Spelled by Her Love_A Paranormal Romance

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Spelled by Her Love_A Paranormal Romance Page 7

by Emma Carter

  “Because you gave me your word,” I said softly, choosing the safe response. “You told me that you would help me to get my sister away from Sinn. Your word is your bond.”

  “Who gives a damn about what you promised her?” his friend shouted. “You owe her nothing when she’s lied to you. Don’t listen to her, Ralf. That lie negates everything. Now what are you going to do?”

  I saw the play of emotions on Ralf’s face. He wanted to end my life right there. I even felt the pressure of his hand tightening around my neck. I would fight back but only for one reason. I had to save Lilly. His eyes reflected confusion and hurt. He released me suddenly and stepped back as though he couldn’t bear to touch me.

  “I’ll do what I set out to do originally,” he said to his friend. “I’ll go after Sinn and free her sister.” When his friend started to protest, Ralf stared him down. “After we collect her sister, then they are both mine to do with as I see fit.”

  I shivered at his loaded statement. “Thank you.”

  He turned cold, chilling eyes towards me. “You won’t want to thank me after I’m finished with you, witch.” He spat the last word at me before turning to his men, dismissing me. “I understand if you are now against this mission. I’ll take it on alone since I’m in this mess because of my own gullibility. There’s no sense in risking your necks for the likes of her.”

  His friend responded, “As much as I agree with that sentiment, I could not bear it for you to face Sinn alone. We will travel with you.”


  Hours later, I was struggling to keep up with the werewolves but determined not to be the weak link on the team. I scoffed mentally, having not spoken to anyone since we broke camp. I had tried approaching Ralf to apologize but the scathing look he had given me had kept me quiet. They all trudged along ahead of me, a wolf reappearing every now and then to keep us abreast to what was happening ahead with the others.

  By this time, all the wolves who had come to help had learned of what I was. They all had the same look of contempt in their eyes although there was one who looked at me more out of pity. I’d caught his name as Gerard.

  We were close to Sinn. We had already spotted ashes in several places since about half an hour ago. The werewolves had done away with Sinn’s scouts, picked them off one by one. I wondered if by now Sinn would have heard of our coming.

  Hang in there, Annie. I’ll be there soon. You’ll be alright. Thinking about Lilly instead of what was happening between Ralf and me was keeping me sane. In less than an hour, I would have Lilly back home. There was no way I would allow Ralf and his men to lay hands on us. I had only used our teleporting spell once and never did so with two persons. It would take an intense amount of energy especially without a potion to cast. A potion made everything easier. With the potion, it was all in the chant to make it work. Without the potion, I had to harvest energy from my surroundings to get things done. With so many werewolves around, I knew there would be enough energy to absorb. I just needed to get Lilly.

  The group came to a halt as another werewolf joined us. He turned in his human form and I looked away as I had done all the others. I knew it made sense they would be naked after shifting but it didn’t feel right staring at another naked man. Not after what I had shared with Ralf. The others didn’t seem mind and I figured it was second nature for them, but I wasn’t used to half-naked men running around me. There was only one naked man I was interested in seeing anyway. I sighed in regret.

  “We’ve a lock on Sinn’s location and where he is hiding the girl,” the newcomer announced. We also have the keep surrounded. Seems like he’s been living here awhile and in fine style too. He’s created a castle of sorts and they worship him like he’s a god.”

  “Is my sister okay?” I asked since no one had bothered to. The werewolf continued as though I hadn’t spoken.

  “The last vampire I caught was willing to spill his guts not to be killed. There’s something else you should know.” Now he stared at me as he spoke. “There’s rumor that Sinn is anticipating his wedding, the arrival of a bride. His witch bride. The whole castle is thriving on the news.”

  All eyes turned to me and my face went crimson. Ralf moved so fast, I didn’t see it coming. He grasped me by the shoulder and turned to his comrades. “Go ahead. We’ll catch up with you.”

