A Groom For Christmas (Seven Brides of Christmas Book 1)

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A Groom For Christmas (Seven Brides of Christmas Book 1) Page 4

by K. L. Fast

  “Please what?” Her little pussy bears down on my cock with every thrust.

  “Please, fuck me harder,” she moans.

  I do just that, the dresser slamming into the wall. I can hear the drywall cracking under the assault, but I couldn’t give a fuck right now. Her fingers are still furiously moving over her clit. The sight of that mixed with my cock disappearing and reappearing from her tight, wet, pussy.

  “Baby girl, you can’t say things that. Shit’s gonna get broken.”

  “More. I need more. Give it to me,” she begs. Fuck. There is no way I can last. She moans a lot of nonsense, but I do pick up on the word “love.” That makes my cock even harder. Love this soon has to be the strongest kind of love.

  I give her more and more until she screams shrilly when her orgasm hits her. I fill her womb with my seed and slowly pull out of her.

  “Damn Delilah. You are a fucking queen. My fucking queen.” She giggles and I kiss them away. “Come have some coffee. We can grab breakfast later.”

  Once we are dressed and in the kitchen, mugs in hand, I tell her what I have planned for the day, “I have three appointments today, but I should be done by five. They are all consults.”

  “I have just one meeting, but it should be quick. He didn’t pass our background check, so I won’t be taking him on as a client.”

  “Is that safe,” I ask, concerned. I don’t like the idea of her telling some guy he isn’t good enough for her services by herself.

  “Perfectly. He doesn’t appear to be violent. He only failed because his credit score is two points lower than my minimum requirement.”

  “I see. Well, call me if you need anything. I’ll be back to pick you up at five,” I say still not liking it, but what can I do? I’d never keep her from her job. Besides this is more than a job to her, she is passionate about people finding their happy ending.

  “Ooh, what are we doing?” she asks, bouncing on the bar stool she is sitting on.

  “You’ll see. It’s a surprise,” I say.

  “All right. I guess,” she says smiling.

  “Have a good day baby girl,” I say kissing her again.

  “You too,” she says as we walk down the stairs to her office.

  As I walk down the sidewalk in the cold to my truck, it’s hard to leave her. I am going to have to figure that shit out because I don’t like the ache in my chest as my day goes on. By lunchtime, I give up and cancel the rest of my day. I pick up a pizza from Salvatore’s and head to her office.



  How can you fall in love so fast? I’ve known Kyle for two days and I am already over the moon about him. When I thought he had left before I woke up my heart had broken a little. All I could think was that he had left and taken my heart with him. He has become everything to me in such a short time and I can’t wait for what the future holds for us.

  I hum “Sweet Love” by Anita Baker to myself as I walk into my office the morning flies by as get sucked into work. All of my clients have to pass a nationwide background check, a full psych evaluation, a personality test, compatibility test, they need to pass a STD test and I also do an internet check on them, i.e. I stalk their social media pages. The entire process takes about a month and my goal is to make sure that both parties are in a safe and loving relationship.

  I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to one of my clients. Levidia comes in with a cup of coffee and tells me that Mr. Morse is here. I take a deep breath and tell her to send him in. I haven't had a good feeling about him since we met two weeks ago and yesterday when I found out he failed the credit check and two parts in his psych eval, I had to call him to come into the office.

  Even though I hate doing this in person, it is part of the job. Besides, it's unethical for me to give him that information over the phone, that's why I am having him come in today. A minute later there is a knock on my door and I look up from the file I am going over.

  “Come in.” Levidia comes in eyes wide looking scared. “Levi?”

  “Hello, Ms. Armstrong.” Mr. Morse steps around Levidia and points a gun at me. My heart goes into my throat and my mind starts to race.

  “Mr. Morse, what are you doing?” I am proud of myself for not letting my voice tremble.

  “The names Mack, Doll face, and I am here to get something that belongs to me.” Okay, Delilah. you[1] watch[2]ing all of those Criminal Mind[3] episodes is going to pay off. I take a deep breath

  “Okay. Mack nobody needs to get hurt. What do you feel is owed to you? I will help you with whatever you need.” He chuckles darkly.

  “Oh I know you will. Otherwise, I shoot this little beauty, which would be such a shame don't you think?” I want to[4] badly to see if Levidia is okay but I don't dare take my eyes off of the crazy person with a gun.

  “Alright, Mack you're in charge. What do you need me to do?”

  “You’re going to help me sink one of your clients, he stole something from me. Something that was never really his to take.” It takes everything in my power not to show any reaction. This man is fucking crazy.

  “How do you know he is one of my clients?” He growls.

  “Do you really think that all of your computers broke without assistance? That it was easy to get a damn virus onto them? I've spent the last month trying to hack your program to find them. Your firewall was shit, but the program you use to protect your clients is a bitch, and I can’t access it remotely. I found out that I would have to come in here. I tried to just come in, gain access and then vanish, but no, I couldn’t do that because you never leave the fucking office.”

  I know this isn't the time to feel relieved, but I can’t help it. That has always been one of my biggest concerns. At least I know they are protected. It’s quickly washed away when I see him move a little closer to me and growl.

