The Proposal (Forever Bound Book 2)

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The Proposal (Forever Bound Book 2) Page 2

by Bree Callahan

  She nodded. “Yeah, you’re beating on her door, but why?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. She tilted her head, and a crooked smile appeared on her lips. “You’re Mayor Worthington,” she replied coolly. She held out her hand, but he just stared at it. He didn’t have time for formalities.

  “Have you seen her?” he quickly interrupted.

  She dropped her hand and scrunched up her nose. “Um…I think I saw her yesterday…no maybe that was two days ago. I’m sorry. I’ve been struggling with finals and frankly my mind hasn’t been what it’s used to. College is a lot harder than I thought it’d be. Frankly, this is my first semester, but it’s tough.” She continued to rant as he finally stopped her.

  “If you see her, tell her I was looking for her,” he quickly stated, brushing past her.

  “Ok. I will,” the girl quietly replied.

  He headed down the stairs and before going to his car, he went to the parking lot to the office. He burst through the door, and her landlord looked up, obviously surprised to see him. He jumped up from his desk. “Excuse me…what are you doing in here?” he asked, looking defensive.

  Derek threw the eviction notice on his desk. “What’s this?” Derek asked.

  Richard gave a smug smile. “That’s obvious, and it’s a crime for someone that’s not the intended recipient to remove those.” He started to reach for the phone. “I could call the cops.”

  Derek rolled his eyes. “I paid you the money to cover her rent, so what’s your reason to evict her. You got what you want.”

  The landlord shrugged. “I didn’t get everything I wanted, but that’s beside the point. I have a right to protect myself and in this case, I don’t feel that having Ms. Parker as a tenant is beneficial for my safety.”

  Derek frowned, confused by Richard’s sly words. “What are you talking about? Beneficial for your safety?”

  “She keeps friends that can’t seem to control their temper, and I can’t fear for my life 24/7.”

  Derek got the gist of his words, but he couldn’t believe it was coming down to this. Richard was evicting Charity, and it was all his fault. “You’re not going to get away with this,” he calmly replied.

  Richard snickered. “Is that another threat, Mayor Worthington? I could call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing on my property, for removing the eviction notice, and for threatening me numerous times. Is that what you want?” He picked up the phone and glared in Derek’s direction.

  Derek shook his head. “I’m going, but I hope you can sleep at night, knowing that you’re putting a woman on the street.” Derek turned away from him, leaving the eviction notice on his desk. He heard him chuckling in the background, but neither one said another word. He left the office and headed back to his car. He stopped and stared up at her apartment building. “Where are you, Charity?” he asked softly, hoping there would be some sort of sign, but he was left with nothing. He could only leave and hope that eventually she would call him back or show up the next day at work. Even though he wouldn’t hold his breath.

  Chapter 2

  The next morning, Charity opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. The previous night happened so quickly that she could barely wrap her mind around it, but she vaguely recalled kissing one another from the living room and knocking each other against the wall as they walked upstairs to the bedroom.

  Damian snuggled up against her, with his arm draped over her body. His scent brushed the inside of her nose, and she took in a whiff of whatever the fragrance was. He looked up, as his eyes wafted open. “Good morning, beautiful,” he replied with a sweet smile. He kissed her softly.

  “Good morning,” she softly replied against his lips. Her head fell back against the pillow, and he turned on his side, so they were face to face and staring at one another. “Last night was pretty amazing,” she quietly admitted.

  He grinned and nodded his approval. “You better believe it. Do you have to rush off to work?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Have the whole day off.” She could’ve gone to work, but she was still trying to figure out how to handle the situation.

  The room turned quiet and then he finally asked a question that had obviously been weighing on his mind. “So…what happened this weekend?”

  She shrugged. “Nothing to be concerned about.”

  He chuckled. “Except…I am. You’re telling me you are coming over one minute and then suddenly you are very elusive as to why you can’t come over. Then three days later, you’re at my door and throwing yourself into my arms.”

