Adventures of a Spanking Addict (Wicked Leather)

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Adventures of a Spanking Addict (Wicked Leather) Page 2

by Lenore T. Rose

  I kicked violently forward, only to hear the sounds of a door directly in front of me. Oh my God, he’s tied me in the closet! What the fuck!

  “So you thought you’d get punished and get a spanking for going out with the girls.” He said through the door.

  “Fuck you.” I kicked the door. I suddenly realized I was not getting what I expected.

  “Maybe you need some time to think about it.”

  Everything was quiet. I couldn’t hear anything either. I pulled at my ropes and could not get free. I listened for any sound, and I couldn’t hear a thing. He was right; I had gotten out of hand, acted out and pursued him to get my own way. He couldn’t keep me here forever, I can just apologize, and I can go home. He is insane. Maybe a spanking isn’t punishment if you enjoy it, but no, this is punishment. Making me think in the dark. I kicked the door again. What is he thinking?

  The door opened and I could smell pancakes and bacon.

  “Are you ready for breakfast?”

  “Are you going to untie me first?” I asked.

  “No.” He was matter of fact. “I can help you out.”

  He leaned in kissing me with the taste of butter and maple syrup on his lips. I melted.

  “Ok.” I said, kissing him back. “Thank you.”

  His finger traced a trail from my lips to my chest as he stopped and started to undo the buttons on my dress.

  “I wouldn’t want to ruin your dress.”

  Any doubts I had suddenly washed away. Daniel was magic, and he played the game of anticipation well. I would learn not only to anticipate spankings but other exotic games at his pleasure.

  “Open.” He said as I opened wide, not knowing what to expect.

  The syrup dripped down the front of my chest as he gave me a bite of pancakes. Daniel’s tongue ran down catching the sticky syrup from running into my navel and followed the trail up and to my lips.

  “Why don’t you tell me about your other fantasies.” whispered Daniel. “I can help make them come true.”

  It was hard to deny his request between bites of chocolate covered bananas, pancakes, and bacon. He continued to kiss fervently up and down the front of my body, licking up any missed syrup, and pinching my nipples. Oh God, tell him. Tell him anything. My mind was a merry-go-round of explosions in sync with the reactions of my body. I had to confess.

  “Umm. Handcuffs?” I asked nervously testing the waters.

  He shoved another bite of pancakes in my mouth. Why doesn’t he just spank me and get this torture over with?

  “Handcuffs, to tie you up with? Like you are now?” he growled in my ear. I couldn’t gauge his reactions in the dark; I didn’t know how to respond. I opened my mouth to answer, and he filled it with a bite of buttery pancakes.


  “Yes, what else? What else did you have in mind?”

  “Tie me up?” I gasped as he pinched my nipples. I was a bundle of nerves, not knowing what to say, and willing to say anything to lead to a spanking.

  “What? You can tell me,” he breathed into the darkness. I wanted to scream out every dirty naughty thing I had ever thought about. I wanted him to know all my darkest secrets, even the shameful ones. Most of all, I wanted him to spank me and now.

  “Maybe with two men,” I whispered, almost inaudibly. Waiting in the dark for the terrifying smack I had previously sweetly anticipated. Anticipation killed is like hope gone wrong. The blackness and silence screamed louder at my mind, than my insides screamed for the sound of relief. A single swat.

  Daniel’s lips touched mine, parting, softly demanding my attention as his hands slid down my shoulders to my waist. I ached and yearned for him to take me. His closeness in the space of the closet I could feel his hardness, he too was filled with desire. In a twist and tug, I heard a rip through the silence, and a sudden coolness between my legs. He ripped off my panties! Oh, yes!

  “That’s what you really want?” his voice was low. “Tell me.”

  His fingers slipped between my legs and pushed into me. I melted off the edge of the chair hanging with my body quivering, attached to his fingers, still covered in sticky syrup.

  “Ohh, yes!” I screamed out, in passionate shameful lust. Did I just say that? I just wanted a spanking.

