What He Wants: Trusting You prequel novella

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What He Wants: Trusting You prequel novella Page 5

by Dover, L. P.

  Holding his face in my hands, I kissed his lips and plunged my tongue inside so I could taste him. I moaned into his mouth and slid my body against him, holding him close. My clit throbbed uncontrollably, and I knew that I wouldn’t last long once I got started, even if it did hurt.

  “Do we need to use a—”

  “No,” I growled, biting the lobe of his ear. “I’m on the pill.”

  Moaning, he lifted me up in his arms and tilted me back so that he could suck my nipples. “Then what are you waiting for?” he teased, releasing me.

  Biting my lip, I lowered onto his body and slid all the way down. The soothing water helped the tenderness, but I could still feel him stretching me. It felt so amazingly good I didn’t want it to end. Up and down I moved my body over him, feeling him tense beneath me. The faster I went, the harder he gritted his teeth.

  “I’m going to come, baby. You’re so fucking tight.”

  Knowing this was the last time I’d be with him, I held on tight and closed my eyes as my body was sent over the edge at the same time he released inside of me. I concentrated on his breathing, the way he rubbed my back as his cock pulsated inside me, filling me with his release. He was so tender yet rough, a gentleman yet dirty at times; the perfect man.

  Slowly, I slid off of him and kissed his smiling lips before lounging back into the steamy water. After washing off with the soap, Brett took my hand and helped me out of the tub, wrapping a towel around my body that he had hanging on the towel rack. He gently dried off my skin and stared down at me, his gaze serious.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked softly.

  Pulling me into his bedroom, he threw back the covers on his bed and I slid in with him following behind. He faced me and held me in his arms, tracing his fingers across my lips. “Stay with me,” he murmured, “and I’m not talking about just tonight.”

  My chest tightened in regret; this was what I wanted to avoid. I didn’t want to get attached to him or to anyone for that matter. It was too scary and it would only break my heart.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I want to see you again, Melissa. Not just so we can fuck, but so we can get to know each other. I know you feel the connection just as much as I do.”

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “I don’t know if I can. I’ve been hurt one too many times.” When his lips touched mine, I opened my eyes and sighed, leaning into his kiss.

  “So have I,” he replied, “but that’s in the past. This is now. You can’t be afraid for the rest of your life.”

  We stared at each other for the longest time in silence, my heart aching. “No, you can’t,” I whispered. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He nodded, even though I knew he didn’t believe me. Kissing me gently, he laid his head down and sighed, keeping his gaze on me. “Goodnight, Melissa.”

  “Goodnight, Brett.”

  Laying my head down, I reluctantly closed my eyes and let him hold me. I knew that if I looked into his beautiful gray gaze again that I would falter; I would stay. I couldn’t let that happen. Over time his hands began to slow their circles on my back and his breathing became slower … deeper. Opening my eyes, I peered over at the clock and was shocked to see that three hours had passed. Brett’s arm was still around my waist, and deep down I didn’t want to leave him; I wanted to see where this road could lead me.

  Should I stay? Or should I go? What the hell was I going to do?

  (A Second Chances Standalone)

  (The continuation of Melissa and Brett’s story)


  A NIGHT AT The bar, several tequila sunrises, and a gorgeous guy staring at me from across the room … how could I resist? Talking became flirting, flirting became touching, and then the touching led me to where I was now.

  There were only a couple more hours until the first rays of sunshine would alert the coming of dawn. I was angry with myself for letting things go too far with the man sleeping soundly off to my side. How could I be so stupid yet love everything I did?

  Sleeping with random men was not something I would ever do, and definitely not something I should be doing now. I was twenty-eight years old and already divorced from my college love, who made the mistake of sleeping with our whore of a neighbor. She’d spread her legs for anyone. Daniel just couldn’t resist, and of course I couldn’t resist divorcing him when he begged me to give him another chance.

