Eureka to the Diggers

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Eureka to the Diggers Page 57

by Thomas Keneally


  Greg de Moore, Tom Wills: His spectacular rise and tragic fall (Sydney 2008).

  Oscar de Satgè, Pages from the Journal of a Queensland Squatter (London 1901).

  H.H. Grundy, Pictures of the Past (London 1879).

  Sydney Morning Herald, 16 November 1861.

  The abominable crime

  Lucy Chesser, ‘Cross dressing: sexual miss-representation and homosexual desire, 1863–1893’ in David L. Phillips and Graham Willet, Australia’s Homosexual Histories (Sydney 2000).

  Adam Carr, ‘Policing the abominable crime in 19th century’; and Wayne Murdoch, ‘Homosexuality and the Melbourne truth: an annotated listing 1913–1945’, from Robert French (ed), Camping by a Billabong (Sydney 1993).


  The squatter grandees

  Douglas Stewart and Nancy Keesing (eds), Old Bush Songs and Rhymes of Colonial Times (Sydney 1957).

  Michael Cannon, Life in the Country (Melbourne 1973).

  Margaret Kiddle, Men of Yesterday: A social history of the Western District of Victoria (Melbourne 1961).

  Max Barrett, Ned Ryan: King of Galong Castle (Sydney 1983).

  The duke, loyalism and pistols

  Raelene Francis, Selling Sex: A hidden history of prostitution (Sydney 2007).

  Patrick O’Farrell, The Irish in Australia (Sydney 1986).

  Robert Travers, The Phantom Fenians of New South Wales (Sydney 1986).

  Keneally, The Great Shame.

  Amos, The Fenians in Australia.

  Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 1868.

  Persecution of Irish employees: ML 4/7680/1.

  Sectarian vituperation

  O’Farrell, The Irish in Australia.

  Keneally, The Great Shame.

  Charles Gavan Duffy, My Life in Two Hemispheres (volume 2, London 1898).

  Trevor McClaughlan, Barefoot and Pregnant: The Irish orphan girls in Australia (Melbourne 1991).

  A childhood in the city

  J.A. La Nauze, Alfred Deakin: A biography (Sydney 1979).

  Michael Cannon, Life in the Cities (Melbourne 1975).

  Al Gabay, The Mystic Life of Alfred Deakin (Melbourne 1992).

  Making games

  de Moore, Tom Wills.

  Geoffrey Blainey, A Game of Our Own: The origins of Australian Football (Melbourne 1990).

  Intercolonial cricket and tourists

  Bell’s Life in Melbourne, 10 July 1858.

  Richard Broome, Aboriginal Australians: Black responses to white dominance 1788–2001 (Sydney 2002).

  de Moore, Tom Wills.

  Rex Harcourt and John Mulvaney, Cricket Walkabout: The Aboriginal cricketers of the 1860s (Melbourne 2005).

  Richard Cashman, Warwick Franks, Jim Maxwell et al. (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Australian Cricket (Melbourne 1996).

  Overland telegraph

  Gordon Reid, A Picnic With the Natives: Aboriginal-European relations in the Northern Territory to 1910 (Melbourne 1990).

  Geoffrey Blainey, Black Kettle and Full Moon: Daily life in a vanished Australia (Melbourne 2003).

  Alan Powell, A Far Country: A short history of the Northern Territory (Melbourne 1982).

  Henry Reynolds, North of Capricorn: The untold story of the people of Australia’s north (Sydney 2003).

  Goyder and all that

  Cathcart, The Water Dreamers.

  Derek Whitelock, Adelaide 1836–1976: A history of difference (Brisbane 1977).

  Clark, A History of Australia, Volume IV.

  Cannon, Life in the Country.

  The enobling land

  Humphrey McQueen, A New Britannia (Melbourne 1975).

  Clark, A History of Australia, Volume IV.

  Michael McKernan, Drought: The red marauder (Sydney 2005).

  Cyril Pearl, The Three Lives of Charles Gavan Duffy (Sydney 1979).

  Beverly Kingston, A History of New South Wales (Melbourne 2006).

  Raymond Evans, A History of Queensland (Melbourne 2007).

  Steele Rudd, On Our Selection (Sydney 1992, originally 1899).

  Samuel Schumack, Memoirs, MS 1643, NLA.

  The asian south and north

  G.O. Preshaw, Banking Under Difficulties, or Life on the Goldfields of Victoria, New South Wales and New Zealand (Melbourne 1888).

  Geoffrey Blainey, The Rush that Never Ended: A history of Australian mining (Carlton 2003).

