“Yes!” exclaimed Fafnir. “Now focus it into the siphon.”
As Fafnir had showed him, Noir gathered up the lux inside him and made it flow down his arms and into his hands. He saw his arms glowing with a faint yellow light. Then he pushed the energy through his fingers into the object. The object glowed yellow, then slowly faded back to normal.
“Yes! Excellent job, Noir. One day is fast for a new Luxin in training.”
Noir smiled. “Thank you.” The whole thing seemed surreal. Perhaps he actually could use this lux thing.
Fafnir continued. “Most Luxins, new and veteran, need to focus the energy into something before using it. Adeel, like many others, uses her hands as focal points. This adds an extra step which slows down their speed with lux. This is not ideal, but if it is necessary then it is better than nothing. Try it again, but this time attempt to move the lux directly from your core and into the siphon instead of into your hands first.”
Noir felt another throb go through him and he tried to grasp it as before. It took him a few tries, but he was able to do it again.
“Now, let it flow from your core directly into the siphon.” Noir tried to focus it directly, but did not understand how to make the connection. “If you cannot, let it go through your hands again. Quickly!” He felt the power go through his hands and into the object.
They tried this over and over. After a while, Noir’s body felt drained as though he had just run a lap around the football field track back home.
He told Fafnir how he felt. She replied, “That is normal. Like a muscle in your body, using the chakra inside you requires exercise. You need to exhaust it frequently in order to reach your full potential with it. Now, let us do it again.”
Day after day, Ratt watched Noir and Fafnir do the same things. The dragon had Noir sit on the floor for hours on end. He saw nothing happen or change no matter if Noir received praise or criticism. He was beginning to wonder why he was there. He wanted to support his new friend, and he really had nowhere else to go, but this was a waste of his time.
Within a few days, Ratt had taken to going for walks when he tired of seeing nothing happen over and over. He would venture out and explore the side of Fafnir's mountain. He would look for and catch small animals. He would use his dagger on trees to carve things into them. Roughly a week had passed since he and Noir had arrived at Fafnir’s lair.
One day, Ratt was returning from a walk. He entered the cave and saw Noir sitting at the table for once, instead of kneeling in front of the large white dragon.
When he entered, Noir said, “There you are, Ratt. We’ve been waiting for you. Fafnir wants to do an exercise with you now.”
Fafnir was on her large table-like stool. “I apologize for all the waiting you have had to do, friend. Both of you, come now before me. And Ratt, bring Noir’s sword.” Ratt looked at the dragon with one eyebrow raised, then went and did as he was told. He walked to the sword which was propped against the wall. He pulled it out of its sheath and took it to Noir who was already standing before Fafnir.
“Ratt, I want you to attack Noir with the sword.” Ratt gave the large creature his most confused look. She did not respond, so then he looked at Noir. Oddly, Noir was grinning as if he was a child with a new toy. Noir made a “come on” gesture with his hands.
Ratt asked haltingly, “So you… want me to attack him,” he held up the sword, “with this?”
“That’s right.”
“You want me to take the sword and go at him? Try to stab him? All that?”
“Yes, Ratt.” Noir spoke that time. “Do not worry. I’m practicing a new technique.”
That reassured Ratt. “I won’t get hurt or anything, will I?”
Noir laughed and Ratt could barely see a small curl of the dragon's lips as well. Noir spoke, “Why are you worried about yourself getting hurt? You’re coming at me with a sword.”
Ratt said, “Well, alright.” Then he squared off against Noir standing a few paces away. Noir stood in the same place, though he seemed to be concentrating very hard on the blade.
Ratt took a couple steps forward and slowly swung the sword at his friend. Noir took a step back and said, “Oh, come on. I won’t learn anything from an attack like that. Really go for it.”