  Marrying him was a mistake, and I couldn’t believe I was stupid enough to think he would stay faithful. After all, I had known of his reputation as a wealthy playboy. He pursued me with a vengeance and I fell hard. Shame on me once, never twice.

  After our divorce was final, my friends decided it was time I celebrated … and boy did I celebrate. We went out to bars every weekend and I dated many different men, which soon became tiring; they were either too wrapped up in themselves or complete douche bags. I had yet to find a man that was completely interested in who I was, and took the time to put my needs first. At least, until my gaze met the handsome stranger’s from across the room of the bar whose bed I now occupied.

  My lover for the evening had drifted off to sleep not long after we spent the night rolling around the sheets. Even though he was a one night stand, he sure knew every way possible to make my body scream for his touch; it was intoxicating. It shocked me, but I indulged in the reckless fun for that short amount of time. I felt more wanted and desired in those hours of sex than I had the entire time I was married.

  My ex was a good lover, but nothing compared to the passion and heat of the man off to my right. He was sleeping on his stomach, the naked flesh of his back exposed to the moonlight drifting in through the window. His muscled arm was curled under his pillow and his breathing was light and relaxed … so peaceful, and perfect. Even in his sleep he was one of the most handsome men I’d ever laid eyes on.

  No, I scolded silently to myself. He may appear perfect, but I knew better than to fall into the trap of good looks and a charming smile. I will not be fooled again.

  Slowly slipping out of bed, I gathered up my clothes that were strewn on the floor and quietly put them on, trying my best not to make any sound. I ran my fingers through my auburn waves, but gave up when all I felt were knots. It was going to be a bitch to brush out when I got home.

  Before I snuck out of the bedroom, I took one last look at the man who had been the most aggressive and passionate lover I’d ever had. His dark, tousled hair was mussed up from my relentless tugging, and his closed eyes hid the sparkling gray color that glowed the entire time he ravished my body.

  I must say … I didn’t regret what had happened with this man, and if I had the chance I’d probably do it again. He lived in a swanky condo in downtown Charlotte which I knew had to cost a fortune. Then again, my experience with wealthy men was tainted by my ex-husband … although, this man was nothing like my ex. It was clear he had money, but he never gloated about it when we talked at the bar. It was refreshing to talk to a man who was confident enough not to brag about himself the whole night.

  However, no one was perfect and I knew he had to be far from it.

  Shutting the bedroom door with a quiet click, I grabbed my purse off of the kitchen table and started to tiptoe to the front door, but stopped. Pulling out a piece of paper in my purse, I scribbled my number on it and laid it on the kitchen table. What am I doing?

  I stared at the paper lying there and immediately thought of one word … desperate. And desperate was something I was not. Snatching the paper off of the table, I crumpled it in my hand. The guy was probably a player just like all the other men I’d come across. What made him so special that I’d give in and lower my guard?

  Nothing, my mind screamed at me.

  Jamming the crinkled paper into my purse, I tiptoed quietly to the front door and slipped out silently. There was one thing for certain, and my heart hated me for it. I wasn’t going to forget what happened tonight or the lover that made me orgasm more times in just a few
hours than I had in the past year. The ache between my legs was going to remind me for the next couple of days what went on during this raging night of passion. As I sauntered into the elevator, my body screamed for me to go back. It wanted me to indulge in another round of a sex induced high with the man that had me panting for him like no other.

  Except, I couldn’t go back … my heart wouldn’t let me.

  IT WAS A Friday afternoon on a hot summer day—one of the last summer days left—and I enjoyed it on my back deck soaking up the sun. It was closing in on fall time, but the way our weather had been here in North Carolina I chose to keep my pool open just a little while longer. It was September and we still had ninety degree days. I prayed every day for a cold winter, but I never got my wish. Hell, I’d love to see snow, but we hadn’t gotten that in a couple of years either.

  However, lying out by my pool was good for relaxation. Especially after spending the whole day with high schoolers who mainly spent their time secretly texting when they should’ve been paying attention to their books.

