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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 39

by Robert Iannone

“If I may answer in my best Earth vernacular – I intend to kick your lovely butt each and every game until you proclaim to one and all my unquestioned superiority.” The others at the table either smiled in understanding or gawked at the sentiment.

  Egg giggled. “Maybe I’ll have to take the game more seriously.”

  Benny’s smile disappeared. “Ah Gracie,” he whined.

  Chapter 7 – Little Sisters

  Egg’s Sixth Month

  “Don’t be silly. It is hardly noticeable” lied the Prince with a straight face.

  “You’re not just saying that?”

  “Gracie, I would never lie to you,” lied the young man with as much conviction as he could muster.

  “I guess,” and she sighed loudly.

  “Did they keep you up all night?” He would have bet money on it if he were a betting man.

  Egg giggled. “They want out in the worse way. They kicked and kicked – first one then the other. I’m telling you, they’re already working as a team.”

  “Well it will be over soon enough. Do tell them that.”

  “They won’t listen to me. You try.”

  “As you wish,” and he laid his head gently on his wife’s bulging stomach. “Listen up, in there. This is your father. I must insist that you allow your mother to have a good night’s rest. So, do be good children and stop kicking her. That is all. Oh wait . . . I love you both very much.” He took his head away. “Well, that should do it.”



  “They kicked at the same time. They’ve never done that before.”

  Benny grinned. “That’s their way of saying they are sorry and they will listen to their father on this matter.”

  Egg smiled ruefully. “Maybe. But if you’re right, it may be the very last time that they obey you. I have a feeling we’re going to be at their mercy from the moment they enter the realm of the free.”

  “Oh, I do hope the Tree was correct – that we’ll have till they are eleven before they drive us completely mad.” He kissed Egg. “So what is on your agenda? Nothing too strenuous, I hope?”

  “Easy week. Today I’m meeting with the President of the Federation, his son and two grandchildren. Then I’m spending a day or two choosing the next batch of Hameggattic Sisters.”

  “Have you read any of their five hundred word essays?”

  “No. I’za and her hubby did the initial screening. I get to see them tomorrow.”

  “And have you decided what you will do to train them?”

  “I have a few ideas. I’ll let you know when I do.”

  “Fair enough. If I may suggest, why don’t you put on that black blouse and your blue earth pants? You know how comfortable it makes you feel. And, black does tend to hide the size . . .” He stopped in mid-sentence realizing his mistake. “That is, it’s very flattering.”

  “What a liar. You were going to say the size of my big belly, weren’t you?”

  “Gracie, you wound me to the heart.”

  “Go away you horrible man . . . but not before you give me a kiss.”

  “A punishment I readily accept.”

  “Like you had a choice.”


  President Vayder and family had been escorted by her new Foreign Minister (the former Captain Ax’gard) into the Queen’s private throne room. Egg had a mild headache, a somewhat common occurrence at this time in a pregnancy, and couldn’t handle the usual throng of citizens clamoring to talk to her.

  She entered the room and greeted her guests. “President Vayder, it’s very nice to see you again,” and she walked up to the man. To his surprise, she offered her hand and he shook it. “Please excuse my attire. I find comfort in this outfit considering my condition. It makes me less grumpy which works well in your favor.”

  “There is an Earth saying – clothes do not make the man. I believe it applies to women as well.” The guy came prepared.

  “Very impressive. I’m glad I nominated you for president.”

  “You did me a great honor, Lady.” Turning a bit more formal, he said “Majesty, may I re-introduce my son, Arisaig.”

  The Captain bowed his head. “Majesty”. His face barely hid a smile. Being in this woman’s presence was undeniably uplifting and downright awe-inspiring.

  “That is an absolutely unacceptable greeting, Captain.”

  The man looked shocked. “Ma’am?”

  “Without your trust and cooperation, my rebellion would have ended much differently. The Outer Reaches would still be considered outcasts and their lot would have remained as wretched as before. No, a bow of the head is entirely insufficient. I demand a hug,” and she smiled and held out her arms.

