Lion’s Honor (Paranormal Shapeshifer BBW Romance) (Ridgeville)

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Lion’s Honor (Paranormal Shapeshifer BBW Romance) (Ridgeville) Page 17

by Celia Kyle

  He peeked into the fridge and smiled. He could always depend on Alex’s taste for meat. He tugged out a tray of steaks. One after another lining the metal. He easily held ten pounds of filet mignon.

  Which had him tugging another cast iron skillet beneath the counter. There was nothing like searing a steak in one of those suckers.

  “Can I help?”

  Grayson glanced over his shoulder, absently wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. For now, things were simply getting warmed up. He was torn between wanting to provide for her and wanting to include her. Finally, he overrode the cat and held out his hand, palm up.

  “Of course, lovely.”

  Smiling, his mate immediately rushed to his side. “What are we making?”

  “Steak au poivre.” He ground pepper onto a plate, making a thick layer of the spice.

  “Steak au poivre. Sounds… fancy.”

  He glanced at her, smiling at her wrinkled nose. He couldn’t resist leaning over and kissing the pert tip. “You’ll love it.”

  Grayson pressed a steak into the layer of pepper, coating one side and then the other.

  “Where’d you learn how to make it?”

  “Food Network.”

  She snorted. “You… Watching… Really?”

  He mock growled and grabbed her ass, giving her a quick squeeze. “Yes, me.”

  Honor shook her head. “You amaze me. Every day you amaze me.”

  “Well.” He gave her a longer, lingering kiss that edged beyond chaste. “I plan on doing it every day.” Then another one just because she was near and wasn’t running scared. His cock reminded him of its presence, reminded him they had yet to sink into her moist heat. They’d get there. Eventually. He eased away from her lips, smiling when she whimpered. “I had to learn to cook for my mate. Maya sure as hell isn’t going to do it.”

  “Maya isn’t doing what?” The Prima paused in the doorway. “Oh my god, are you making the ‘light things on fire’ steak? The one with the brandy and the hot pan and a match and ‘poof’ fire?” A tiny drop of drool escaped the woman’s mouth and Grayson chuckled. “I think I love you.”

  Honor growled and whirled to face Maya. “Mine.”

  Shit. He quietly laid his tongs on the counter and prepared to save Honor from herself. Things would not end well if she attacked the Prima.

  “Well, duh.” Maya rolled her eyes, but his mate didn’t relax. “I only want his food. You can have”—the Prima flicked her hand toward him—“all the rest. I’ve got all the co—”

  “For the love of— Maya!” The Prime’s roar shook the house.

  Maya dropped her head back to stare at the ceiling. “You know, one of these days you’re gonna yell at me and I’m gonna shove the ball gag Carly gave me for Christmas in your mouth.”

  “Maya!” That one vibrated through the foundation.

  “Geez, Louise.” The lioness shook her head. “The man is such a party pooper. Which I am allowed to say since the twins learned about saying ‘poop’ in pre-K, thank you very much.” She sighed. “Anyway, he’s yours, Alex is mine, yada, yada. Just let him feed me. Take pity on the poor, defenseless—”

  Grayson snorted. Defenseless. Right.

  Maya glared at him. “Defenseless woman.”

  The tension still hadn’t left his mate and he had to admit, her possessiveness made his dick even harder. She wanted him, he belonged to her, and he just needed to wait until she was ready to take the final plunge.

  “He’ll cook for you once a week,” Honor growled.

  The Prima narrowed her eyes. “Four nights.”



  “It’s two, take it or leave it.”

  He wasn’t sure if he should be offended or proud. His woman was bartering his time as if it were precious to her. And yet, his woman was bartering his time as if he were a possession.

  “Fine,” the Prima huffed. “I don’t know why you’re being so stingy. I mean, they’re clearing the trees down the road. One jog down the hill and he’s here. We’ll keep clothes here and he can shif—”

  He froze and Maya did the same. The damn woman was supposed to keep his plans quiet. He’d begun clearing the area for their home nearby and he’d wanted it to be a surprise.

