Human Action: A Treatise on Economics

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Human Action: A Treatise on Economics Page 129

by Ludwig VonMises

  champions of, 675n

  critics of, 282

  depressions under, 563

  doctrine of, 689–691

  economic calculation under, ch. 26, pp. 694–711

  failure to refute theories of, 6

  German pattern of, 319, 471, 687, 713–714, 752–753, 759

  guild, 812–813

  historical origin of, 685–689

  labor and, 137

  market and, 335, 672, 687, 701, 712

  Marxism and, 260, 265, 267, 67In, 689–691

  policy of, 74, 89, 183, 206, 240, 257, 259–260, 672–678; Part 5, pp. 685–711; 808

  praxeological character of, 691–693

  problem of, 90, 694–699

  Russian pattern of, 713

  taxation and, 733–734

  theory of value and, 6, 206–207

  war and, 821–828

  writings about, 503 see also, Collectivism; Interventionism; Planning


  action within, ch. 7, pp. 119–142; Part 2, pp. 143–200

  exchange within, ch. 10, pp. 195–200

  Great, 168–169

  holistic and metaphysical view of, 1, 145–153, 397

  human, ch. 8, pp. 143–176

  individual within, 143, 164–165, 178–179

  liberal, 149, 283, 321

  place of economics in, Part 7, pp. 858–881

  socialist, ch. 25, pp. 685–693

  “Utopian,” 2, 71, 72, 831


  instinct, 15

  meaning of, 30n

  of knowledge, 5, 84, 207, 584


  conservation, 652–653

  myth of, 640–641 see also, Land

  Solvay, Ernest, 186

  Sombart, Werner, 198n, 744n, 837

  Sooner or later, 99, 102, 480, 490, 494

  Sophocles, 617

  Sorel, Georges, 171, 645, 808

  Soul, 26, 175


  consumer, 270–272, 297, 308, 724

  national, 682

  Sozialpolitik, 320, 363–364, 829

  Spann, Othmar, 679

  Specialization, 69, 311, 620, 870

  Speculating, 58, 112–113, 251, 253–254, 300, 324, 333, 454, 582 see also, Entrepreneurs; Investments; Profits and losses; Risktaking

  Speenhamland system, 600n

  Spencer, Herbert, 198n

  Spending, public, 221, 226–229, 236, 242n, 734, 737, 770–771, 843–845, 846, 851; see also, Taxation

