The Throne of Fear: The Romano's

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The Throne of Fear: The Romano's Page 13

by Stella Andrews

  “Your mother was unhappy, you know that. I suppose none of us really knew how much until she killed herself.”

  “How—I mean, I know she overdosed, but what I don’t understand is why she never left a note, and how was she left so long? You know this place is tied up tighter than Fort Knox. Why did nobody think to check on her—I’ve always wondered that?”

  “Your mom was a very private person, Romeo. It was not uncommon for her to shut herself inside her room for days. She hated this life and looking back, was probably suffering from depression. Your father was always busy with business and rarely home. Your brothers and you were small children with more energy than she could cope with, and she often left you with the nanny and me for some time out. But why is that weighing on your mind now, has something happened?”

  “The day before she died, we visited Governor Thompson and his wife. I have learned that she went to them for help to escape my father. She was prepared to give them information on my father in exchange for their help to set us up somewhere safe.”

  “I see.” Nonna’s face radiates her disapproval, and I understand only too well. We may hate this life, but family counts above everything and we never go against our own. It’s all we have and we protect it fiercely. Nonna will be angry that mom was prepared to betray us and she says bitterly, “She would never be safe. If your father found out, he would have dealt with her cruelly. You know the man he was; he wouldn’t think twice. How do you know this?”

  She must sense a change in me as I think about Ivy, and she smiles. “Is it a woman?”

  I wink and push my plate away. “Nothing gets past you, does it, Nonna? Yes, it’s a woman and a rather special one as it happens. The problem is, she’s the governor’s daughter. What can I say, shit happens?”

  “Then I will look forward to seeing you fight for something you believe in, Romeo. God knows you need to struggle for something for once in your life.”

  She winks and I shrug like the cocky bastard I am because nonna knows that we never struggle for female company, which is why this is so different. She will know that Ivy is special just by the fact I have mentioned her at all, and she can’t hide her excitement at the thought I have finally found my match.

  A sarcastic drawl reminds me why I’m here as Lucian heads into the room, closely followed as always by his wife Riley.

  “My boat had better be in one piece.”

  “Your boat, I think I must have been absent when we agreed that it was your boat, Lucian. You may think it is but we share The Black Heart and yes, she’s in one piece.”

  Riley rolls her eyes behind his back and I smile at the feisty woman who has tamed the beast holding her hand so possessively. We were all shocked when he brought Riley home and announced she was going to be his wife because it was all so sudden. I never really understood it before, but now I can relate as I think I’m about to do the same thing. Like me, Lucian probably just wanted to cement their relationship.

  Riley heads across to nonna and says sweetly, “That pasta smells good, do you have any left?”

  “Of course, my darling, there is always pasta.”

  Lucian stares at me with his usual intensity that appears to extract my soul and says tersely, “We have business to discuss.”

  I nod and jump up, pushing my plate away and kiss my grandmother before following him to our den. This is the usual place we conduct business because it’s always been the golden rule that we never discuss it in front of nonna or our family.

  Lucian pours me a glass of whiskey and we take our usual seats overlooking the orchard. I’ve always loved the view because it reminds me of Ivy and thinking of her puts a smile on my face and I can feel Lucian studying me with interest as he swirls the amber liquid around his glass.

  “You’ve had an interesting few days.”

  “I have.”

  “Tell me what’s on your mind?”

  “I need some heat on Governor Thompson. I intend on marrying his daughter and he won’t go down without a fight.”

  “Are you certain of this, Romeo, because Governor Thompson is a major player in town and won’t make this easy on our family? Word is, he’s got his daughter’s future mapped out and won’t take kindly to any bumps in the road, especially if it concerns us.”

  “You should know more than most, Lucian, because if I remember rightly, when you brought Riley home, you would have done anything to keep her. It’s the same for me. Ivy Thompson was always my woman, I just never thought I deserved her.”

  “Then tell me what you know.”

  “Her parents have abused her her entire life. It turns out they’re bigger bastards than our own father was and have used her to get what they want - political gain. She is set to marry Drew Warner and become some fucking politician’s Stepford wife, and she is desperate. That’s not all, as I said on the phone, mom went to them for help to escape our father and they turned her away. If they hadn’t, maybe she would still be alive today, which in my mind means only one thing.”

  “They killed her.”

  Lucian slams his glass on the table and I see the anger in his eyes as he hisses, “I thought the same. So, what’s your plan?”

  “Mrs. Thompson keeps a journal where she writes everything down. Ivy told me she had written a detailed account of what happened that day, which is how she knew. She also told me there would be evidence against her father because she also wrote about him. I’m guessing it makes for a pretty interesting read and we can use the information to buy his silence.”

  “You think we will leave it there? If he did help our mother on her way, I’m pretty sure I want more than just his daughter.”

  Lucian’s voice is tightly controlled rage and I nod. “I feel the same, but we need to play this one carefully. We’re not dealing with just anyone here, he’s a public figure and it would come with consequences. That’s why we need the journal, to destroy them both because after what Ivy told me about how they treated her and mom, I intend on ruining their life.”

