Lion’s Honor (Paranormal Shapeshifer BBW Romance) (Ridgeville)

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Lion’s Honor (Paranormal Shapeshifer BBW Romance) (Ridgeville) Page 25

by Celia Kyle

  That had her steps stuttering. “Mom?”

  “Uh-huh. You know they want us to come over. They’ve been asking, remember?”

  “I think I’m too hurt to go anywhere.” A look of pure agony overcame her features. If he didn’t know her, he’d think she was at death’s door.

  “Faker. A surprise, then dinner, then home.”

  “I was very injured…”

  He reached past her and twisted the knob on the shower. “Don’t remind me. But we’re both doing better now. A shift, a raw and bloody breakfast, and then we’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t know that.” She narrowed her eyes.

  Grayson couldn’t resist. He swooped down and captured her lips. He forced his tongue past hers, drowning himself in her flavors and enjoying every hint of her taste he could hunt. This was perfection and life rolled into a single kiss. He could taste her one last time and then happily die.

  With one final slide of his tongue over hers, he pulled away. He smiled when she whimpered and tried to follow him. Her arousal-tinged eyes met his, the passion clouding her vision.

  “I know you, Honor. I know you.”

  The desire slowly cleared and was quickly replaced with angry, narrowed eyes. “You are a pain in the ass.”

  “I am, but I’m the pain in the ass you love. Also, the pain in the ass who’s going to give you a surprise and then take you to dinner at your parents’.” He cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “It’s safe to live now and that’s what we’re gonna do.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. When she looked at him once again, the anger and frustration was gone while hope took up residence. “Okay.” She nodded. “Okay.”

  Grayson knew it was and would be.

  * * *

  Honor stared at Grayson, flicked her gaze to the bike, and then back to her mate. This was so not okay. “I’m not getting on it.”

  He huffed. “Honor, get on the bike.”

  They’d been having the same argument for five minutes already. She refused to move and he refused to give in. Well, she decided, he had to break eventually. Plus, she totally had a lot of stamina. After their sexy shower and furry breakfast, she was ready to rock.

  “It’s not happening.”

  “Get on the bike.”

  She buffed her nails on her shirt and then held her hand out. Her manicure was pretty awesome. Shifting tended to put things back together pretty well. “Yeah, no.”

  “Honor…” She heard something crack and she idly wondered if it was one of his teeth. He seemed to be gritting them pretty hard.

  “Grayson…” She mimicked him. Another glance in his direction showed her mate did not find it amusing. Damn, it looked like he was going to be stubborn. Just like eating and shifting healed her, it’d fixed him right up.

  “Get on the bike.”

  “No.” She propped her hands on her hips. “Isn’t this argument getting tedious? I think it’s getting tedious.”

  He dropped his chin to his chest. “Get on the bike.”

  “Do you realize we were half dead last night?” Yeah, that’s what she’d blame things on. Half-deadness. Because she refused to reveal the truth. “Do you remember the fangs and claws and blood? I was passed out and even I remember the blood.”

  Grayson lifted his shirt, exposing his rippling abs and slightly scarred side. “I’m healed, Honor. I’m fine.”

  She looked over her shoulder, noticed the twitching curtains, and then glared at him. “I see that. So can all the unmated hoes in the house. Put your shirt down,” she snapped.

  “Aw, love, why don’t you put it down for me?”

  “No. Because I’ll get close and then my not-happy ass will be on that seat. And then we’ll be roaring down the road.” She huffed and growled. “I don’t want you riding that thing. You’ll get yourself killed.”

  He dropped the fabric. “I’ve been riding since I was sixteen. I wear the gear to keep me safe. You’re wearing your gear to keep you safe.” He took a deep breath. “Love, get on the bike.”

  “No.” She was never getting on a bike ever, ever again. Ever. How had she not remembered he rode a motorcycle?

