex’s side. Today… Today the pride house males moved in and she’d snuck out to come see him.

  “All right. I’ll keep an eye out for her.”

  Alex was quick to respond. “You’re not going to find her?”

  “Nope. She made it this far on her own. She knows where I’m at. I won’t push her.” Not ever.

  The Prime grunted. “Text when she gets there. Let us know she’s okay.”

  “Will do.” Grayson ended the call before Alex and dropped the phone back to the tabletop.

  He needed to get dressed so he didn’t meet his mate with his dick hanging out. Then again, since he’d been reacquainted with Honor, it’d been doing anything but hanging. Already, thinking about her coming, had him hardening again.

  He snared a pair of jeans and tugged them on, forgoing boxers. Fast was the point. There was no telling when she’d show. Who knew when she’d escaped? He reached for a discarded T-shirt. It’d be wrinkled, but wearable. He was pretty sure it was still clean. Not having a washer and dryer available put a damper on his clothes washing.

  He snatched it just as a soft scrape came from the door. When it was quickly followed by another as well as a low whine, he realized he was too late. At least he wore pants.

  A third scra
tch and he rushed to the door, intent on opening it before she ruined the panel. He tugged it open and smiled wide. She’d come to him, hunted him down like a mate would.


  She glared and growled at him, but he didn’t miss the way her gaze lingered on his chest and stroked his body. She got feistier every day.

  “C’mon in.” He stepped back so she could pass.

  Honor padded by him, rubbing her cheek over his thighs and brushing against his legs as she passed. Marking him. With each visit her cat got more possessive.

  The plump bag that dangled from her mouth probably filled with clothing, bounced against him as she passed.

  Grayson pushed the door closed behind her, making sure he threw the lock once it swung shut. It wouldn’t keep out another shifter, but he wanted every layer of protection available. He wouldn’t even allow Honor to stay very long. He’d hustle her back to the pride house as soon as he could. With things sketchy in London… He wanted her protected. Safe.

  She paused in the middle of the room and looked back at him, question in her feline gaze.

  He waved toward the back of the room. “Bathroom’s that way. I’ll wait here.”

  Maybe he’d put a shirt on. Then her attention focused on him, on his body, and he rethought the idea. Actually, he tossed it aside along with the T-shirt in his hand.

  Honor chuffed and then she moved toward the bathroom, her sleek muscles shifting beneath her golden fur. So beautiful and so his. He couldn’t wait for cubs, to see the stunning children they’d create together.

  His mate disappeared around a corner and then the low pop and crack of bone reached him, immediately followed by the rustle of fabric. In moments, Honor emerged, her curvaceous body clad in jeans and a snug shirt. She took his breath away.

  “Hey.” He smiled.

  She… did not. No, his not-so-sweet mate glared at him. “What gives?”

  He raised his eyebrows in question. “What?”


  He was missing something. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I’m so proud of you. You got here on your own.” He smiled wide. She was so damned strong.

  She deflated a tiny bit. “Because of you.”

  “No, because of you. You did this, not me.”

  “No.” She shook her head and was back to glaring at him. “Because I told you I was ready for everyone to return home, that the pride didn’t need to mold their lives around my selfish, childish—”

  “Honor, you’re anything but—”

  “Zip it.” She pointed at him. “The point is, I want everyone to get back to their lives.” She leveled a look at him, one that said “asshole” and “idiot” at once. “That includes you.”

  Grayson grimaced. “Honor…”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I want everyone to return to their lives. I know…” She sucked in a breath and released it slowly. “I know I’m still a little cracked, not quite so broken anymore. And I’m probably the last woman you want as a mate, but—”

  He couldn’t listen to any more. He closed the distance between them, rushing forward and stopping just shy of touching her. He wanted to hug her, pull her close and assure her he was overjoyed to have her as his mate. Instead, he allowed the space between their bodies to remain. “You’re perfect for me. Whatever caused you to be this cautious—”


  “Cautious.” He glared at her, no longer afraid of scaring her. “It’s real, it affected you. Look at the women who were held by Alistair.” He hated bringing up the pasts of other Ridgeville mates, but it was necessary. “Look at each of them and tell me they’re psychotic.”

  She pressed her lips together until they became a white slash across her face. “I wasn’t exactly kidnapped and raped for years.”

  “Honor, everyone deals with things differently. No matter what happened, it affected you deeply. No one cares what it was, just that you’re hurting.”

  “That includes you?”

  “Yes,” he immediately answered, nodding to reaffirm his statement. “I don’t care what occurred, how big or small you want to make it. Just that it happened and I hate you’re still dealing with this alone.”

  “I’m not alone,” she snapped at him and he could tell she was uncomfortable.

  “Have you spoken to anyone? Elise? Maddy?” He knew the answer. She hadn’t been near anyone but the Prime’s family and him since she’d returned.

  Instead of answering him, she redirected the conversation. She was good at that.

  “That’s not why I came here.”

  “Why’d you come?”

