Star continued to scream in pain as she felt his dick all the way in her stomach and hitting her baby.
“My baby,” Star screamed and cried. Her pain and tears only excited him even more. He smirked and pounded fast as he could then came all inside of her.
When he pulled his dick out, it was covered in blood. Star hung from the wall, weak, barely able to stand and in pain. “You hurt my baby,” Star said in a weak voice. Tiffany and Envy both were now crying as they looked at Star. “Don’t worry, you’ll be okay bitch. I’ll send a guard in here to set you free for an hour or two so you can clean yourself up,” Black Ice said then walked to the steel door, punched in the code, the door opened, and he left.
“Star, are you okay? Is the baby okay?”
Tiffany asked.
“I don’t know, Tiff. I’m in so much pain, but we’ll pray okay,” Star replied while still crying hysterically. A few seconds later a guard came into the room and uncuffed the women and left food and crack. Envy and Tiffany helped clean up Star then Star fell asleep in Tiffany’s lap.
“You was smart Envy for telling him you were pregnant. So he won’t rape you,” Tiffany said while rubbing Star’s head.
Envy looked at Yasmin in the corner smoking crack and got mad at the fact she didn’t even try to help console Star. Then she remembered what Tiffany told her how they ended up in this room. Envy moved in closer to Star and Tiffany. “I just didn’t tell him I was pregnant so he wouldn’t rape me. I got a surprise for his ass, but first we need to make a plan and you got to tell me about all the doors you remember,” Envy said while whispering in Tiffany’s ear.
The thug that worked for Black Ice head was spinning. The last thing he remembered was a male nurse holding his mouth and stuck a needle in his arm. He slowly opened his eyes and felt pain all over his body, worse than him being shot in the back, like he was. He noticed he was hanging in the air then looked at his arms. Then screamed,
“AAHHH, oh shit, what the fuck is going on here?”
he yelled as he could now see small and big metal hooks in his skin holding him up then realized the pain he felt on his back and the back of his legs was from the hooks. He tried to move, but couldn’t control his muscles. He looked around and couldn’t believe his eyes. There were body parts hanging from hooks all over the room from heads, to arms, and a man’s chest. “What the fuck is this?” he screamed and wanted to cry.
“Good, I see you’re the fuck up now,”
Michael said while waiting in the room with a brown book bag.
“Who the fuck are you and why can’t I move? Get me the fuck out of here,” the thug screamed.
“You can’t move because I gave you a drug, but you will be able to feel the pain you’re about to receive,” Michael replied then opened the book bag and pulled out a black case. He opened the black case to reveal chrome needles seven inches long and some smaller and thicker. “Now, listen I have more than a thousand of these needles here and it’s up to you if I use them all. I’m going to ask you a few questions. The first one is where is my woman?
The lady you and your friends took?”
“Fuck you, punk I’m not saying shit. You won’t get anything out of me,” the thug yelled.
Michael smiled and for some reason chills went through the thug’s body. The only time that happened was when he looked into Black Ice’ eyes or seen him smile. Michael looked at the thug’s naked body up and down. He put on black gloves then grabbed his dick and pushed a needle into his ball sac blood squirted everywhere. “AAHHH,” the thug tried to move, but he couldn’t. He wiggled and squirmed and the more he did the hooks in his back, arms, and legs ripped pulling his flesh causing more pain. Michael took a thin needle and pushed it into the hole of the thug’s dick head. He made sure he pushed it in as far as it could go. “AAHHH,” the thug screamed and cried in agonizing pain and couldn’t believe that Michael was still smiling while pushing more needles into him. Michael took the seven inch needle and grabbed the thug’s thigh and forced the needle through it until it came out the back of it. Michael spent the next half hour sticking needles into the thug’s lower half of his body. The thug felt as if he wanted to pass out, but couldn’t because of the drugs Michael gave him. There were more than seventy needles in his lower half of his body. “Now, I’m going to ask you once more where my woman and why did your men take her?”
“I can’t tell you. He’ll kill me,” the thug replied while crying.
