A Forbidden Tryst (A Taboo Tale #1)

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A Forbidden Tryst (A Taboo Tale #1) Page 2

by Violet Williams

  "What?" Jess said adamantly. "I'm 18. We're both adults."

  "I'm old enough to be your father," he whispered, then let out a disgusted chuckle when he realized the irony of that statement. "I am your father. I AM your father." He said it once more, like a mantra.

  Jess crossed her arms. "No...I have a father. You're just some guy who was married to my mom for a hot minute."

  Davis locked his jaw, not wanting her to see how her words hurt him. "I think it's time for you to leave, Jessica."

  He ignored the fresh tears swimming in her eyes as she swiped her purse. "Enjoy your lunch."

  She slammed the door behind her, rattling Davis down to the bone.

  Chapter Four

  Retail Therapy

  Jess inhaled deep and released it as she stepped inside of The Boutique, the premiere shopping spot for those with lots of plastic to burn.

  You could just smell the money in this place, from the intricate architecture to the way the sales associate sized up everyone who walked through the door.

  Kara babbled on about some birthday party as she eyed a slinky black dress. She held up the number against her fair skin and twisted her crimson hair into a bun. "What do you think, Jess?"

  "It's cute," Jess said promptly, barely even looking at her. Her mind was elsewhere. What was she even thinking kissing Davis?

  He kissed you back, a quiet voice whispered in her ear. Which was true…and boy could that man kiss. Just the thought of his lips and firm hands roaming over her body sent a spasm through the heart of her.

  She knew that if it wasn’t for his stupid secretary, she would have felt his rock hard dick in her pussy. She would have heard him cry out her name as he exploded inside of her.

  She closed her eyes. Jess longed to feel his cum inside her again. She just wanted to feel whole again.

  “Meaghan said they had a sale on lingerie,” Kyra added as she shuffled through the jeans.

  Jess made a beeline for the lingerie section. The Boutique always had top of the line stuff that looked divine and made her feel like something right out of Victoria’s Secret.

  Her heart clenched into a fist when she saw the red bra she'd worn that night with Davis. She gave her head a firm shake and picked up a leopard print pair of hipsters. She usually looked good in prints. She didn't even bother looking at the price tag, she just signaled the sales associate.

  The eager associate slid right on over, a plastic grin smothered on her face. "What can I do for you sweetie?"

  Jess held up the underwear. "I like the pink trim on these. You can put it on my tab."

  "Yes ma’am Miss Kensington."

  "Kensington was my mother's last name," Jess snapped. "My last name is Capshaw."

  "My mistake," the associate apologized profusely. "We also have a red, purple and blue trim."

  "I'll take one of each," Jess said dismissively, turning back to the lingerie. "That's all."

  "I'll be gathering your items if you need me," the associate said cheerfully, taking the hint.

  Kyra walked over, the dress draped over her arm. "Picking out something special for Clay?"

  "Something like that," Jess said halfheartedly. Clay was her on/off again boyfriend. He was a senior at Creighton U. and captain of the swim team. He seemed like the All-American type of guy, but Jess knew that he was hot-headed and could go from zero to sixty in under a minute…and he was border line creepy in the bedroom. Their last experiment had sent her to have an uncomfortable conversation with her gynecologist.

  Kyra picked up the red bra, fingering the fabric. "This is kinda cute, huh?" She poked out her lips; though it would take a lot of padding to make a lacy number like that look scrumptious on Kyra’s conservative frame. “I bet you’d look so cute in something like this. You should try it on.”

  Jess's cheeks were on fire as she turned back to the negligees. "I think it's pretty tacky." She just grabbed four from the rack and turned to the register. "You ready to go?"

  Kyra gave her a strange look. "We've barely looked at anything."

  Jess kept walking, trying to put as much distance between her and the memory of that night. "I just remember I have a thing. A, uh, meeting with a professor."

  Kyra let out a giggle as she ran her manicured fingers through her fiery mane. "So what? You never go to those things. It’s part of your Valley Girl Without A Cause charm."