  His attention focused on something behind her. The heavy thud of the front door closing told her someone had ventured onto their verbal battleground. She turned and found Maya tiptoeing her way over the gravel driveway, cordless phone in hand.

  “Phone for you, Honor!”

  With a sigh, she reached out and took it from the Prima. “Thanks, Maya.” She held the receiver to her ear. “Hello?”

  “Honor?” Great, her father. Just what she needed.

  “Hey, Daddy.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better. We were worried about you.” Her dad coughed and she recognized the sound. He was getting worked up and refused to show it. “But we knew your mate would take care of you.”

  “He did.”

  “That Finn, he’s a big-ass tiger, huh?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, Daddy.”

  “Staying with us. Told us those cubs are coming here. You okay with that, Honor-girl?” Something in his tone told her that he’d tear into whoever he needed to if she wasn’t okay with things.

  But… those cubs coming to the U.S., to Ridgeville, was the best thing for them. She could never imagine growing up somewhere else and she wanted those children to feel the same love and warmth she’d experienced.

  “Yeah, Daddy, I’m okay.”

  More than okay.

  “Good, good.” He cleared his throat. Apparently the heart-to-heart was over. “If that’s the case, get on the bike.” Now her father was taking Grayson’s side.

  Her love for her dad vanished. “How did…? But, Daddy…”

  “Maya called. You’re ruining that boy’s surprise. The bike runs fine, we tuned it up not long ago. Just get on the thing.”

  Honor growled and it felt… good. Maddy’s sessions coupled with Angus’s capture had set something free inside her. More of the old Honor was shining through and nudging its way beyond her past. She’d felt it in their den, but the strength grew larger and larger with each passing second.

  “I hate you.”

  Her father chuckled. “That hasn’t changed since you were sixteen. You hate me but you like eating my food, huh?”

  She grumbled. It wasn’t fair when he was right. “It’s Mom’s food.”

  “Uh-huh.” Her dad chuckled and she really did hate him a little bit. “Get on that bike, go see what Grayson’s got, and then we’ll see you for dinner.”

  “Steak?” He really did cook a mean steak.

  “No, it’s your sister’s choice tonight.”

  She groaned. “Dad, she’s a vegetarian.” She spat the word. It tasted rotten on her tongue.

  “Honor, get on the damned bike.”

  “Fine,” she growled. She ended the call on her dad’s laughs.

  She held out the phone to Maya and the moment the other woman took it, Honor stomped to the bike. Grayson smiled at her; she glared at him. “Get on the damned bike, already.”

  His grin turned wicked, but he didn’t say anything. He took his seat and then she crawled on after him. It took no time to yank the helmet on and curl her body against his as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  The bike roared to life, rumbling beneath her, and they were off, speeding down the pride house’s long driveway.

  The roll of the bike excited her, the power between her thighs vibrating her entire body. The wind whipped around them, stroking them with cool fingers, and she snuggled closer.

  Okay, she was good with the cuddling part. That was kinda nice.

  She rested her helmeted cheek against his shoulder, watching the scenery fly by as Grayson drove. Her issue hadn’t been her trust in him, but in everyone else. Now that she felt the wind, the joy of the speed, the openness that riding provided… she wouldn’t give him shit the next time he wanted to ride.

  Their path took them down familiar roads,
twining this way and that.

  It wasn’t long before they slowed, Grayson directing the bike onto a small road. She didn’t remember the tiny street, but she’d also been away from Ridgeville for a while. They continued for a while, the trees surrounding them eventually thinning until he slowed and then finally stopped the motorcycle.

  She raised her head to look around, but her mate’s command forestalled her. “Close your eyes.” Frowning, she did as he asked, not whining when he tugged the helmet from her head. “Swing your leg over, I’ve got ya.”

  Again, she did as ordered. Her dad’s words came back to her. Now, you’re ruining that boy’s surprise.