This only angered Michael more. “What the fuck you think I’m going to do to you, but very fucking slow,” he yelled then pushed a needle in the thug’s left eye. “AAHHH, shit, please stop, stop,”
He cried out with anger. Michael went to work sticking needles through his chest and arms. “Now, tell me where she’s at. Tell me,” he yelled every time he stuck a needle into the thug.
The thug couldn’t take it anymore. An hour passed and he was feeling pain like he never felt.
“Black Ice took her he sent me and some man to get her. I don’t know why we always grabbed women, but this one was different that he ordered. We were warned not to hurt her. Usually we can shoot the women and it won’t matter, but I overheard she had something to do with his son.” As soon as the words left the thug’s mouth, it all became clear to him. He looked at Michael with his right eye and for the first time he understood how a man could cause another man so much pain. “You’re his son.
You’re the son of the devil. I see it in your eyes.”
Michael stood back as his mind raced. ‘My father took her, but why? He knows she’s my woman and that means he’s going to want me to look for him.’ Michael looked at the thug who had needles stuck in all over his body. Blood dripped down to the floor, “Now, motherfucker, tell me where they took my woman? And I might let you go.”
The thug looked at Michael with the only eye he had left and laughed. “Are you going to kill me if I tell you or not? You’re just like him. The only thing I fear is him more than you because you may kill me, but if I was to go free and he found out I talked. He’ll do more than just kill me, but he’ll kill my family.”
Michael got furious, “What the fuck do you think I will do?” The look in Michael’s eyes was the look of a mad man as Michael grabbed his face and pushed a needle through his cheeks making it go through his mouth and out of the next cheek.
“Tell me where they took her,” he yelled as he stuck more needles into the thug. Michael spent the night sticking needles in the thug and most of the morning until the man died without telling him where to find Envy. Michael looked at the dead thug’s body filled with hooks and needles and pulled out a machete and began to chop it up. “I’ll find her. I’ll find her without anyone’s help,” he yelled with each swing he made to the body cutting it up into small pieces.
From what Envy was told, this was one of the nights when the black vans left to set women free and they grabbed more women off the street and tonight was just that night. “Envy, you sure this will work?” Tiffany asked.
“Yeah, we planned it all day. And I trust you. You know what you’re talking about. So, trust me the way that I trust you, alright?” Envy whispered to Tiffany.
The street doors opened and shut as a guard walked in with three trays of food. “Okay ladies, this is the last meal for the night,” he said as he put the trays on the floor. “I’ll be back,” he left and then returned with a small plate full of crack and a glass pipes. He pulled the key out his pocket and uncuffed Envy’s hands first then uncuffed Tiffany’s hands from the wall and then walked over to Star.
The guard began to feel up on Star’s body,
“Hmmm, you still got a nice body even thicker than the first time I touched you and fucked you.”
Star looked into the man’s face, but barely remembered it. From the look on her face, he could tell she didn’t recall him. “Oh, I’m the one that first fucked you when you got here and then the other men took their turn”
Envy quickly unbuttoned her je
ans and pulled them down halfway and pulled out the Sub nose 3.57 Magnum from the holster and then pulled the five inch knife out of the holster on the left leg and passed it to Tiffany while the guard was busy feeling all over Star.
He uncuffed Star, “Yea since, you don’t remember me. I’m going to fuck you and remind you. Besides, that baby you carrying could be mine.”
“But wait, Black Ice said that none of us is supposed to be touched by any of his men.”
“Fuck, he won’t know. He’s out with most of the men selling weight of crack and grabbing fresh meat. I mean, girls,” the guard said while smiling putting his finger up inside Star’s pussy.
Then he felt the barrel of a gun on his temple. He slowly reached for his gun when he felt a knife press against his neck as well. He put up his hands.
“Don’t fucking move!” Envy ordered and pulled the 9mm out of his holster and passed it to Tiffany. Tiffany then removed the knife from his throat and then cocked the gun and aimed it.