  "Well, Davis has really been on my ass about school," Jess said. Which was true. Although Creighton was a state school, he was dishing out full tuition and Jess barely went to one class a week. She was skating by with C’s and D’s in most classes and didn’t really care. When her mother was alive they’d talk about her courses and what she was excited about studying, but now there was no one to talk to.

  Kyra stood beside her as the cashier rang up the purchases. "That's so cool of him to let you stay there."

  "Well, it IS my house," Jess sneered.

  "Mmm…technically it's his house," Kyra corrected. "Though if I were you, I'd be all about a barter system of sorts. You know, a little bit this…a little bit of that." She let out a moan. "Davis Kensington is hecka hot for 45."

  "He's 41," Jess amended. She glanced at the cashier. "How much?"

  "$2,523 dollars and fifteen cents," the woman said, flashing all her teeth. She was probably calculating the commission in her head.

  Jess gestured at Kyra's dress. "Add that too."

  Kyra's green eyes went wide. "Jessica! It's 300 dollars!"

  A devilish grin spread across Jess' face. "Consider it an early birthday present from Davis."

  "My birthday's not for three months," Kyra laughed, handing over the dress. "Davis is gonna KILL you!"

  "No," Jess said, her face hard as she slid the credit card across the counter. "He owes me."

  Chapter Five

  Third Wheel

  Davis balanced the pizza as he fumbled for his house key. He'd stopped at Luigi's and picked up Jess's favorite--white pizza with mozzarella, garlic, and ricotta.

  A couple of bites of this pizza would ward off just anyone, and he was hoping that it would repel both of them...and they would keep their hands off each other.

  Jess made him feel like a teenager, virulent and insatiable. He had her kiss branded on his lips, the taste of her juicy pussy branded on his tongue.

  He paused as he inserted the key in the lock.

  Keep it together, man, he ordered himself. He had to remember who he was. He was a generally good man; he paid everyone down to the janitor obscenely well. He paid his taxes. He opened the door for women, and always moved over when cars needed to merge in his lane.

  He wasn't this man--this person who'd lie with his wife's eighteen year old daughter. Jess had said they were both adults but that wasn't true. Being an adult meant sacrifice, it meant making the hard choice. The hardest choice Jess had to make was the pink or blue minidress. Hell, if their tryst got out, HE'D be the one painted as the letch, the party that should have known better.

  But when she looked at him with those big blue eyes, he couldn't help himself. He wanted to know every inch of her. He wanted to love her, to hear her moans of pleasure as he explored her.

  He stopped in the doorway of the kitchen. A muscular young man in a Creighton U t-shirt stood behind the island, drinking HIS coronas.

  The kid's eyes went round as he broke a toothy grin. He put down the bottle and jutted out his hand. "You must be Jessie's dad. I'm Clay."

  Davis shook it gingerly. "Stepfather. Davis Kensington."

  "Oh yeah! You're the dude from the commercials. The heavy hitter or whatever."

  "Yeah," Davis said curtly, putting down the box.

  Clay gestured at the almost empty identical box in front of him, also from Luigi's.

  "Great minds, man. Great minds!" he joked, clapping Davis on the shoulder.

  Davis gave him a wary smile. "Where's Jess?"

  She breezed in the room, flashing Clay a mischievous grin. Davis felt his heart flutte
r as he scanned her. Her skin was golden and fresh. She looked even more beautiful with the makeup gunk scrubbed from her face. Her yellow hair was piled into a messy bun on top of her head, showing off a neck that begged to be kissed. She'd exchanged her slinky lavender number for a plain white tee and shorts. He could tell from the swell of her breasts that she wasn't wearing a bra and it made his heartbeat quicken. "I, uh, didn't know you'd have company."

  "Well since I'm," she made the quotation marks with her fingers, "grounded, I figured Clay could come hang out over here. I hope that's fine."

  "Yeah, of course," Davis said, forcing a smile. "I just, uh, brought a pizza."

  Jess grinned as she breezed over and opened it.

  "White pizza!" she gushed. "This one won't eat anything but pepperoni," she said, cocking her head at Clay. She pulled out a slice and let out a moan that made Davis clutch the counter to steady himself.

