Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 22

by Robert Iannone

  The shock on the former Queen’s face was quite amusing. “Whaaaaaa?”

  “Don’t what me, missy. I just found out about your little plan.”

  “I will have my brother beheaded. Where is that scoundrel?”

  “Not here.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Xara happened by and took him on her ship.”

  “I do not understand?”

  “Well then, let me explain,” and for the next two minutes she did.

  “I will dispatch the fleet immediately. Your sisters will join them.”

  “No. Do no such thing.”


  “Until I find out what these people want, I won’t risk the lives of anyone. That goes double for my sisters. Tell them I order everyone to sit and wait till I get word to you.”

  “But how will you do that?” Then she remembered the upgrades to the dragonetta. “Ziz, she can do that and much more.”

  “Really? What else can she . . .” but was interrupted by the new Admiral.

  “Ma’am, we are being hailed.”

  “Meggy, the bad guys are here. Remember – do nothing. In fact, say nothing to anyone except the Sisters. Xara will bring Benny home. She thinks someone in our inner circle is a spy so you might want to figure out who it is. And, if anyone asks, Ziz is the new symbol of my reign.”



  “Shall I put them on screen?” asked the Admiral.

  “Sure. No wait. Give me a few seconds to get to my cabin. Then, just audio. I’m not properly dressed to receive guests.”

  The guy was well trained and didn’t bother to react to Egg’s statement. He just put the renegade captain on speaker.

  “This is General Zwam. I demand to speak to the Queen.”

  “General, this is . . . Queen Eloise. How’s the revolution going?”

  Dead silence. Then, “Congratulations. I thought I was clever enough to surprise you.”

  “Can’t win them all. How can I help you?”

  “Cut your engines and prepare to be boarded. You have ten seconds.”

  “Turn off your new toy, General. I have no need to see your disruptor in action.” She called the Admiral and instructed him to power down. “Engines are off, as are the shields. General, do not try to harm any of my crew. You wouldn’t want this new relationship to get off to a bad start, would you?”

  “As you wish. However, if we see anyone with a weapon in their possession, they will be deemed to be hostile.”

  “Understood. Welcome aboard.”


  Back in her cabin, Egg changed into her formal attire.

  She wanted to dress the part of a queen. She also wanted to hear the message Ziz was carrying in case she was unable to get an opportunity later.

  “Ziz, emergency override. Give me your message now.” The dragonetta did as she was told . . .

  “An unstable dynamic, far versus near

  A happenstance of nature, nothing to fear

  Alter the equation on this universal fuss

  Turning a negative into a galactic plus

  At the end of the tunnel is the answer you seek

  Transforming the angry into the mild and meek.”

  “Has anyone figured out what it means?”

  “Trying to be funny?”

  Egg shook her head in annoyance. “Do you know why the Tree gave me this message?”

  “What do you take me for? A dodo?” came the sarcastic reply.

  “Just tell me.”

  “He said that you would face one last challenge. And you would face it alone.”

  “Surprise, surprise. That challenge is now onboard. Listen to me, Ziz. I’m putting my ring in your secret compartment. Guard it with your life. Understand?”

  “I’m not alive.”


  “Sorry. Understood.”

  “One more thing. I want you to sit on my shoulder. You’re going to be the new symbol of my reign.”

  “Good choice.”

  “Come on, Ziz. Now’s the time to get serious. By the way, that means don’t talk unless I tell you to. Promise?”

  “You’re mean.”


  “Oh, all right.”


  There was a pounding on the cabin door.

  “Yes?” called Egg.

  “Open the door immediately.”

  “I’m not dressed,” she lied to see what they would do.

  A moment later, a laser pistol blasted the lock and the door was kicked open. Well, apparently, common courtesy was not on the menu today. “Follow me,” demanded a man dressed in well-worn fatigues.

  He was about three feet tall with comically large eyes. His species wasn’t too many generations removed from their amphibian beginnings.

