Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 1

by Robert Iannone

  Ever After, Part 2

  Another adventure of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  ©Copyright 2018, by Robert Iannone

  All rights reserved [Jan, 2018]

  Cover art by Sean Duffy

  Table of Contents

  Books 5,6,7 and 8 of Ever After

  Book 5 – The Reverie Glass

  Book 6 – Lady Eloise

  Book 7 – The Red Queen

  Book 8 – Circle of Life

  The Reverie Glass

  Book 5 of Ever After

  Another Novel of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  ©Copyright 2018, by Robert Iannone

  All rights reserved

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – The Glimmer

  Chapter 2 – The Sky’lords

  Chapter 3 – The Honeymooners

  Chapter 4 – Bel’lanca

  Chapter 5 – The Sky’lords of Splendora

  Chapter 6 – The Reverie Glass

  Chapter 7 – Aliens

  Chapter 8 – Love Letters from L’elle

  Chapter 9 – Pleasant Under Glass

  Chapter 10 – The Last Rak’nex

  The seven active sisters.

  Top left to right: BreeZee, Tee’ka, Bl’azzz and Jax’x.

  Bottom left to right: I’za, Serenity and Egg.


  In the cavernous cathedral, Waldo’s cry reverberated off the walls and ceiling amplifying the already ear-splitting sound.

  Rose and her husband, like everyone else, turned to see who was causing the commotion. The sight of Mobius (it was still the evil one’s body and face) charging at Egg with malice in his eyes caused them to react instinctively. The Queen Mother put herself in front of her daughter in law to protect the girl. Z’kkk pulled out his ceremonial (though still real) sword and charged into the aisle.

  Realizing everyone was getting the wrong impression; I’za stood and began to scream – her voice adding to the cacophony of shrieks and cries that had begun to swell in volume. Realizing no one could hear her, she started to frantically wave her arms and shake her head.

  Egg couldn’t see the aisle where Waldo and Z’kkk were about to clash. With Rose blocking that view, all she could do was look out at her sisters and friends. There she saw I’za and time seemed to slow down. Her sister was trying to stop something . . . but what? Egg turned back to aisle, nudged her mother in law out of her way and was horrified. Lord Z’kkk was brandishing his sword and crouching in an attack position.

  Her father in law was going to kill Waldo.

  Chapter 1 – The Glimmer

  Chaos, pandemonium, and a healthy dose of bedlam . . . as all hell was breaking loose.

  Skotti rushed the podium and grabbed Serenity and simply threw her over his shoulder and carried her out of harm’s way. She didn’t go quietly – beating on the poor guys back and yelling at him to put her down.

  Tee’ka was racing down the aisle trying to get to Waldo – whether to stop him or protect him was unclear.

  I’za and V’az were close behind Tee’ka, doing their best to keep up . . . calling to her to stop.

  All the other sisters, and their escorts, were standing – most more or less trapped in their pews and unable to do anything but watch events unfold.

  “Gracie, get behind me,” and Benny began to grab his new bride.

  Egg slapped his hand away. “No”. Then, “Ring tend to my suit,” and the grey fog enveloped her and out stepped Flying Girl. She leapt into the air, made a beeline toward Waldo and landed in his path a few feet away.

  “ELOISE,” screamed Z’kkk. “Step away now.”

  Surprise, surprise. She didn’t.

  Upon seeing her, the big man stopped running. “You are unharmed?”

  “Waldo, what are you doing?”

  By this time Z’kkk had reached the two – sword arm outstretched. There was no doubt as to his intent. (Benny, running just as fast, had to zigzag at the last moment to avoid running into his father). “Keep your distance, you dastardly coward, or I shall run you through.”

  Egg spun around. “Put that thing away before someone gets hurt,” she demanded.

  “But . . .”

  “Dad, just put it away and step back. You too, husband of mine.”

  “Most certainly not.”

  Egg smiled but didn’t acknowledge the young man. Turning back to Waldo, she asked again, “Waldo, what are doing?”

