Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 26

by Robert Iannone

“Ellie Rose.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Ellie Rose . . . it’s what Benny, my husband, and I agreed would be the name of our first daughter. Ellie is what my grandmother’s husband calls her and Rose is the name of Benny’s mom. It honors both of them.”

  “Excuse me, Egg. But this changes everything. You’re not going to war carrying the Prince’s daughter.”

  “Kreed, she’ll be fine. Look, no goosebumps.” Egg quickly explained the phenomenon to Zwam.

  “Come on Egg. He’s going to kill me. Look,” and he raised his arms. “Goosebumps. Very, very big goosebumps.”

  “Liar, but thank you anyway for your concern. Go poll your crew and let me know if we need to send any of them back. Oh, and keep working on the General’s men.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” and he stood to leave.

  “Kreed, one more thing. DO NOT TELL ANYONE about me. Understood?”

  “Loud and Clear, Majesty. Loud and clear.”

  Chapter 6 – Red Queen to King’s Pawn


  It was the day before the people of Aerianna voted for their new queen . . . and the day of Meggy’s farewell celebration. Since it was going to be a surprise, the sisters needed a way to get Meggy off-planet while they organized the huge crowds of all three species that were expected to turn out and show their appreciation and respect.

  “I have just the thing,” Bree told the girls a few days earlier. “I have been talking to Kon’dee and my dad about a new alliance between our three worlds. We have so much in common and with the possibility of adding two more cosmic tunnels so we can connect each to the other two, it’ll be like one big happy family.”


  “I thought you were supposed to be less grumpy now that you’re married?”

  Serenity rolled her eyes. “I am . . . for him. You, not so much.”

  “Don’t you like the idea of a commonwealth for the three worlds?”

  “Aerianna is already part of the Federation.”

  “True, but not Splendora or Zynn-Zaz’zia. Besides, it takes weeks to travel to any of those Federation worlds. I don’t feel any kinship to them.”

  “Bree, I love it,” said Sylvia. “Not only is it a great idea, but it can be Meggy’s crowning glory, so to speak, to create this new union. Well done.”

  “Thank you, Syl. I’ll get my dad to broach the concept to her. If she likes it, he can send over a preliminary charter and then they can sign it the morning of the celebration.”


  Meggy and Bree were leaving Zynn-Zaz’zia to return to Q’umulus. Until Egg was actually crowned, M-egg’Alynnia was considered the Queen Regent and fully empowered to enact whatever treaties she deemed in the best interest of Aerianna. The creation of the new commonwealth was now complete. All the details had yet to be determined but the general outline had been agreed to by all parties.

  “Bree, I congratulate you on conceiving this new alliance.”

  “Thanks, but it really is pretty obvious. Aerianna and Splendora have the treaty Egg negotiated. Zynn-Zaz’zia is connected to Aerianna by the Space Tunnel and the University. And Splendora and Zynn-Zaz’zia have the only two known winged-beings in the galaxy. It really is a perfect fit.”

  “Be that as it may, you still get credit for bringing it to fruition. So, if I may ask, how is your relationship with the gorgeous Kon’dor progressing?”

  “Hands off, Meggy,” teased Bree.

  “I assure you my interest is purely academic and not speculative.”

  “What about you? No man caught your eye yet?”

  “Many individuals have caught my eye, but none have captured my heart.”

  “Well, pretty soon you can spend as much time as you want casting your net. Have you made plans for what you will do after Egg is crowned?”

  “Nothing long range. But, the first thing that I will do is revisit Earth.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “I enjoyed my time there. I would like to see it again through more mature eyes.”

  “Will you go by yourself?”

  “No. Molly and Ashley have agreed to accompany me. Molly has not been back since she moved to Aerianna as a very young girl and she is anxious to see what she left behind. Ashley agreed to be our guide and keep us out of too much trouble.”

  “It sounds exciting.”

  “Indeed. So, I ask again . . . what of you? Is there marriage in your future?”

  “Nothing imminent I’m sorry to say. We enjoy each other’s company, work well together, and appreciate many of the same things . . .” and the sentence drifted off into silence.

  “If I am prying, please stop me. You seem to be avoiding telling me what does not work.”

  “He’s afraid of losing me like he did L’elle.”


  “He said that as long as I am an active member of the Sisterhood, I will be putting myself in danger. Until I retire, he won’t marry me.” The girl was obviously torn between love for her man and the love and sense of duty to her sisters.

  “Has he given you an ultimatum?”

  “No, just the opposite. He said that being a Hameggattic Sister was too important to so many people that he would not want me to retire until I felt I could no longer serve. He said our love is strong enough to wait until that time.”

  They had arrived at the Space Tunnel. Meggy put out her hand to stop her sister from entering. “I like the man even more. However, your problem no longer exists.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that our dear sister Egg has foreseen this issue and has come up with a solution.”

  “Really and truly?”

  “As an Earthling might say – I cross my heart and hope to die.”

  “So what’s the answer?”

  “It is not for me to tell. She will explain it to all the sisters upon her return.”

