Netherlands, migration to, 205
and refugee crisis, 88
United Kingdom, migration to, 241, 307
École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales, 161
Economic Freedom Front of South Africa, 349
Eger, Maureen, 54–5, 324, 345
Egypt, 68, 145, 187, 309
Eid, 132, 215
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 181
elites, 15, 52, 152, 307
bubble, lack of knowledge outside, 217, 237–242, 301
faith in, 30
France, resentment in, 15, 152–3, 188, 234, 290
Germany, resentment in, 111, 270
globalization, 11
migrant communities, lack of, 37
Netherlands, resentment in, 30, 169–70, 204
regenten, 170
right, shift toward, 214, 221
United Kingdom, resentment in, 237–42
United States, resentment in, 300–301, 355
Ekstra Bladet, 49, 199
‘eliminating the grey zone’, 163
employment, 193–205, 274–5
guest workers, 20, 21, 23, 25, 36–7, 41–2
unemployment, 6, 41, 52, 57, 58, 60, 73, 76, 78, 143
‘end of history’, 13, 53, 187
End of History and the Last Man, The (Fukuyama), 187
Engelmann, Fabien, 229
Enlightenment, 11, 16
Entzinger, Han, 36
environmentalism, 35
Erasmus University, 37
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip, 222
Eritrea, 60, 180
Espersen, Søren, 55, 74–5, 78–9, 85–8, 103–5, 166, 196–8, 235–6, 327
Essex, England, 26, 27, 241
Ethiopia, 139, 247, 248, 249
Eton College, 170
‘Eurabia’, 3, 212
European Union (EU), 198, 203
Brexit, 16, 26, 153, 237–42, 287, 302, 306, 307
and Denmark, 196, 198, 203
and France, 3, 151, 146, 153, 233, 234, 283, 287–8, 302
freedom of movement, 58, 152, 203, 245
and Germany, 277
Greek crisis (2009–), 277, 279
Parliament, 184, 277
and refugee crisis (2015–), 91, 109, 114, 146, 179, 274
Turkish accession, 33
Eurostar, 137
Evans, Chris, 94
Evra, Patrice, 1
F-scale, 185
Falklands war (1982), 89
Falster, Denmark, 47
Farage, Nigel, 89, 91, 240
Faviere, Yohann, 91, 146–7
female genital mutilation (FGM), 43–4
feminism, 22, 29, 35, 36, 75, 123–4, 208
fifth column, 115, 122, 274
Figaro, Le, 24, 154
Fillon, François, 155, 230, 231
financial crisis (2008), 53
Financial Times, 242
Finkielkraut, Alain, 2, 117–24, 128–30, 133, 143, 164, 219, 290, 317
and anti-Semitism, 117–22, 219
and burkini ban, 164, 165
and Front National, 128–30
on globalization, 131, 151–2
In the Name of the Other, 129
and mosques, 124
nostalgia, 130, 143
on nativity, 133
Unhappy Identity, The, 2, 130
Flight of the Intellectuals, The (Berman), 115
Florida, United States, 224
Foa, Roberto, 302–3
Ford, Robert, 52
Foreign Legion, 145
Foreigners, The, 50
Forsoning (Soei), 59
Fortuyn, Pim, 31–2, 37, 170, 213, 214, 218, 307
assassination (2002), 32, 35, 38, 168, 190, 213
homosexuality, 31, 32, 219, 271
Forum for Democracy (Netherlands), 207, 291
France, 125–33, 137–57, 159–65, 174–8, 188, 229–35, 283–95, 302
Algerian population, 3, 21, 140–41, 144, 165, 216, 230, 284–5, 317
Algerian war (1954–62), 2, 21, 140, 208, 284–5
anti-Semitism, 115–23, 126, 127, 128, 130–31, 152, 156, 188, 232–3, 289
Béziers conference (2016), 286
burkini ban (2016), 7, 14, 159–60, 162–5, 175–8, 221, 338
Calais Jungle, 137–47, 183, 253, 291, 295
Charlie Hebdo, see under Charlie Hebdo
Christianity, 119–21, 124, 128, 131–3, 161, 164–5, 174–6, 230, 290–91, 294–5
citizenship, 153–4, 161
communal fragmentation, 288
Communist Party, 14, 54, 121, 229, 232, 302
Conseil d’État, 177
Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (CRIF), 156
countercitizenship, 79
Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), 177
Dreyfus affair (1894–1906), 115, 116, 117, 119, 154
European Union, 3, 151, 146, 153, 233, 234, 283, 287–8
Évian Accords (1962), 284–5
football team, 289
Foreign Legion, 145
France Insoumise, 302
Front National, see under Front National
generational divide, 287–8
Grande-Synthe refugee camp, 147–51
‘Great Replacement’, 142, 145, 154, 190, 210, 212, 229–30, 286, 292
GRECE (Groupement de recherche et d’études pour la civilisation européenne), 24–5
Green Party, 14, 148, 231, 233
harkis, 19, 285
Holocaust denial, 126, 156
homosexuality, 15, 127–8, 131, 229, 233
Identitaires movement, 286, 291
integration, 130, 143–4, 161–5, 284, 288, 289
Jewish population, 3, 8–11, 15, 107, 115–23, 126–31, 156, 164, 176, 224, 232–3, 289
Le Pen, bomb attack on (1976), 125–6
March of the Beurs (1983), 24
marriage-for-all movement, 128
May protests (1968), 3, 33
Napoleonic wars (1803–15), 284
Nazi occupation (1940–44), 118, 156
Nice attack (2016), 159, 161, 177
Normandy church attack (2016), 159
nostalgia, 130, 143, 285, 286–91
Paris attacks (2015), 1–2, 10, 159, 173
pieds-noirs, 230, 284–5
Polish immigrants, 143, 148, 233, 295
presidential election (2002), 14–15, 32, 128–9, 156, 231, 305–6
presidential election (2007), 345
presidential election (2017), 15, 16, 148, 152, 230–32, 286, 289, 298, 302, 304–6
Rath assassination (1938), 8–11
regional elections (2015), 144, 148, 231
Républicains, Les, 141, 146, 155–6, 230, 231, 234
riots (2005), 72
secularism, 75, 76, 82, 121, 124, 131–3, 159–65, 174–8, 291, 338
Separation of the Churches and State law (1905), 131
Sétif massacre (1945), 286
Socialist Party, 2, 14, 24, 160, 229–32
Syrian refugees, 138, 145, 149–50, 283
Toulouse and Montauban shootings (2012), 123
Le Touquet accords (2003), 146
Turkish immigrants, 286
veiling debate, 7, 14, 118, 159–60, 162, 163
Vel d’Hiv Roundup (1942), 156, 333, 335
Vichy regime (1940–44), 117, 118, 119, 129, 286, 287–8, 289, 290, 335–6
welfare system, 54, 230
Francis, Pope, 5, 294
Frank, Anne, 216, 223
Frankfurt School, 185
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 112
Fraser, Malcolm, 93–4
Frederiksen, Mette, 198–9, 236
free market economics, 20, 51, 52, 54, 345
Denmark, 81, 195–6, 203–4, 235
France, 232–3, 305
Netherlands, 20
freedom of movement, 58, 152, 203, 245
freedom of s
peech/expression, 253
Denmark, 80, 82, 163, 173–4, 201, 337
France, 108, 121, 122
Netherlands, 170, 213, 337
South Africa, 256
Fréjus, France, 152
Fremskridtspartiet, 324
French Suicide, The (Zemmour), 2–3, 118, 289–90
Front National (FN), 2–4, 14–15, 25, 32, 91, 108, 120, 125–33, 151–7, 286–8, 291–2, 297–8
and anti-Semitism, 15, 128, 130, 131, 156, 232–3
and authoritarian reflex, 188
Béziers conference (2016), 286
and burkini ban (2016), 159–60, 221
and citizenship, 153–4
cordon sanitaire, 127, 156, 276, 305
and European Union, 151–3, 233, 234, 283, 287–8
and free market economics, 232, 233
and generational divide, 287–8
and globalization, 131, 133, 151–2, 232, 234, 298
and homosexuality, 15, 127–8, 131, 233
laïcité, 131–2
Le Pen, bomb attack on (1976), 125–6
and nostalgia, 287
presidential election (2002), 14–15, 32, 128–9, 156, 231, 305–6
presidential election (2007), 345
presidential election (2017), 15, 16, 148, 152, 230–32, 286, 298, 304–6
and refugees, 141, 142, 144, 147, 150, 151, 152
regional elections (2015), 144, 148, 231
and Schengen area, 152