  “It was the Glimmer.”

  His answer didn’t actually answer anything. “Say what?”

  I’za and V’az reached the others. “It’s the Glimmer. I warned you that if you get her mad, Vyper would take revenge.”

  “She did this glimmer thing? What exactly is it?”

  “The Glimmer is a life form that can dwell in an electromagnetic field. Apparently, it was planted in the one generated by Serenity’s chair. Then it transferred to her suit when she rose up.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I saw it,” explained V’az. “They are like twinkling lights. Unless you know what to look for, they appear and disappear too quickly for one’s mind to register.”

  “So what do they do?”

  I’za turned to her husband then back again. “They would do whatever Vyper wished . . . from a nasty shock all the way to an agonizing death.”

  “Wow. Well, thank you – all three of you. Waldo, what were you going to do?”

  “Sacrifice myself. I am a Hameggattic sister; I could do no less.”

  Egg smiled then gave the big (and still ugly) man a warm hug.

  His Lordship was devastated that he had almost injured an innocent man – one that was trying to save his daughter-in-law. “My dear sir, please accept my most sincere apology.”

  “Accepted.” He looked down at Tee’ka who nodded. Waldo looked at Z’kkk and extended his hand.

  Before his Lordship could put away his sword and take the proffered hand, Benny stepped in front of his father and shook it. “I owe you a great debt – yet again. Thank you, sir.”

  The poor man was still struggling with etiquette and protocol. He looked at Tee’ka with panic in his eyes. She stood on tiptoes and whispered something. He nodded then turned to Benny. “You are most welcome.” Once again, he looked at his girl who smiled and nodded her approval.

  “Hey, you guys,” called Serenity. “If this love fest is over, what about me?”

  Egg asked I’za, “How do we get rid of the Glimmer?”

  “Waldo was wrong – he couldn’t have sacrificed himself. This particular Glimmer will only attack you, Egg. Had he grabbed Serenity, nothing would have happened”.

  The big guy looked crestfallen. Egg patted his arm. “You didn’t know that, so it still counts as a heroic deed. Thank you.”

  Waldo bowed to the girl.

  “So how do we disarm Sparky?”

  “I’d just send her far away,” called Jax’x. She was sporting a ridiculously big grin.

  “I heard that.”

  “You were meant to, you grumpy goof.”

  By this time, Rose and Meggy had joined the group. “Waldo, thank you for your efforts. Yet another act of heroism for which we are indebted. However, we have a Royal marriage ceremony to complete. There are a thousand or more guests waiting impatiently.”

  “Oh Mother,” whined her daughter. She was beginning to grow impatient with the demands of protocol.

stepped between them. In a very loud voice so that many of the guests could hear, he said, “I do believe everyone present just enjoyed a simply marvelous performance by one and all. I dare say this ceremony will be yet another glorious chapter in the history of Egg and her sisters. Do you not agree?”

  The people roared their approval. To a person, they couldn’t wait to go home and tell their friends that they had seen Flying Girl appear out of a grey fog. And just like in the history books, she fearlessly flew directly at that Mobius-looking fellow and confronted him.

  Sylvia came up to her bestie. “Here’s the ring. Let’s get this show on the road. I’m starving.”

  So, right there in the middle of the aisle, Egg [inadvertently still dressed in her Flying Girl outfit] held the ring up high for all to see (well, not all. The ring wasn’t that big). Turning to the Prince, she said, “With this ring, I thee wed. In sickness and in health, till death do us part,” and she slipped it on his finger. He stood there smiling – admiring the gold band. “Hey, you big lug, permission to kiss the bride.”

  He smiled beautifully. “There is much to be said for this Earth tradition,” and he kissed her. A lot.

  After a minute, the Queen Mother rolled her eyes. In a very un-Rose like phrasing, she said, “Do save something for your wedding night.”

  Her voice had carried further than she expected . . . and the crowd roared once again.


  The poor guy paced nervously back and forth on the balcony of his suite. His new bride told him to get out and stay there until he was summoned. Apparently, she had some rituals to perform before she would accept the Prince into her arms.