  “Would make a whole lot of sense if just you catch up with us,” the one they called Luke announced but walked on with his wolves.

  “You’ve lied to me one time too many!” Ralf snapped at me. “Now for once and for all, you’re going to tell me everything. Why are we here? Why did Sinn kidnap your sister? Why did you fucking lie to me and rip my heart out?”

  I gasped at the extent of his anger. “Luke, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just needed your help.”

  “What for? Are you supposed to be marrying Sinn?”

  I shook my head vehemently. “No! He proposed the idea about some months ago, but I turned him down. He kidnapped my sister to force me into accepting his proposal. I don’t want to marry him. I don’t love him.”

  “Is there anything else that you’re leaving out?” he asked. “Because I swear to you, if I discover another lie, I’ll ensure you live to regret this for the rest of our lives.”

  My heart knocked against my ribs, thinking about our parents. I couldn’t tell him such a news right before the danger we were about to go in. I would tell him after, when Annie was safe. I shook my head. “I really am sorry about—”

  “Your apologies are unwanted. Now let’s go.”



  “Stay close by me,” I snapped at Lilly as we approached the castle Sinn had built. The foolish vampire must have thought he was protected in the mountains, so he didn’t even bother to border his building with a wall for strangers to keep out. I imagined he probably wanted strangers to stray within the keep so he could have them for a blood slave. A vampire like Sinn had discipline. Where some would drain the blood from a victim, turning them, he drank only enough but kept them alive for more blood.

  I glanced behind me to ensure Lilly was sticking close to me. Even after everything the witch had done to me, I was still protective of her. I had no idea what I would do with her yet. My fellow werewolves all expected me to punish her. Luke wanted her to die at my hands or his but truly, I wanted her to go already, to leave me the hell alone and let me wallow in self-pity. The one woman, outside of my mother who I had come to love had lied and manipulated me into doing what she wanted.

  Was this the same woman who had laid beneath me on the ground, clutching me as I brought us both to fulfillment? My cheeks flushed, and the flap of my jeans tightened from my arousal as I thought about how it had felt to be deep inside her. I still wanted her, and the revelation irked me. Better to get this mission over with so we could all go home. In the end, I would have bested Sinn and caught me a witch. Maybe I should make her into a slave for what she had done. Hmm, a sex slave. Now, that was too dangerous. I might not be able to keep myself from falling for her all over again.

  We entered the keep which felt strangely quiet. Lots of ashes were on the ground where our werewolves had struck them down, paving the way for us.

  “Let’s hurry. This way.”

  We hurried after the werewolf who led us to the stone castle that had been built. I wondered how long it had been built and who Sinn had beguiled to put in all the work to make such a mastery. I resisted glancing back to see if Lilly was keeping up. If she didn’t keep up, that was none of my business. I only promised to help her sister escape.

  I trampled up the steps of the castle, the paws of werewolves clicking against the marble floor. All the men had changed in their wolf form except for myself and Luke. The front door of the castle was unlocked, as though we were expected. And we were. We all came to a halt in the richly decorated hall, in the color scheme of red and gold. Sinn himself was standing at the other end of the hall. The tall, lanky vampire had a grin on his face
I didn’t like at all.

  I remembered all the women and children he had slaughtered, and fire raged inside me. Coupled with what Lilly had done, I was at the end of my tether. Sinn was standing with a girl in front of him. He had the girl’s hand twisted behind her back. Looking at her, I could see the resemblance to Lilly. She had tears streaming down her face and her red curls were a mess, but she was still alive and that was what mattered.

  “Annie!” Lilly cried, rushing forward. I caught her by the arm and halted her. “Let me go to her! Please!”

  “Lilly, I’m so sorry,” Annie sobbed. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have come.”

  “I’ll always come after you, Annie. Always.” She struggled against me, but I held her tight. Sinn was up to something and I didn’t know what.

  “Oh, how touching,” the vampire said, his tone mocking. “Gentlemen, welcome to my humble abode. Magnificent, isn’t it?”