  “It doesn’t involve ending the Sisterhood I hope.”

  “Not at all. It’s just a stop gap measure until her youngest daughter fulfills the Myst Tree’s prophesy and replaces her mother.”

  “That can be a long way away.”

  “Indeed. Nonetheless, be of good cheer. In a week or two you can tell Kon’dor the good news.”

  “Like heck. I’ll tell him tonight. The details can wait till Egg returns.” Bree was so excited she hugged Meggy. “Thank you for telling me.”

  “Thank Egg. Just when you think she’s done it all and can’t surprise you, she comes up with something new.”

  Truer words were never spoken.


  Back on the Yacht a few days in the future

  “I want you to sit out of sight of the viewer.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “I don’t want him to refrain from speaking his mind just to be diplomatic. And don’t you say anything regardless of the insults or lies he may spew.”

  “I understand.”

  “One more thing. I may have to goad him into saying what he truly believes. That means I might say something that you’ll find offensive. Please . . . please understand it’s just my way to force his hand and has nothing to do with what I believe.”

  “Your Majesty, my respect for you is absolute . . . as is my trust. Do and say what you must.”

  “Thank you. Okay, let’s get this show on the road.” She opened a channel to Kreed. “Captain, pipe him to my viewer.”

  “Here he comes. Good luck, your Majesty.”

  The view screen came alive with the puffy face of the President of the Federation. “Your Majesty, may I be the first to congratulate you on your ascension to the Throne of Aerianna.”

  “You are very kind. However, technically I have yet to be coronated.”

  “A mere formality. Your ship is still a day away, how may I serve you?”

  “After my speech on Peekaboo Prime, I am headed for the Outer Reaches.”

  “Oh my. Why would you do that?”

  “That is a
private matter. However, I have no experience with the peoples of those planets. I thought you might help me to understand what I will encounter.”

  “May I speak freely?”

  “I insist.”

  “Thank you. They are three of the most disgusting species I have ever met. Between you and me, if I could rid the Federation of their presence, I would.”

  Egg glanced at Zwam without moving her head. The blue lady sat there impassively as if she was not hearing anything that surprised her. “That is a harsh assessment. Could you elaborate?”

  “Indeed. They are trans-evolutionary. Need I say more?”

  Egg tried not to laugh. “Were we not all trans-evolutionary at one time? Is it not possible that when they have reached their final stage of development, they will be so extraordinary that we would be glad that we kept them close?”

  “You are being . . . generous with your assessment. Considering what they are today, the chance that the end product will be substantially better is beyond incredulous. No, we would be far better off without them. They have had the audacity to ask to mingle in our societies to observe how a proper civilization conducts itself. It is simply absurd.”

  “Correct me if I misunderstand the Charter of the Federation. Does it not say that all members are to be treated equally and without prejudice?”

  “An absurd covenant placed into it by none other than your mother-in-law, the good lady Rose’Alynnia.”

  “Be that as it may, it is still part of the charter.”

  There was a noticeable pause before the President responded. “Why are you defending these miserable beings?”

  Egg didn’t answer. Instead she kept attacking – politely. “Is it true that the Federation has denied them assistance? That in time of need they are charged prices above that which others pay? That they are shunned when they ask for a helping hand?”

  The President cleared his throat. “Madam, you are venturing into the body politic that is outside your purview. I strongly suggest you postpone your trip to the Outer Reaches until you have had the opportunity to meet the delegates from their neighboring planets. You will quickly come to the same conclusions as them.”

  “In point of fact, I have come to a conclusion, though I believe it differs from the rest of you.” She signaled Zwam to come over. The look on the President’s face upon seeing her was quite comical. He knew he had been played. “This is General Zwam. She has just begun a revolution against the Federation.”

  “What? That’s absurd. Their technology is second hand at best. Besides, they have no standing army. This . . . this thing . . . can’t possibly have any military training. Send her home before I have her ships destroyed.”

  “Sorry, you puffy-faced, spineless, sniveling snake, she does have the technology. Moreover, she has me to lead her army.”

  “Are you, the Queen of Aerianna, declaring war on the Federation?”

  “No, not the Queen of Aerianna. Just me . . . Flying Girl.”

  “Good grief woman. Are you crazy?”

  “No. My mother had me tested.”


  “Captain Ax’gard,” Egg called over the intercom.


  “Prepare for war.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  To Zwam, Egg said, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I failed with diplomacy and I’m sorry you had to hear that drivel.”

  “Your diplomacy was something to behold. The fact that he responded as he did only proves his inferiority. As to the insults, they fall on deaf ears.”

  “Well, I’m not deaf. Let’s make a plan.”


  Nau’tika, terminus of the Space Tunnel

  Bree and Meggy entered a Floaterium Bubble that would take them to Q’umulus. The ride to the surface of the water took a bit of time. Since the city was so deep, the occupants (assuming they weren’t serpents) took a while to decompress.

  Both women were standing in the front looking at the underwater scenery. “That is odd,” said the Queen Regent.

  “What’s odd?”