  “As you command,” and the Captain obeyed – though gently, mindful of her condition. When they separated, he turned to introduce his two daughters. To his amusement, their mouths were hanging open and their eyes were wide. “Your Majesty, these two gawking, gangling girls are the pride of my existence. This one is Jay’de and her younger sister is Kaylyn. Ladies, this is Queen Eloise, Flying Girl and the leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  So awed by being this close to their idol, the girls found it impossible to speak – or move. Come on, you know the feeling. If you ever met your favorite movie star, you’d react the same way.

  To break the spell, Egg playfully recited her magic words. “Ring, tend to my suit,” and she transformed into Flying Girl – though to be honest, in her condition she did look a bit like Santa Claus.

  The girls reacted exactly as you would expect – they squealed in delight.

  “Is that how I taught you to greet a Queen,” chastised their father. The reprimand was completely negated by his goofy smile.

  “Oh, we’re so, so sorry,” said Jay’de. She turned to her sister and nodded. They both looked back at Egg and curtsied. In unison, then recited, “It is a great honor to meet you, Queen Eloise.”

  “The honor is mine. Do you think I might impose on both of you? I could really use another hug.”

  They squealed again and ran up to Egg and each took a side and hugged her.

  “Is it true your having twins?” asked the younger girl.

  “Kaylyn, that is not an appropriate question to ask a Queen,” corrected her father.

  “Perhaps. But while on Aerianna, your daughters are to treat me as their friend. As such, they can ask me anything.” To Kaylyn she said, “Yes. Identical twins. How cool is that?”

  “The babies are cool? Is that a good thing?”

  Egg laughed. “Sorry, it’s an Earth saying. I just meant that it’s exciting to be carrying twins.”


  “Mind if I change back to my everyday clothes?”

  Yet another squeal which Egg assumed was a yes. She recited her words and when the smoke had cleared, she was back in her blue jeans.

  “How does the ring do that?” asked Jay’de.

  “It was a science that was created a thousand years ago. Sadly, the knowledge has since been lost.”

  “Is that because of Mobius?”

  Egg smiled. “Yup.”


  “So, I’m going to need a little time to talk to your grandfather and my minister. I arranged for one of my Hameggattic Sisters to give you a tour of Q’umulus and to introduce you to as many other sisters as we can find. I warn you, however, that you’ll have to ride on a dragon to reach some of them. How does that sound?”

  You gotta love it when young girls squeal with pure happiness.

  “Glad you approve. Kreed, can you get Meggy please. She is expecting you.”

  “Of course,” and he left the room.

  “Meggy? Is that Queen M-egg’Alynnia?” asked Jay’de.

  “Yes. In fact, she just got back from a visit to my home world. You can ask her about that . . . or about anything you like.”

  “Your Majesty, if I am not needed, I should like to keep my daughters company.”

  He was being polite sin
ce Egg’s meeting didn’t concern him. “Absolutely”. To her shock, her arms suddenly exploded with goosebumps. She stared at the ruggedly handsome Arisaig – then broke into a grin.

  “Is there something wrong?” asked the young man.

  “No. Not a thing.” The goosebumps were the good kind.

  At that moment, Meggy and Kreed entered the room. It was he who did the introductions. “Lady M-egg’Alynnia (it was the only title that Meggy would accept) may I present President Vayder, his son – and my friend - Captain Arisaig Vayder and his children Jay’de and Kaylyn.”

  Meggy shook hands with the President. “Congratulations on your election, sir.”

  “I owe everything to your sister, Lady.”

  Meggy smiled. “As we all do.” She turned to Arisaig and extended her hand. Then she took notice of his face for the first time . . . and she blushed (a reaction not lost on Egg). She discretely licked her lips which had gone dry. “Captain, thank you for believing in my sister. Your decision to place your trust in her changed the course of history. You are an unsung hero . . . and I salute you.”