‘shy FN’ syndrome, 156–7, 196
on social media, 213
and veiling, 159–60
voters, 156–7, 196, 229–35, 345
and welfare system, 230, 234
Fukuyama, Francis, 187
Funen, Denmark, 76
Future of Freedom, The (Zakaria), 13
Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas, 58, 203
Gat, Azar, 306
Gauland, Alexander, 277, 279–81
de Gaulle, Charles, 284–5, 287
GayLib, 128
Gbaffou, Marc, 249–50
Geenstijl, 213, 214
Geller, Pamela, 299
genital cutting, 43–4
Georgetown University, 172
Germany, 3, 15, 108–15, 268–81
Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), 32, 113, 115, 219, 269–71, 274, 276–81, 294
Balkan refugees, 109, 273
Beer Hall Putsch (1923), 9
Berlin Christmas market attack (2016), 114–15, 270
Berlin Wall, 13, 269, 271
birth rate, 211, 212
Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 108–15, 269–76, 277
Christian Social Union (CSU), 112–14, 279
Christianity, 279, 280
citizenship, 269, 273–4
constitution, 11, 12, 109–10, 177, 243
dual citizenship, 269
Dublin Rule, 108, 109–10
East Germany (1949–90), 87–8, 112, 269, 271–2, 278
federal election (2013), 277
federal election (2017), 114
Greek crisis (2009–), 277, 279
guest workers, 20, 280
homosexuality, 270–71
integration, 274, 280
Jewish population, see under Jewish people
Kohl chancellorship (1982–98), 112
Kristallnacht (1938), 10, 117
kulturnation, 274
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State election (2016), 269
Merkel chancellorship (2005–), 109–15, 186, 187, 259, 268–81, 309
Moroccan immigrants, 272
Munich Agreement (1938), 124
National Democratic Party (NPD), 276, 278
Nazi era (1933–45), see under
Nazi Germany
New Year’s Eve sexual assaults (2015), 111–12, 217
PEGIDA, 141, 182, 189–91, 256, 276, 278, 279, 280, 339
Rath assassination (1938), 8–11
refugees, 108–14, 187, 204, 246, 253, 259, 267, 268–81, 309
Social Democratic Party, 3, 20, 114, 123, 269
Sonderweg, 114
Turkish immigrants, 123, 212, 269, 273–5
Vietnamese immigrants, 123
Weimar Republic (1919–33), 11–12
welfare system, 204, 212, 273
West Germany (1949–90), 271–2
willkommenskultur, 272, 279
Germany Abolishes Itself (Sarrazin), 3, 122–3, 211
Ghana, 280
Gleeson, Madeline, 97
Glistrup, Mogens, 54–5, 324
and Finkielkraut, 131, 151–2
and Great Replacement, 154
and Front National, 131, 133, 151–2, 232, 234, 298
and nationalism, 307
and Raspail, 293
and refugee crisis, 187
and Trump, 298
and Zemmour, 289–90
Goebbels, Joseph, 9, 10, 12, 277
Goodhart, David, 242, 243
Goodwin, Matthew, 52
Gouda, Netherlands, 42
Grande-Synthe, France, 147–51
‘Great Replacement’, 142, 145, 154, 190, 210, 212, 229–30, 286, 292
Greater Gauteng Business Forum, 251
GRECE (Groupement de recherche et d’études pour la civilisation européenne), 24–5
Greece, 25, 207, 309
debt crisis (2009–), 277, 279
refugee crisis (2015–), 91, 105, 108–9, 138
Green Party
of Australia, 260
of France, 14, 148, 231, 233
of Germany, 114, 281
of the Netherlands, 224
Grimhøj mosque debate (2016), 166–7
Groen, Janny, 171
Grynszpan, Herschel, 8–11
Guantánamo Bay detention camp, 259
Guardian, 100, 101, 160, 238, 240, 242
Guerlach, Nadine, 147
guest workers, 20, 21, 23, 25, 36–7, 41–2
Guevara, Ernesto ‘Che’, 245
Haarder, Bertel, 80
The Hague, Netherlands, 189, 213, 217
halal meat, 2, 25, 82, 117, 130, 131, 133, 171, 190, 229, 286, 289, 334
Hama, Syria, 109
Hamburg, Germany, 109, 273–4
Hanson, Pauline, 93, 94, 328
Hardis, Arne, 55, 56, 60, 82
Harlem, New York, 77