  Instead of demanding an explanation, she let him lead her forward, let him put her in place. She kept her eyes shut the entire time though she did keep her ears open, hunting for any hint of what surrounded them. She found nothing. A few birds chirped and small animals rustled in the woods, but she couldn’t hear the pass of cars or any people milling about. Had he brought her to their new home site? She hoped so. It was an area of silence and peace.

  Then Grayson was there, surrounding her, his front firm against her back. His scent filled her lungs, permeating her body with his flavors. Her cat welcomed him, purred with his overwhelming presence. It knew they’d almost lost everything just as surely as they knew they were safe. They had their mate, well and whole, while their tormenter was gone for good.

  Her life could begin again. With Grayson at her side.

  “Ready?” he whispered against her ear and a shudder of need overtook her.

  She nodded, not trusting her voice.

  Her mate nuzzled her, rubbing his scruff along her neck. “Then open your eyes.”

  She almost didn’t want to. She didn’t want anything to mar the perfect moment. Then she wondered if what lingered before her could make it better.

  Honor lifted her lids, her eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness, and then her breath stilled in her chest.

  They stood in a natural clearing, but it’d also been extended, enlarged to reveal a breathtaking view. They stood atop one of the larger hills that surrounded the pride house, their position allowing them to look over the home below and the forest beyond.

  But what truly took her breath away was the massive slab of concrete that lay between her and the downward slope of the hill.

  “Grayson?” Was it really…?

  “Come see, love.” He eased away enough to snare her hand. He tugged her forward, carefully leading her around piles of dirt and construction materials. He held firmly as he helped her step up. “The entryway with a coat closet.” He gestured to the left. “Living room. Dining room.” He drew her farther along. “Kitchen with an island.” More hand waving. “Hallway to four bedrooms and two bathrooms.” A point at the other end. “Master suite.”

  “Grayson…” It was a hunk of concrete, but she could see, could imagine what it’d be when it was done. “How did you do this? When?”

  “Maya already let it slip, remember?”

  “That was clearing some land, but this site, the construction, how?”

  “You spent a lot of time with the females.”

  “And you were with the males,” she retorted.

  “Doing this. I coordinated everything from the pride house. When I did leave now and then, it was to come here.” He tugged and she readily went to him. “Do you like it? We can look at the plans. If you hate something, we can change things,” he murmured and then kissed her, soft and gently, before pulling away.

  “Four bedrooms?” She glanced at where he’d indicated.

  A subtle tension filled him. If she hadn’t had her hands on his chest, she wouldn’t have noticed. “We don’t have to fill them all with cubs.”

  “But you want to.” She kept her voice low and tried not to let her preference sway him.

  “Only if you want to.”

  Want to? She had so many things planned for their lives, so many things she wanted to share with her mate. Cubs were one facet, but the options for them were limitless.

  She’d dreamed of mating Grayson Shor for years, dreamed of making love to him and loving him. Now she had her wish.

  “I want to, Grayson. I love you. Of course, I want to.”

  The relief was palpable, his shoulders relaxing and the slight lines of unease easing from his face. “Good. That’s-that’s good.”

  “What do you think about…” She thought of the four bedrooms, of them starting a family, and then she let her mind drift elsewhere.

  It floated to the cubs arriving from London, to little Sophie and her twin sister Isabella. She’d told him about the girls in the past weeks. Relayed stories of her life in London and several included the girls.

  Before Angus, she’d babysat them, played with them at runs while she imagined having children with Grayson. True, they reminded her of London, but they also reminded her of laughter and joy. She refused to let Angus ruin more lives. They probably lived through their own snippets of hell within the pride, there was no reason the three of them couldn’t heal together. They needed someone familiar and loving with them as they dealt with the repercussions of their parents’ actions.

  They needed… them.


  She licked her lips. “What do you think about adopting Sophie and Isa?”

  He froze and a withdrawal sprang to her lips. “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes.” She did; no doubts lingered.

  “Then I do too.” He looked at her, truth in his eyes. “I heard the way you talked about them. You love them and I have no doubt I will as well. I love you.”