  “You are much too kind, Lady. May I present my daughters Jay’de and Kaylyn?”

  Meggy forced herself to take her eyes off the Captains’ face and look at the two girls. “Ladies, it is a pleasure to meet you both. I’m told you are something of an expert in the history of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  The girls, smiling, gave the former Queen their best curtsy. Leave it to the younger one to speak her mind. “Can I see the scar?”

  Meggy and Egg burst out laughing while the Captain went white in the face. “Good grief, Kaylyn, that is an inappropriate question to ask – of anyone.”

  “But it’s in the history books,” was the totally honest and innocent reply.

  The Captain was absolutely flabbergasted and just stared at the girl as if she were someone else’s daughter. Meggy came to his rescue. “Captain, I take the question as an incredible compliment.”

  “You do?”

  “Of course. Your daughter is wise enough to understand that this scar (and she traced the small line on her cheek with a finger) is my badge of honor and something which I am most proud.” To the girl she said, “Thank you for asking and yes, of course, you can see it. I warn you, don’t be disappointed, for it is a small thing.”

  This time Jay’de answered. “You risked your life to save strangers. You and Aeri’elle. That is the bravest thing I ever heard of.”

  Meggy was aghast to feel herself tear up. “Do you ladies know what a Hameggattic Hug is?”

  They both smiled and nodded.

  “I believe I need one – if you would be so kind.”

  They were and they did.


  After Meggy led the Captain and the kids on their tour, Egg turned to President Vayder and invited him, and Kreed, to her private office.

  “Can I offer you something, Mr. President?”

  “I wish you would call me Tray’don if it pleases you.”

  “It does, but then you must call me Egg.”

  “And that would please me. I must tell you, Q’umulus is even grander than I imagined. I am taken to understand that you have given the anti-grav technology to the Sky’lords.”

  “More of an exchange – their friendship for our technology.”

  “And does that offer extend to worlds in the Federation?”

  “Perhaps. Let’s see how things unfold first.”

  “Of course. I presume that leads us to the reason you invited me to Aerianna?”

  “I thought it would be less of a political issue for you if the pretext was to accompany your family on a planned vacation.”

  “How thoughtful”.

  “As to the purpose of my invitation, I want our Commonwealth and your Federation to get off to a good start. I believe that our budding personal relationship with you and your family will help foster mutual respect and cooperation.”

  “I am very glad to hear you say that. Quite frankly, the Federation members are in awe of you and are more than a little afraid. With fear comes the opportunity for misunderstanding.”

  “I agree. So let me be blunt. My goal is to see the Federation disbanded.”

  Both Kreed and the President dropped their jaws in shock. “I don’t understand?” stammered Vayder.

  “Take a deep breath, Tray’don. I’m not threatening you.”

  “It certainly sounds as if you were.”

  “Kreed, tell our friend what the difference is between the Commonwealth and the Federation.”

  The man explained Egg’s concept of a family of worlds and all that it implied.

  “I see.” The President went silent while he considered what he had just heard. “Ah, knowing you and your reputation, I believe your vision becomes more clear.”

  Egg smiled. “And what is that vision?”

  “You and your Minister (he gave Kreed a nod) intend to set an example as to how a brotherhood – or should I say a sisterhood – will better serve the members of your commonwealth. You will appeal to the better nature of man – or woman. Treat others as you would wish them to treat you. As members of the Federation see your results, they will voluntarily ask to join with you. In the end, we will have a much more evolved organization – literally a family of one hundred or so worlds.”

  “Now you understand why we are virtually giving away the unlimited black hole energy. We want to avoid any jealously that could lead to armed conflict. In addition, the consulates that each member of the Federation will set up on the worlds of the Commonwealth will hopefully lead to mutual understanding and respect.”

  Vayder stared at Egg. “Like the others, I stand in awe, Lady. You forgo great wealth and power for such a noble purpose. It is simply unheard of in the annals of this galaxy. Moreover, your strategies to achieve your goals are both elegantly simple and deviously complex.”