  "This was really nice, Davis," Jess said, dabbing her mouth. "You know exactly what I like."

  Feeling like his desire was written all over his face, Davis steered toward the foyer. "I'll give you two some privacy."

  He headed to his downstairs office, trying to ignore the jealousy burning in his gut. He powered on his desktop and tried to remind himself that this was a good thing. Jess deserved to be with someone her age. She deserved happiness, not secret trysts.

  He pulled up Outlook and started drafting an email, a new game plan for the Waterbrook case. But every keystroke just reminded him that someone else's hands were stroking Jess.

  He gave his head a shake and tried to focus again when he heard a commotion, followed by a crash.

  He moved from the desk, his heart thundering in his chest as he burst back into the kitchen.

  He saw Clay standing over Jess, his chest heaving. Jess was crouched on the floor, practically cowering.

  Without a second thought, Davis was on Clay, his hands tight around his throat. The boy's green eyes were wild, bulging out of his head as Davis continued to choke the life out of him. His midnight hair was splayed around his head like a dark halo.

  Jess was on his back, pounding him futilely, crying for Davis not to hurt him. After a moment, Davis released his hold. Clay sunk like a bag of potatoes to the floor, upending the bar stools.

  Now Davis was the one whose chest heaved as Clay gasped for air, wheezing and coughing.

  Jess just stood behind Davis, sobbing softly.

  "Get the hell out of my house," Davis growled.

  He didn't have to say it twice. Clay staggered to the door, swiped his keys and kept lumbering, not even bothering to close the door behind him.

  Davis moved like a zombie, mechanically pulling the door closed and flicking the lock.

  When he turned back to Jess, she crumbled to the floor. "He's not usually," she sobbed. "He's never..."

  Davis fell to his knees beside her, rocking her back and forth. "It's okay Jessica. It'll be okay."

  Chapter Six

  A Lover, A Doctor

  Jess took the bag of peas from him, wincing as she put it on her tender neck.

  "I know what this looks like," she said, not meeting Davis' eyes.

  "Jess," he said gently, tucking a strand behind her ear. "What are you doing with a guy like that? You deserve better."

  "He's not usually like that," Jess insisted. "I mean, he has a temper, but he always gears it toward his friends or swimming or biking, whatever." She swallowed. "He's never HIT me. I never thought he would-" her words failed her as she let out a sob.

  Davis rose to his feet. "We're calling the police right now."

  "No!" Jess gasped. "I just wanna forget this ever happened."

  Davis shook his head. "I'm not gonna let that prick get away with putting his hands on you."

  She pulled off the makeshift ice pack and finally met Davis' eyes.

  "I'm not one of those Lifetime, stand by your man types. But I'm not one of your clients either. You stopped him before it got bad...and that's the end of it.” She gripped the side of the island and pulled herself up. "I'm gonna go lay down." She flashed Davis a sad smile. "Thank you, Davis. Really."

  Before he could say anything further, she booked it out of the kitchen, dashing up the stairs two at a time.

  She slammed her bedroom door closed and plopped on her bed.

  When she held up her hand, she saw that it was still shaking.

  She'd just made a joke about how Davis put her first by getting white pizza instead of his personal favorite and Clay lost it. He'd ripped the stool from beneath her and held it over her head. Jess could feel hot tears streaming down her face as she remembered the crazed look in Clay's eyes. For a second, she just knew he was going to beat her with the stool. Instead, he'd sunk to his knees and wrapped his thick fingers around her neck. When she'd started clawing at him, he'd released her. And that's when Davis came in.

  Davis had been wild too, practically choking the life out of Clay. A small smile played at Jess's lips when she realized she hadn't stopped Davis for Clay's sake, but his own. Skilled lawyer or not, Davis would have done time. She couldn't have him lose everything. Not because of her.

  She turned to the door when she heard a double tap.

  Davis pushed it open, holding a glass of water and a small paper cup.

  "Aspirin," he said, placing it on her bedside table.

  "Thanks," Jess said, pulling herself up.