  Spengler, Oswald, 645

  Spinoza, Benedictus, 5

  Stabilization, 220–229, 416 see also, Currency; Money

  Stalin, Josef, 645

  Stalinists, 152

  Standard of living, 265, 314, 601, 665, 739, 740, 750, 860

  State of rest

  final, 246

  plain, 245–246

  State and society, 148, 149

  Static method, 248–249

  Statics, 248, 353

  Statism, see, Nationalism

  Stationary economy, 251–252, 256–257, 292


  average of, 60

  economic, 30n, 218

  of prices, 326–328, 347–349

  Statolatry, 148, 226, 827, 828

  Stirner, Max, 151

  Stock exchange, 514–517, 790

  Strigl, Richard, 262n, 642n

  Strike, right to, 773

  Subconscious, concept of, 12

  Subjectivism, 3, 21, 57, 64, 94

  Subsidies, 365, 600n, 654–656, 737, 738


  supply of, 484

  wages and, 600–606

  Sulzbach, Walter, 83 5n

  Superiority, racial, 90


  control of, 357

  demand and, 62, 222, 241, 324, 320, 355, 375, 385–388, 398–402, 756

  labor, 136, 591, 606–613

  monopoly of, 354, 280 see also, Money, relation; Money, supply

  Surplus, consumer, 385

  Surtax, 853

  Sweden, prosperity in, 793n


  currency devaluation in, 462

  monopoly for cereals and, 388

  National Bank of, 462, 463

  “Sycophants,” 5, 9, 268

  Synchronism, 102

  Syndicalism and corporativism, 305; ch. 33, pp. 808–816

  Synthetics, 826



  for protectionism, 361–365, 738

  infant industries argument, 505–507

  leather, 742

  outcome of, 742–749

  prolabor legislation and, 313–314, 746–749

  to divert production, 737 see also, Mercantilism; Nationalism; Protectionism

  Tautology, 38


  ability-to-pay principle and, 731–732

  amortization and, 640

  burden of, 853

  classes of, 734–735

  confiscatory, 802–807

  interference by, 227; ch. 28, pp. 730–735; 800

  neutral, 730–731


  fiscal, 733–734

  nonfiscal, 733–744

  price for government services, 738

  progressive, 803–805, 851–854

  socialism and, 733–734

  surtax, 853

  total, 731–733

  Technicians, 300


  backwardness of, 504–505

  improvement in, 8, 391, 465, 504, 509, 615

  influence of, 207, 292, 503

  opportunity of, 526

  Rumania and, 493

  Russian, 5

  task of, 93, 300, 345

  unemployment and, 136–137, 768 see also, Entrepreneurs

  Teleology, 23, 25

  Temple, William, 67In

  Temporal relation between actions, 102–104

  Theocracy, 69, 150–157


  acting and, 24, 177, 584n

  method of, 230–231

  prelogical and logical, 34–38

  satisfaction of, 584n see also, Action, human

  Time, ch. 5, pp. 99–104

  action in passing of, ch. 18, pp. 476–520

  economization of, 101–102

  element of, 247–248

  factor of land utilization, 634–636

  maturing, 476

  past, present, and future, 100–101

  praxeological character of, 99–100

  preference, 480–487, 489n, 496–199

  relation between actions, 102–104

  waiting, 479, 490–492

  working, 476 see also, Interests

  Tirala, Lothar Gottlieb, 86n

  Tooke, Thomas, 443

  Tools and machinery, 768 see also, Technology

  Torrens, Robert, 602

  Total wealth, 218

  Totalitarianism, 9, 113, 152–153, 265, 280, 562–563 see also, Collectivism; Socialism


  agreements, 797

  ancient, 761

  barriers, 274

  cycle, 204; ch. 20, pp. 535–583; 788

  domestic and foreign, 322, 452–453

  free, 81–84, 743

  interest, credit expansion and, ch. 20, pp. 535–583

  international, 160, 392, 446, 737, 741, 820, 824, 828

  marks, 361, 377

  migration and, 622, 820, 821, 828

  money and, 446, 452, 455, 473–75, 498

  Swiss, 388 see also, Foreign exchange; Protectionism; Tariffs

  Traditionalism, 191–192, 311

  Transvaluation of values, 170, 172

  Trial and error, 700–701

  Trotsky, Leon, 71n, 277n

  Trotskyists, 152

  Truman Administration, 812

  Truth, 24, 28, 467


  Ultimate given, 17–18, 20–21, 25, 28, 49–50

  Uncertainty, ch. 6, pp. 105–118; 249

p; Underconsumption, 298–299, 579

  Understanding, 49–58, 61, 68, 87–89, 112, 115, 118


  catallactic, 576–577, 595–598

  effects of, 770

  frictional, 597–598

  institutional, 364, 598, 605, 611, 664–772, 783–784, 786–787

  technological, 136–137, 768 see also, Depressions; Malinvestments

  Unions, see, Labor, unions

  United Nations, 366, 683–684, 821

  United States

  Civil War, 825

  credit expansion and, 568

  laborers of, 675n

  lend-lease and, 475

  surtax policy of, 853n

  war production and, 821

  Universalism, 42, 44–45, 145–153

  Universities, economics and, 868–872

  Use-value, 121

  Utilitarian philosophy, 15, 21, 148, 175

  Utility, marginal, 119–127, 632

  “Utopians,” 2, 70, 72, 831


  Valuation (Value judgments)