  “All those serpents . . . there must be thousands of them lining our route.” As the bubble passed each individual, they bowed their heads. Meggy wasn’t dumb and she soon realized that her sea citizens were paying her respect. She turned to her companion. “Did you know of this?”

  “Meggy, your people love you. Wherever we went to solicit votes for Egg, we were always asked about you. They wanted to do something to show their love and gratitude. It was Tee’ka who suggested this.”

  The Queen turned to look out the window . . . and timidly waved to the throngs of serpents. “I am stunned.”

  Bree laughed. “Then wait till you see what the Dragons and Humans have in store for you.”

  Meggy again turned back to her companion and gave her hug. “I do thank you and the other sisters for arranging this. It means a great deal to me.”

  “Listen up girl. The people wanted to do this; all the sisters did was to help them organize. The citizens of Aerianna love and respect you. Your abdication speech just increased their feelings for you. No one – royal or commoner – could ever imagine someone willingly giving up the position of Queen for the reasons you gave. You are held in awe.”

  Meggy said nothing for a full minute. “Bree, would you mind terribly if I sat down for a moment and have a good cry?”

  “Cry on your own time, girlfriend. Your subjects expect you to acknowledge them. Start waving.”

  “You are a cruel task mistress,” teased the other woman through tear-blurry eyes.

  “What a coincidence. Kon’dee said the same thing to me just yesterday.”


  Two days in the future, the Royal Yacht

  “Kreed, make sure all of Zwam’s ships rendezvous with us as expeditiously as they can.”

  “They are on their way . . . all four of them. Did you want me to contact Xara? Perhaps she would lend a hand.”

  “I’ll let you know.” Egg turned to the General. “You started a rebellion with a grand total of six ships?”

  “It was all we had.”

  “How many of those disruptor weapons on each?”

  “Just one though we do have a spare on my ship.”

  “I’ll take it.” She pressed the intercom. “Kreed, they have one spare disruptor on the General’s ship. Get it over and installed.”

  “Your Majesty, we have no knowledge of the device. It could take a while.”

  “Zwam, any of your crew up to speed on the weapon?”

  “My ship’s mechanic is very knowledgeable. He is Aqua’scalli.”

  “Is that his name?”

  The blue skimmed woman gave Egg an irritated look. “No, his species. They are the cleverest of the three life forms of the Outer Reaches.”

  “His name?”


  “Kreed, get their chief mechanic to bring it over. His name is Gilly and he’s something of an expert.”

  “As you command.”

  “Tell me about the disruptor. Does it cause permanent damage?”

  “No. The effects last about thirty minutes.”

  “And their range?”

  “We have never fully tested them. It’s not all that far.”

  “Kreed,” Egg called again.


  “Send out a probe. We’ll need advanced notification of the approach of the Federation.”

  “Are we heading toward them or away?” he asked.

  “Never retreat.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “What is your plan?” asked the General.

  “First, I want to be as close to Peekaboo Prime as we can get. Second, I want the bad guys to see us, laugh their fool heads off at our sorry looking navy, surround us and demand we surrender.”

  “But you are not surrendering.” It wasn’t a question.

  “No. We have the element of surprise on our side. However, we need a way to ray gun all the ships simultaneously
. If not, they may start shooting.”

  “How can we do that?”

  “No idea. But, I have a few friends that may know. Ziz, call Jax’x.”

  A few seconds later, the girl’s voice came from the dragonetta. “We got a call from Xara. She says you’re under attack. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Do me a favor and get Serenity and Skotti on this line.”

  “They’re doing what they always do.”

  “Then throw cold water on them. I need them now.”

  “Shame on you. I meant they’re in the lab fiddling with some doohickey or another.”

  “Go get them. But if I were you, I’d knock before I enter.”


  While they waited, Zwam asked, “I take it that you have trained as a warrior.”

  “What? Good grief, no.”

  “But you seem so self-assured. You have declared war against the entire Federation and you don’t seem daunted by the task.”

  “We’ve faced worst odds. Like I told you before, war is a stupid way to settle disputes. People tend to get hurt.”

  “Yet you are.”

  “Not really. I don’t intend for anyone to get hurt. Well, not physically at least. The President will probably get his nose out of joint when I relieve him of his office.”

  “You are a wonder.”

  “Hardly. It’s just that girls can be so much cleverer than guys. The best part is that they never seem to realize it until it’s too late.”

  Ziz came alive again. “Here they are.”

  “Hey girl, you okay?”

  “Yeah, Sparky. I need a little help though.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Um, I declared war on the Federation.”

  Silence. Then, “That’s a joke, right?”

  “Nope. They’re being mean to my new friends,” and Egg explained all that had transpired.

  “Are you telling me,” said Skotti in absolute awe, “that you went from prisoner to leader of the revolution in just a few hours?”

  “Pretty much. So, here’s my problem. I have seven ships – six very old ones plus the royal yacht – to fight off maybe a hundred very modern, very well crewed ships-of-the line.”

  “My advice,” said Jax’x, “is to surrender now. “Tell them it was a silly joke.”

  “What’s the fun in that? Besides, I intend to win some respect for these people.”


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