  Davis cleared his throat, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair. "Sorry I lost it in there."

  "It's okay," Jess said, patting his hand.

  "No it's not," he said quietly. "I just..." His voice trailed off, like he was lost in thought. "He reminded me of someone. When I saw you, crying and terrified, and him lording over you like some crazed master, I just snapped. And while it felt good to let him know what it feels like, I should have handled the situation better."

  Jess reached out and caressed his cheek. He looked so sad. So guilty.

  "You're a good man, Davis. Don't let anyone tell you any different."

  They leaned in, their foreheads touching. Jess felt his spicy, warm scent washing over her. She let herself get lost in it as she shoved her mouth on his.

  Davis pulled away, biting his lip. "We,uh, we really shouldn't, Jessica."

  "Oh." Jess said softly. "Okay."

  She threw back her pill along with a swallow of water, and then slid back onto the bed.

  "You know," she said after a moment. "If what we did was so wrong, why did it feel more right than anything I've ever known?"

  His response was reinitiating their kiss, his mouth enveloping hers. Jess let herself melt into him.

  "Oh Davis," Jess moaned, “I want you so bad."

  No other words were needed as fingers pulled at clothing until they were flesh to flesh.

  Jess reared back after a moment, scanning Davis' face. It was nothing like Clay's. His face was strong yet open, his eyes wide and full of love. It softened as he pushed his cock inside her. Her velvet folds engulfed him as she let out a moan of delight. Her pussy had dreamed of this moment...longed for it.

  Each thrust of his hard cock pushed her closer to the brink. She never imagined sex could feel like this. She wanted to hold onto this feeling and make it last forever, but instead she gripped his muscular ass pulling him deeper inside.

  She ground her pelvis into his with slow, methodical circles.

  "You like that?" Jess said, her voice thick. His reply was sinking his face into her golden locks, still pumping her sopping wet pussy.

  "Fuck me," Jess whispered in his ear as wave after wave of pleasure echoed all over her body. She was climbing to the peak, so close she could touch it.

  When he cried out her name, Jess touched the end of the earth, their eruptions matching in time. She cascaded down the depths, holding tight to his hips. She didn't want to miss one drop of his hot cum. She wanted it all.

  "Holy crap," Jess laughed when Davis pulled out and snuggled up beside her. "That was

  "Amazing," Davis finished for her, letting out a chuckle. He turned to Jess, planting a kiss on Jess's forehead. "You're an amazing woman."

  "And an amazing lay?"

  "A spectacular lay." Davis glanced down at his legs. "I'm still shaking."

  Jess leaned into him, flashing a toothy grin. "I know what you mean. I'd KILL for a cigarette."

  Surprise inched across Davis' face. "You smoke?"

  Jess gave him a look. "I am 18, Davis." She burst into a fit of giggles, not able to keep up the ruse. "Of course I don't smoke."

  Davis let out a sigh of relief. "Your mom would be..." His voice trailed off as he glanced away.

  Jess pulled the sheet from the floor, suddenly acutely aware of her nakedness. She felt a pang of guilt as she turned back to Davis. Her mother loved him so much...she could remember how flustered she got when Jess even said his name. After a rollercoaster with Jess's father that left them both nauseous and gun-shy, deep down she'd been delighted that her mother found someone that made her happy.

  Did Davis call out her mother's name? Did he bury his face in her curly hair as he filled her?

  Jess had a feeling that Davis was going through the same crisis of conscience. He barely even looked at her now as he slid off the bed.

  "Wait," Jess called out, stopping him with one leg in his boxer briefs. "Don't go."

  Davis kept his back to her. "Jess, I don't know."

  Jess swallowed and put aside her pride. She knew that she ran the risk of him rebuffing her, like he had at his office, but she didn't want him to leave--at least not until she said her piece.

  "I don't really have any rational reason why we shouldn't just do like before and steal glances and pretend it didn't happen." She licked her lips. "Could you at least look at me?"

  She let out a whoosh of air when he turned around. Her eyes were drawn to his still swollen cock, but she forced her eyes upward. "I need you Davis. And I want you to stay with me tonight."


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