  For as nervous as he was, he didn’t know that Egg was terrified. She could face Mobius, the Ephemeral or the Divine Ones and not feel half as scared. Kissing her man was one thing . . . actually, it was the only thing . . . for which she had experience. As for the rest . . . she got goose bumps. But these were the good kind. She finished her bath, splashed on a bit too much perfume in places that made her both giggle and blush then slipped into a negligee. It was from her mother and it was wonderfully sexy . . . without even a single one of Syl’s dumb, daffy duckies.

  One more glance in the mirror, one more strand of hair moved just so – and she was as ready as she would ever be. She went to the sliding door to the balcony and joined her man. He ogled her – staring at the wondrous sight of his very own goddess. “I hope you do not catch a chill too easily.”

  She smiled. “Nope.”

  “That is good. I have absolutely no intention of being gallant by offering anything to cover you up. You are a breathtaking vision of beauty.”

  She just couldn’t help but to be giggly. “That’s probably because I’m half naked.”

  “Indeed. Would it be terribly boorish of me to take you in my arms and kiss you?”

  “Not sure. Why don’t you give it a try and we’ll see?”

  “As you command.”

  And the rest, as they say, is the stuff of legends (at least in Benny’s mind). There’s nothing more to see here – so just keep moving. Thank you very much.


  Two days later, they left the rooms. Hand in hand, they made their way to the Royal dining room for a late breakfast. They chose this time in hopes of avoiding any other family members.

  “Rats.” Everyone was there.

  “Be brave. This too shall pass.”

  “Where did you learn that earth saying?”

  “I’m a fount of knowledge, don’t you know?”

  “And a sentence with not one but two contractions. My heart is all aflutter.”

  He stopped and looked into her eyes. “We could forgo breakfast.”

  Had she known that she giggled yet again, our girl would have been mortified. “I’ve worked up quite an appetite . . . for food. So back off, big boy, or I’ll start to nibble on your fingers.”

  He opened his hand and offered it to her. “I believe the thumb is particular succulent.”

  She grabbed the offered digit and gave it a gentle bite. “Yuk. Food should never be blue. Come on, I need a gallon of coffee.”

  “How disheartening. Bored after only two days of marriage. What does the future hold for me from such a capricious woman?”

  “If you don’t pour me a cup of coffee, there will be no future – capricious or otherwise. Now move that perfect blue bu . . .”

  “Egg, dearest, good morning. And to you, Ben’Edikk.”

  “Morning Grammy, Ezra, Mom, Dad, Dazzle, Your Lordship and Queen Meggy.”

  “And how are the children this morning?” teased Rose. She and her husband were beside themselves with happiness. It was a dream come true - the young woman that had done so much for Aerianna, that meant so much to them personally, was now family.

  Benny got a little flustered so Egg replied, “I’ve had such a terrible headache these last two days that I had to spend them in bed. But I’m much better now.”

  Not to be out done, Mrs. Graystone said with mock innocence, “You do look a bit flush. Perhaps a fever? I could get you some aspirin.”

  “No thank you. I think I’ll just let it run its course. Might take a year or ten, but I’ll just grin and bear it.”

  Ezra said something to Grammy. His speech still had not recovered sufficiently for him to converse comfortably with others. “My husband said that Flying Girl is a real trooper to endure such hardship.”

  “Thanks, Ezra. I do what I can,” she teased.

  As they filled their dishes at the buffet table, Meggy asked, “When do you go on your tour?”

  The newlyweds sat down at the table. “We fly to River’s Edge tomorrow.”

  “And your entourage . . . who will accompany you?” questioned Lord Z’kkk. That was part of the age-old ritual – lots and lots of pomp.

  Egg turned to her husband (how weird is that – her husband? It seems like it was just yesterday she was nine). “Your turn.”

  “Are we keeping score?”

  “Counting this morning when we woke up, I’m ahead by about a gazillion.” She actually blushed at the memory.