Ratt stepped back again. He gathered himself up and went at Noir. He closed his eyes and thought, “It’s not my fault if he gets hurt. They told me to, right?” He swung the blade from the side at where he thought Noir was. The blade hit something hard and rebounded back. Fearful of seeing his friend hurt, Ratt opened his eyes and saw that the blade had struck something about an arm’s length away from Noir, though nothing could be seen. Noir was smiling even larger than before. Fafnir said, “Well done. Again! And do open your eyes this time, Ratt. Most enemies that Noir will encounter will not attack him thus.”
Ratt struck air for the rest of the evening. Each time he swung the blade at his friend, a small, pale shield of light appeared and deflected his weapon back. None of Ratt’s attacks got anywhere near Noir.
The next day, the three did much the same until the afternoon. After they ate lunch, they came back to the large rocky room where they had been sparring. Noir and Ratt noticed that one of the walls which had been plain rock before now opened into a small tunnel. The opening looked like it was barely large enough for Fafnir to fit through.
Fafnir’s voice came from the new opening. “I usually keep this path hidden. However, we will need its contents. Please enter.” Ratt and Noir looked at each other and then entered. Like usual, Ratt walked slowly to allow his limping friend to keep up.
The tunnel led down and curved slightly to the left. As they walked, the light from the glow spheres in the main room grew dim and another light from ahead lit their path. The tunnel opened up into a larger room, though not as large as the main hall. The room was filled with white light, though no light source could be seen. Fafnir stood on the opposite side of the room. In front of the dragon was a pile of objects about as high as Noir was tall. It mostly consisted of dull iron weapons. However, amidst the black handles and crude metal, a few ornate, shining objects could be seen. Pieces of polished armor could be seen in the pile as well.
Fafnir looked on the pile with sadness. “These are the weapons and armor from my fallen enemies and allies over the years. I keep them here for nostalgia’s sake and for moments like these. Both of you choose a good quality weapon and meet me out in the main room again.” Fafnir walked around the pile and out through the tunnel.
Noir and Ratt exchanged surprised expressions. Ratt spoke up first, “I wonder how much this would be worth.”
Noir replied, “I can’t even imagine.” The two both walked forward and started examining pieces of equipment. Noir picked up a long, golden hilted sword. He drew it out of its hard leather scabbard. The blade was a bright, reflective metal. It had a straight, wide blade that came to a point. He held it up to the artificial light and examined it. The sword seemed to be made by the hands of an expert. It was large and sturdy but felt lighter than it seemed like it should be.
Ratt pushed aside a few dark iron weapons and held up a silvery, intricately decorated axe. It had one side that came to a broad curving blade, and the other had a dangerous looking spike about the size of his hand.
Noir looked at Ratt and said, “Wow, that looks like it would do some damage.”
He responded, “I think these will work. Let’s go.” Noir slid the sword back in its sheath and followed Ratt out into the tunnel.
When they arrived back in the main chamber, Fafnir was standing in front of her stool. “Both of you come stand before me.” They stepped forward. As they approached, Fafnir seemed to look at their chosen weapons longingly. Noir imagined her remembering old friends who used to hold these weapons.
“You both need combat training. Ratt, you are sluggish and uncoordinated with a weapon, and Noir must learn offense as well if he is to be a successful Luxin
. I want both of you to attack each other unhindered. Noir, I want you to block not only Ratt's attacks, but your own. If a weapon comes close to flesh, it should rebound immediately.”
Fafnir taught them both about proper fighting stances and techniques. She taught them how to balance correctly and watch for mistakes in their opponent. Fafnir was patient with Noir’s stumbling and difficulties due to his leg. The maneuvers were different for Noir's sword and Ratt's axe. Each attack rebounded back with a shimmer of light. A few times, Fafnir had to change to her human form in order to demonstrate intricate stances or complex concepts.
Eventually, both boys were smoothly sending attacks at each other. Most attacks were deflected by weapon meeting weapon, but when one went through, it rebounded against Noir's light barriers. They went through different stances that they had been taught and began to feel comfortable with their respective weapons. In the end, Noir felt as though his body would collapse from physical exhaustion and from the constant use of lux.
