Thank you to my dear friend Petrina Hicks who allowed me to observe one of her photo shoots and for her beautiful and poetic images.
To my writing friends, Fleur Beaupert, Brooke Robinson, Peggy Frew, Meg Mundell and Tegan Bennett-Daylight who offered kind and supportive words at difficult times. I’m grateful to both Peggy and Mireille Juchau for their generous words about this novel.
This novel was written with the support of a grant from the Copyright Agency Limited’s Cultural Fund, which I used to undertake a residency at Can Serrat in Barcelona, Spain. Part of the novel was also written during a residency in Japan undertaken as part of University of Melbourne’s Asialink Programme with the support of the Australia Council for the Arts and the Japan-Australia Foundation.
Special thanks to Julien Klettenberg, whose love and support are written into every page.
Where the Light Falls Page 21