Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 19

by Robert Iannone

  The dragon hadn’t been privy to his last attempt at comedy but had heard of his feeble efforts from Bl’azzz. She wasn’t sure if this was another attempt. “I’m sorry . . . what?”

  “It was a joke. Do you approve?”

  She smiled . . . not at the humor but at the humorist. “Very clever.”

  “I am gratified. Come join me.”

  The dragon shrugged and entered the myst. In a few moments, she had reached the semi-mythical Tree . . .

  Without thinking, she went to her knees and bowed her great head as a sign of respect for all it had done for the Hameggattic Sisters. She was shocked when a branch reached out – much like an arm – and gently raised her to her feet.

  “I thank you but it is I that should bow to you.”

  That made no sense. “Why do you say that?”

  “The Old Ones thought that Dragons would be perennial underachievers and were dearly disappointed. But your family has excelled beyond expectations and we now know that your brethren will someday follow.”

  “You consider my family the ultimate of what dragons can achieve? That is disappointing.”

  “You are far too modest. Storm fought with Rose’Alynnia against unimaginable odds then kept the peoples hopes alive for a thousand years. You and your father have created a great institution of learning; you are a member of the original seven Hameggattic Sisters and instrumental in ridding this world of Mobius. More importantly . . . for a time, you were the most powerful being on this world when you brought me the Crystal Egg. Yet, the temptation of using it for your own advantage never entered your mind. Your only concern was saving your fellow Aeriannians. Your intelligence, bravery, loyalty, and imagination are second to none. We are very proud of you.”

  The Tree was flattering her and she knew it. “But dragons are not worthy of the throne.”

  “A great leader must outthink the universe, understand the past to see a better future and, as importantly, be able to connect with her subjects on a personal level. Few are truly worthy of such a responsibility.”

  “But Egg is.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Someone like her comes but once in a millennium.”

  “I know that. As I said at the beginning – I had answered my own question.”

  “I would expect no less from you. You should also know that she will face one more challenge before she can ascend to the throne.”

  “My sisters and I will be by her side.”

  “No. This is her challenge . . . and hers alone.”

  “Then for my sister’s sake, can you give me some advice that I can share with her?”

  Naturally, he offered one of his incomprehensible rhymes . . .

  “An unstable dynamic, far versus near

  A happenstance of nature, nothing to fear

  Alter the equation on this universal fuss

  Turning a negative into a galactic plus

  At the end of the tunnel is the answer you seek

  Transforming the angry into the mild and meek.”

  Aeri’elle had to smile . . . the Tree never failed to amuse and confuse them with his words. “You have never told us why you put your advice into such poetic phrasing?”

  Referencing a line from an obscure earth song he said “I thought it would be obvious. Words do the trick, there is no bigger kick than rhyming again and again,” and the Tree went dark.


  Aeri’elle left Sighing Whorl and went straight to Q’umulus to see the Queen. She was led to Meggy’s private office for an immediate audience.

  After describing the encounter including the Tree’s warning for Egg, the dragon said, “She needs to know his warning.”

  “I assume you have no idea what he meant by the rhyme?”

  “Not likely.”

  “Let me contact Sylvia and get her input,” and she did just that. The forever-smiling girl’s face appeared on the communication’s screen. Meggy asked Aeri’elle to bring the girl up to speed.

  “I see your problem . . . when to give Egg the Tree’s message. If you do it too soon, she may very well fight against your plans to make her Queen. Obviously, too late and she could be in big trouble.”

  “Exactly. Any suggestions?”

  Syl involuntarily put her face in her hands as she gave the problem her full attention. The other two sat quietly giving her whatever time she needed.

  “I think I have the answer.”

  “Do you?”

  “Actually, it’s pretty obvious. In your plan, you will send Egg to Peekaboo Prime to deliver the speech to the Federation. The vote will happen while she’s away. However, before she technically ascends to the throne – the Tree’s very words – she will need to be coronated. So, that’s when you tell her – after the vote but before the ceremony.”

  Meggy looked at Aeri’elle who smiled back. “Pretty impressive . . . for a lowly human.”

  “Indeed.” To Sylvia she said, “Well done sister. Very well done.”

  Chapter 10 – Where Did the Time Go?

  About a year later

  Serenity was still three months from home. She and her husband had an incredibly interesting time with the Rak’nex. On one hand, they had learned the secrets of mastering black hole energy. On the flip side, some of the non-sentient bugs tried to stomp them into guacamole. In between the two extremes were tales they couldn’t wait to share with the others.

  “Still happily married?” asked Egg on her monthly check-in with her sister.

  “My disgust and loathing for his fawning and obsequious affection is pretty much under control – so yeah,” teased the much-less grumpy grump.

  Egg laughed. “They’ll write love sonnets about you two.”

  “Barf. How about you and little boy blue? For that matter, how about all the sisters and their sweethearts?”

  “Apparently the Hameggattic Sisters are as successful at love as they are at fighting the bad guys.”

  “Was there ever a doubt?”

  “Good grief, yes.”