  She laughed. “I didn’t throw myself into your arms.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, you kinda did,” he teased, winking at Charity. “My point is…I’m a tad bewildered as to the sudden change of behavior. You didn’t return any of my phone calls, and all I wanted was a little bit of an explanation. I realize that what we have going on, is totally not relationship related. I get that, but a little courtesy would be appreciated.”

  She pulled herself up and sat on his bed. The covers were pulled up with her so she could remain modest as she argued the point. “I just don’t see why it has to be a big deal. I’m here now, so why bicker about it?”

  He sighed, pulling himself up next to her. “I’m not trying to bicker about it, Charity. Frankly, I’m glad you’re here and whatever the reasons behind what kept you away for the past few days…shouldn’t matter, but I’m concerned about you.” He hesitated, before adding, “Perhaps more than I should be.”

  Her eyes met his and she felt compelled to give him something to keep him from worrying. He had no reason to be concerned about her, and she didn’t want him to focus his attention on that when they had better things to do to occupy their time and their minds. “I had to go on a business trip,” she replied.

  He tilted his head and watched her. “A business trip with Mayor Worthington?” She nodded. “So, that’s the guy’s voice I heard?”

  Again, she nodded. “I should’ve told you, and I know that it’s stupid, but…” her words were cut off when Damian leaned in and kissed her.

  She softly moaned against his lips, then pulled back. “What’s that for?” she asked, chuckling softly.

  “My heavens, woman…I thought you were going to tell me this was one just last hurrah, and you found someone else to satisfy your needs. You taking a business trip was the furthest thing from my mind.” He laughed slightly, keeping that silly grin on his lips. “You definitely should’ve told me.”

  She took in his words, but then grilled him as to the true meaning. She looked away from him, and her words spilled out. “So, what exactly would be so wrong if I stopped this suddenly? After all, we’re not a couple in love, so why would that matter so much?” She turned her head to look at him, and she couldn’t even read his mind. “I guess I’m just a little confused as to why that would worry you so much.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, he shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve just enjoyed this more than I expected to.”

  The day they first met one another, he had mentioned that he just broke up with his girlfriend. They never talked about the breakup or even about the girl. Was that a mistake she could’ve avoided? She sighed, releasing a rushed breath, before asking him that one question. “What happened between you and your girlfriend?”

  He laughed. “What? What does that have to do with anything?” he asked.

  “It’s something I should’ve asked a while ago. We started this before we truly explored that question. Who broke up with whom?”

  He appeared like he wouldn’t answer the question, then he did. “She broke up with me, but it was a mutual decision.”

  Vagueness seemed to be something he was used to, and she noted that. “Why’d she want to break up?” Charity asked. His eyes dropped from hers. “Don’t I have a right to know?” she asked.

  He snickered. “I don’t know. Do you? This isn’t a relationship, so why do you care?” Charity didn’t respond, just remained staring at him, b
ut deep down she was hurt by his words. He seemed to take note immediately because he apologized. “I’m sorry. It’s just I never expected to break up with Bridgette, and she decided she wasn’t ready to be in love with anyone.”

  “Love?” Charity asked.

  He nodded. “I wanted to progress the relationship and the moment she saw me getting too close…she bolted.”

  Hurt filled up his eyes and she held back from caressing his face in her hands. “Do you still love her?” Charity couldn’t control herself from asking.

  He slowly nodded. “There are times when I think I don’t, but then I recall something we did together, and it all comes rushing back.” She opened her mouth to respond to his statement, but then he continued. “Honestly, I’ve relied on our times together and maybe it’s wrong because it’s no different than using a person, but you’ve helped me.”

  Charity shook her head. She couldn’t blame him for using their sex to keep his mind off breaking up with his girlfriend. She’d been doing the same thing to keep her mind off Derek. “That’s why we’ve started this whole thing, right?” He nodded, but she wasn’t finished speaking her peace. “We started this whole thing because we were both hurting. Yours just happened to be more recent than mine, but we have to have an understanding here.”