  appraisement and, 87, 96, 328–332

  change of, 222

  conflicts and, 315, 686

  consumer and, 328

  dictators and, 113, 647

  economics and, 2, 10, 21, 206, 295, 356, 485, 879–881

  equal, 480

  history and, 47, 56

  market, 384

  measuring, 121–122, 205

  money, 405, 406, 408, 425–427

  objective use, 21, 120, 127

  of wealth, 710

  philosophical, 14, 18, 95

  prices and, 97, 202–206, 328, 390, 632

  saving and, 530

  scale of, 94–96, 102–103

  socialism and, 206–207

  subjective, 3, 21, 51, 120, 124, 243, 328–332, 392, 632

  theory of, 2, 63, 96, 119–127, 205, 206, 351, 485, 602

  time preference and, 480–487, 489n, 496–499

  without calculation, ch. 11, pp. 201–212 see also, Action, human; Ideology; Meaning; Understanding; World view


  flight into real, 547

  paradox of, 63, 121

  transvaluation of, 170, 172

  Vassals, 197, 817, 835

  Vested interests, 269, 276, 334, 848

  Volkswirtschaft, 319–323, 396, 513, 518, 633

  Voltaire, Francois-Marie, 662

  Voting, 76, 150, 153, 193, 271, 647n



  determination of, 271, 739, 783

  iron law of, 20n, 601, 739

  labor and, 589–593, 673

  purchasing power argument of, 298–299


  expansion of production and, 298, 768

  fixing, 811–812

  gross and net, 598–600

  historical explanation and regression theorem compared, 606

  just price and, 620, 721, 722

  market effect of, 619–620

  minimum, 763–773

  Prussian Historical School and, 603

  real, 364, 546, 605

  rise in, 550

  subsistence and, 600–606

  theory of, 601–606, 612, 672

  work and, ch. 21, pp. 584–630

  Waiting time, 490–496

  Wallace, Henry, 236

  Walras, Léon, 121

  Want-satisfaction, 243, 389, 393, 408, 415, 476, 478, 481, 484, 496, 525, 672, 674 see also, Action, human; Valuation


  autarky and, 824–826

  capitalism and, 824

  causes of, 498–499, 680, 819–821, 827–828

  Civil, American, 825

  detrimental, 175

  economics of, ch. 34, pp. 817–823

  foreign trade and, 175, 662, 820, 824, 828

  futility of, 827–828

  history and, 645–646

  interventionism and, 821

  limited, 818

  loans, 228–229

  market economy and, 821–824

  migration and, 820, 821, 828

  peace and, 147–148, 680–684

  production, 821

  profits, 823

  socialism and, 821–828

  substitutes, 825

  total, 168–169, 817–821


  constancy of, 511

  changes in, 518n

  division of, 293

  evaluated, 310

  income and inequality of, 285–286, 731–732, 836–847

  total, 218

  value of, 710 see also, Capitalism; Money; Saving

  Webb, Beatrice and Sidney, 272n, 618, 814n

  Weber, Max, 30n, 126

  Weber-Fechner law of psychophysics, 125–127

  Welfare principle versus market principle, ch. 35, pp. 829–850

  Wells, Herbert George, 662n

  Wertfreiheit, 47–8, 877–880

  West versus East, 84, 495, 665, 836

  Whately, Richard, 3n, 532n

  Wicksell, Knut, 486

  Wicksteed, Philip Henry, 103n

  Wiese, Leopold, 169n

  Wieser, Friedrich, 205, 207n

  Wilson, Woodrow, 820

  Wirtschaftliche Staatswissenschaften, 62, 603, 755–756


  of animals and slaves, 624–631

  wages and, ch. 21, pp. 584–630 see also, Hours of work; Labor

  World Council of Churches, 671n

  World government, 682 see also, International organization

  World view

  ideology and, 178–187

  panmechanistic, 25

  Wren, Sir Christopher, 850


  Young, Allyn, 523n, 734n

  Young, Arthur, 617

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