  “What the fuck are you smiling about.” I swallow and shake my head.

  “Nothing Mack. I was just relieved it was something I could help you with.” He gives me a skeptical look and I put my hands up in a surrendering motion. There is no way I would put one of my clients in jeopardy, so I need to think fast. “What is his name?” I have an idea and I just hope it works.

  “James Vernon.” The way he says his name creeps me the fuck out. There is so much distain in the way he spits it out that it’s a bit scary. Now you are going to call him and you are going to come up with something to make him and Nina come here.” I instantly put two and two together. I found Nina in horrible shape and had to tuck her in until I could find her a safe place to stay. A week later, James came in looking for his forever, and it was a match made in heaven. They are supposed to be getting married this weekend. Fuck, this must be the guy who had Nina so scared.

  “I am going to need to get on to my computer. Is that okay?” Last night Kyle told me how he put a system in my computer that would alert him if anyone was trying to get onto my system that shouldn't be.

  “Fine, just don't try anything stupid.” He grabs Levidia and pushes her closer to my desk. I click the buttons that I need to and pretend to get the file up, but I am really getting Kyles number. I don’t know what he can do but for some reason I know with all my heart he is the one that is going to get me out of this. When I grab my office phone, I look over to the computer then back at the phone dialing the number. “Put it on speaker,” he demands. I push the speaker button on the phone itself and hang the handset back up. Kyle picks up on the first ring.

  “Hey b-” I cut him off and hope he plays along.

  “Hi, James. I know you are probably busy with the wedding and all but I need you and Nina to come in right away. I found a couple pieces of paper that I forgot to have Nina sign. I just need you to get here in the next fifteen minutes before I close for lunch. Can you do that?”

  “Please, please, please bring help,” I chant to myself.



  "Sure. We can be there in ten minutes. We are just dow
n the street at the Varsity,” I say lying through my teeth about the famous hot dog restaurant on North Avenue.

  “Perfect, thanks. See you soon,” she says hanging up before I can say another word.

  My mind races with all the possible scenarios of why Delilah would be calling me like that. None of them good. Regardless of why, everything in me tells me she is in danger. Thank fuck, I am just down the street when she called and by some fucking miracle there is a prime parking spot right in front of her office. Leaving the pizza on the passenger seat, I all but jump out of the truck and burst into her office. I don’t see anyone in the reception area so I make my way back to her office.

  The door is open, and I see a deranged looking guy holding a gun to Levidia’s head. My girl has tears streaming down her beautiful face as she bravely pleads with this asshole to let Levi go. The situation is getting more perilous by the second, so I enter the room slowly. Once he sees me, he turns his gun on me.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Crazy asks.

  “Kyle. I just wanted to take my fiancé out for lunch. You got these girls real scared. Why not let them go? We can discuss this man to man,” I say trying to reason with him. I know the only reason I am so calm is because Delilah needs me to be. He thinks about it for a minute, allowing Levi the chance to escape him. She runs out of the room but he doesn’t do anything to stop her.

  “I used to have a girl,” he says, looking like someone kicked his dog.

  “What’s that now?” I ask, confused. Is this shit about a woman?

  “I used to have a girl, until this bitch set her up to marry some rich fuck. She pretends now. With him.” every fiber of my being bristles when he calls Delilah a bitch, but there isn’t much I can do about it right this second.

  “That’s rough, “ I say shaking my head, trying sympathy. I have no idea what I am doing, but defusing this situation seems like the best bet.

  “Why would you do that?” he shouts at Delilah, suddenly turning the gun on her. Fuck that, I move my body to stand in front of her desk, effectively shielding her from him. I vaguely hear Levi whispering in the other room and I pray that she is calling the police.

  “Get Nina here now, or I’ll fucking kill you both,” he yells. As he rages, spit flies from his mouth and his words become less and less coherent.

  “She’s not coming Mack. Nina’s getting married. You gotta let her go.”

  “She is mine, bitch.” When I hear the front door open and several loud voices, I make my move. I struggle with him for the gun. It goes off. I hear Delilah scream and my blood runs cold and pain like I've never known radiates through my body. My fist connects with his face.

  “That’s for calling my girl a bitch, twice.” Once he's out cold, I secure the gun. Only then do I allow myself to succumb to the pain. I stumble across the room and collapse on the floor. In all my years in the Army, I never got so much as a cold. What are the odds that I would be shot in my hometown? I see Delilah standing over me, still crying, then everything goes black.


  When I open my eyes, I can immediately tell that I'm in the hospital. The bright lights and beeping machines are a dead giveaway. My fucking shoulder feels like it has been removed and pieced back together. Fuck, it hurts.

  My grandparents are here as is Delilah. My grandmother and Delilah are clinging to each other like they've known each other for years. It warms my heart. It has just solidified the fact that I know Delilah and I are meant to be together. My gran doesn't like anyone but me and my dad, so this says a lot. They haven't noticed that I'm awake yet. I try to talk, but my mouth is so dry, I clear my throat softly and try again.

  “Son? You're awake,” my grandfather says coming over to me.