  For a moment, we sit brooding with no need to fill the silence with conversation. We are brothers and know how each other’s mind works, and I know that Lucian will be struggling with his thirst for revenge. I feel it too.

  After a while, he says in a low voice, “Bring the journal to me as soon as you have it. I’ll call Dante and we can work out what to do between us.”

  “Do you think we should involve Lorenzo?”

  Our older brother is no longer part of our family business, but he is still our brother and part of this family. This affects him just as much as us, and Lucian nods. “I’ll call him and let him make his own decision on that. He may be able to help, after all, he deals with political shit every day of the week.”

  Thinking of Lorenzo, I feel the usual emptiness inside that he created when he left. He lives with a different kind of family now because he couldn’t bear to walk in my father’s footsteps and handed the Throne of Pain to the next in line—Lucian. He now lives in an MC Club with his wife Sophia and appears to relish what that gives him. The President of the Club, Ryder King, is more powerful than the President himself as they deal with the government’s shit with no questions asked. Lorenzo is actually the perfect person to go to for advice on dealing with Governor Thompson and Lucian says in hard voice, “I’ll call him.”

  Then he takes me by surprise and says in a softer tone, “I’m happy for you, Romeo, it’s been a long time coming but Ivy will be good for you.”

  Thinking about the woman I have always loved; I can’t quite believe she loves me back and I smile. “It has, just one final hurdle to jump and then you can sleep at night brother because there will be no more fooling around and stirring up shit because Ivy will be my wife, no matter what her family thinks.”

  Lucian grins and for all our fighting, I love him so hard it hurts. I love all my brothers, my grandmother and now Ivy and when a Romano man loves, nothing gets in his way.

  Chapter 26

/>   The hours pass so slowly I feel as if I’m going slightly mad. Why won’t they just leave?

  It feels strange being back in my family home—it seems different somehow and it’s a different kind of home I crave right now with a very different kind of companion.

  Thinking of Romeo makes my pulse race and my heart ache. Just being apart for a few hours causes me so much pain I can’t think straight. What if he decides it’s all too difficult? Now there’s some distance between us I’m having serious doubts that he really loves me. Maybe it was all an act, a reason to get close to me, to get his hands on our family secrets. Then I remember how alive I felt just sharing the same air as him and know what we have is special. It must be because I’m about to do the unthinkable—run away with him.

  Just picturing the look on my mom’s face when she realizes, makes me almost laugh out loud. I would love to be here to see it, but I need to be far away when the shit hits the fan.

  Then there’s my father, and I shiver with revulsion at the thought of the man he is. His morals are in the gutter as far as I’m concerned and it’s no wonder he thinks so much of Drew, they are so much alike it scares the hell out of me.

  I don’t think I sleep a wink all night, and even breakfast with my mother is excruciating. My father had an early meeting so had left by the time I made my way to the table but mom insisted on quizzing me about my ‘night’ with Drew and I squirmed as she asked me personal stuff and gave me advice on pleasing my man. I think I felt physically sick as she said she’d send me some links to certain websites that respectable women bought their stuff from, and by the time she pushed back her chair and left, I was on my last nerve.

  Once I’m sure she’s gone, I waste no time and head to her office. As soon as I push open the door, I smell her. Her scent lingers in the air and I almost choke on it. Flowery tones mixed with some kind of fruit, makes me hold my breath because I have grown to hate that scent over the years because it reminds me of her.

  Carefully, so as not to disturb a thing, I head across to her desk and gingerly open the top drawer. I found it here before so fingers crossed, she hasn’t changed a thing. I’m not in luck because there’s just a correspondence set and fancy pen along with her address book and I bite my lip in frustration. Where is it?

  Struggling with my nerves, I search through the remaining drawers, but nothing that resembles her journal reveals itself and I almost howl in frustration.

  Having exhausted all possible places, I turn my attention to the bookcase and painstakingly search every shelf and drawer for the evidence we so badly need.

  I almost cry when my search leaves me empty handed and I’m not sure what to do next.

  Taking a moment, I try to get a grip. I need to think, it must be here.

  Looking around the room, I try to think straight and put myself in her shoes and think where I would hide something for my eyes only. Thinking about it, the desk is a little obvious, so I try to think as she would. Carefully, I move around the room, looking for any hidden place that may hide a journal, but mom is obviously better at this than me because I find absolutely nothing.

  The tears burn as I contemplate what it would mean for me if I couldn’t find what Romeo wants. Would he still want me, or was this the reason he kidnapped me on his boat? Maybe he always knew about the journal and this was his cunning plan to get his hands on the evidence that would bring my father down. Perhaps it was mafia business, and I fell for the whole seduction routine.

  I feel foolish in every way possible, but something in my heart is telling me not to give up. Then the idea hits me like a hammer to the head—of course, it works in the movies, it’s worth a try at least.

  Quickly, I make my way over to the desk and open the drawer again. Carefully, I feel along the top and then reach to the very edge at the back of it. There is a small catch that stops the drawer from pulling open all the way and carefully I flick it to the side. Then I remove the drawer completely and look inside. I can’t see anything, so place my hand inside and feel around the space for anything solid.