“You have done well,” Fafnir told them. “Both of you catch on quickly. Keep these weapons as your own. They were once in capable hands, and I believe they are now again. You are finished for today. Rest well for the night.”
Noir let his body relax and allowed himself to lay on the ground. He spread his legs and arms out beside him. Ratt made it to his bed before collapsing. Noir said from the floor in a jokingly exhausted manner, “I knew this wouldn’t be easy, but….”
Fafnir let out a loud, gravely laugh. “You just wait. There is plenty more to come.”
Chapter 14
Trial by fire
Fafnir trained the two boys much the same for a few days. She instructed them on battle techniques, weapon stances, parries, attacks, and many other fighting concepts. Noir got more and more comfortable with embracing the lux within him and using it to create light barriers. In that time, Fafnir had also taught Noir how to create light using lux. He could create bright lights that would cast sharp shadows about the cave that had no visible source. However, now that Noir was more comfortable with the use of his vigor, Fafnir knew it was time for him to learn one of the most important skills for a Luxin.
Noir stood outside the cave, dismissed by Fafnir. She and Ratt were inside doing something, though she wouldn't tell him what before he left. Noir looked out at the trees and hills before him. He wondered about Steven and Aimee and missed them greatly. He knew he was spending a lot of time at Fafnir's lair, but he felt it was necessary. He felt he had to continue training with lux. But why? All he had cared about until recently was finding his family and getting home.
As he struggled inwardly, he heard Fafnir's voice rise from inside her lair. “Noir, come. We are ready for you.” Noir put his thoughts aside for the moment and went back to his training.
He limped inside and into the large main chamber. Fafnir was resting in her large stool as usual, and Ratt stood before her, looking at the cave floor.
“Come forward. We are going to spar like before. Ratt, raise your weapon. You know what to do.” She turned toward Noir. “I want you to only protect yourself this time. I will put up the light barriers to protect Ratt. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Fafnir,” replied Noir.
Noir got into one of the sword stances that Fafnir had taught him. Ratt got into his own stance, but something was different about him. He seemed nervous.
The two boys went at each other, trading blows as normal. The blades ricocheted off of weapons and invisible barriers as always. Noir saw Fafnir's use of lux going into the barriers protecting his friend.
Noir blocked an axe strike from Ratt with his sword, then turned the hilt and brought up a side blow toward his arm. As his blade approached Ratt's arm, he noticed the light barrier that Fafnir put up. It was different than normal. It was at an angle that would not rebound his sword backwards the way it came. It was tilted to divert the blow's full power away, but the tip of the sword was still going to strike Ratt's arm.
By the time Noir comprehended all of this, the blade had made a long red mark diagonally along Ratt's bicep. Ratt cried out in pain and dropped his axe to the floor with a low clang. He put his other hand on the wound and held it.
Noir immediately dropped his own weapon and limped to his friend. “Ratt! I'm so sorry, Ratt!” He looked at Fafnir while holding Ratt's shoulder in his hand and shouted, “What happened? What did you do?”
Fafnir spoke quickly, “Noir! It is time for you to learn one of the most important abilities of a Luxin. You must learn to heal the body's wounds. Piece back together severed or crushed flesh.”
Noir said, “Buy why like this? I never wanted...”
Fafnir interrupted him with a louder tone, “Ratt agreed to it. It is the only way, boy. Now do as I say or your friend will needlessly suffer longer.”
Noir turned toward Ratt who was now sitting on the ground cradling his injured arm. Noir knelt by his friend.
“Embrace a small amount of lux and send it into the wound, probing it. The lux is your eyes where eyes may not go.”
Noir did as he was told. He brought out a small amount of lux and focused through Ratt's fingers on the cut. Lux filled the gash and probed inward into the wound. Noir felt and saw through the lux, though he could not explain how. He saw the flesh and understood where and how it was cut. The muscle underneath was badly cut along with the long, open gash on his skin.