“What the fucks going on? And how the fuck did you get a gun? ” The guard asked with his hands up and a confused look on his face.
“Just shut the fuck up and get back to the wall and keep your hands the fuck up,” Envy yelled,
“Tiffany pass Star the knife. Star, cuff his hands to the wall,” Envy ordered.
Star slowly walked toward him with the knife pointed. She cuffed his right hand up on the wall and grabbed his left hand to do the same when he broke free of her grip and grabbed her by the neck. He then turned her as a shield. “Uncuff me, you bitches or I’ll snap her neck!”
“Let her go now!” Tiffany yelled aiming her gun with Envy doing the same, but knew she didn’t have a clear shot with Star in the way. “I’m not going to tell you…” Before the words could leave her mouth Star swung the knife with all her might and stabbed him in his stomach. “AHHH!” he howled in pain and let her go. Envy quickly grabbed his loose hand and cuffed it to the wall and then went into his pocket and took out his keys, but was looking for a phone, but had no luck.
“You fucking bitches won’t get away with this when Black Ice finds out you tried to run you’ll be dead!” He yelled in pain while blood oozed out his stomach.
“No you asshole. He’s going to kill you because we got away. What should we do about Yasmin? Leave her or take her?” Envy asked looking at Star and Tiffany.
A big part of Tiffany wanted to say leave her it was because of the two women that lost their lives, but Yasmin was her childhood friend. “If you talk when you’re not supposed to, or give us away in anyway, I’ll shoot you in the head myself,”
Tiffany said as she uncuffed Yasmin’s hands and feet.
“Tiff, I think you’re crazy and should’ve left that bitch there!” Star yelled as all four of them made their way to the steel door.
“Tiff, you sure you know the code to open the door?” Envy asked.
“Yeah, I know it. I know Black Ice didn’t change it because these fools he got working for him would get too high and wouldn’t remember it,”
Tiffany said then punched in the code. She had seen Black Ice put it in so many times. The steel door popped open and Envy peeped her head out and looked both ways down the hallway. She could see that there were more steel doors and then the elevator came on. “Let’s move,” Envy said and walked into the hallway with Tiffany, Star, and Yasmin following as they passed the first door they could hear women moaning and screaming and could see thick smoke come from under the door.
“That’s the room they keep all the women in. The guards are probably raping the woman they hadn’t set free,” Star said in a whisper as they passed the second they heard a man scream as loud as he could “Kill Me! Just kill me already, please!”
“We should open the door and help him,”
Star said.
“No, we don’t have time to do that. We have to worry about ourselves first then we can help someone else,” Envy stated as they got closer to the elevator they could see the light on it coming on.
“Oh shit, someone’s coming!” Envy yelled.
“Follow me!” They ran through a door.
“This must be the staircase that leads to all the floors,” Tiffany stated.
Envy looked through the glass window of the door and could see three henchmen pushing a group of women about seven in all into one of the rooms. “We have a problem. We need to move faster and get the fuck out of here. They’re starting to come back with the women now and all we need is Black Ice to pop up and check that room, then we’re really unlucky. Tiff, you said all we needed to do is get to the first floor and the exit to the parking lot is right there.”
“Yeah Envy, I’m sure this time around. I know in my heart the first time, but listen to some else,” Tiffany said sarcastically and looked at Yasmin.
“Come on, let’s move,” Envy replied as they walked up the stairs. Envy looked through the glass window of the door on the second floor to see a guard with his back turned leaning on it. “Psst, pass me the knife and hold this,” Envy said to Star and passed her the gun and took the knife. “Damn, I only seen this shit in the movies. I pray it works,”
Envy said out loud to no one in particular. She took a deep breath then opened the door and grabbed the guard wrapping one hand around his mouth then pulled his head back and stabbed him in the neck repeatedly over and over. The guard had no time to react. “Quick, help me drag him in,” Envy said as the guard leaned on back her and he held his neck as the blood poured out of it. Tiffany and Star helped Envy pull the guard into the staircase. He lay there on the floor. His body shaking and jerking as all the blood rushed out of his neck then he stopped moving and died with his eyes open looking up at Tiffany, Envy, and Star. “Come on, we have to keep moving,” Envy stated as she bent down and took the Uzi off of his shoulder and used his shirt to clean the knife. Envy opened the door and walked out followed by the rest of the women.