  Maya opened her mouth and closed it like a fish as an apology filled her eyes.

  But Honor must not have heard or cared about the rest of the Prima’s statement because at “fine” he had his arms full of a wriggling lioness. Honor wrapped her arms around his waist, her face pressed to his chest and he realized her frantic movements were an effort to get her scent on him. She may release him to soothe her Prima, but his mate obviously wanted others to acknowledge her claim. Grayson did the same to her, rubbing his cheek along her head and neck, making sure she was as covered as he was.

  It wasn’t until Maya spoke again that he realized she still lingered. “Ahem. Can we please not fuck around the exposed food? I would really not like to eat anything with extra, er, seasoning.”

  That had them both freezing, but before Grayson could snarl or Honor could growl, the heavy, stomping tread of someone approaching reached them. Then Alex popped into view.

  “Maya?” There was more than a hint of the man’s lion in his voice. “I need to speak with you. Privately.”

  “Really? Privately, even.” The Prima nibbled her lower lip. “I dunno. I have tons of things to do—” The word ended with a high-pitched screech as she was tossed over Alex’s shoulder. The male glanced at them. “Maybe hold dinner for another twenty minutes.”

  “You ass-sniffing, litter-box-usi—”

  Alex smacked the Prima’s ass. Hard. “Make that thirty.”

  Without another word, the pride leaders disappeared through the doorway, Maya’s yells echoing in their wake.

  Honor slumped against him with a soft sigh. “I want that for us.”

  Grayson raised his eyebrows. “That?”

  Not that he didn’t respect and appreciate the ruling couple, but their relationship was… interesting.

  “Yeah.” She rubbed her cheek on him, gently this time around instead of frantic. “That. Love. Trust.” Her timid gaze met his. “Passion.”

  If his cock hadn’t been hard, it would have snapped to attention in an instant. Since he was already prepared to hammer nails with his dick, he settled for a low moan as his shaft fought to bust free of his jeans. “Honor…”

  He wasn’t sure what else he wanted to say. With her, he never knew the right words and he figured he bumbled and fumbled more than he succeeded, but damn…

  She blushed and focused on his chest, her eyes not straying back to him. “I know I’ve got issues, but I really do want that with you, Grayson. We had a bit the other day and I know there’s so, so much more.”

  “Lovely.” He placed a finger beneath her chin and urged her to look at him. “I will give you everything you want whenever you want. You just have to say the word.”

  “Including a house nearby?” Excitement lit her gaze.

  He couldn’t suppress his smile. She had heard. “Yeah. If you don’t like the spot, we can find somewhere else, but I’ve had guys working on clearing it for us.” He rubbed her lower lip with his thumb. “I need a den for my mate. I know it’ll take time, but we’ll need a house eventually.”

  Honor closed her eyes for a brief moment and then looked at him once again. “I hope we’ll use it sooner rather than later.”

  “Am I an ass if I say ‘me too’?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re an ass regardless.” That’s when her stomach grumbled once again. “Feed me.”

  The cat pushed forward, urging him to say to hell with cooking for the Prima. He needed to take care of his mate. He was man enough to admit his human half agreed. He figured he could always whip up something for Alex and Maya later. Or they’d have to learn to live without him and his obsession with the Food Channel at some point. Now was a good time to start.

  “Anything fo
r you, lovely. Anything.”

  And he meant it.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I’m all for learning and growing from past experiences. It’s cool if you want to let your past make you a better werelion. But before you get into the woosah from the Bad Boys movie mentality, beat the shit outta your past a little. Just don’t break your knuckles. Here, I’ll show you how to make a fist…” — Maya O’Connell, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride and woman who has broken her knuckles a time or two, but at least her past isn’t hanging around to bother her.

  The warmth of waking in Grayson’s arms was familiar.

  The accompanying stickiness was… not. They’d gotten carried away in the middle of the night, hands touching combined with kissing that ended up with lots of coming. They’d gone so much further, connected so much deeper, than ever before.

  She nuzzled her mate’s chest, reveling in his scent and smiling when she realized his flavors covered her. Their bodies may not have joined as one, but there were enough “fluids” coating them to ensure others knew they were both taken.