  “You’ll get your wish then, you naughty girl. As punishment, you won’t get your spanking today.”

  The door slammed shut.

  Daniel’s lesson in the closet was a hard one. He left me breathless, wanting, and confused. I had admitted a fantasy in hopes of getting a spanking I felt I had already deserved, and yet as punishment, it never came. There is a sweet agony in unfulfilled anticipation, when lust is satisfied. I was left with the taste of maple syrup in my mouth, and the realization that I would do anything to satisfy my own urges.

  - 3 -

  “You know your safeword, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Make sure you use it if you become uncomfortable or you feel you can’t handle this.”

  “Yes, Daniel. I know,” I said, looking into his eyes for reassurance. I knew I had asked for this. I wanted to be with him and another man. I had never done this before, but it was a fantasy I had been having for many years. I was going to finally have it, and Daniel was going to be with me. He would make sure I was safe. I looked up again into his eyes, and was assured that all would be fine.

  After my confession, I was sure that Daniel was doing this just to please me. Usually it was I who always made sure that I pleased him. This time though, he wanted to make me happy, to please me and make one of my fantasies come true…or so I thought.

  “Tonight is for you, my pet. It’s for you to live out one of your own fantasies, a young beautiful woman who has much to live. Are you ready to have your way tonight?”

  I gasped as I looked at him. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He only let me think this was what I wanted. I nervously looked over at his friend Gary, embarrassed to have this conversation in front of him.

  “I know it’s been your fantasy to be with two men. I've decided to alter that fantasy to my likings. Tonight you will serve two Masters. We will not hold back to give you your fantasy of sex with two men. You will be bound, like your other fantasies and… you will serve us. Do you understand?”

  “Y…yes, Sir,” I stuttered as I lowered my head. Oh my God, what am I doing?

  I closed my eyes and tried to think. What did I get myself into? Maybe I should just back out now. No. no. He will think I can’t handle it, I didn't even try. This isn't what I asked for. I should never have told him about this fantasy. Can I do this? I was thinking of just sex with two men, not this. I couldn't. No, I can’t do this. A tear slowly ran down the side of my face. I tried wiping it away before he could see. It was too late.

  “It’s going to be fine, my love,” he said, as he lifted my chin and wiped another tear away. “I just think this is an opportunity to push some of your limits. You can have your fantasy, but only this way.”

  I shuddered and pulled away.

  “With two experienced Dominants you will be getting your fantasy, and I know you will be safe. How far can you go? That’s up to you. Nothing will happen to you, I’ll be here with you the entire time.”

  “S... sir?”

  “Having two men was your fantasy. Didn't you ask me for this?”

  “Yes, Daniel, I did, but,” I was shocked at my own disbelief. I can’t believe he would twist things this way.

  Maybe he thought I would fail, but the anticipation was killing me. The refusal in the closet had left me needy, wanting, and just desperate for him to spank me. Would this mean I would just get two spankings? It is what I wanted. What am I going to do? I cannot fail him. I do want to try this once. Why is my mind racing?

  “But, what? Do you want to go through with this?” His tone was soft, but I could feel the demand behind it. He brushed back the long strands of hair from my face, and pulled me close with his other hand. I felt so safe with him

  “Yes. I will do it.”

  “It’s your darkest fantasy,” he breathed hotly into my ear as his arms circled around me and hugged me tight. A deep sigh escaped me. I knew there was nothing to fear.

  I could see Gary smiling, as if he knew the answer. He had been a friend of Daniel’s for a long time. He also had a way of making me excited when he came around. It was my own secret, I didn't think anyone ever knew or noticed. Now, I’m not so sure.

  Daniel pulled a long black scarf from his pocket. He’s going to blindfold me too? I can’t do this. I looked back and forth between them. Daniel watched me carefully too, I think he was trying to gauge my feelings. I know he would never hurt me. I feel like I can’t breathe. Why did I ask for this? The way Gary is looking at me is making me so hot. I don’t think I can do this blindfolded. God, I want them both. Should I ask not to? He would understand. I wish my mind would slow down. No, I just can’t. I will call this off.