  Egg wasn’t overly familiar with these more distant Federation planets since they seldom interacted with the rest. The only fact that she could recall was that they weren’t held in high regard . . . considered by the rest of the worlds as being embarrassingly unsophisticated and of limited intellectual ability.

  She was glad that she met this individual before meeting the General. Her first instinct would have been to smile since this little fellow was hardly her idea of a rebel. Yes, yes – that would have been rude and demeaning to find humor in this guy’s stature. But sometimes we react without thinking of the other’s feelings.

  She left the cabin and made her way to the command center. She stopped at the door and waited.

  “Get in there,” demanded the soldier unceremoniously.

  “I am the Queen of Aerianna,” she said haughtily. “You will open it or I will stand here until the cows come home.”

  “What?” Apparently, there was yet another world unfamiliar with Earth slang.

  “Open. The. Door.”

  He was about to argue then reconsidered. His general hated to be kept waiting. He slapped at the control button and the door slid open. Egg walked in and scanned the room until she spotted the guy in charge. “General Zwam, welcome aboard.”

  To her surprise, the man was not of the same species. For that matter, he was actually a woman. She was closer to seven feet tall, blue skinned (which she involuntarily found reassuring for obvious reasons) with a long, thin head perched upon an equally long and thin neck. Much like her soldier, the eyes were large and much further apart then most humanoids, perhaps a remnant of her reptilian past . . .

  She was dressed to the nines with silver buttons, gold epaulets, a red satin sash, green leather boots and a dazzling assortment of maybe hundred medals. But, there was no sartorial rhyme or reason to the outfit. It was just a collection of military items looking for all the world like a Halloween costume.

  “Your Majesty. It is an honor,” and the General gave Egg a bow of the head.

  If the enemy was going to treat her with respect because of her new title, Egg would play the part. That included talking like a Queen. “You are most kind. If you are not in too great a haste, perhaps we can adjourn to my sitting room for refreshments while we discuss whatever matters have brought you here.” Her real motive was to give Xara more time to escape.

  “Unfortunately, time is of the essence. We will transport to my ship and we can have our discussion there. My man will escort you back to your cabin so you may collect a modest amount of personal effects to take with you.” Only another woman would have been so thoughtful.

  “Will I be gone long?”

  Zwam smiled. “Indeed.”

  “Very well,” and she turned to leave.

  “Excuse me, Majesty, but what is that thing on your shoulder?”

  “This is Ziz. She is a dragonetta and the symbol of my reign as Queen of Aerianna. The people adore her though I have a difficult time understanding why.”

  That was too much for the mechanical doohickey. “Hey, that was hurtful,” it squawked.

  The General smiled. “Very amusing. However, you will leave i
t behind.”

  “But why? If I am to be alone, I find great comfort in its company.”

  “I have no idea what that thing is capable of doing. So, I can either destroy it here and now or you will leave it in your cabin.”

  Egg began to panic. She was depending on Ziz, who according to Meggy, could communicate with her sisters. And her ring – she would have to do without it and that would reduce her odds of escaping to near zero. Having Ziz was just too important. However, arguing in any way would have been suspicious so she tried another approach. “It is harmless but I understand your concern. For so many, the unknown can be quite frightening. I know that the children at Court are curious but fearful. Besides, if you intend on transmitting my image to Aerianna, I do prefer if Ziz was not in attendance. It would cause the people that much more sadness. They have . . . had . . . such high hopes for my reign and Ziz was emblematic of that. Come Ziz, you are to stay here.” She again turned to leave.

  Egg fought to keep the shock off her face when a long, forked tongue shot out from the General’s mouth. It seemed to taste the air – much like a snake back on Earth - before it disappeared from whence it came. “On second thought, keep that thing if it will make you feel better. However, I am doing you a kindness and I expect one in return.”

  “Fair enough, General,” and Egg left . . . with the smallest of smiles tugging at her lips.

