Triple X

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Triple X Page 5

by Amelia June

  The Chief of Staff ended the conference by stating that "'Anyone who has information regarding this heinous act can call Eight-Eight-C-R-I-M-E twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No piece of information is too small.' This is Carla Morales from Washington DC, reporting."

  Abby paused mid-chew, then took a swig of soda and turned to face Jordan.

  "I think the FBI just described you as their primary suspect, darling. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

  "You won't be laughing so hard when they come knocking on your door asking about me, will you?"

  "Don't you think you're being a little paranoid again? Your political activism is hardly 'fringe group' worthy."

  "Polyamory, gay rights, increased spending on social programs, no religion in schools...Abby, like it or not, I am the fringe these days. The country has turned into a haven for the religious right."

  "Well, looks like I should be glad I'm female, because if supporting freedoms and civil rights means I'm fringe, then I guess I'm there with you. I wonder if we're on some Department of Homeland Security list somewhere."

  "I'm sure I am, with the protests I've attended in the past."

  "Why haven't we been to any together?" Abby asked. "I've never seen myself as a political activist, but with things headed the way they are, I want to do something as well."

  "There's an equal rights rally focusing on marriage rights for all next weekend. We can go if you like you can meet some of my poly friends." Jordan had introduced her to a few friends of his, but no one in the poly community. Probably because he's slept with more than a few of them.

  "I'd love to go, I want to get involved somehow. I feel personally attacked by some of the newer policies."

  "You're just burned that the FBI shut down your favorite erotica website," Jordan teased.

  "You're damn right I'm burned. I realize that not everyone understands or condones BDSM and other somewhat 'out there' sexual practices, but that doesn't give them the right to restrict my freedoms or anyone else's. The new obscenity laws are so strict that even non-pornographic material could fall under them. These days, anything a community might find 'offensive' is a target. I've seen reports of all kinds of rallies being prevented; I know the BDSM gathering, Folsom Street Fair was canceled, and even the fucking ACLU offices were raided two weeks ago. Oh, wipe that smug look off your face. I know I haven't always been as active in politics as I should, but I just wasn't that concerned."

  "That's because they never infringed on your rights before. There was a time I would have married, and I couldn't, because marrying two women is illegal, immoral and against God."

  "Whose God are we referring to? Since when did the Christian version of God become the only God Americans are allowed to freely worship?" Abby paused for a moment mid-rant, then said, "You're right, though, about me. I really hadn't considered the implications of the marriage restrictions before now since they didn't affect me directly. I have to wonder how many other people out there are apathetic to the current situation because it doesn't affect them personally."

  "Most of them, actually. The majority of Americans are Christian, and few of them take the time out to consider the broader implications of these policies. After all, they agree with what is going on now, and by the time they realize how limited their own rights have become the laws will already be in effect. That is how Jones is pushing through his agenda, by starting with things that will only offend the minority."

  Interrupting Jordan's tirade, Abby said, "You know what? It is time to get off our high horses and out of here. Let's go home and harness this passion in a more…constructive way."

  The corners of Jordan's mouth turned up in that sexy way they did when he anticipated naughtiness to follow. Abby immediately flushed from her cheeks to her chest with arousal. Noticing her excitement, Jordan smiled more broadly and swept their food trash away in one broad gesture. He took her hand and pulled her out the door, blithely ignoring her protests that she wasn't ready to go yet.

  * * * *

  September 15th, 2007

  Jordan padded around the bed, feet sinking in the plush sage carpet. Digging around, he extracted a pair of pants from the pile of clothes on the floor. He was moving quietly, but Abby was already awake. She stretched luxuriously in the still warm space he left behind.

  "Mmm, what's up, sweetie? It's Saturday, what's the rush?" Abby squinted at the alarm clock on the bookshelf and blinked to clear the cobwebs from her eyes. "You kept me up way too late to expect me to get up at seven in the morning."

  "The pro-marriage rally, remember, my little cupcake?"

  Abby wrinkled her nose at his cloying sentiment and sat up.

  "That's right. Seven a.m.? Good Lord, you people are dedicated." She stood up in the nude and gazed blankly at her open closet for something to wear. Jordan walked up behind her and pressed his body into hers.

  "Ooh, I do love naked girl for breakfast. Let me have a taste of you," he said, leaning down to bite her neck gently. At the same time his hands slid down her hips and settled in the space where her thighs met her body. She sagged a bit and leaned against him for support. She could feel him hardening against her ample rear and she moved her hips in a slow backward arc, encouraging him.

  "Temptress," he growled, and pulled away. "We have to leave in a half hour, not nearly enough time to ravish you appropriately."

  "Jordan, you never ravish me appropriately. The more inappropriate, the better, as far as I'm concerned. But I guess you're right. Just remember I have dibs later."

  "You, cupcake, have dibs for life. At least partial ones." His eyes sparkled with laughter and she laughed with him. Part of her knew how true what he said was, but once again she settled herself by remembering that life was one day at a time, and she had no reason to worry about the future when she had no idea what the future would bring.

  "I'm going to hop in the shower for a second," she said, still having found nothing she wanted to wear. "I'll be out in ten minutes or less."