  “Alright. What?” Damian asked.

  “We need to be practical and realize that down the road one of us, or both of us, could find another partner. You might find someone to love, and I can’t be mad if you go with your heart.”

  “Basically, you’re saying that I shouldn’t have been jealous when I heard that guy say something to you?”

  She laughed and nodded. “Might be a good starter, but no one needs to be jealous because I’m not planning on going anywhere.” She brushed her hand against his cheek and moved in closer to him. Their lips were connected, and as the kiss deepened, he cupped her face in his palms and scooted in closer to her. They lowered themselves back down to his bed and remained tight in that hold and enjoying the sanctity of their non-relationship.


  Derek got to work earlier than he anticipated, but he couldn’t sleep anyway. As the morning crept on, he continued to watch for her to come off the elevator. He had checked his voicemails in hopes that she would leave him a message at work. He had checked his emails, wishing she would just drop him a line, but there was nothing. When ten o’clock hit and he hadn’t heard anything from her, he called up her cell phone. It rang a few times, then went to voicemail.

  “You’ve reached Charity, you know what to do. Have a great day!”

  After the beep, he left her another message. “Charity, please call me for my own sanity…please. I’m going crazy here, and I just need to hear your voice. It’s nine o’clock, and you’re not at work. I get it. I’d be angry, too, but you have to let me know that you're alright before I totally lose my mind. Just call me!” He hung up the call and stared ahead. His heart raced in his chest, and he picked up the phone to call up Amanda in HR.

  She answered the call almost immediately. “This is Amanda in HR.”

  “Hey, it’s Derek. You haven’t heard anything from Charity, have you? She’s not here, and that’s not like her.” He kept it short and sweet so he wouldn’t let too much out of the bag.

  “I’m sorry, Derek. I don’t know anything. Do you need me to start putting out feelers to find someone else to replace her?”

  “What?” he nearly screamed out the word, then realized it came out with way too much emotion. “No. I’m sure she’ll call soon. Thanks, Amanda.”

  “No problem. Let me know.” She hung up, and he let the phone fall into the cradle of the phone base.

  He stood to his feet and left his office. He walked over to Charity’s desk and despite feeling wrong about it, he started digging through her desk drawers, hoping he would find some inkling as to where she was. He tried to get into one drawer, but it was locked. He jiggled until he was convinced it wouldn’t open. He dug around her desk for a key, totally lost in the moment, not hearing the elevator door open until he heard him talking.

  “So, is there a reason you’re snooping in Charity’s desk?”

  He looked up and saw Jesse standing in front of him. “Is there a reason you decided to fuck with my life?” Derek asked, staring back at his friend. Anger welled up inside of him, no matter how much he wanted to push it back down.

  Jesse frowned. “Excuse me?”

  “You told your girlfriend my business, and now Charity is gone, and I don’t know where she is.” He took a deep breath, before continuing. “Ana…does she know anything? Has she heard from her? You at least owe me that.”

  Jesse shook his head. “Charity isn’t the only one gone. Ana is staying with her parents. I can’t get her to answer any of my calls. When I stopped by their house, she wouldn’t see me. I know you think I betrayed you, but it just came out. I wouldn’t stab you in the back…not intentionally.”

  Derek believed that, but the anger clouded his judgment. “She thinks the only reason I care about her is due to that damn inheritance.”

  Jesse widened his stare. “You do care about her?”

  Derek groaned. “I can’t believe you honestly just asked me that. Hell yeah, I care about her. I was moments away from telling her I love her, and your girlfriend talked to her and told her everything.”

  “Wow…” Jesse breathed out. “I’m truly sorry this has happened, Derek.”

  An apology wasn’t going to change the reality. Derek couldn’t find her and make Charity hear him out. The only thing that would help was to find her. "Give me Ana’s parent’s address.”