  “Enough of this girlie talk, you’re boring me. On a more important matter, Jax’x, K’ssss, my man-servant and I have just about solved the anti-grav problem. Looks like the Sky’lords will get their very own floating city.”

  “That’s very exciting. What about using the black hole power source to create more cosmic tunnels?”

  “One thing at a time, girlfriend. But it shouldn’t be a problem once we get the time to work on it. So, what have you and your Prince been up to?”

  “You know, the usual – changing the fabric of Aeriannian society.”


  It was the first meeting of the Council of Citizens fulfilling Egg’s promise to the people when she and Benny had made their honeymoon tour.

  Benny had suggested they host the gathering on Q’umulus which had meeting halls designed to accommodate all three species. “Maybe for the next one. But I think having it at Se’rene might work better for the first time.”

  “Why so?”

  “It’s neutral territory. The city in the clouds is the seat of power and the home to the Royal family. These folks might feel ill ease up there.”

  Benny shook his head in admiration. “Truly, I would never have thought of that. No wonder they love you.”

  “Oh please. They’ve been so brainwashed by those stupid history books, they think I’m a magical pixie from Hogwarts or worse, a fairy godmother.”

  “No idea what that means.”


  Each species was asked to nominate three men and three women to represent them with the caveat that a husband and wife could not both attend. Having two from the same family would prejudice the discussion to a limited point of view. Furthermore, one of the three pairs had to be non-married. The needs of single individuals needed to be heard also.

  Everyone made themselves comfortable in the main gathering hall – the very place the original Hameggattic Sisters had called home those many years ago.

  “On beha
lf of my husband and myself, welcome to Se’rene. This is the first meeting of the Citizen’s Council . . . in what I hope will be a semi-annual event. We have food and drink over there,” and she pointed to three very long table – one for each species. “On Earth, this style of eating is called a buffet. You simply help yourself to whatever you wish – as often as you wish. When the meeting is over, we’ll wrap the remainder of the food for you to take home and share with your friends and family.”

  Everyone stared at her . . . no one moving or talking.

  “Wife, perhaps you will allow me to demonstrate.”

  “How about if we both go. Come on, you guys, follow us,” and she and Benny went to the table with human fare. The guests shrugged at each other than followed.

  Twenty minutes later everyone was back in their seats eating and drinking and talking among themselves.

  Egg asked for their attention and they all stopped what they were doing – most putting down their plates somewhat reluctantly.

  “No, no. While you’re with me, we play by Earth rules. Feel free to pick up your food and drinks. This is an informal meeting so there is no right or wrong etiquette that you need to worry about. Each of you has the list of the five most important concerns that we collected. If you take them out, we’ll start discussing each one.”

  One of the dragons cleared his throat – his way of asking to be recognized.

  “Yes, Sy’gon?” Egg had to study hard to be able to put names with faces. She had also obtained a biography of everyone so she knew something of each attendee.

  The dragon was impressed but did his best not to show it. “How can we all have the same issues? What could a serpent’s problem have to do with a dragon’s?”

  “Excellent question. Let’s see – you have two children. Your oldest is doing very well in school. Your youngest, a very attractive girl if I might add, is struggling with her studies though not with the boys. Math in particular seems to get the best of her.”

  Sy’gon’s mouth dropped open despite his best efforts to maintain his dragon-like indifference. “Um . . . um, yes.”

  “Anyone else have a similar issue with their children?”

  Surprise – they all did. Well, the married ones that is.

  “Does that answer your question?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” and he bowed his head.

  “Sy’gon, I will pluck your feathers if you call me that again. My name is Egg and I expect you to address me that way. And while we are in this meeting, my husband has given you permission to call him Ben’Edikk. No titles. Everyone understand?”

  “Would you really pluck his feathers?” asked a human woman.

  “Worse. I would change into my flying suit and make him race me around Q’umulus for all the population to watch. This skinny human girl would kick his oversized rump.”

  Eighteen mouths dropped open . . . only Benny wasn’t shocked by his wife’s colorful imagery.

  Egg laughed at her guests then stuck out her tongue. “Loosen up people. This is serious business but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves.”

  Dead silence . . . then a half minute later someone ‘h’ssss-ed’ loudly. That did the trick and the room was filled with ‘eeks’ and laughs and a few thwacks of slapping serpent tails.


  “Are you sure you can support me on this?” Egg was addressing the Queen, her parents, and her husband.

  Meggy had her hand over her mouth as if she was seriously contemplating Egg’s suggestions. In truth, she was covering a smile. “I, for one, think it is a marvelous idea. And if everyone else agrees, I will discuss it with the monarchs of Serpents and Dragons.”

  “Thanks. What about you Dazzle?”

  “I believe I will be inundated by complaints. However, I have never doubted you before and I will not do so now. Do as you deem appropriate.”

  “Thank you. Lord Z’kkk.”

  “I really like it when you call me Dad. My children never did.”

  “Oh Father,” sighed Meggy.

  “See. Even now. As to your suggestions, I just ask that you remember that you are going against thousands of years of tradition. There will be much resistance.”