  I did decide to give them a break since it was Friday and also the night of the rivalry football game. They were all too excited about that to concentrate on anything else. Even though I never had to work because of all of the money my ex-husband made, I knew I wasn’t ever going to sit on my ass and do nothing. Being a high school biology teacher wasn’t exactly a money making job, but it was something I was excited about doing. The settlement money I got out of Daniel would keep me afloat for a lifetime without having to work, but I enjoyed being at the school; it made me feel like I was doing something right.

  Sweat dripped down my brow as I slipped off my sandals and placed my sunglasses down on the glass table beside my lounge chair. I was about to dive into the pool when my phone started buzzing beside my half drunk glass of sweet tea.

  I smiled when I saw who it was.

  Korinne Matthews was one of my closest friends growing up, and when we both separated to go to different colleges we sort of grew apart. It wasn’t until one fateful day when she showed up at my doorstep that our friendship rekindled like no time had passed whatsoever. She was an interior designer who I had made an appointment with to decorate my house, not knowing she was the same Korinne of our childhood. Now we talked almost every day.

  “Why hello there, Korinne,” I answered happily.

  “How are you?” she asked, but then spoke again, “Oh wait … Let me guess, you’re sitting by your pool like you do every day when I call you.”

  I laughed and slipped my sunglasses back on so I wouldn’t have to squint. “You know it. Oh yeah, and also avoiding my ex-husband’s calls. I think he’s apologized over a million times now. He keeps sending me text messages saying he still wants me and loves me.”

  Korinne scoffed, “When is he going to take the hint? It’s been a year now. Please tell me he’s not wearing you down.”

  “Definitely not,” I shrieked. “I’ll admit I loved him, and he was good to me for a while, until his ego got the better of him. I can’t forgive him for cheating on me. It’s not going to happen.”

  “I understand, Mel. So what else is new?”

  Gazing out at the pool with its cool water beckoning me, I sighed. “Well, I’m trying to enjoy the last few days of summer now that I have them. Its nice getting home early in the afternoons and spending them out here. I’m looking forward to the fall and winter, though.”

  “Oh, me too. Watching the leaves change colors at our home in the mountains is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. Other than my little girl that is.”

  I smiled. The thought of little Anna-Grace’s smiling face as I bounced her in my arms would always stay with me. One day I’d have a child of my own. I was thankful I never got pregnant with Daniel, especially now that we were divorced.

  “How is she doing? I bet she misses her Aunt Melissa,” I said.

  I could hear the baby giggling in the background and Korinne laughed. “Oh, she’s doing well. She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. I swear all she has to do is look at Galen and his heart stops.”

  Galen, her husband, scoffed in the background and chided into the phone, “Don’t let her fool you, Melissa. Korinne’s wrapped around Anna-Grace’s finger, too.”

  Korinne chuckled. “Okay, fine, I’m wrapped around her finger, too. I guess it’s hard not to when you spend years thinking you can’t have kids and then you finally get pregnant. Anyway, the reason why I called is because I wanted to know what you were doing tomorrow night.”

  Going to bars, I guess, I thought to myself.

  “I’m not sure,” I said slowly, curious as to why she’d ask. “Why? What do you have in mind?”

  “Well,” she began, “there’s a party tomorrow night and I want you to come. Galen’s company is celebrating the expansion of his firm, and I thought it would be something you’d like to take part in. It’ll be fun with lots of people.” After pausing for a brief second, she delightfully added, “…good people.”

  I knew that tone and I knew it very well. Korinne had a reason for me going to this party and it wasn’t so she could see me. Exasperated, I groaned and muttered, “Kori, seriously. Have you not learned your lesson yet? You need to stop trying to play matchmaker … I’m not interested. After me telling you no the past few times I thought you would’ve gotten the hint.”