  Chapter 2 – Campaign and Champagne

  Aerianna, a week before Egg left for Peekaboo Prime

  Meggy had called an emergency meeting of the Sisterhood while Egg was away at Se’rene with her husband. The only one who could not attend was Spirit since she was home on Paradox. The Queen had also invited her mother as well as Ashley and Molly.

  “Thank you all for coming on such short notice.”

  “Is Egg in trouble?” asked her worried big sister. That seemed like the only explanation for this gathering without the girl being present.

  Meggy smiled. “That is a matter of perspective and I shall let you decide. If all goes according to my plan, in less than two weeks she will be the Queen of Aerianna.”

  Since only Rose, Sylvia and Aeri’elle knew, the rest of the ladies burst into animated gibbering and jabbering. Meggy let them have their fun for a few minutes.

  “If I may have your attention? Excuse me, if I may have your attention?” She put two fingers in her mouth and blew an ear-piercing whistle (a trick she had learned all those years before on Earth). “Thank you.”

  “Impressive, daughter.”

  Her teasing, “Thanks, mommy,” elicited a smile from the Queen Mother. Rose was both pleased and saddened by her daughter’s behavior. The young woman’s anticipation that her reign would soon be over showed in her demeanor. She seemed years younger and so much happier. As her mother, Rose should have noticed the burden the crown had put on her daughter. Yet, she hadn’t and that made her heart break. She had failed M-egg’Alynnia and she desperately wanted a way to make amends. Helping the girl elect Egg to become the next queen was the first tiny step.

  “Meggy,” said Sassi, “your term doesn’t end for another year or so.”

  “Very true. However, I will announce my abdication the day after Egg leaves on her diplomatic mission.”

  “What reason will you give?” asked I’za.

  “Moral grounds.”


  “I have deemed myself unworthy to serve as the Queen of Aerianna . . .”

  Before she could finish, she was drowned out by a chorus of objections.

  Oddly enough, it was Tee’ka who stood and spoke for the rest. “I can never be like Egg because she can fly and she knows how to save everybody. So, I’ve really wanted to be like you. That’s my secret, so please don’t tell anyone (don’t laugh; that’s just Tee’ka being Tee’ka). You’re so special the way you make everyone feel like what they say means something important. You always make great decisions, and you make it seem so easy. You never get upset and I like the way the crown looks on you. Please don’t quit.”

  In her very simple way, Tee’s words struck a responsive chord in everyone. Egg should rule the universe but Meggy should be Queen of Aerianna. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

  Meggy fought not to show how much she appreciated her sister’s words but failed miserably. No one had ever seen her lose her composure so completely. She stood and hurried over to Tee’ka and hugged her close. It took a few moments for her to find her voice. “That was by far the nicest compliment I have ever received. Thank you, dear Tee’ka.”

  “So you won’t quit?”

  “I must.” She turned to address everyone. “I simply cannot . . . can’t . . . do this anymore. It isn’t in my nature. I want to explore the galaxy . . . visit as many planets as I can. I want to know how different worlds evolve their cultures, how their belief systems formed, how their morality or lack thereof came to be. My mother was born to rule, as was her father. I was not. Perhaps I’m more like my father . . . my dad. Everyone here has also found a life partner . . . though a couple of you (looking at Molly and Ashley with a big grin) have found more than one. It’s my turn. It is selfish of me and I will make no excuses for it. My mind is made up.”

  BreeZee still wasn’t convinced. “Meggy, why don’t you and Egg switch jobs. She becomes Queen and you lead the Sisterhood. Not everyone here saw what you did on Zynn-Zaz’zia when Mobius returned. But I know firsthand how you and Aeri’elle risked your lives to save my people from that terrible fire. You still have the scar. I saw you take command when Egg wasn’t around. I, for one, would be proud to follow you wherever you would take the Sisterhood.”