  “Let the girl go, Sinn,” I demanded, baring my fangs. He only bared his in return.

  “I will,” he answered. “In a minute.” He looked behind him and called. “Elektra, darling.”

  A newcomer joined us, sauntering into the room. Slender and deathly white, she must have been a model in her former life. She looked beautiful but badly in need of a tan. Her black hair was shaved low on one side and fell over in an untidy heap on the other. Several earrings were in her ear. She also had a piercing over her left brow and a barbell in her lower lip. I could see the makings of a tattoo creeping up her neck where her black top ended.

  So this was the vampire’s rumored lover. I braced to see how many more vampires would step out to defend their master but no one else appeared. The wolves had killed several vampires, but I doubted those were the only ones.

  Sinn thrust Lilly’s sister at his lover who grasped the girl by her hair and hauled her up against her body.

  “Don’t let her get the best of you again,” Sinn told Elektra before returning his attention to us. “Where was I again? Oh yes, we were talking about how strange to see a werewolf and a witch together. I didn’t think one could stand the other.”

  “We’re just here for the girl, Sinn. And finally, to punish you for what you did to our people. Did you think we forgot?”

  “Of course not,” he replied. “You wouldn’t forget and forgive me for killing your people, would you?”

  “Sinn, just let her go,” Lilly pleaded beside me. “You know she doesn’t have what you want. She is not a witch!”

  “Be quiet!” I snapped at her.

  Sinn clicked his tongue. “Now, now Ralf, is that the way to talk to a woman? I suppose after you learned her dirty little secret she has become like me in your eyes.” He returned his eyes to Lilly. “This is your last chance, Lilly. Your last chance to join us. Be my wife, my queen. Together we can rule.”

  “Over my dead body,” she spat at him despite me telling her to be quiet.

  “Very well, then.” He stepped back. “I think you should tell Ralf here the whole secret you’ve kept from him. Tell him now or I’ll have Elektra there ensure your sister doesn’t leave this castle alive.”

  “What the fuck is this? A goddamn tea party?” Luke growled at us.

  “Let me handle this,” I told him.

  “Five seconds to tell him, Lilly.” Sinn looked at his clock. His girlfriend, Elektra removed a blade that had been sheathed in a scabbard. She held the knife against the girl’s throat. “Five. Four.”

  “My parents killed yours,” Lilly whispered.

  I stilled and stared at her. “What?”

  She squared her chin. “I don’t know why they did it so I’m not going to make excuses. I just know they killed your parents and they were sentenced to death by the tribunal.”

  I gaped in horror at her. This had just gotten worse. I had slept with the woman whose parents had killed mine?

  Sinn started laughing, the sound filling the room. “You had no idea, did you? This is hilarious. And you came here to hunt me? When all your focus should be on you sleeping with your enemy.”

  I’d had enough of the chatting. My pupils dilated, and I could feel myself changing. My clothes ripped apart as I sprang, fangs snarling at the vampire. I ended up with Annie being flung before me. I retracted my fangs before I hurt her. As far as I knew, she had no powers. Around me, I heard wolves howling and ready to attack. A swarm of vampires descended in the hall. I knew he had them hidden somewhere. I nudged the frightened teen girl from my path.



  I ignored the reunion, my eyes set on Sinn. His girlfriend had already retreated and the werewolves were taking care of the vampires who had shown up for the party. I heard the howl of a wolf, couldn’t verify who was hurt. I had bigger priorities and thanks to Sinn he had riled me up even more. I jumped over a fallen werewolf, dropping lightly to my feet. Sinn retreated, running towards the stairs. I had him in my sight. I leapt in the air, but was hit from the side by a vampire. I slammed against the wall, shook my head to clear the daze and identified the vampire who had interfered. He turned, ready to run but I didn’t give him a chance. I pounced on him, taking him down to the floor. I went for his chest, ripping out his heart. I didn’t wait for him to turn ash but returned my focus to the stairs. Sinn had vanished. I pounced up the stairs, crashing through the second door where I saw a shadow.