  My fingers brush against something soft and eagerly I draw it toward me and my heart is beating frantically because I hope to God this is what I’ve been searching for. As my fingers close around the soft leather, I almost cry with relief because looking a little fatter is the same journal I found all those years ago.

  I’ve found it.

  Without wasting a second, I quickly place everything as it was and stuff the journal under my top and wrap my arms around my body, holding it in place. Then I leave the room as quickly as possible and head to my room.

  Immediately, I place the journal in my overnight bag and sit down heavily on the bed and dial the number in my phone that Romeo entered.

  He answers on the second ring.


  His deep voice sounds husky and so familiar it makes me almost weep with relief.

  “I’ve got it.”

  I whisper the words as quietly as possible, although I doubt anyone is around to hear it. The staff never come upstairs, only the maid who I know is on a dental appointment right now.

  “Call Drew, tell him you want him to take you to lunch, you have something for him.”

  “Do I have to?” I feel sick thinking of spending one minute longer in his company and Romeo laughs softly. “Don’t worry my little flower, it won’t be for long. Tell him you want to talk and intend on staying over. Pack everything you need because you won’t be going back. Say you want to spend time with him at his apartment, that should seal the deal.”

  “I won’t have to—will I?”

  I feel sick at the thought of it and love the way Romeo growls, “You won’t even make it to his apartment.”

  I feel my heart settle and then he says huskily, “Not long now, after this it will be over. I will never let anyone hurt you again. I meant what I said, Ivy, I’m coming for you.”


  “An unbreakable one.”

  “I love you, Romeo.”

  “I always have, Ivy, not long now.”

  He cuts the call and I find myself smiling into the phone, the tears burning bright in my eyes. It’s the impossible dream. Finding a man who makes the past count for something amazing because without it I would never have found him. Now I just need to jump the final hurdle and I can begin my future with him.

  Chapter 27


  As soon as I hung up, I quickly called Drew and while he made his way here, I packed everything that meant anything to me and nothing else. By the time I hear his car pulling up outside, I think I’m ready to pass out with the fear of my parents returning and yet know I have the perfect excuse waiting for me on my doorstep. Drew is the perfect cover story and so I plaster a smile on my face and head off to meet him.

  He is waiting downstairs in a white suit and blue silk shirt, and I can only think what an idiot he looks. His slicked back hair looks fake and his smug look makes me want to slap it off his face.

  “Hey my little bunny, you look good enough to eat.”

  He steps forward and makes to kiss me with his wet slobber, and I thrust my bag at him hastily. “Please, can you put my bag in the trunk? It’s quite heavy, I’m afraid.”

  His eyes gleam as he senses an overnighter and I feel physically sick as he winks and runs his tongue over his bottom lip and says, “I can see you are eager to take up where we left off. Me too, bunny, I want to show you how good I can make you feel.”

  “Um, great, anyway, we should go. I’m impatient to get off.”

  “I bet you are.”

  He winks and I quickly push past him and head for the car, desperate to leave before they return. I’m not sure what Romeo has in mind but I hope to God it doesn’t involve me spending much longer with this creep, who as soon as he stows my bag in the trunk, jumps in beside me and runs his hot, sweaty fingers up my leg and leans in and whispers, “Are you ready for the night of your life?”

  I shrink back in my sea
t and say quickly, “Just drive, Drew, please.”

  He laughs softly and thankfully just starts the engine and we are soon heading out of the gates and I don’t look back. I don’t ever want to see this place again because it brings back too many painful memories. I have always hated this house because of what went on there and I am eager to start again with a man who makes my soul glow, not shrink in terror. To begin again with the small boy who grew into such a devastating man, that when I met him for the first time, it was as if we had met before. A connecting of dots and crossing of hearts, a man that shot an arrow in my heart and I never even noticed. How can I not be anxious to start a life with a man who has watched from the shadows my whole life and been there when I needed him most? My soulmate - my one.

  Drew’s excited, I can tell because he keeps on rubbing my knee rather than keeping both hands on the steering wheel and he says with desire edging his voice, “I’ve been waiting for you, Ivy. I want you so badly and I know you feel it too. The fact that you were spared from a fate worse than death when that bastard abducted you, tells me it was always meant to be me. The one who made you a woman, the man who claimed your heart.”

  “Who told you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Who told you I was spared?”

  The car swerves a little as Drew says in a shocked voice, “Are you saying…”

  “Yes, Drew, Romeo Romano took the one thing you want, and I loved every fucking minute of it.”

  The car screeches to a halt and Drew looks at me in disbelief. “What are you saying, Ivy?”

  “That I fucked Romeo Romano more times than I can count, and I loved every delicious second of it.”

  I almost laugh in his face as I whisper seductively, “You know, Drew, I am so glad it wasn’t you because you make my skin crawl and every time you touch me, I want to be physically sick.”

  His eyes narrow and he looks as if he’s about to burst as he spits, “You fucking whore.”


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