  This close, her heat burned him, called to his lion and it urged him to pull her close. But he couldn’t, wouldn’t, until she asked.

  “I-I…” She licked her lips and shook her head. “You were supposed to move in. Why didn’t you?”

  He grimaced, not wanting to reveal the truth, but knowing he could never lie to her. “Because I can’t be that close to you without touching you. Especially when there are other unmated males in the house. It’s best if I stay here.”

  “The unmated males will be there with or without you.”

  Grayson growled. “Don’t remind me.”

  The cat did enough of that on its own.

  Honor eased closer, a fraction of an inch, but closer nonetheless. “Do you know I’ve never been kissed?”

  “No?” The lion released a satisfied, possessive growl. He wasn’t sure how they’d jumped from the men in the house to kissing, but he wasn’t about to drag her back to a topic he didn’t want to approach.

  “No.” She shook her head. “After you said… In my parents’ kitchen…”

  He nodded, remembering that day well. The way her face flushed red in anger. He hadn’t lusted after her, but he also couldn’t wait to see the grown-up version of his mate when she was red-faced and angry at him.

  “I remember.”

  “Anyway, after that, I didn’t want anyone but you. I just… couldn’t.”

  Oh, his beast was pleased.

  “And then London and…” She shook her head. He wanted her to continue, to tell him about London so he’d stop imagining the worst. The reports coming from the distant city scared him to his bones and he worried about what she’d endured. How could he help her heal if he didn’t know the source of her pain?

  “And now I’ve got you and I think I’m ready.”

  Grayson raised a single brow. His body stretched for her, the beast thickening his chest in an effort to brush against Honor. The animal really was pushing his luck. “Ready for what?”

  Her eyes sparkled, the deep blue transforming to the dark amber of her she-cat. The beast peered at him through those glowing orbs. “My first kiss.”


  There, Honor said the words and now it was in his court, but he didn’t move, didn’t flex a muscle. Hell, he didn’t even breathe.

  He remained in place, eyebrow frozen in its arch, as he stared at her.

  “Grayson? You don’t have to if you—”

  Claw-tipped fingers suddenly gripped her biceps, his nails resting against her flesh, but not hurting her. “Say it again.”

  His voice was a deep, rumbling growl, but she wasn’t afraid. No, she was… overjoyed. Overjoyed the words finally escaped her lips and she meant each syllable.

  A full inhale brought his scents forward and she discarded those that belonged to the hotel room. From there, she found what she sought. His heat and musk surrounded her, but there was also the sweet saltiness she’d come to recognize as his arousal. If she looked down, she’d see the thick ridge of his cock pressing against his jeans. But she wasn’t ready to go there, to take him in hand or into her body. She did like the fact she aroused him, though. He wanted her.

  “I want you to give me my first kiss.”

  Another growl, the reverberation traveling from his body into hers. “Honor.”

  “You don’t…” Did he not want to? She
smelled his need, but maybe he wanted her, but didn’t want to want her.


  The word hung between them and yet he still didn’t move.

  “Yours.” The word drifted from her lips.

  His eyes flared gold, his cat shoving forward, and then a tremor shook his body. When he closed his lids and reopened them, she found the familiar blue she was accustomed to.

  “Tell me if I scare you.”

  “You won’t.” She hoped he heard the conviction in her tone. Without a doubt, she knew he wouldn’t frighten her.

  His hold gentled, claw-tipped fingers transforming back into their human counterparts. He stroked her biceps, soothing the tender ache. She could have told him not to bother. She enjoyed the small twinge as long as it came from him. His hands wandered, palms skimming her shoulders and then sliding down to her wrists. He gathered them, urging her to wrap them around his waist and she gladly complied.

  She’d never held him, felt the heat of his body against hers, and she was thrilled to have the chance. With the new embrace, she eased closer, pressing their fronts together. She couldn’t miss the ridge of his cock or the rapid thump of his heart. His pulse raced as fast as hers.


  She stared into his eyes, kept her attention trained on him as he leaned down and gently brushed his lips across hers. She sighed against his mouth, enjoying the tiny shiver of desire that coursed through her at the chaste touch.

  “Honor,” he whispered a bare moment before he returned, the contact a hint firmer than before.

  When he pulled back, it was her turn to whisper, to call him back to her. “Grayson.”

  The kiss heated, each gentle meeting turning more passionate than the one before. His mouth opened and she followed the move, lips pressed together while tongues remained passive.

  His hands wandered, tracing her body with his palms, stroking her back, caressing her shoulders, and finally cupping her cheeks. She allowed him to tilt her head, reposition her as he desired, and that’s when their kisses turned from a gentle simmer to overwhelming fire.

  Grayson slid his tongue into her mouth, stroking hers, and she returned the caress. She pet him, tasted him, with each flex of muscle. She swallowed every hint of his flavors, gathering each droplet as if it were his last. She moaned against his lips and pressed closer, wiggling to reduce any space that may linger between them.


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