  “Come here, my pet.”

  I, of course, immediately obeyed. I moved to allow him to tie the scarf around my eyes. As he pulled the scarf around my head, I felt something else. He slipped earplugs into my ears as he pulled the scarf tight. Oh my god! I can’t see or hear? What is he doing? I felt frozen as if being unable to see or hear meant that I also could not move. I could feel the coolness of the air as he tugged at the ties and my robe fell to the floor.

  “She’s beautiful,” Gary said. “But I've always thought so. May I?”

  I could only hear the mumblings of their words and I did not hear the nod Daniel must have given, but I could feel the warmth of Gary’s hand as he ran it down my back. His hand cupped across my bottom feeling its curves and firmness. He continued to slide it further down and his fingers slid gently between my legs, discovering the dripping wetness there. Oh god, I cannot take this… mmmm.

  My arms slipped around Daniel’s neck, and I kissed him softly, entwining my tongue with his.

  “MMmmm… oohh yes. MMmmm,” moans escaped my lips, as I melted in their arms. With that, Daniel’s arms lifted me up, and carried me to bed.

  I could feel them as they placed the cuffs around my wrists. The leather was smooth, cool, and snug. I relished in the feel as the anticipation in me grew, the leather cuffs reminding me of the leather of Daniel’s belt. With the smell of leather, the blindfold in place, at this point, I could no longer tell who was who. I couldn't see who was reaching out and pinching my nipple. Mmmm. My cuffed hands were moved together and the locks clicked shut, my arms fully outstretched over my head and linked to the post at the center of the headboard. Warm hands worked their way down my body, pulling my legs apart. I could feel as leather encircled my ankles, smoothly like my wrists, and the locks were clicked into place.

  Then everything was still. I could no longer feel anything except the semi-cool air of the room on my skin. There was nothing. I know they are still here. Looking at my naked body stretched out on the bed. Where did they go? The stillness continued.

  I stayed there in the darkness, aching for them. I had not heard the door, as the men left momentarily and only Daniel returned. My thoughts were a continuous blur racing through my mind, but the heat growing in me was causing me torment. I could not tell how long it had been.

  Mmmm…please. Just… Mmmm…Where are they?

  My body was pulling at the restraints, twisting and searching. My senses felt so alive, my skin like electrical currents, begging for release. I was in a dark void, searching for sensations. Oh… please. Please. Mmmmm, what am I wanting? Daniel, where are you? I want you, please. I need you.

  “Mmmmm,” I moaned softly, pulling at my ties. Was that out loud?

  I want them both to just touch me. The anticipation of what was coming next filled me with both fear and excitement. I had no idea that Daniel and I were alone in the room.

  “Please,” I whispered to the darkness, not even expecting an answer.

  My body jumped, the restraints holding me back, as my whisper was answered with a touch of a hand to my thigh. His hand moved up, further parting my legs, and began to gently rub across the top of my exposed clit. His fingers made soft circles around it, and then grasped to pull softly. A soft moan escaped my lips, as my body became a series of responses.

  Mmmm…Oh God….Mmm…more…

  I twisted and pulled in the restraints, aching to give him more, arching and pushing my hips towards him. My mind fell back into an abyss, and my body shook as he then suddenly buried his face between my thighs. With a will of their own, my hips rocked backwards, and begged him for more. His fingers slid in and out as his tongue slid over the outer lips. As he plunged his tongue deep inside me, my body tightened and I moaned loudly as I came for him. He moved nearer to me, trailing his tongue across my stomach, and then silenced my moans with a kiss. Daniel?

  His kisses traveled down my neck and to my breasts. I tried to focus, wondering about what he thought about watching this scene, but the sea of pleasure in my mind was too great, and I was happily drowning in it. Daniel’s tongue flickered across the tips of my nipples, drawing them to a point, even harder than before.

  Daniel reached over and picked up something from the table, and placed one directly on my left nipple.

  “Ouuuch, please no!” I begged.