  Jesse shook his head. “Dude, I can’t do that. Ana is pissed off as it is and I can’t give her ammunition to remain pissed off. I’m sorry. I feel for you, and I do believe you need to find her and tell her you love her, so she knows that the inheritance doesn’t mean anything to you.”

  Derek tilted his head and looked at Jesse like he had two heads. “First of all, how can I tell her that when I can’t locate her? Secondly, would you believe someone if they told you that ten billion dollars meant nothing to them?” He shook his head. “She won’t buy it. She already told me that I’d be crazy if that were true.” He looked down at her desk and exhaled. “The one girl I have feelings for and I’ve lost her.”

  Jesse sighed, causing Derek to look up. “Maybe not,” Jesse slowly replied.

  Derek tilted his head and stared at his friend. “What do you mean maybe not?”

  Jesse picked up the pad of paper from Charity’s desk and wrote something down, then tore it from the pad and walked around the desk. He opened up a drawer and placed the piece of paper inside, then closed it up. “It’s my fault you’re in this situation, but tell them I gave you this information and I’ll deny it profusely.” Jesse gave Derek a stern look, and Derek nodded his understanding.

  Jesse then left the office and got in the elevator. Derek didn’t even turn to watch the door close on him. He grabbed the address out of Charity’s desk and hurried out of the office. He didn’t even care that it was still in the middle of the day. He got in his car and headed in the direction of Ana’s parent’s house. However, once there he realized no one was home. There were no cars in the driveway and after knocking twice, no one came to the door. He reluctantly went back to his car and left the house. He’d find her tomorrow and see if she knew where Charity was, but he had to do something to find her.


  Charity stared outside of the window. Damian walked up to her and placed his head on her shoulder. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  She snickered and turned around, then wrapped her arms around his neck. “If I don’t leave now, then I’ll be in your bed for an eternity, and we both have jobs.”

  He groaned. “Don’t say that. Who needs jobs when we have each other?” He winked at her and brushed a kiss along her chin line. She sighed. She wanted to believe she could stay barricaded in the house and having sex with Damian all
night long. After all, he was the only person to take her mind off of her problems, but the reality was likely to set in, and she couldn’t lie to herself.

  As his lips slowly went back to hers, she broke it off. “I have to get home. After all, I have things to do around the apartment, before going back to work tomorrow. She put on a happy face, even though the last thing on her mind was getting back to work.

  “I’ll get my keys,” he reluctantly agreed.

  He walked over to a shelving unit and grabbed his keys, then turned back to her. She grabbed her luggage, but he quickly took it from her. “Thank you!”

  They left his house and reached his car. She leaned back against the chair, as a Keith Urban song came on the radio. She glanced at the passing vehicles and allowed her mind to just wander. Derek came into her thoughts, and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing at that moment. She’d ignored all his messages, and she felt good about that, but that didn’t mean she was no longer feeling something for him.

  She barely noticed when he turned into her apartment complex, but when he parked she was jolted from her thoughts. She turned to him and smiled. “Thanks for bringing me home!” She leaned over and kissed him, brushing her hand across his cheek.

  “No problem.” He started to open his door. “I’ll help you with your suitcase.”

  She quickly stopped him. “That’s completely not necessary. I can get it. Besides, if I get upstairs I may never let you leave.” He laughed as she winked. He nodded his understanding and she got out of the car and grabbed her suitcase from the backseat. “I’ll call you later!” She waved and headed up the stairs. The moment she reached her apartment door, she spotted the notice. She dropped her suitcase on the ground and ripped the notice from her door. “You have to be kidding me?” she mumbled, reading over the notice. It gave her two weeks to move out, and it had been up for a few days already. She stuffed the notice into her pocket and opened her door. She picked her suitcase back up and went into her apartment. Her apartment had been vacated so quickly on Friday night that she worried she’d left dirty dishes and clothes around to clean up. However, she wasn’t greeted by nothing but the quietness.


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