Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 15

by Robert Iannone

  A few minutes later she called out, “I look stupid.”

  “That’s for us to decide, not you. Now come out here.”

  “If anyone laughs, I’ll get even,” and she stepped into the room . . .

  “Tamales caliente, girl. You look gorgeous,” exclaimed Egg. (Not really sure why she was still speaking Spanish).

  “You actually look female for a change,” needled Jax’x. “Now try smiling.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Serenity, you look truly lovely,” said Bree. “He’s going to go crazy when he sees you.”

  “He’s already crazy seeing as he’s marrying her,” tormented Bl’azzz with affection.

  “Can I have the dress when you’re finished?” asked Tee’ka in all her innocence.

  Not to be left out, I’za said, “I for one approve. You do look very sophisticated and stunning.”

  “You’re all liars. You were getting as bored as I was and just wanted to stop this madness.”

  “I’m warning you, girlfriend . . . if you don’t start getting into the spirit of the occasion by smiling from ear-to-ear, I’m going to have Jax’x create a Sparky avatar – programmed to be happy and charming - and we’ll trick your man into marrying her.” Egg was probably kidding.

  The girl put on a grin that would have made Batman’s Joker jealous. “Better?”

  “NO. I mean yes. Much better.” Egg turned to Jax’x. “You might want to work on that with her.”


  Skotti put on his Navy ‘dress’ uniform . . . with gold braids, epaulets and a handful of medals and citations. He left his cabin and found his friend. “How do I look?” he asked Grex.

  The other man eyed him from head to foot. “Sufficiently average as to not offend anyone.”

  “High praise, I’m flattered.”

  “Am I intruding?”

  The two men turned to face the Prince. “Of course not, Sir.”

  “Skotti, if you don’t start calling me Benny I’ll have you Court Marshalled.”

  “Would that involve a firing squad?” asked Grex unhelpfully.

  “Perhaps forty lashes for the first offense.” Turning serious, Benny said “in as much as you are about to embark on an official Navy assignment, and you will be representing all of Aerianna in a ‘first contact’ diplomatic mission, it would be unseemly to have our emissary be a lowly lieutenant. Therefore, as fleet Admiral, I hereby award you a field promotion to the rank of Captain,” and he extended his hand.

  Skotti was stunned and simply stared at the proffered appendage. Grex shook his head in disgust and slapped his friend on the back. “Take his hand or he’ll up those forty lashes to one hundred.”

  “What? Oh. Oh, sorry Sir,” and he did as Grex suggested though a bit more enthusiastically then was proper.

  “Allow me to put these on you,” and Ben’Edikk stepped closer, removed Skotti’s lieutenant insignias and replaced them with those of captain. He then snapped off a salute which the other man returned.

  “Thank you, Sir. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “I assume that refers to the mission and to your wife-to-be. Now, if you are ready, I have a marriage ceremony to perform.”


  The men entered the lounge which the ladies had redecorated for the festivities. Benny had taken the time to explain to Ix what was about to happen. The Rak’nex was mystified by the concept.

  “They wish to mate?”

  “For humanoids, it is a bit more complicated than that. They wish to spend the rest of their lives together – working in a partnership of equals to achieve whatever goals they have or will make.”

  “This ceremony – does it alter their minds to achieve this?”

  Benny tried not to laugh. “In a way. It symbolizes what they already feel and formalizes that commitment to the world.”

  “Apologies. Explanation is a null set.”

  “Perhaps over the next six months – living in close proximity to them – you will begin to understand.”


  “By the way, I wish to thank you for allowing them to accompany you . . . as well as your offer to teach them your technology.”

  “Scales will be closer to balanced.”

  “We do not see it that way. We are doing you a kindness – there is no requirement for reciprocity. However, we fully appreciate the gesture in sharing your technology.”


  “We are very different species, that is obvious. But over time, perhaps we can learn from one another and come to appreciate those differences. At your convenience, I would encourage you to reach out to us, your new friends, and we can initiate a cultural exchange. You and your people are always welcomed to visit Aerianna.”

  “Deep gratitude. Offer eagerly accepted.”



  Benny took his place at the head of the room – standing under a large communications screen. He was decked out in his finest princely attire and cut a very dashing figure. Standing in front of him was the bridegroom and Grex, his best man.

  On that screen above Benny, were the faces of the Hameggattic Sisters not physically present. As their images appeared, Bree introduced them to Kon’dor and Ix. “This is Sylvia, one of the original sisters and Egg’s best friend from Earth. Syl, this is Kon’dor of the Sky’lords and Ix’nay of the Rak’nex.” All the sisters had been told of the impending wedding and of the two guests. They were also apprised of Bree’s developing relationship with Kon’dor but were asked not to say anything.

  “I’m honored to meet both of you. Ix’nay, I wish I were there so we could have an in-depth discussion of your society and the effects of the Cognitron will have on your future. As for you Kon’dor, anyone that gorgeous deserves a hug and a kiss. Maybe when you come to Zynn-Zaz’zia we could meet for a cup of coffee?”

  “SYLVIA!” cried BreeZee. I said they were asked not to say anything; I didn’t say they agreed not to tease the heck out of their sister.