  What the hell is that? Oh hurts… Oouuch.

  “Oouuuch.. oooooh!” I screamed as he placed one on the right side and it bit into the skin. Ouuch… oooh it hurts.. no.. yes. Yes it hurts, please take it off. Yes, no… no it doesn't. It hurt, it ached, and yet it felt wonderful.

  A loud moan was quickly muffled as Daniel pushed his cock into my open mouth. “Mmmm.” His hips began to rock, slowly at first, fucking me. My lips pulled against his motions, his cock grew harder. I tried to moan, cry out, but he kept pushing against me, reaching out and squeezing my now aching breasts. Waves of orgasms washed over me, like a stormy sea crashing against the shore.

  I needed a chance to stop. I didn’t want it to. I was being overwhelmed by all the sensations. Daniel must have sensed it; he was pushing my limits slowly. He reached over and removed the clips from my breasts. There was sweet agony in the pain as the blood returned.

  I could not tell why everything had stopped. I was grateful to catch my breath; I couldn't see what they were doing, but my body was screaming for them to return. What is Gary doing? Is he watching all of this? A hot flush suddenly covered me. Then I felt them, strong hands around my ankles. The locks were opened and in one fast movement, I was flipped over on the bed. What are they doing now? Oh no… My legs were spread open, and the locks clicked shut again. I could feel a pillow sliding under me…pushing my ass further into the air. I felt totally exposed.

  Daniel walked from the closet, with a leather flogger in his hand. Smack! I could feel the stinging of the leather as Daniel whipped me. Smack! Then he trailed the soft leather strands slowly up and down my back. I shivered in delight. With each soft stroke he followed with a hard smack. He was marking me with beautiful red stripes across my ass, stopping to use his hand to rub the heat in deeper. My mind and body fell back into a contradictory world of pain and pleasure. One seemed to tumble into the other until I no longer knew which was which.

  When he was satisfied with the marks he had made, he put aside the flogger. He continued to spank me with his hand, and would stop to rub the pain and heat in further.

  Finally, my cheeks were bright red and Daniel slid between my legs and rammed his cock into my pussy. I wanted to scream as he began to fuck me hard. The sensations of pleasure and pain mixed inseparably, as he grabbed hard onto my burning red ass. I was getting the spanking I had asked for and more. Still, I wanted more.

  I could not get enough of him. My entire body was quivering. I could no longer control the orgasms shaking my body.

  “Oouuch!” I squealed loudly.

  Daniel spanked my already sore behind before grabbing it hard as he fucked me roughly. My entire body was quivering. Mmmm… more… plea
se... no more… My mind and body couldn't agree. I began to cum continuously, shaking nonstop. Daniel grabbed hold of me and fucked me harder. When he started cumming, I could take no more, and tears started falling from the sides of the blindfold. Then his arms encircled around me, and he held me until I stopped shaking.

  I don’t remember falling asleep that night. I don’t remember when the restraints and blindfold came off. I do remember waking up, in Daniel’s arms, realizing that I had gotten my wish and somehow kept a piece of my dignity.

  - 4 -

  Daniel was mysterious, never letting on his intentions with me, with our relationship, or ever letting the conversation lead in that direction. I had been left loose on long reigns, but they were reigns none the less. His allowing me to experience new things was his way of letting me grow, but it would not be at his expense. It was always very clear that I needed Daniel far more than he needed me.

  It was nearing the end of the first semester, and the cold had driven me indoors. I was stressed from juggling work and final exams, while looking for a much needed break. Daniel never failed to know what was going on in my life and just when I needed him the most, the phone rang.

  Daniel called to invite me somewhere “warm” for dinner. Dinner at his house, bring a bikini and sunhat.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I laughed at the thought of a beach party in the snow.

  “I think you’d like to get tied up on the beach,” he said softly. “Consider it another fantasy, or an adventure, if you’d like.”

  He was so romantic; the games he played were so full of intrigue and mystery. I was hooked. A spanking would surely be a part of his plans. How could I say no?


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