The categories of misery
Bean, Official History of the Australians in the War of 1914–18,Volumes III-VI.
Butler, The History of the Australian Medical Services in World War I, Volumes II and III.
John Keegan, The First World War (New York 1999).
Rees, The Other Anzacs.
Letters of Private John Keneally, 19th Battalion AIF, in author’s possession.
Sister Elsie Cook, AWM File 49/22/46.
J.M. Gillings and J. Richards (eds), In All Those Lines: The diary of Sister Elsie Tranter, 1916–1919 (Newstead 2008).
W.C. Watson, Narrative of Experiences in France, 1917, ML MSS 2949.
Shell shock
Michael Tyquin, Madness and the Military: Australia’s experience of the Great War (Canberra 2006).
C.E.W. Bean, Official History of the Australians in the War, Volume VI: The AIF in France, 1918 (Sydney 1942).
Butler, The History of the Australian Medical Services in World War I, Volume III.
Major Alfred Campbell, Medical Journal of Australia, 15 April 1916.
J. P. Lowson, ‘The treatment of war neuroses by abreaction of the war shock’, The Medical Journal of Australia, 6 November 1926.
Joanna Bourke, ‘Shell shock and Australian soldiers in the Great War’, Sabretache, Volume XXXVI, July–September 1995.
Josephine Kildea, Miss Chomley and Her Prisoners, Honours thesis, University of New South Wales, 2006.
Bruce Scates and Raelene Francis, Women and the Great War (Cambridge 1997).
Vera Deakin, AWM electronic biography.
Lieutenant George Howard Earp, IDRL/0254, AWM.
Bearing stretchers
Butler, The History of the Australian Medical Services in World War I, Volume II.
W.C. Watson, ML MSS 2949.
George R. Faulkner war diaries, 1916–1917, CY 4653 ML.
The model general makes the modern battle
Bean, Official History of the Australians in the War of 1914–18, Volume VI.
Fitzhardinge, The Little Digger.
John Monash, The Australian Victories in France in 1918 (London 1920).
Peter Pederson, ‘Maintaining the Advance: Monash, battle procedure and the Australian Corps in 1918’ in Ashley Ekins (ed), 1918 Year of Victory: The end of the Great War and the shaping of history (Wollombi 2010).
Serle, John Monash.
Tom Roberts and Maxilla Facial drawings, AWM website.
Butler, The History of the Australian Medical Services in World War I, Volume III.
War and art
Betty Snowden, ‘Iso Rae in Étaples: Another perspective of war’, Wartime, volume 8, 1999.
Jessie Traill, AWM on-line biography.
Sandra Lanteri, ‘Celebrating Australia’s bayside artists, Jessie C.A. Traill’, Brighton Historical Society, Summer journal 2005–06.
Flying as a way of death on the western front
F.M. Cutlack, Official History of the Australians in World War I, Volume VIII: The Australian Flying Corps in the western and eastern theatres of war, 1914–1918 (Sydney 1938).
David Wilson, The Brotherhood of Airmen.
A conscription nation
Fitzhardinge, The Little Digger.
J.M. Mann, Conscription: The Australian debate, 1901–1970 (Melbourne 1970).
Jeremy Sammut, ‘“Busting” the anti-conscription legend’, JRAHS, June 2006.
McKernan, The Australian People and the Great War.
Scott, Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Volume XI.
Those irish
O’Farrell, The Irish in Australia.
Fitzhardinge, That Fiery Particle.
Mann, Conscription.
Sammut, ‘“Busting” the anti-conscription legend’.
Bringing the fabric down
Tom Poole and Eric Fried, ‘Artem: A Bolshevik in Brisbane, including a translation of Artem Sergeiev’s Australia the Lucky Country’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 31, number 2, 1985.
Turner, Industrial Labour and Politics.
McKernan, The Australian People and the Great War.
Scott, Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Volume XI.
Keeping the fabric up
Andrew Moore, The Secret Army and the Premier: Conservative paramilitary organisations in New South Wales, 1930–1932 (Sydney 1989).
Andrew Moore, ‘Writing about the extreme Right in Australian history’, Labour History, volume 89, November 2005.
Kevin Windle, ‘A Russian account of the Brisbane Red Flag riots of 1919’, Labour History, number 99, November 2010.
Scott, Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Volume XI.
Western front mutiny
Ashley Ekins, ‘Fighting to Exhaustion: Morale, discipline and combat effectiveness in the armies of 1918’ in Ekins, 1918 Year of Victory.
Les Carlyon, The Great War (Sydney 2010).
McMullin, Pompey Elliott.
Shrinking the ottoman empire
Cutlack, Official History of the Australians in World War I, Volume VIII.
H.S. Gullett, Official History of the Australians in World War I, Volume VII: The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine, 1914–18 (1941).
A.J. Hill, ‘General Sir Harry Chauvel: Australia’s First Corps commander’, in Horner, The Commanders.
‘Aboriginal servicemen’, Reveille, 30 September and 30 November 1931.
Flying over palestine
Cutlack, Official History of the Australians in the War of 1914–18, Volume VIII: Wilson, The Brotherhood of Airmen.
Peace treaty
Fitzhardinge, The Little Digger.
Spartalis, The Diplomatic Battles of Billy Hughes.
Hughes, Policies and Potentates.
C.D. Rowley, The Australians in German New Guinea (Melbourne 1958).
Waiko, A Short History of Papua New Guinea.
Scott, Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Volume XI.
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