Ratt let out a grunt and whimper of pain as Fafnir spoke again. “Lux has the ability to heal that which is damaged in the body. Once you understand the damage, weave lux into it, patching together the damaged tissue.”
Noir tried to do as she said. Through the lux, he willed the damaged flesh to mend itself. What was torn pieced itself back together cell by cell. He felt the muscle slowly repairing and soon the cut tissue was mended. He then pieced back together the layers of flesh and skin that surrounded the muscle. Though Noir had never done this before, it somehow came easily and naturally for him.
Ratt's eyes were wide and looked into the air blankly. His mouth was open though no sound came out. The red cut closed up as though it were a zipper slowly being pulled shut. Blood showed on Ratt's arm, but the wound from which it came had disappeared except for a faint scar.
When it was finally completely closed, Noir released his control of lux. He stood up and took a step backwards to take a look at Ratt's arm, but stumbled from exhaustion. The healing had taken more out of Noir than he had realized.
Coming out of his trance, Ratt looked down at his arm in disbelief.
“Noir,” said Fafnir. “You have a very strong talent in healing. This will serve you well on your journeys.”
Noir marveled at what he had just done. He knew it had just happened, but believing it was another thing entirely.
After the lesson was over and Ratt had said many times that he was alright, Noir asked Fafnir a question that had been on his mind since he had first learned about lux. “If lux can fix small wounds,” he paused a long time as if fearing the answer to his question, “could it heal my bad leg?”
Fafnir shifted in her large table-like chair. “That wound runs deep. It is old and already healed over. It is not possible to heal old wounds and scars. I am sorry, Noir, but that will be with you for the rest of your life.”
“Not even you, Fafnir? You couldn’t do it?”
“No. I am sorry, child.” Noir felt his heart sink. Although he had known it was a long shot, he still had been greatly hopeful to be rid of his cumbersome limp.
Noir laid in bed listening to the breathing of the two others in the room. He laughed silently at the thought of actually being accustomed to the sound of a dragon's breathing. The dull pain in his bad leg was preventing him from sleeping. He had been using it a lot in the last few days which always caused it to hurt.
His mind went over what had happened that day. Fafnir seemed very proud after he healed Ratt's wound. She had said that most Luxins took many weeks to get it right.
/> Noir shifted over onto his side. As he did, his leg pulsed with a new throb of pain in it. “There has to be a way to fix this darned thing. There has to.”
Despite Fafnir’s teachings, Noir embraced a small amount of lux. He focused on his bad leg, probing it as he had Ratt's arm. He manipulated the energy around inside to get a mental picture of his leg. His knee seemed to be held together at odd angles. He could sense old scar tissue where there should be strong muscle. He focused some lux into his good leg and then compared the two. He didn't see what was wrong with the bad leg; it was more like he felt and understood what was wrong. The bottom of his femur was crushed but healed over and did not connect correctly with his knee joint. The knee was also twisted and fit together in a different way than his other leg. He also felt chunks of metal that the surgeons had put in place to hold the knee together.
With determination, Noir went to work. He started manipulating the bones and flesh. As he started, he realized why Ratt had made such an odd face while he was being healed. The feeling was very strange and uncomfortable. It felt as though tiny warm fingers pushed and pulled at the insides of his body. He focused first on the pieces of metal. Though the thought was gruesome, he knew they had to be removed in order to fix his knee. He slowly parted the flesh that held the metal and worked it out. Fearing what the process would look like, Noir stared at the ceiling until he felt all of the metal pieces fall to his bed.
Next, he worked on molding the bottom part of his mangled femur to match his good leg. It took a large amount of lux to get it started, but the bone shifting and bending inside of him felt like nothing he had felt before. He found himself gritting his teeth not from pain, but from the strange and intense sensation.
Once he had rejuvenated the bone, he focused on the knee socket. He rotated and moved bone and flesh until it matched his other knee. Then with a strain and pull on his body, he fit the newly grown bone into the socket. He compared his work to his undamaged leg. It seemed to match, so he released the lux.
The Year of the Lumin Page 9