  Reynolds, North of Capricorn.

  Powell, A Far Country

  Raymond Evans, Kay Saunders and Kathryn Cronin, Exclusion, Exploitation and Extermination: Race relations in colonial Queensland (Sydney 1975).

  Queensland Punch, 1 December 1880.

  Cooktown Courier, 3 October 1874.

  On our selection

  McQueen, A New Britannia.

  Rudd, On Our Selection.

  Steele Rudd, Our New Selection (Project Gutenberg Australia electronic book, originally published 1903).

  Northern territory pastorale

  James Barry’s account in Brisbane Courier, 16 September and 27 October 1874.

  Tony Roberts, Frontier Justice: A history of the Gulf country to 1900 (Brisbane 2005).

  Henry Reynolds, North of Capricorn.

  Powell, A Far Country.

  Broome, Aboriginal Australians.

  Kanaka dawn

  Evans, A History of Queensland.

  Michael Cannon, Who’s Master? Who’s Man? (Melbourne 1971).

  Reid Mortenson, ‘Slaving in Australian courts: Blackbirding cases, 1869–71’, Journal of South Pacific Law, volume 4, 2000.

  Brisbane Courier, 15 November 1867.

  Louis Becke (ed), ‘A Grove Day’, South Seas Supercargo (Brisbane n.d.).

  Sydney Empire, 6 October 1869.

  Captain George Palmer, Kidnapping in the South Seas (Edinburgh 1871).

  Kipling of the pacific

  Becke, South Seas Supercargo.

  Nicholas Thomas and Richard Eves (eds), Bad Colonists: The South Seas letters of Vernon Lee Walker and Louis Becke (Durham, North Carolina, 1999).

  Geoffrey Serle, From Deserts the Prophets Come: The creative spirit in Australia, 1788–1972 (Melbourne 1973).

  H.E. Maude, ‘Louis Becke: The trader’s historian’, Journal of Pacific History, volume 2, 1967.

  Steaming to australia

  Cannon, Life in the Cities.

  Robin Haines, Life and Death in the Age of Sail: The passage to Australia (Sydney 2003).

  C. Stretton, Memoirs of Chequered Life (London 1862).

  Preshaw, Banking Under Difficulties.

  The refrigeration wars

  Cannon, Life in the Cities.

  Ian Arthur, ‘Shipboard refrigeration and the beginnings of the frozen meat trade’, JRAHS, volume 92, part I.

  Australian Society for History and Technology website.

  Mineral dreams

  Powell, A Far Country.

  Blainey, The Rush that Never Ended.

  Evans, A History of Queensland.

  Reynolds, North of Capricorn.

  Geoffrey Bolton, Land of Vision and Mirage: Western Australia since 1826 (Perth 2008).

  Geoffrey Blainey, The Peaks of Lyell (Melbourne 1978).

  J.S. Battye, A History of Western Australia from its Discovery to the Inauguration of the Commonwealth (Project Gutenberg Australia electronic book, originally published 1924).

  Social bandits ii

  John Molony, Ned Kelly (Carlton 2001).

  John Molony, I Am Ned Kelly (Ringwood 1980).

  John McQuilton, The Kelly Outbreak, 1878–1880: The geographical dimens
ion of social banditry (Carlton 1987).

  Max Brown, Ned Kelly: Australian son (Sydney 1980).

  Colin F. Cave (ed), Ned Kelly: Man and myth (Sydney 1968).

  Ian Jones, Ned Kelly: A short life (Sydney 2008).

  Clark, A History of Australia, Volume IV.

  Robert Macklin, Fire in the Blood: The epic tale of Frank Gardiner and Australia’s other bushrangers (Sydney 2005).


  The broken hill

  Blainey, The Rush that Never Ended.

  Kingston, A History of New South Wales.

  Peter Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Big Fella: The rise and rise of BHP Billiton (Sydney 2010).

  W.R. Thomas, In the Early Days: A faithful history of the Barrier Mines (Broken Hill 1889).

  More kanaka scandals

  Evans, A History of Queensland.

  Evans, Saunders and Cronin, Exclusion, Exploitation and Extermination.

  John Hirst, The Sentimental Nation: The making of the Australian Commonwealth (Melbourne 2000).

  Reynolds, North of Capricorn.

  Peter Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Life and Adventures of Morrison of China (Sydney 2004).

  Jane Clary and Claire McLisky (eds), Creating White Australia (Sydney 2009).

  Geoffrey Bolton, Edmund Barton (Sydney 2000).

  John Reynolds, Edmund Barton (Sydney 1948).