  She didn’t deserve him—at all—but she refused to let him go.

  “Okay,” he grinned, eyes sparkling, happiness radiating from him. “We’ll have our first cubs soon.”

  “Yeah.” She returned his smile, her joy matching his. “We will.”

  He tilted his head, gesturing to the back of the house. “Come see the rest.” He snared her hand once again.

  “The rest?”

  “Absolutely. Honor, our lives… our mating… there’s always going to be more.” He tugged. “C’mon.”

  She followed, matching him step for step, smiling wide when he helped her down from the concrete pad. Then he was drawing her along once again.

  Grayson released her at the edge of the slope, spreading his arms wide and pointing this way and that as he explained his vision.

  But she only had eyes for him, for her mate, for the male who saved her from Angus, from hell, from herself.

  “What do you think?” His smile was wide, his excitement infectious.

  She didn’t have to look at the land, or the house he’d prepared. She only had to look at Grayson. “It’s perfect.”


  Maya Josephs-O’Connell (she refused to drop the Josephs since it annoyed Alex) stared over the clearing, taking in the pride members who’d gathered for the monthly run. Her besties were in attendance, including Honor Mauer-Shor with her slightly pregnant belly. The bitch looked way too cute all pregnant. Maya had not been a pretty preggers lady.

  Anyway. Everyone was there, Carly and Neal, Maddy and Ricker, Elise and Brute (although Brute refused to look at pregnant Honor because his little sister never ever had sex), Elly and Deuce, Tess and Harding, and Millie and Wyatt. Another SUV roared into the parking lot and she squinted against the bright lights. Good, even Gina and Gavin managed to make it. She’d missed that crazy, sweet bitch.

  All of her friends were mated and happy and all was right in her world. A gaggle of children ran by, some snarls, a few growls, and even a yip or two trailing behind them. God, she didn’t even want to think about that group mating. Ever. With the London kidlets finding homes with several couples, there were even more ankle biters running around. Plus, East and West looked at a couple of them way too closely. If she saw butt sniffing she’d be all over those furball butts before they could say “lemme see your tail.”

  Maya glanc
ed at the food tables, smiling when she realized the veggie tray was half empty while the meat tray remained mostly untouched. Ha! There went Alex’s assurance his pride was not going vegan.

  “What’s got you smiling?” Alex’s voice sent a shiver down her spine just as it had all those years ago. He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her. She hoped they’d manage to sneak far enough away and enjoy a little alone time during the run.

  “You.” She turned, making sure she didn’t dislodge his hold, and pushed to her tiptoes and kissed him, running her tongue along his lips with a low hum. It got the response she desired; a low grumbling purr came from him, vibrating through her body and making her lioness perk up.

  “You’re dangerous.”

  “Yes.” She grinned against his mouth, kissing him again.

  “Ugh, they’re kissing.”


  “Ben and Jerry, so help me…” She snarled at the twins—calling them by their middle names—and they both took off running, giggling the whole way. “Your children are a pain in the ass, Alex.”

  “Like their mother.” Maya growled and he smirked. “But I love you anyway.”

  “I’ll show you some love. Just wait until we’re alone.”

  “In a little bit. Maybe thirty minutes or so. I’ve got a few more things to do before we get star—”

  She narrowed her eyes and then turned her head, searching for her quarry. “Yo, Maddy, doll face!” The lioness’s attention swung to Maya.

  “Maya…” She really did like his rumbling growl way too much. It did lovely things to her pink bits.

  “What?” She adopted her most innocent expression. “Is there something wrong?”

  Grinning, she stepped out of his embrace and tugged on her dress, bringing the hem higher and higher. Heat filled his eyes and she loved that he still wanted her, craved her today as much as he had nine years ago.


  Then he didn’t have anything else to say because one particular lioness yelled one particular phrase. “Let the run begin!”

  The End


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