  “Indeed you are,” and he kissed her on the cheek. Turning to his father he said, “Just the two of us. Bl’uddd has graciously agreed to take us.”

  Z’kkk exchanged glances with Rose. “Why Bl’uddd? And why only the two of you?”

  “Since Bl’uddd is now . . . involved . . . with Aeri’elle, we consider him a friend. He has proven to be incredibly adept at maintaining law and order on Zynn-Zaz’zia. And, it is time we put the past to rest. In addition, it has been quite gratifying to see our people embrace Waldo for the person that he is and not the individual whom he resembles. Though our future is based on the trials and tribulations of our history, it is time to look forward to a new day. In a quirk of fate, Bl’uddd fits the bill in a most dramatic fashion.” He smiled then quoted Bob Dylan. “The times they are a ‘changing”.

  All four grown-ups from earth smiled broadly at the reference. “Bravo, son,” said Mr. Graystone. “Well phrased.”

  “And why just the two of you?” Rose asked again.

  “Your turn,” Benny said to his wife.

  “Nice,” she replied semi-sarcastically. “I get the hard question.”

  “You are so much more courageous than I,” he reminded her with a smile.

  She coughed into her hand while saying something unintelligible.

  “I did not quite catch what you said. Bull something?”

  The other four earthlings smiled and snickered. When Benny looked at them, Grammy said, “I assure you that it wasn’t meant to be heard.”

  “Ah. Then I withdraw my question.”

  “See how fast he learns. I’ll have him completely trained in a week.”

  Benny put a stupid grin on his face then whirled around and started to tickle his wife.

  “No, no, no . . . stop. Please. I take it back.”

  “Brother, you have reasserted your manhood . . . for the moment
. I warn you, however, my dear sister knows where you sleep and she will have her revenge.”

  “I shall lock my door.”

  Egg punched him playfully on the arm. “And on which side of the door will I be on?”

  “Hmmm . . .” and he pretended to mull it over. “OUCH”. Egg had flicked his ear.

  “May I ask,” interrupted the Queen, “did all of you go through this period of childlike happiness when you first married?”

  Ezra nodded enthusiastically causing Grammy to give him a big hug.

  The Graystones just looked at each other and exchanged a kiss.

  All eyes turned to the Queen Mother and her husband. “Please,” said Rose. “I had not seen him in a thousand years. He is lucky to have survived that first night.” That brought on gales of laughter.

  When the merriment had died down, Meggy asked, “You did not say why you were not bringing an entourage with you. Is that decision part of the changes you see in our future?” She addressed the question to both of them, though she was staring at Egg.

  The other girl had the coffee cup to her lips and wasn’t about to put it down. She gulped the contents in a most un-princess-like fashion. “Sorry about that.”

  Meggy smiled warmly. “It is addictive. So, tell me about our future.”

  And for the next hour, Egg did just that.


  After brunch, everyone went their own way. Meggy stayed behind with her parents.

  “Well, need I say it again, she will be perfect.”

  “Of course she will. But there is nothing we can do directly. Indirectly, we can begin to organize a groundswell of support for the idea.”

  “But Rose, it is almost four years till the vote. Is it not too soon?”

  “No father,” interrupted his daughter. “By moving slowly we have a much better chance to succeed without being perceived as manipulative.”

  “Then what do you suggest?”

  “We enlist the sisterhood of course. But everyone must be sworn to secrecy. If Egg finds out, she will be very displeased with us.”

  Chapter 2 – The Sky’lords


  She was feeling a bit sorry for herself. Egg was on the first part of her honeymoon visiting the great cities of Aerianna. Jax’x was with Grex, presumably doing math problems, Bl’azzz went to Fire’s Breath with Aero to meet his family, Tee’ka had gone to Kallous to visit Waldo, Sparky was with her mechanic trying to figure a way of ridding herself of the Glimmer and I’za and V’az went with a contingent of Gek’a to reconnoiter a couple of worlds that had extended them an invitation.


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