  Drought and bishop moorhouse

  Michael McKernan, Drought: The Red Marauder (Sydney 2005).

  Cathcart, The Water Dreamers.

  Lazarus, Two Brothers.

  Geoffrey Blainey, A History of Victoria (Melbourne 2006).

  Clark, A History of Australia, Volume IV.

  The end of dickens’ orphans

  Lazarus, Two Brothers.

  Hansard, New South Wales, 6 March 1889, Adjournment debate, Resignation of Government.

  Hansard, New South Wales, 23 May 1889, Lands Bill.

  Parkes Papers, 23 March and 17 May 1890, Consult Index, ML MSS 4312.

  Hansard, New South Wales, Adjournment, 14 August 1889.

  Hansard, New South Wales, Crown Lands Bill and Adjournment, 28 June 1889.

  The great rabbit prize

  Cannon, Life in the Country.

  Stephen Dando-Collins, Pasteur’s Gambit: Louis Pasteur, the Australasian rabbit plague and a ten million dollar prize (Sydney 2008).

  Anthony Trollope, P.D. Edwards and R.B. Joyce (eds), Australia (St Lucia 1968).

  Is art possible?

  Serle, From Deserts the Prophets Come.

  Kaye Harman, Australia Brought to Book: Responses to Australia by visiting writers, 1836 to 1939 (Sydney 1985).

  Joseph Furphy, Such is Life (Sydney 1903).

  Henry Lawson, The Ballad of the Drover and Other Verses (Sydney 1918).

  Miles Franklin, My Brilliant Career (Sydney 1901).

  Jill Roe, Stella Miles Franklin: A biography (Sydney 2008).

  Robert Gray and Geoffrey Lehmann (eds), Australian Poetry in the Twentieth Century (Melbourne 1999).

  Cecil Hadgraft, Australian Literature: A critical account to 1955 (Melbourne 1960).

  Rolf Boldrewood, Robbery Under Arms (electronic edition, Project Gutenberg Australia).

  Marcus Clarke, For the Term of His Natural Life (Electronic edition, Project Gutenberg Australia).

  Robert Hughes, The Art of Australia (Melbourne 1970).

  H.M. Green, History of Australian Literature Pure and Applied, Volume 1 (Sydney 1984).

  Adam Lindsay Gordon poems (electronic edition, Project Gutenberg Australia).

  Barcroft Boake poems (electronic edition, Project Gutenberg Australia).

  Irrigation and the redemption of australia

  La Nauze, Alfred Deakin.

  Cathcart, The Water Dreamers.

  Cannon, Life in the Country.

  Bushrangers, time, art

  John McDonald, Art of Australia Volume 1: Exploration to Federation (Sydney 2008).

  Serle, From Deserts the Prophets Come.

  Bernard Smith, Australian Painting 1788 to 1970 (Melbourne 1971).

  A russian in new guinea

  Anna Shnukal, ‘N.N. Miklouho-Maclay in Torres Strait’, JRAHS, volume 1998, issue 2.

  John Daedemo Waiko, A Short History of Papua New Guinea (Melbourne 2007).

  Celestials in southern australia

  Trollope, edwards and joyce, australia.

  Jean gittins, the diggers from china: the story of chinese on the goldfields (melbourne 1981).

  Jan ryan, ancestors: the chinese in colonial australia (fremantle 1995).

  Henry chan, ann curthoys and nora chang (eds), the overseas chinese in australasia: history, settlement and interactions (taipei 2001).

  Barry mcgowan, ‘reconsidering the chinese experience on the goldfields of southern new south wales’, australian historical studies, number 124, 2004.

  Grandmotherly legislation and the privileges of disease

  Geoffrey Serle, The Rush to Be Rich: A history of the colony of Victoria 1883–1889 (Melbourne 1971).

  Cannon, Life in the Cities.

  Cannon, Who’s Master? Who’s Man?

  Patrick Jalland, Australian Ways of Death: A social and cultural history, 1840–1918 (New York 2002).

  Victorian Parliament, Royal Commission into Sanitary Conditions of Melbourne (Melbourne 1888-90).

  Victorian Parliament, Royal Commission on the Operation of Factories and Shop Law of Victoria, 1901–02.

  Frontier women and infant death

  Bolton, Land of Vision and Mirage.

  Jalland, Australian Ways of Death.

  Colin Roderick (ed), Henry Lawson: Short stories and sketches, 1888–1922 (Sydney 1972).

  Constance Jane Ellis, I Seek Adventure: An autobiographical account of pioneering experiences in outback Queensland from 1889 to 1904 (Sydney 1981).