  I howled my frustration when I saw I’d been misled by another vampire, more than likely, acting as a decoy for Sinn. He held a knife in his hand. He charged forward, knife arched and ready to plunge. I met him head on and knocked him down. By the time he landed on the floor, he was already dead.

  I retreated from the room and began my search for Sinn. I looked everywhere but was unable to sniff out the vampire. I searched every room, every crevice and corner, frustrated. After everything that happened today, I needed just one victory. That victory should have been me ridding the world of Sinn.

  Disappointed, I headed down the stairs to find two werewolves were down but not dead, thank God. The damage though was nothing compared to what we had done to them. I frowned when I saw no sign of Lilly and her sister, Annie.

  “Is he dead?” Luke asked me. He was also in his wolf form and we were able to communicate with each other that way.

  I shook my head. “He escaped.”

  “So Sinn is still at large in the world. We don’t have a clue where his girlfriend is either.” Luke’s eyes narrowed. “And as you can see, the witches are no longer here.”

  “What do you mean she’s no longer here?” I demanded.

  “She cast a spell. One that had her disappearing with her sister. She’s a powerful witch.”

  Disappointment welled up inside me. She had left and without even a word of thanks. She had received what she had come for and didn’t need me anymore. She only wanted to use me which was the reason for so many lies. The wolf inside me howled his misery.



  “So, you’re not going to talk about it?” Annie asked as soon as I entered the motel room where we were staying. I hated that we had to stay in this cramped place when our apartment was just sitting there, but Ralf was probably having the place watched for us to return. I couldn’t try another teleporting spell either to enter the apartment without being seen. The last one had taken so much energy from me it had taken me days to recuperate.

  “Talk about what?” I placed the take-out I had gone out to buy us on the small two-seater white table in the room. We had been staying at this motel since we left the mountains. Now that Sinn was dead and that threat had been eliminated, I now had to watch out for werewolves after revenge. It seemed my lot in life was to avoid one foe after another. Although it pained me to think of Ralf that way.

  “What went on between you and the werewolf,” she replied. “It’s been almost a week and you’ve not said anything about it, but I can tell something went on.”

  “It’s not up for discussion, Annie,” I told her. “Now come
and eat. I need to get a job.” The cash I had was still back at Ralf’s apartment and I was running out of money fast.

  “Why don’t we skip town?” she suggested. “We can go somewhere else to live and start over. Nobody needs to know that you are a witch. You know so much about werewolves, I’m sure you know where we can go to avoid one.”

  I didn’t respond. How could I explain to her that I was torn? Staying here made me feel close to Ralf, even if I couldn’t have him. A part of me still harbored the impossible hope that maybe someday we would be reunited. Maybe someday things would get better between our peoples and then a courtship could be set up between us.

  “See, I know you’re not telling me everything,” Annie insisted as she came over to the table to sit. “Can you at least tell me if you love him?”

  I put down the cheesy fries that I had been about to pop into my mouth. If I didn’t give her something she would not leave it alone. Now that she was back, I had to put up with her habits. It was a good thing my love for her outweighed how annoying she could be at times.

  “I was falling for him,” I answered on a sigh. “I wish things were different between us but it’s not, so I don’t see the reason to talk about it.”

  “Because it’ll make you feel better.”

  I gave a mocking laugh. “The only thing that would make me feel better is being with him. And that’s never going to happen. He hates me.”

  “Do you think he loved you back?”

  I shrugged. “He may have if he hadn’t found out I was a witch. And not just any witch. The spawn from those who killed his parents.”

  She hung her head. “I don’t suppose we’ll ever find out why mama and papa went after his parents. I still don’t understand it. That’s not the type of people I remembered them to be.”

  “They were not,” I agreed. “But they died along with any evidence of defense they had of themselves.”


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