  After yesterday’s discussion, Honor knew two things; she wanted to belong to Grayson. Soon. She wasn’t sure what held her back, but she resolved to shove that worry aside today, tonight. With the passion they shared, she could only imagine what mating would be like.

  Trying to keep quiet, she eased from his embrace, wiggling and shifting. She also froze when needed, unwilling to wake him. She wanted to get cleaned up, maybe make a little something and serve him breakfast in bed. He’d been so patient, so wonderful, and she wanted to show him how much she cared.

  I love you. The three words lingered on her lips, but refused to be pushed from her mouth just yet. Another thing she’d do “soon.”

  Shaking her head, she moved toward the shower, ready to be free of the stickiness plaguing her. She frowned at the idea that his scent would be gone, but they could always renew it later.

  Or he could claim me.

  Naked, she padded across the plush carpeting, intent on her destination, when a rapid tapping filled the room.

  Da-di-di-da-di. Da-di.

  The past punched her in the gut and panic immediately struck. Had Angus crept into the house? Was he hunting her in her own den?

  Da-di-di-da-di. Da-di.

  Then a few high-pitched murmurs. That was followed by twin snarls and Honor relaxed. Easton and Weston. Great.

  Heading toward the door, she reached for the handle only to freeze when a low snarl chased her. The sound skated over her spine, wrapping around her to settle in her stomach like a lead weight. Slowly she turned to face an obviously enraged Grayson.


  He curled his lip and growled.

  Oh, God, she’d been wrong. He was as crazed as others, he was as angry and evil and… memories crashed in on her, taking away her logical sense. Suddenly she was in the cage, snarls surrounding her, evil encompassing her and crowding her.

  “No.” She shook her head and closed her eyes as she curled in on herself. “Please, no.”

  The sound cut off abruptly and then large hands were there, warm familiar hands pulled her nearer. They held her close, embracing her gently while low shushing noises surrounded her.

  “I’ve got you, you’re safe. I’m sorry, lovely.” He rocked her, his lips not leaving her temple as he quieted her. “I didn’t want you opening the door naked. The lion’s a possessive asshole. I’m sorry.” Slowly the past released her and she found herself in the corner of Grayson’s bedroom, settled across his lap as he held her close. “I’m sorry.”

  Honor sobbed. “No, I’m sorry. The tapping… and you just…” She hiccupped. “I thought I was doing better.”

  He stroked her spine, his heat sinking into her with the touch. “You are. You’re doing so well.” He pulled her even closer. “We made love, lovely. When you came home, you wouldn’t let anyone near you and then you gave yourself to me.”

  She sniffled. “We didn’t make love.”

  “Of course, we did.”

  Honor eased away from him and gave him a deadpan look. “Really? From what I recall, lovemaking requires more than your fingers in my vagina.”

  “You’re a pain in the ass.” He grinned and she realized she couldn’t argue with him. “Lovely, any time I touch you, it’s making love because I lo—”

  The taps returned only this time accompanied by louder arguing.

  “I’m knocking.” Grunt.

  “No, me.” Growl.

  “Dad said.” Hiss.

  “I’m gonna be the next Prime.” Hiss, spit.

  “We need to see what they want before there’s bloodshed. Again.” Honor sighed and rose from Grayson’s lap, ignoring his hard cock and the groan that escaped him as she rose.

  “I’m going to kill them both,” her mate growled and she grinned.

  The arguing ceased for a moment and then the voices resurged with a new message. “Mom! Grayson’s gonna kill us!”

  Honor shook her head, brushing away all remnants of her mini-breakdown. “Are you sure you want some of those?” She raised her eyebrows as she looked to Grayson.

  Her mate shrugged. “Not those particular parasites, but yeah, I’d like to see you swollen with cubs, I’d love to hold them close.”

  He snared her hand and tugged her into his embrace. He liked to do that, hold her close and touch her. It was something she’d learned early on. He was very tactile.

  “Parasites?” She wasn’t sure her eyebrows could rise any higher.