  “Hey gramps,” I say. “Water?” I ask and a straw is placed at my lips. God, that first sip is like nothing I've ever tasted. Once I can speak freely again I do so.

  “Hey Gran. Don’t cry okay? I’m fine. What exactly happened?”

  “You were shot, son. You had very minor surgery, but you are awake well before they said you would be,” My gramps answers for her.

  “You scared the shit out me, Kyle Richard Rothschild. Don’t you ever do that again.”

  “Sorry gran, but minor surgery is good right?” I ask.

  “It’s very good, son. Very good indeed.” I am more than ready to go home. I hate hospitals. I see Delilah is crying harder now then she was a few minutes ago.

  “Baby girl?” She looks up at me. I hold my hand out to her. “Are you okay?” Her small hand tucks into my larger one and all is right with my world again.

  “How can you ask me that? You were shot because of me,” she whispers.

  “Did you shoot me?” I ask, smiling.


  “Did you make that guy shoot me?”

  “No, but-”

  “No buts,” I cut her off. “You had nothing to do with it.”

  “I still feel bad, like I should have known better or something.”

  “There is no way you could have known, baby girl. As far as I am concerned, I still love you and I always will”

  “You love me?”

  “Fuck yes, I do.”

  “We will leave you guys be and come back in the morning.”

  “Thank you. I love you guys.”

  “We love you too, son. See you tomorrow.”

  They slip out and then it’s just us.

  “I love you, Delilah. More than I ever thought it was possible to love another person.” Tears are streaming down her face again.

  “I thought you were going to die.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “But you could have. I think that I’d die without you.”

  “No you wouldn’t baby girl,” I say.

  “I love you Kyle.” She says leaning down to kiss me.

  “I love you too. I assume you will have no problems marrying me then.”

  “You have to ask me first,” she says with a squeal as I lift her up and set her on my lap. “You’ll rip your stitches out, Ky.”

  “I am pretty sure that I just did ask you, baby girl and ripping out my stitches would be worth it.

  “Sure, you say that now,” she says winking.

  I am certain I’d take a fucking bullet for this woman every time.

  Epilogue One

  One year later


  It’s been a year since we've been together and so much has changed, we were married a month after we met. He would have liked it sooner, but he knew that I wanted my dream wedding. We had an amazing day with all of our loved ones. We didn't even leave our hotel room are entire honeymoon preferring to stay naked and sweaty the entire time.

  When we got back Kyle found an amazing contractor who built our dream home. I look down at the little white stick that has two pink lines. I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days and I had a feeling I might be pregnant but I didn't want to get Kyle’s hopes up if it wasn’t positive. I run out of the bathroom butt-ass naked.

  “Kyle!” He jumps out of bed and stands in a fighting stance.

  “What? What is it? Are you okay?” I wipe away my tears and hold up the pregnancy test. He walks over to me and take the test out of my hand.

  “You’re pregnant?” I nod my head he drops the stick and picks me up and spins me around. “I can’t believe we are pregnant, again.” I laugh and smack him on the shoulder.

  “What are you talking about? You have your cock buried in me every chance you get.” He runs his hands down my back and cups my ass.

  “You love my cock in your tight pussy baby and you know it.” He thrusts his hips up and his hard cock rubs against my pussy.

  “Oh God. I do. I love your fat cock deep inside me.” He growls and moves his cock to my opening and thrusts all the way in. I gasp out and my arms wrap around him tighter. “Oh fuck, you feel so good inside of me.” He thrusts into me a few times before he walks us to the bed and pulls out of me. I am about to protes
t when I find myself flipped over, my ass in the air and his hard cock plunging into me.

  “Fuck, I love taking you like this. Watching your greedy little pussy sucking my cock back into your tight little body. You crave my cum don’t you?”

  I moan, loving the way he stretches me almost to the point of pain and I push my ass back. He grabs my hips in a punishing grip and starts fucking into me harder.

  “Oh God, Kyle. Yes just like that. Fuck my pussy.” He lets go of one of my hip and wraps my hair around his fist lightly tugging it back. I moan again loving the way he takes me. “Ohhh...” I start to feel my pussy flutter. “I’m going to come. Just like that. Oh shit, Kyle!” I scream as my orgasm tears through me. He lets go of my hair and grabs my hips again lifting my ass higher he starts pounding into me harder and faster.

  “Fucking hell. Your pussy is like a vice baby squeezing my cock.” I mewl. My hands digging at the sheets as he plunges into me in long hard thrusts. “Oh God. Oh God. I'm going to come again. Ohhh damn.” My pussy clamps down as I scream at the top of my lungs, my world shattering into a million pieces. I vaguely hear him calling my name as he comes deep inside me. He drops his forehead onto my back and we stay like that until we catch our breath. After a minute or so, he pulls out of me and rolls us over. “We are going to be late to your party baby.” I laugh and put my head on his chest.

  “It’s okay it was so worth it,” I mumble.

  “Good thing Keith is with my sister for the night because I plan on fucking you all over the house tonight,” he says. I know our son can be a handful, but he really is the best of both of us. I also know Rory and her husband Rich can handle it. They are in training for their baby who is due in February. I set them up about two months after Kyle and I got married. That’s another story though.


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