  Marvellous melbourne

  Michael Cannon, The Land Boomers (Melbourne 1966).

  Cannon, Life in the Cities.

  Michael Davitt, Life and Progress in Australia (London 1898).


  The way the money goes

  Cannon, The Land Boomers.

  Cannon, Life in the Cities.

  Serle, The Rush to be Rich.

  Blainey, A History of Victoria.

  Maurice Brodzky, Table Talk, 20 March 1891, 19 May 1891, 9 June 1891.

  Clever devices

  Frances Wheelhouse, Digging Stick to Rotary Hoe: Men and machines in rural Australia (Sydney 1966).

  Cannon, Life in the Country.

  G.L. Sutton, The Invention of the Stripper (Perth 1937).

  Vance Palmer, National Portraits (Sydney 1941).

  Geoffrey Blainey, Black Kettle and Full Moon.

  Harvester Case: Ian Turner, Industrial Labour and Politics: The dynamics of the labour movement in eastern Australia, 1900–1921 (Canberra 1965).

  A changed world

  Sydney Morning Herald, 19 June 1891.

  Lazarus, Two Brothers.

  Vance Palmer, The Legend of the Nineties (Melbourne 1983).

  Lloyd Ross, William Lane and the Australian Labor Movement (Sydney 2001).

  Bruce Scates, A New Australia (Cambridge 1997).

  C.M.H. Clark, A History of Australia, Volume V: The people make laws, 1888–1815 (Melbourne 1981).

  Graham Freudenberg, Cause for Power: The official history of the New South Wales Branch of the Australian Labor Party (Sydney 2000).

  United Pastoralists Association of Queensland, Some Facts, Principles and Opinions, The Great Shearers’ Stri
ke of 1891 (probably Brisbane 1891).

  Rosemary Broomham, ‘Planned warfare or accident in timing? The 1890 maritime strike revisited’, JRAHS, August 1996.

  Sean Scalmer, ‘Labour’s golden age and the changing forms of workers’ representation in Australia’, JRAHS, December 1998.

  L.F. Fitzhardinge, That Fiery Particle: A political biography of William Morris Hughes, Volume 1, 1862–1914 (Sydney 1964).

  W.M. Hughes, Policies and Potentates (Sydney 1950).

  H.V. Evatt, William Holman: Australian Labour Leader (Sydney 1979).

  New South Wales Hansard, Diseases in Sheep Acts, 11 October 1892.

  New South Wales Hansard, Debates, 8 September 1892.

  Barrier Miner, 27 March and 29 June 1894.

  Transported gentlemen decline

  Lazarus, Two Brothers.

  Dickens, The Recollections of Sir Henry Dickens.

  Edward Bulwer Lytton Papers, 1895–1919, ML MSS1372, CY 1783.

  Dickens to Parkes, date not known, ML, Parkes Papers, Consult Index, ML MSS 4312. Sydney Morning Herald, 14 and 16 March 1892.

  What the bulletin did

  Serle, From Deserts the Prophets Come.

  Manning Clark, Henry Lawson: The man and the legend (Melbourne 1995).

  Clark, A History of Australia, Volume V.

  Sylvia Lawson, J.F. Archibald (Melbourne 1971).

  Lawson, The Ballad of the Drover and Other Verses.

  Boake, Poems (electronic edition).

  Furphy, Such is Life.

  Francis Devlin Glass and Robin Eaden et al. (eds), The Annotated Such is Life (Sydney 1999).

  Bernard O’Dowd, Poems (electronic edition, Project Gutenberg Australia).

  John Hirst, The Sentimental Nation: The making of the Australian Commonwealth (Melbourne 2000).

  Christopher Brennan poetry in Robert Gray and Geoffrey Layman (eds), Australian Poetry in the Twentieth Century (Melbourne 1991).

  Banjo doesn’t care for matilda

  J.S. Manifold, Who Wrote the Ballads? Notes on Australian folksong (Sydney 1964).

  S. May, The Story of Waltzing Matilda (Brisbane 1944).

  J. Meredith and H. Anderson, Folk Songs of Australia and the Men and Women Who Sang Them (Sydney 1968).

  Federation, protection, destiny

  John M. Ward, ‘Charles Gavan Duffy and the Australian Federation Movement, 1856–70’, JRAHS, volume 47, part 1, 1961.

  La Nauze, Alfred Deakin.

  Stuart Macintyre, A Colonial Liberalism: The lost world of three Victorian visionaries (Melbourne 1991).


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