Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 36

by Robert Iannone

  That caused all her guests to groan (to be fair, Gilly just sat back and took in the conversation – feeling unworthy of contributing or commenting). “You know you’re killing us, right?” asked Serenity not quite kiddingly.

  “First of all, you love these projects and should be thanking me. Second, it’s not what you think. K’ssss, we’re beginning to finalize the charter for the Commonwealth. The problem is that no one person speaks for all Zynn-Zaz’zia. Our friends from the Ark, the Nauti, currently have no voice in what we’re doing. I know that they’re painfully shy and are still adjusting to their new lives, but someone needs to represent their interests. I was hoping your hubby would do that.”

  “He will be thrilled to take on that responsibility. I’ll talk to him later today and ask him to contact you.”

  “Terrific. So, there is . . . um, something else I need you guys to do.”

  Collective groans once again.

  Egg shook her head. “You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I’m four months pregnant and carrying twins. If I have enough energy for this stuff, you people have no reason to complain.”

  “That’s because you’re a freak of nature.”

  Egg laughed. “Please, please – promise me you’ll never change.”

  Sparky tried to keep a sour look on her face but failed. Smiling, she said, “Just because I’m in a good mood . . .” and everyone howled in derision. “Shut up. Just because I’m in a good mood, I’ll change freak of nature to force of nature.”

  Imitating her friend, Jax’x said “Barf” and they all howled again. Gilly smiled – not at the exchange which he couldn’t follow but at the obvious bon homme.

  “Skotti, you’re awfully quiet. Has my sister been treating you badly?”

  “Yeah, Skotti, has she?” asked his wife.

  Instead of answering Egg, the young man turned to Gilly. “Are the women on your world as scary as these four?”

  Gilly studied Skotti trying to discern if the question was serious or if this was a continuation of the silliness. Deciding it was the latter, he answered, “Much like the women of the Hameggattic Sisterhood, they rule us poor men with an iron fist. We live only to serve their every whim.”

  The response was dead silence since no one had ever heard him joke before.

  “I . . . I was making a jest,” he sputtered in embarrassment.

  Everyone broke into appreciative grins. “Well played, my friend,” complimented Egg. “Sorry for the delayed reaction. It just proves that you need to spend a lot more time with us so we get to know you better.”

  “I would like that,” he answered earnestly.

  “Enough of the Kumbaya,” declared Jax’x who only recently learned the earth term. “What else did you want us to do?”

  “I want to create an applied science foundation.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “The Institute for Applied Science. Unlike Aeri’elle’s university where people go to learn, this organization is where we take the theoretical and turn it into reality. The first two projects, as you might guess, will be black hole energy and anti-gravity. The third is understanding the rebels’ disruptor weapon and figuring out how to counteract it. I want you guys to organize the institute and then begin the recruitment of the best minds in the Commonwealth. What do you say?”

  “That’s kind of what me and my people do,” replied K’ssss.

  “Actually, it’s exactly what you do. But there are three things missing. First, it’s just serpents, second everyone works on whatever they want and third there is no overriding structure and commonality of purpose. I want to formalize the process.”

  “I like it,” replied her pleasingly plump sister.

  “K’ssss, in all honesty, I wanted you to run it. But I think that would be short sighted on my part. With your incredible mind, I would much rather have you in the lab than behind a desk.”

  “Thanks for that. And, I completely agree. I would not be a very good administrator.”

  “Me neither,” piped Serenity needlessly.

  Skotti looked away so as not to show his smile. Jax’x simply barked a laugh at the idea.

  “What’s so funny?”


  “That’s mean.”

  Egg interrupted the two. “Sparky, you’re right on both counts. A desk job would drive you crazy and would most likely drive your staff to suicide. And, Jax’x is mean. So, for her punishment, she’s going to take the job. What do you say, Librarian?”

  “Ah, Egg. Find someone else.”

  “Sorry. I’ve given it a lot of thought. You are perfect for the job.”

  “So, I would get to boss everyone about,” and she gave Serenity a cat-like smile.

  “Just try it,” growled the grump.

  “Enough, you two. Look, the three projects you’re working on are too important to disrupt by pulling Jax’x off of them. That’s why I want you five to work on the concept in your spare time. Don’t.” and she held up her hand. “I know you’re working incredibly hard. Just find the time where you can.”

  “Can I make a suggestion?” asked Jax’x.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Let’s get Aero and what’s-his-name to help with this.”

  Skotti laughed. “Wait till I tell ‘what’s-his-name’ what you said.” Obviously, they were both referring to Jax’x’s boyfriend Grex.

  “I’ll deny it. Your wife will back me up.”

  Naturally, Serenity had a different idea. “I’m open to being bribed . . . by either of you.”

  Once again Egg interrupted. “Jax’x, that’s a great idea. Both of those guys need to end up working in the Institute at some point. Might as well be now.”

  “Egg,” said K’ssss, “was there anything else? I’d like to get back to work.”

  “Um, just one thing. You never did answer my question . . . how’s the black hole project progressing?”

  Her guests didn’t even bother to respond; they just stood up and left. As they filed out, Egg did hear Sparky say to her husband, “She was kidding, right?”