  All eyes were on the Queen – but it was the Queen Mother who reacted the strongest. She was eternally grateful that the Sisters were defending her daughter . . . praising the young woman’s abilities and contributions. In her unbiased (let’s give her the benefit of the doubt) opinion, it was well deserved. But Rose also knew it wasn’t the lack of ability that weighed on her daughter. It was the burning desire to find herself amongst the stars. M-egg’Alynnia wanted to be her own person, set her own course through life . . . succeed or fail on her own merits. She had inherited the Crown from her mother; she neither wanted it nor felt that she had earned it.

  “Bree, you give me far too much credit but I thank you. As far as leading the Sisterhood, Egg has a new vision for it and she will share that with you upon her return from Peekaboo Prime.”

  “I’m the least worthy person here and I apologize for asking a question,” began Molly.

  “Nonsense, dear friend. After all, you were the one that helped Egg with the ‘then befuddled’ Ben’Edikk. Ask your question. Your input is valuable to us.”

  “Thank you, M-egg’Alynnia. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but um . . . you want to rid yourself of the burden of your position and put that on Egg’s shoulders without asking her. Is that fair? Maybe she’s as averse to being Queen as you are.”

  The silence that ensued was deafening. The truth was that Meggy had never considered whether she was doing her sister a disservice.

  It was Aeri’elle who responded. “Most of you don’t know that when Meggy broached this whole plan to Syl and me, I told her that I couldn’t agree. I believed it was time for a dragon to ascend the throne. I discussed this with my grandfather and he suggested I talk to the Myst Tree. I was told in no uncertain terms, it was Egg’s fate to be Queen. He said that someone like her comes along once in a millennium.”

  A murmur swept through the assembly as Big Bird’s words were digested.

  “Obviously, I’ve never met the Myst Tree,” responded Molly. “I’m not even sure that I know what it really is. But, I do know from the history books how important he’s been to Egg and the rest of you. I withdraw my concerns. Sorry for even asking.”

  “No, Molly. It is I that must apologize. In truth, I just assumed I was doing the right thing. Given Egg’s incredible ability, I knew she would be wonderful at governing Aerianna. I also
assumed that with her infuriating modesty, had I discussed it with her, she would have declined.” Meggy smiled. “Actually, I did discuss it with her obliquely and she did decline. She had the audacity to tell me she was ill equipped to lead the people of this world. It was all I could do not to laugh in her face.”

  “If you break it, you own it,” quipped Sylvia.

  Soo turned to Bl’azzz. “I’ve been away from you guys for too long. I have no idea what she just said.”

  “Like I do?” responded the dragon.

  “Sylvia, my dear sister,” teased Rose, “Is there meaning behind your words that the rest of us may have missed?”

  “On Earth, the saying goes, if you go into a store and pick up an item and break it, you have to buy it.”

  “Ah. And that is insightful because . . .?”

  “Because by defeating Mobius, Egg saved Aerianna from the fate that had befallen it. She changed the course of history. So, it’s on her head to make things right by becoming Queen. She’d understand and would absolutely agree.”

  “Well then, it is settled. One cannot argue with such logic,” said the smiling Queen Mother.

  I’za turned to Jax’x. “I really don’t understand.”

  “It’s pretty simple. The people of Earth are all whackos.”

  I’za didn’t argue.


  “So, what can we do?” asked Serenity.

  “As you can imagine, I have given this a great deal of thought. Before I assign each of you your tasks, we must first agree to one unified message.”

  “Any chance you have one ready?” teased Ashley who was getting super-psyched about having her little sister become the Queen.

  “I shan’t be coy – of course, I do. It goes something like this. ‘Egg saved the citizens of Aerianna from Mobius and that debt can never be repaid. Her other deeds as the leader of the Sisterhood makes her the most revered individual both here and throughout the Federation. But that is the past. She has a vision for how this world should evolve as evidence with the Citizens’ Council and the benefactor program with nobles. She will honor that past but lead us into the future. And consider that peace has lasted a very long time on Aerianna. However, as part of a larger community of worlds, the odds are that will not continue. Who would you want to defend your family? Who else is the equal of Flying Girl?”


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