Harris, John, 240–42
Harvard University, 50, 177
Hayange, France, 229, 286
Hayes, Chris, 301
Hazaras, 86–7, 95
Heath, Edward, 27
Heidegger, Martin, 11
Heijne, Bas, 35, 45, 222
Hendriks, Anita, 181–2
Herlev, Denmark, 56–7, 59, 85, 195, 199
heroin addiction, 300
Hess, Rudolf, 9
Hezbollah, 253, 274
Hillbilly Elegy (Vance), 300, 355
Hillbrow, Johannesburg, 245
Hinduism, 67, 215, 294, 307
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 29, 34, 35, 45, 171
Hitler, Adolf, 3, 8, 9, 12, 20
Hizb-ut-Tahrir, 87, 173
Höcke, Björn, 277
Hoffman, Leonard, 311
Hollande, François, 1, 2, 108, 231
Holocaust, 11, 110, 117–18, 126, 209, 275, 277
Auschwitz concentration camp, 110, 275
Buchenwald concentration camp, 110
denial of, 126, 156, 164, 217
in Denmark, 47–9, 216
in France, 156
Kristallnacht (1938), 10, 117
in the Netherlands, 19, 216, 222, 223–5, 332
in Poland, 3, 8–9, 110, 216, 224, 275
and Rath assassination (1938), 8–11
refugees, 22, 47–9, 102, 118, 223–4
survivors, 3, 97, 110
Vel d’Hiv Roundup (1942), 156, 333, 335
Westerbork concentration camp, 19
homosexuality, 3, 15, 16, 23, 123, 173, 270–71
in Denmark, 201–2
bsp; in France, 15, 127–8, 131, 229, 233
in Germany, 270–71
in Netherlands, 25, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 43, 170–71, 217, 219, 271
in South Africa, 253
in United States, 173, 299
Hong Kong, 97
Hopkins, Katie, 311
Houellebecq, Michel, 2, 292
Howard, John, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100
Human Rights Watch, 175
L’Humanité, 302
Hungary, 108, 109, 138, 233, 272
Hussey, Andrew, 229
Iceland, 211
Identitaires movement, 286, 291
L’Identité Malheureuse (Finkielkraut), 2, 130
identity politics, 23, 207–25, 252, 298–9, 300
In the Name of the Other (Finkielkraut), 129
independent judiciaries, 7, 14
Independent, 305
India, 13, 67, 123
Indonesia, 19, 40, 89, 92, 95, 101, 215
Inglehart, Ronald, 303
in Denmark, 57, 60, 74–83, 85–6, 88, 167, 172–4
in France, 130, 143–4, 161–5, 284, 288, 289
in Germany, 274, 280
in Netherlands, 36–45, 167–72, 307
in Denmark, 83
in France, 2–4, 24–5, 33, 115–24, 143, 176
in Germany, 110, 122–3, 211–12
and Great Replacement, 207–13
Le Pen’s appeals to, 120
in Netherlands, 29, 31, 33, 168–9, 187, 207–9, 212–13
secular, 168–9, 176
in United Kingdom, 210–11
in United States, 186
International Organization for Migration (IOM), 266, 268
international relations theory, 301
Iran, 23, 58–9, 68, 220, 232, 261, 267, 268, 274
Australia, migration to, 96, 98, 264
Denmark, migration to, 60, 80
France, migration to, 140, 150
Germany, migration to, 108
jihadis, 121
and Jyllands-Posten cartoons crisis (2005–6), 65
Kurds, 150
United Kingdom, migration to, 140, 150
US-led war (2003–11), 76
Ireland, 23
Irgun, 318
Isaacs, Mark, 266
Islamic State, 5, 145, 168, 172, 176
‘eliminating the grey zone’, 163
foreign fighters, 162, 163, 166
Nice attack (2016), 159, 161, 177
Normandy church attack (2016), 159
Paris attacks (2015), 1–2, 10, 159, 173
Syrian war (2011–), 5, 145, 159, 162, 166, 168, 253, 261
Islamism, 6–7, 68, 304
in Belgium, 73, 76, 162
in Denmark, 70–71, 75–9, 87, 167, 172–4
in France, 115–23, 120, 155, 162–3
in Netherlands, 24, 35, 168–72
in United Kingdom, 68
Islamophobia, 115, 121, 123, 131, 162, 178, 188
Israel, 97, 110, 176, 208–9, 211, 216, 233, 306, 318, 335
Jewish terrorism, 318
Netanyahu’s visit to the Netherlands (2016), 221–2
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