  “Is that a yes . . . Daddy?”

  Z’kkk smiled. “I can refuse my little girl nothing.”

  Egg was forced to give the man a hug. She then turned to her husband. “Benny, give me your honest opinion – not as my husband but as the Royal Prince.”

  “And I will not be held in utter contempt if I disagree? I can still expect my wife to love and cherish me as dearly as she has to this point?”

  Egg smiled. Her response was right out of the Old West. “You pays your money and you takes your chances.”

  “Quaint. Well, like my daddy would say, “Son, when your wife is riding a high horse, stay out of her way.”

  “Z’kkk, did you truly say that?” demanded Rose of her husband.

  Refusing to make eye contact with his wife, Z’kkk muttered, “Sweetheart, have I told you how simply lovely you look today?”

  The three younger royals laughed while Rose gave her husband a seductive smile and a wink.


  Days later, the Prince sent out an invitation (more of a summons) to all Royals to join him and his wife for drinks and a discussion of a subject of national importance. At the last minute, Egg – heading Lord Z’kkk’s warning – decided to exempt the older generation of nobles from this meeting. They were probably the least able, and the least willing, to change their ways. Hopefully, the younger generation would be more amenable to her suggestions (you may substitute the words ‘royal decree’ for ‘suggestions’ if you so choose).

  Egg looked every bit the Princess in her black dress. Her husband fought the urge to grab her and do something unbecoming of a gentleman. “You look simply marvelous.”

  She smiled absentmindedly – so distracted by what was about to happen tonight. “How do you think they’re going to react?”

  “On one hand, it doesn’t really matter. You are the Royal Princess and your wish is their command.”

  “No. That won’t work. They have to buy into this otherwise it will never work.”

  “Then, my darling, work your magic on them. I have never known you to fail at persuading others to do the right thing.”

  “There’s always the first time.”

  “For mere mortals, perhaps. Not for you,” and he kissed her lightly on the forehead.

  “Maybe. But keep your sword handy just in case.”

  “If they cannot see the brilliance in your plan, then let them eat cake.”

  “Eat cake?”

  “For shame. Your Marie Antoinette said that of the peasants when they could not see the error of their ways.” To his credit, he was studying earth history to better understand his wife . . . and her mostly incomprehensible references.

  Egg laughed. “Ha. You forget that the story ended when they chopped off her head.”


  She made her grand entrance and everyone gaped. She whispered to Benny, “What are they staring at? Do I have spinach in my teeth?”

  “They are more in awe of you than our citizens.”

  “That’s ridiculous. It has to be the spinach.”

  The royal couple did a circuit of the room and spoke a few words to each individual. Human women curtsied while men, dragons and serpents bowed their heads. When this piece of protocol was complete, Egg addressed the gathering.

  “Thank you all for coming. I do have some ideas I wish to discuss with you. However, please enjoy the refreshments first. We will talk shortly.” She turned to her husband. “Maybe I can just email or text them my plans.”

  The young man ignored the incomprehensible references. “Calm yourself. Remember, I stand ready with my sword.”

  Egg giggled.


  “I just remembered the last time you tried to save me with your sword. As I recall, you ended up underneath the foot of a
giant bug.”

  Benny laughed. “Thank my stars Ix’nay meant me no real harm.”

  “Could you get me some champagne? My throat feels like I swallowed a mouthful of sand.”

  “Shall I leave my sword?”

  “I wish I could say yes.”

  He left and a moment later a dragon approached. It was Rap’tor, a relative of the former Queen F’Aerianne, the legendary rainbow dragon. “Your Majesty,” and he bowed his head.

  “Please, do me a favor and call me Egg.”

  “That I cannot do. It would be disrespectful. May I compromise and call you Lady Eloise?” Benny had warned his wife that there were two individuals that would be the most influential in convincing the others to do as she wished. Naturally, they would also be the most difficult to persuade. Rap’tor was one of them.

  “Sure. How can I help you?”

  Rap’tor had his spies and he knew in general terms what Egg was planning. “I was hoping to do you a service.”


  “Before you announce your plans, I would let you know that I am vehemently opposed. Without my approval, no Dragon will agree to participate. I would not want you to embarrass yourself in front of this august gathering.”

  Oh, that was absolutely perfect. She almost thought Benny had put the dragon up to it. Egg’s nervousness morphed into a cloud of defiance. No one was going to tell her what she could or could not do. Certainly not this arrogant, self-important, and pompous winged whacko. She smiled at her guest. “You are so very kind to think of my feelings. I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude.”

  The idiot believed her words and preened. “I am but your humble servant.”

  Just then Benny returned with a flute of champagne. “Thank you dear. Rap’tor here was just offering me some friendly advice.”

  “Was he?”

  Before the dragon could respond, she asked, “Where is Kru-Ella?” She was the other individual Egg had to contend with.

  “Just there,” and her husband pointed.

  “Would you be a dear and fetch her, Rap’tor. I would like to talk to both of you.”

  “Yes, Lady,” and he went to do as he was bidden.


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