  “What? Just trying to extend some intra-galactic love and affection.”

  The winged man was not fooled by Syl’s statement and decided to respond in kind. “Greetings, Sylvia. I, too, am honored. As for that meeting, I was warned that the women of Earth are renowned for their generous spirit and uncontrollable urges. I should warn you, however, that I have been in the Reverie Glass for two hundred years without female companionship. Hopefully you can make the necessary allowances.”

  “KON’DEE.” That was Bree again.

  “Gorgeous and a sense of humor . . . sorry, not my type. Perhaps Bree might be interested.”

  “I just might explore that possibility at the appropriate time.”


  “Yes, Syl?”

  “He’s a keeper.”


  Kon’dor was fascinated by all the sisters. He had never seen a sea serpent – and now he had been introduced to two. The fact that one was a renowned scientist was beyond interesting.

  The dragon Aeri’elle was the founder and head of a well-respected institution of learning. It peaked his desire to explore all the worlds of this Federation of Planets and experience the amazing variety of species that populated it.

  He turned his attention back to Bree as she made the last introduction. “And may I introduce the Queen of Aerianna, M’egg-Alynnia. Meggy is Benny’s brother and Egg’s sister-in-law and a Hameggattic Sister.”

  “Your Majesty,” and Kon’dor bowed his head.

  “Greetings,” added Ix through his translator.

  “First contact is always a great pleasure for me. On behalf of the peoples of Aerianna and all the worlds of the Federation of Planets, I welcome you and extend the hand of friendship. After the festivities, I would talk to each of you in turn.”

  Chapter 6 – The Honeymooners

  The wedding was like all weddings – beautiful bride, tears of joy from the sisters, smiles and congratulat
ory pats on the back for the groom, food and drink, and even some real wedding music (Bl’azzz pouted about the insult to her kazoo-playing abilities). What was really odd was that the bride chose a schmaltzy generations-old Earth song for her first dance with her new husband . . .

  Fly me to the moon; Let me play among the stars

  Let me see what spring is like; On a-Jupiter and Mars

  Fill my heart with song; And let me sing for ever more

  You are all I long for; All I worship and adore

  I take that back. The really odd thing was that Serenity actually knew how to dance. “I taught her,” admitted Jax’x.

  “And just how did you learn an earth dance?” asked a very curious Egg.

  “Let me rephrase my answer. You taught her.”


  “Are we interrupting?” asked the Prince for himself and Grex who had just walked over to join the young ladies.


  “No,” and Jax’x shook her head. “No, you are not. In fact, your timing is impeccable.”

  Grex looked from one girl to the other. “Me thinks you and I should get another drink, your Lordship.”

  “Nonsense. I have a feeling this will be much more intoxicating. Ladies, I bid you finish your conversation.”

  Egg stared at Jax’x. “Yeah, lady – do finish.”

  The girl exhaled loudly in resignation. “Sparky and I grew a Skotti avatar and we gave it your brain pattern. So technically you taught her.”

  Both men smiled at the ingeniousness of it. Egg was a tad less thrilled. “There’s a Skotti avatar somewhere with my brain?”

  “He’s been deactivated.”

  “Any chance I can convince you to destroy that thing?” It really wasn’t a request.

  “I do believe that, before the night is over, I can accomplish that very thing.”

  Egg went silent – obviously consumed by some deep thought.

  “Egg? I’m sorry.”


  “I said I’m sorry. It was my idea and I should have asked you first.”

  Egg shrugged off the apology. “No biggy.”

  “When did you build this avatar?” asked Grex.

  “Right after Skotti gave Serenity the exoskeleton. She said ever since her accident, it had been an obsession of hers to be able to dance with her husband if she ever got married.”

  “She talked of getting married?” To Egg, that seemed so un-Sparky-like.

  “We had been celebrating her new ability to walk and she had a bit too much champagne. Please – don’t any of you say a word about this.”

  “Of course not,” replied the gallant Prince Charming.

  “Well, this explains her choice in music,” explained Egg. “It was the song my Grandmother danced to when she married Ezra.” Grammy had chosen it in honor of her granddaughter. After all, who else could fly amongst the stars?

  Egg, again, seemed to drift into some deep thought.

  “Wife, is there something on your mind?”

  She nodded yes. “Jax’x, can you grow the avatars yourself?”


  “And you can create the brain patterns from other people?”

  “It’s not actually creating – more like copying. But, yes. Serenity has taught me everything. Why?”

  “I’ll tell you later,” the girl replied mysteriously. “In the meantime, don’t do anything to fake Skotti.”

  The other three looked at each other – intrigued by whatever clever plan Flying Girl was beginning to hatch.


  Hours later the festivities began to wind down. All the call-in sisters had expressed their best wishes and said their farewells. Only Meggy remained.

  The newlyweds were headed to Bel’lanca where they would occupy the royal wedding suite vacated by Egg and Benny.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sparky, it’s the least we can do. Besides, with my husband’s injuries, he needs to avoid physical exertion.” She added a wink unnecessarily.