  “Cubs. Parasites.” He kissed her gently. Another thing he did often. “Same difference.”

  With a roll of her eyes, she stepped out of his grasp and padded toward the bathroom. “C’mon. If the parasites are here then we’re being summoned. I wanna shower.”

  “No. Just flake off the crusty bits.” His voice was deep, gravelly.

  She turned back to him and noticed the pale amber of his eyes. “I’m not going down coated with all this stuff.”

  “Stuff?” He smirked. “You mean my cum? And yours? That stuff?”

  “Ass,” she snapped and couldn’t help the blush that stained her cheeks.

  “Fine. Wet rag, no soap.”

  “Wet rag with soap,” she countered. When had life in the pride become about bargaining?

  “Wet rag with light soap.” He glared.

  Well, she glared right back. At least tried to until she broke into a fit of laughs and rushed him, throwing her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist. He caught her with ease, not even grunting or stumbling when they collided. She loved that about him, his strength and power.

  “You’re a dork.” She darted forward and kissed him, fast and quick.

  “I’m big and manly and mean.” His kiss was soft and sensual. “And yours.”

  He really said the sweetest things. She was ready to show him how sweet he was when another round of knocks came. These were heavy and strong and definitely didn’t belong to a set of six-year-old twins. With a sigh, she rested her forehead on his shoulder for a moment before she let her legs unwind from him. Damn it.

  “Get cleaned up, I’ll see what’s going on.” Worry tinged his voice and that set her nerves to fluttering.

  Honor halfway did as Grayson asked. She just did things a lot slower. Instead of taking two steps, she took one that gradually led her to the bathroom. She carefully eased toward her destination.

  He reached the door and tugged it open, causing her cat to bristle. She didn’t want anyone else seeing her male naked. Even if the only other woman in the house was the mated Prima, no one should see her mate nude.

  The portal cracked open enough to hide Honor while still allowing Grayson to greet their visitor. Honor held her breath, waiting to see if she had to rip someone apart for ogling her naked mate.

  When the definitive deep timbre of the Prime’s voice reached her, she relaxed.

  Alex was straight which meant her male was safe.

ow she could focus on getting rid of the crusties.

  She spent a handful of minutes in the bathroom, hurrying when she realized the two males continued speaking. By the time she burst into the room, Grayson swung their bedroom door shut, closing them off once again.

  Her mate smiled at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes, didn’t travel any farther than his lips.

  “Grayson?” Butterflies took up residence in the pit of her stomach.

  He shook his head. “We’re needed downstairs.”

  “What…?” Worry filled her, dread quickly on its heels.

  “Give me a minute and we can go down.”

  Give him a minute…

  Honor wanted to run down the stairs, wanted to race toward the news that could be nothing but bad, but she stayed put. She needed to show she trusted her mate and sitting still was the tiniest thing… The moment he emerged from the bathroom, cleaner but smelling of her, he grabbed her hand and led her downstairs.

  They traveled to the familiar living room, taking up the spot they’d shared many times before. The normal gang had gathered. Maya’s guards, their mates, as well as Maya and Alex. She heard the tinkling laughs and high-pitched snarls coming from the twins on the second floor.

  Everyone stared at her grim-faced and she took a deep breath. Anger. Worry. Sadness. Rage.

  She could attribute the sadness to just about everyone as well as the worry. The anger came from Alex and the rage… from Grayson.

  Honor looked from her mate to the others, meeting the gaze of each male with the same inquiring look. When no one spoke, she finally focused on Grayson once again.

  “What happened?”


  Grayson knew the answer to that question. Knew it and hated it and ached to cut, slash, and kill the force behind the answer.


  The Prime glared at him, his amber eyes shining, but he didn’t care. Alex could glare at him over dragging Honor to the meeting and telling her what happened. He’d learned his lesson the first time around and he wasn’t keeping another secret. Though, in the back of his mind, he acknowledged he still hadn’t told her about the London cubs. All right, he wasn’t keeping two secrets. He had a one-secret limit which meant Honor needed to be told of Angus’s most recent activities.


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