  She begged, “Please, Mel, it’ll be fun. I’ve wanted you to meet this guy at our firm for the past couple of months. He’s really hot and Galen just hired him as his lead architect for the West Coast accounts. Come on, what else do you have to do tomorrow? If all else fails you can hang out with me the whole time.”

  I sat in silence for a moment, contemplating. Korinne was a good judge of character, so if she said the guy was a good man I had to believe her, but I couldn’t help feeling like I was a charity case. I can get men on my own. I just tend to get the wrong ones. It wasn’t like Korinne was setting us up on a blind date or anything, and if I didn’t want to talk to him I didn’t have to.

  “Please,” she pleaded. I rolled my eyes and hung my head. There was no way I’d get out of it. She would beg me until I gave in.

  “Are you going to give me an answer sometime this year?” Korinne asked, snickering.

  Sighing, I huffed out a breath and gave in. “Okay, fine. I’ll go, but it’s not a blind date. I’m going for you and you only since you asked me to. I’ll meet your friend and that’s it. I don’t want any expectations you hear me?”

  Korinne burst out laughing. “You are still the little firecracker that you were in high school. Don’t worry though. He has no clue he’s meeting you tomorrow either. So whatever you’re thinking, I didn’t plan on it being a blind date. I just think you need to meet him. He’s extremely good looking. Very nice, too.”

  Well, at least he didn’t know about me, which was good. Blind dates were awkward enough without that pressure. “Good. Well let’s keep it that way and not tell him about me,” I told her. “I don’t want you going into detail about my past. You tend to talk too much.”

  “Hey,” she scolded. “You have nothing to worry about, Mel. I don’t think he’d want to hear about your loser ex-husband anyway.” Korinne’s daughter began to fuss in the background. “All right, my lovely friend, the little one needs to be fed and put down for a nap. I’ll see you tomorrow night, seven o’clock, at the firm downtown. The party will be on the very top floor, but there’ll also be people there to guide you. Dress nice and you better have a smile on your face when I see you.”

  Grinning, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Okay, you have my word. See you then.”

  We both said our good-byes and hung up. The last thing I wanted to do was let my friend down when she’d done so much for me. Who knows, I might actually have fun.

  THE DRESS I picked out for the evening was a one shoulder, olive green sheath gown that was classic but not overly formal. I had bought it long ago when Daniel and I would attend dinners and parties
every weekend. It was one of the dresses I never got around to wearing. Since it was still hot and humid outside, I decided to wear my hair up, placing it into a messy ball of curls at the nape of my neck and adding in a white flower to help decorate the style. Once I completed the finishing touches of makeup to my green eyes, I was ready to go.

  I was running a little late, but I didn’t want to get there too early anyway. Hopping into my red Lexus LFA, I slowly made it out of my gated neighborhood and then onto I-85 once I got through all the residential areas. Traffic wasn’t too bad downtown, so it only took about twenty minutes to get from my house to the front of the M&M Architectural building that Korinne’s husband owned. When I pulled up, the whole group of valet attendants gaped with their mouths hanging wide open.

  Getting out of the car, I smiled and passed the keys to one of the wide-eyed valet attendants who then handed me a ticket, keeping his eyes completely glued to my sports car. It was a rare and expensive mode of transport, and was one of the things Daniel got me that I didn’t want to get rid of. I was never a materialistic girl, but I had never had a brand new car until that one. I loved it.

  “Do you mind if I take a picture of it?” the valet guy asked sheepishly. “I’ve only ever seen one other of these around here before. My fraternity brothers are gonna freak out.”

  Grinning, I nodded and motioned toward my car. “Go for it. I don’t mind at all. Just take care of her for me, okay?”

  “You have my word,” he promised, staring at it in awe.

  Shaking my head, I left him to do his thing while I started through the revolving glass doors. The elevators were up ahead and I saw several people waiting to board them, so I joined them in the wait. When the doors opened, I sidled into the same one with another couple who both acknowledged me with a grin.

  “Are you going to the top floor, too?” the lady asked, pressing the top button.


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