They took turns creeping by a large room that they could see women naked and cooking crack and cocaine. A few men were guarding them.
“Okay Envy, you see that door on our left down the hall that’s our way out of here,” Tiffany stated. As they made their way to the door, they heard the elevator sop on the first floor.
“Oh shit, fast in here,” Envy said opening a door on the right and they ran into a small room.
She peeped out of the door and could see Black Ice talking to his lieutenant, Tiwan.
“We grabbed a lot of women tonight. So let’s go have fun with them. That’ll kill time until the rest of the vans come back with my money from selling the keys of crack,” Black Ice said to Tiwan.
‘And after that I’ll visit Caesar and then my Roxy, I mean Tiffany whatever,’ Black Ice thought to himself as he took a quick look at the workers cooking cocaine and got back on the elevator with Tiwan by his side heading to the basement.
Star turned around in the room and had her mouth opened in shock. There were stacks of money on top of stacks of more money on a table next to a money counting machine. She seen the duffel bag on the floor and unzipped one, “What the fuck, Tiff? You need to look at this?”
Tiffany and Yasmin then Envy turned around and stood there shocked. “Yo, I’m taking one of these bags,” Star stated and picked up one of the duffel bag and put it on her shoulders.
“Me too,” Yasmin said and unzipped a bag then looked at the money and zipped it back up.
“Are you two going fucking crazy? We’re trying to escape and you two are worried about money? I don’t know about you, but my life means more to me and the money will only slow us down.”
“Fuck that Envy. You don’t know how these men treated us, raping us every day and forced us to smoke crack and suck their dicks. Shit, even Black Ice made you do that shit and you don’t think we deserve to take something from these evil fuckers?” Yasmin replied.
Envy looked at Tiffany as Yasmin’s words rolled around in her head and the flash back of what Black Ice had made her do brought tea
rs to her eyes. “Their right. Fuck that, they hurt us, let’s hurt them where it matters to them the most,” Envy replied and grabbed a duffle bag and Tiffany did the same.
“Shit, this money could be used to take care of my baby,” Star stated.
“Okay, that’s enough about the money.
Everyone got a bag? Now, we need to get the fuck out of here. The exit is right across the hall. I’m going to peep my head out then we’re going to make our move. Is that clear?” Envy stated. The other three women shook their heads up and down.
Down in the basement, Black Ice had the new women already knowing the rules and they smoked crack out of the fear of dying and now his men were taking turns raping them. Black Ice walked out of the large room the steel doors shut behind him. “Now, I just need the rest of my men to come back with my money and more women, but until then I will kill time with that good sweet pussy, Tiffany, and fuck around with my son’s girl,” he said to himself then burst out laughing. He walked down the hallway and stopped at the first door on his right. He entered the code and the door popped open. “My lovely ladies, I think I’m in the mood to fuck all of ya’ll brains out,” he said out loud. Then looked at the wall and could only see his guard chained to it bleeding. “No! No!” Black Ice screamed then stomped towards the guard.
“Where are they?” Black Ice screamed grabbing the guard by the neck.
“Boss I’m sorry. They had a gun and got the drop on me and stabbed me.”
Black Ice face balled up with anger. He looked down at the guard’s stomach and seen the blood gushing out from it. He took three fingers and stuffed them inside of the wound. “AAHHH, boss I’m sorry, AAHHH,” the guard screamed.
“How long ago did they get out of this room?”
“It’s been longer than fifteen minutes,” the guard screamed.
Black Ice pulled his fingers out of the guard’s wound. “Good that means they couldn’t have gotten far,” Black Ice said out loud to himself and walked across the room to his three hyenas and unchained them from the wall. “Come on follow me,” he ordered the hyenas.