  The door opened and there was Rose.

  “You sent for me, your Majesty?” Her eyes were twinkling and, if you looked closely, you could see her mouth curl up ever so gently in a smile.

  Playing along, Egg responded with “Keeping your Queen waiting is frowned upon. There was a time, as I recall, when you never left my side.” That was back in the day when Egg had just become Flying Girl and Dazzle’s life essence was the power inside her suit.

  “I believe that was a lifetime ago,” and she walked up to her daughter-in-law so they could exchange a hug. It lasted longer than usual because Egg refused to let go. After a few more moments, Rose whispered, “It’s the hormones from your pregnancy.”

  Egg pulled back. “Apparently, everything I do can be blamed on that.”

  “You would be surprised what you can get away with,” and they both laughed.

  “I hope you’re hungry. I have a special meal planned.”

  “Special in what way?”

  “It was my favorite food when we first met. Remember?”

  “Hot dogs?”

  “Yup. You saw me eat them a million times. Now you get to try them for yourself.”

  “I am beside myself in anticipation. Where did you get them?”

  “Grammy sent Ashley to Earth to get me some ginger for my morning sickness. My thoughtful sister decided to stock up on all my favorites.”

  “She is a good person. How strange that she is so different from you.”

  “Do you think the same about Benny and Meggy?”

  “Not at all. They have many similar traits.”

  “Before we take this discussion to its logical conclusion (meaning her twins), let’s get our food and make ourselves comfortable.”

  They walked over to a side table with the food laid out. Egg demonstrated the art of preparing one’s hot dog. “Place it
in the bun, like so. Now, we apply a line of mustard, though to be fair some misguided souls use ketchup, then we add some slices of pickles, smother it with onions then top it off with relish and sauerkraut. Voila.” She held up the concoction so Rose could get a better look.

  “My dearest Egg, I can assure you that only a pregnant woman could eat that. I will settle for the meat on a bun and forgo the rest.”

  “This from the woman who fought to the death against Mobius,” teased the young Queen.

  “If I recall, I lost that battle. It was only your quick thinking that saved my life.”

  Egg was going to respond with something amusing, but those darn hormones kicked in again and she started to tear up. “That was the first moment I saw you as a living person and not just the hologram you projected from my suit. You were so beautiful; and so heroic.”

  “And you were so, so young. Do you remember what you told me when I asked for your help?”

  Egg smiled. “I said ‘Dazzle, are you sure you have the right person? I’m only nine.”

  “And I responded that what was important was not your age but what was in your heart.” And that was more than adequate to get them both to sobbing at that long-ago moment.

  “Look at us,” complained Egg when she could talk. “Two old women reminiscing about our misspent youth”.

  “But only one of us is old.”

  “Please. You haven’t aged a day. And since I’m Queen, it must be the truth.”

  Rose smiled. “I will accept that falsehood as true . . . but only up to the day you give birth to my granddaughters.”

  “How weird does that sound . . . Dazzle the grandmother?”

  “It actually sounds like music to my ears.”

  “Yeah, it does. What about Meggy? Do you think she’ll find someone and raise a family?”

  Rose didn’t answer immediately, obviously struggling with some thought. “May I have your word that what I am about to tell you will be our secret . . . not to be shared with anyone, including my son.”

  “Of course.”

  “M-egg’Alynnia cannot bear children. She has only confided in me. Not even her father knows.”

  “Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry.”

  “She has come to terms with it.”

  Another surge of hormones and Egg, through her tears, proclaimed, “She can have one of mine,” and the tears turned to sobs.

  Rose got up and put her arms around her daughter-in-law. “That is very generous of you. But you cannot give her one of your children.”

  “Wh . . . wh . . .why?”

  Not to hurt the girl’s feelings, she answered, “If you did, then she would know that I broke her trust and told you about her condition.” This conversation wasn’t based on logic, but Egg was in no condition to hear such arguments. Her offer might have been heartfelt but it was a tad insane.

  “Oh. Oh, of course. That makes sense.” Egg found a tissue and blew her nose noisily.

  “My daughter is strong and adaptable. Not all women choose to raise a family. In her case, life made the decision for her. Given her situation, I can safely surmise that she will make an . . .” Rose was trying to remember a phrase. “Ah, she will make an All-American aunt. Your daughters will be lavished with love and frivolous gifts.”

  That was enough to lighten Egg’s mood. “Yeah. She’s going to be great. Dazzle, what are the rules on Life Guardians?” They were the Aeriannian equivalent of godparents.

  “As many as you choose. You can ask all your sisters if you wish.”

  “Only women?”

  “The custom is to select a guardian who is the same sex as the child. I have no idea why.”

  “Great. Let’s change that.”

  Rose smiled. “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

  “Can I tell you a secret?”


  “Sometimes it’s so much fun to be Queen,” and they both laughed.

  The moment stretched comfortably for a few more seconds. Rose finally asked, “Have you given any thought to when you will allow Syl’kie to become Flying Girl?”

  “I go to bed every night dreaming about that. I think when she turns twenty-one.”

  Rose’s eyebrows arched up. “Truly?”