  Ignoring the compliment, Egg asked, “Will you work with us?”

  “I cannot openly defend the Commonwealth. But I believe I have the skill set to do so subtly. Within those constraints, I will gladly do what I can to expedite the results you seek.”

  “That’s great. Now, I would like you two to draft a treaty between our organizations. Trade agreements, conflict resolution . . . that sort of thing. You don’t have to hammer out all the details; just create the framework for future efforts.”

  “I look forward to working with your Minister. My son counts him as a friend.”

  “As I do him,” responded Kreed.

  “Terrific. Just one last thing. Your granddaughters submitted essays in our contest to see who might represent the next generation of Hameggattic Sisters. If they are chosen, will you allow them to participate?”

  “Politically, I could convince my constituents that it is in our interest to do so. However, as their grandfather, I have grave reservations.”

  “And why is that?”

  “I love my granddaughters dearly. Ever since their mother died, I have taken a much more active role in their upbringing. My son, as a Captain in the Navy, does spend time away from home. As a result of the changes in their lives, they have become inseparable.”

  “They won’t be relocating to Aerianna if that is your concern.”

  “I presumed as much. However, I have spent much time studying the Sisterhood since our first meeting. In my opinion, my youngest granddaughter fits the mold of your current sisters. I don’t believe Jay’de does. She is much more timid than Kaylyn. Your sisterhood fulfills that gap in her personality that she intuitively knows she can never change. If you chose one and not the other, it would be devastating. I would not wish to put you in a situation where you must take someone that would not normally qualify.”

  “I understand. But, I get the feeling that your two girls are much like the two that I will give birth to in a few months.”

  “Truly? How so?”

  “The whole will be greater than the sum of the parts.”

  “Are you
suggesting that you will evaluate them as a ‘pair’ and not as two individuals?”


  Tray’don put his hand to his face as he considered the offer. “That is brilliant.”

  Kreed couldn’t help himself and he barked a laugh. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “No. No, I don’t believe I will.”

  Chapter 8 – Little Sisters

  It was the meeting of the selection committee to review the applicants for the Sisterhood. Egg asked I’za to round up all the Sisters that were not working on critical projects. Soo, Bl’azzz, Sassi, Bree, Tee’ka and Aeri’elle were also in attendance. Spirit was with her special guest – General Korn. K’ssss, Jax’x and Serenity were eyeballs deep in their tech projects, and Sylvia had already taken too much time off from school.

  Then there was Meggy. She was still sightseeing with Captain Vayder and his girls . . . and Egg had no intention of interrupting what would probably turn out to be a life changing experience for her sister.

  “Hi guys. So, you all know why we’re here. I’za, with help from V’az, has solicited and received essays from girls on Aerianna, Splendora, Zynn-Zaz’zia, Kallous and the three planets of the Outer Reaches. We also have two essays from Solaxis – namely from the daughters of Captain Vayder. My dear sister and her hubby have done an initial screening and now we’re here to finalize the selection.”

  “I’za, can you tell us what criteria you used to eliminate applicants – or conversely, to advance them to this final selection stage?” asked Aeri’elle. Having gone through thousands of applications for her University, she had a special interest in how this process was conducted.

  “Great question. At first, V’az and I had no clear idea how we would proceed so we just read. It soon became apparent that the essays fell into one of two categories. The first, and by far the most numerous, sounded much like this, and she rifled through some papers in front of her until she found the one she wanted. “Hi. My name is Tris’tala and I’m nine years old which was the same age as Egg when she went on the Quest. I really want to be a Hameggattic Sister because they go on lots of adventures and save lots of people. I really want to do that too.” She put the paper down and smiled. “There’s more but you get the idea. It’s very sweet and I’m sure it’s heartfelt – but she couldn’t articulate the reasons why she felt as she does. More than ninety-five percent of the essays were some variation of this.”


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