  “Alas, I am but a mortal man,” quipped Benny. Turning to the groom he added “Captain Tess’lar, I fully expect you to uphold the honor of the Aerianna Navy in the forthcoming close-order maneuvers.”

  “Sir, you may count on me,” and they all laughed. No one commented on Serenity’s blush.

  “When you guys get back, the fleet will be here. We’ll be removing the population from the Glass and housing them at least temporarily on the transports. When that happens, the Glass will be deactivated. Once you load it on board your ship, your bon voyage will begin. As far as I’m concerned – the sooner the better.”

  “That anxious to get rid of this grump?” asked the not-so-grumpy grump.

  “NO, you silly goose. I’m going to miss you so much . . .” and she wiped her eyes. “I just want you back as soon as possible.”

  “You make me cry on my wedding night and I’ll never forgive you.”

  “Then hug me you fool,” and they did. After a bit, Egg was ready to break the embrace but Serenity seemed unwilling to let go . . . clinging tightly to her friend.

  “Egg, thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For my life,” and they both broke into an uncontrollable fit of crying. Each man found reasons to avert his eyes – Benny intently examining the ceiling which now held an overwhelming fascination while Skotti looked for non-existent lint on his uniform.


  They transferred Meggy’s image to the conference room where Ix, Egg and Benny were waiting.

  Egg had already brought the Queen up to speed with all that had transpired. Her husband added, “And I have asked Ix’nay to reach out to us – his new friends – when his people feel ready to make contact. I also extended an invitation, in your name of course, for them to visit Aerianna whenever it seemed appropriate.”

  “Very good, brother.” To the big bug, she said, “The two humans that will accompany you back to your home world are our emissaries. Does your society recognize diplomatic protocols?” It was a polite way of asking if Skotti and Serenity would be safe.

  “Affirmative. Apologies, only limited knowledge.”

  “I am sure you will treat them with the honor they deserve. I also invite you and your people to take advantage of their presence to learn what you can of our world and our culture.”

  “Opportunity will not be lost.”

  “Excellent. You may already be aware that both individuals are highly intelligent and scientifically grounded. They are a great resource on that score and I would hope you give them the opportunity to contribute in any way they can.”


  “If I may ask a question?” She didn’t wait for permission. “Why did you save the Sky’lords as you did? Why not let them devolve into non-sentience thereby eliminating one obstacle in reacquiring the Cognitron?”

  “No one life is more important than another. No one life is less important than another.”

  Meggy smiled broadly. “Very well said. If there is anything we can do now, or after your return home, you need but ask. As the Prince has said, you must consider us your friends.”

  “Humbled with much gratitude.”


  After Ix left, Bree and Kon’dor entered the conference room. The Queen, knowing of the budding relationship between the two, smiled warmly. Bree was such a sweetheart; it was a joy to see her find someone.

  “First, I would like to congratulate my sister BreeZee whose efforts led to this miraculous recovery of an entire species. You are such an important part of the Hameggattic Sisterhood and we could not be more proud.” Obviously, Meggy was doing her part to help this relationship.

  Bree smiled. “Thank you, sister. But, it was a team effort as always.”

  “You are too modest.” To Kon’dor she said, “Do you think your people will accept Zephyr’s offer to relocate to Zynn-Zaz’zia?”

  “As I have told the others, to them no time has passed since they ent
ered the Glass so Splendora is still very much their home. However, when the see the destruction – both from the Rak’nex ships as well as two centuries of weather and erosion - they might choose to start over elsewhere.”

  “And you, what would be your preference?” That was a bit heavy handed.

  Kon’dor smile handsomely. “We have a saying amongst the Sky’lords. Home is where the heart is.”

  “Hey, we have the same one back on Earth,” interjected Egg.

  “I understand completely,” added Meggy. “However, regardless of what your people decide, I would like to offer you – all of you – an invitation to visit my world. Did anyone mention that our capitol city Q’umulus floats two miles above the ground?”

  “Really? That I would love to see. Then again, I would love to visit all the planets in your federation. My people have a long history of exploring new worlds though we tried to do it surreptitiously. Knowledge of our existence might alter the natural evolution of the population.”

  “How very wise. I will now bid you goodnight. I know my brother and sister-in-law have the situation well in hand and they need no interference from afar. It was a great pleasure meeting you. I do hope the next time it will be in person.”

  “You are too kind, your Majesty.”

  “Egg, before I go, I would like a word . . . in private,” and she gave her brother one of ‘those’ looks.


  After the others left, Egg turned to the image of her sister. “What’s up?”

  “Word has gotten out about the Sky’lords and about Ix’nay. The population is ready to proclaim you Empress of the Universe.”

  Egg made a very earthlike display of her reaction to that bit of news – putting her finger in her mouth and down her throat. “Oops. I’m guessing Princesses don’t make barfing signs.”

  Meggy laughed. “Only under extraordinary circumstances.”

  “Well, let everyone know that it’s Bree, with help from Serenity, Jax’x and Skotti, who did all the work and should get all the credit. While they were busy learning the truth, I was . . . um, preoccupied with your brother.”

  Meggy smiled at the last reference. “I am glad he has not disappointed you.”


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