  Egg buried her face in her hands and muttered, “She’s my baby; she’ll always be my baby. How can I let her put herself in danger?”

  “And the daughter becomes her mother,” said Rose a little too gleefully.

  “That’s mean, hurtful and way too true,” and they both laughed. “I guess I’m going to take the hint that the Myst Tree gave me. He said the girls need to find their own path . . . apparently starting when they’re eleven. If that path proves risky, I’d want Syl’kie to be protected by the flying suit. She can then protect her sister.”

  “Do you think Syl’kie will allow her sister to wear the suit?”


  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking that’s a great idea. They should each try out the flying suit. If the Tree got this right, then Ellie Rose won’t like it and will be more than happy letting her young sister play that part.”

  “Very wise. Then there will be no jealousy.”

  Egg involuntarily looked at her arms. “Oh, good. No goosebumps.”

  “I wonder if that gift will be passed to either of your daughters?”

  “I hope so. I can’t even imagine where I’d be without it.” After a moment, Egg changed the subject and asked, “Dazzle, do you and Storm talk much?” The dearly departed dragon could visit with individuals in their dreams.

  “Oh yes, at least once a week.”

  “Really? That’s great.”

  “I do wish he was still amongst us. We were inseparable.”

  “Did your husband ever get jealous of the time you spent with Storm?”

  “Just the opposite. My best friend was hurt that I spent so much time with Z’kkk.”

  “Really? What did he say?”

  “He never said a word.”


  “Did I ever tell you about the time I asked him to fly me to Sighing Whorl to meet the Tree?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, as we did virtually every day, I was on his back and we were flying wherever we felt. At some point I asked him to take us to Sighing Whorl. He said I was crazy. So, I decided to prove him right.”

  “You mean prove him wrong.”

  Rose laughed. “You decide. I insulted his manhood in some fashion then I simply jumped off his back.”

  “I don’t understand. You said you were flying.”

  “We were. We were flying higher than the mountain range below so it must have been fifteen thousand feet or so.”

  “And you jumped off? Why?”

  “To scare him into taking me where I wanted to go.”

  “You didn’t have those wings you made to jump off Q’umulus, did you?”

  “No, no. I jumped and began to fall the fifteen thousand feet to the ground.”

  “Wow, you were one crazy lady.”

  Rose laughed again. “That’s what he said when he swooped down and caught me.”

  Egg smiled. “Was he mad?”

  “He flew to the ground with me dangling from his talons. Instead of a gentle landing, he dropped me from about ten feet. I landed hard,” and she smiled at the memory.

  “So, what happened?”

  “He took me to Sighing Whorl, of course.”

  “Now I see where I get my looney streak.”

  “Looney, not at all. Deviously clever, with a dash of luck, – absolutely.”


  Egg greeted her sister and friend with warm hugs. “Come in and make yourselves comfy.”

  “How are you feeling?” asked Bree. She and Kon’dor had already discussed raising a family when she retired from active service in the Sisterhood and married.

  “You won’t believe the amount of energy I have. I’ve been buzzing around non-stop fo
r weeks.”

  “If I may say, there is a certain glow about you,” said the gallant Sky’lord.

  “I never understood what that meant, and I still don’t. But, it’s supposed to be a compliment so thank you, kind sir,” and they all laughed. “Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

  “We’re good,” replied Bree. “Is this a social call or does the Queen require our services?” she teased.

  “You two have made me very sad.” That was unexpected.

  The smiles on her guests instantly disappeared and were replaced by frowns of confusion. “Egg,” asked Kon’dor with unmasked concern, “what did we do? Whatever it was, I apologize. It will never happen again.”

  Egg’s response was to break into gales of laughter leaving the other two completely befuddled.

  Bree whispered to her man, “It could be her pregnancy.”

  “No, you goofy butterfly, it’s not my pregnancy. It just struck me as hilarious the way Kon’dor apologized for something he might have done, not knowing what it was but still promising never to do again. It’s exactly what Benny does. ‘My love, whatever I did I do apologize. It was inadvertent and I shall endeavor never to do such a thing again,’” she said mimicking her husband. “You guys are all alike.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?” he asked hopefully.

  “Yeah it is. Any who, what makes me sad is that you’re postponing your marriage on account of the Sisterhood. I understand your concerns, Kon’dor but the situation is about to change. I will make the formal announcement when Meggy and Spirit get back from Earth. But the long and the short of it is . . .” and she proceeded to give them the abridged version of the new Sisterhood. “So, you don’t have any more excuses, birdman.” Both women turned to stare at the poor fellow.

  “Well, that is indeed good news.”

  “And?” pressed Egg.

  “Um . . . I’m sorry, what?”

  “Is there something you might like to ask my beautiful sister?”

  “Sorry, Egg. In my culture, the woman proposes to the man. But when she does, Sky’lord custom dictates that she presents a matrimonial feather brooch at the time of the proposal. Would you have us break centuries of tradition?”

  Both girls looked heartbroken. The magical moment would have to wait. “No, Kon’dee, I wouldn’t want you to do that. Can I ask, what is this feather brooch?” Bree was unaware of the custom.


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