  "Okay, don't be too long or we'll miss Edan's opener. I love his rally speeches, so passionate."

  "Edan? Former lover?"

  "Actually no, not Edan. We don't really know each other that well, but he heads up a lot of the pro-marriage rights rallies. It's kind of his adopted child, and his full time job to lobby Congress."

  "This must be a bad time for him, with Jones in office."

  "Well, he's doing more protesting and less lobbying lately, as more conservative Congressmen are moving into power. The rally we're attending today is a protest against yet another push to get marriage defined as 'one man, one woman' in the Constitution."

  Abby rolled her eyes in disgust. "All right. I don't want to miss his speech either, sounds interesting. I'll shower quick."

  Ten minutes later she stepped out of the shower and ran a comb through her long hair. She had never worn long hair before, but she loved the way Jordan twisted it around his fists when they made love. She skipped makeup altogether and air dried her way to the closet. She chose jeans and a t-shirt that read "Talk Nerdy To Me". Pulling on socks and her black and white Converse, she was ready to go in record time.

  Walking out of the bedroom, she grinned at the aroma of a man cooking breakfast. Jordan stood in ass-hugging jeans with no shirt. Does that man ever wear a shirt? When he heard her he turned and pulled her into his arms for a kiss.

  "I have coffee and eggs, interested?"

  She nodded and he poured her a cup of coffee, adding sugar and cream in amounts she liked. Just like every morning. How did all those other people let this man go?

  "Go ahead and finish getting dressed, I'll watch the eggs," Abby suggested. I hate to see that chest disappear under a shirt though. When he reemerged a few minutes later with a Hawaiian shirt and tennies on, she was laying out eggs and toast at the small round table in her great room. Both of them loved to cook, so they often ate well, even in a rush. The morning's eggs were livened up with some fresh basil and, to Jordan's
continued horror, Abby added ketchup to hers. "I still say that's the grossest thing I've ever seen," he chided her. "You are ruining perfectly good eggs."

  "Eat your own breakfast, leave mine out of it," she replied and they both dove in.

  * * * *

  Thirty minutes later they were hopping on the Metro headed for the Mall. "You're going to love this, Abby, all these passionate people gathered together. I love the presence we have on the National Mall, a whole bunch of folks who love each other surrounded by monuments to our forefathers, who guaranteed our freedoms in the Constitution. Kills me we have to demonstrate at all. Why should we be denied life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"

  I love how he is so passionate about his beliefs. I know I've learned a lot about passion from him. Abby colored a little at the thought.

  "Oh no, quick, let's change seats," Jordan said suddenly.

  "What?" Abby asked. "Why?"

  "See that guy getting on up there? That's obnoxious Rob."

  "Um, what?" Abby asked, confused.

  "Ack, too late, he saw us. Act as disinterested as possible and don't look him directly in the eye."

  The man came over and sat in the seats across from them. "Jordan! I haven't seen you in a long time, how are you, man?"

  "Fine," said Jordan. Tersely.

  "And who is this latest squeeze I see? You've always got someone on your arm, don't you? I mean, I've been known to play the field, but I can't hold a candle to you. Actually, maybe I can because..." He went on for another five minutes, talking away without seeming to expect a response of any kind. Just as Abby started watching to see if he took breaths between sentences, he said, "Well, anyway I see my group back in the back there. I guess I'll catch you guys at the protest. What did you say your name was?" He looked at Abby expectantly, and she realized he was actually anticipating a response.

  "Abigail," she responded.

  "Well, nice to meet you and good to see Jordan has settled down a bit. I have to go now but it was nice to meet you, Abby."


  "What in the name of all things holy was that?" she asked when he was finally gone.

  "That," said Jordan, "was obnoxious Rob. He's a mainstay of the poly community here in DC, though how any of his mates can stand him is beyond me. He never, ever, ever shuts up." Abby's laugh rang out in the crowded train, and a few people turned to look.

  * * * *

  The section of the National Mall cordoned off for the pro-marriage rally was packed with humanity. The rally was organized in the very center of the Mall, flanked on either side by the austere buildings of the Smithsonian Museum. The Washington Monument towered at one end, standing as a symbol of freedom. But only for some, thought Abby.

  All manner of couples from the most straitlaced to the totally outrageous were milling about on the lawn. Members of the crowd included men dressed like women, women dressed in next to nothing, and just about anything in between. What a strange mix of people. This group never crosses paths in other walks of life, but they all have one thing in common. They can't marry those they love, not legally. Abby shuddered, appalled at the thought.

  A group commitment ceremony was on the agenda for later in the rally, and tents littered the lawn, offering services and support to couples. First up, however, was Edan Jameson's speech. Abby grabbed a flier and read Edan's bio.

  Edan Jameson is a poly activist and a lawyer. He is openly bisexual, and very active in the GLBT and poly communities in DC. He offers pro bono legal advice and clinics for couples and groups wanting to enter into relationship contracts. He is employed by the Human Rights Campaign as a lobbyist working to further GLBT issues including the pro-marriage movement.

  "Hey Jordan, what's a 'relationship contract'?" Abby pointed to the phrase in the flier. Jordan had been surveying the crowd with a huge smile on his face. Clearly he was in his element.

  "Well, there really isn't such a thing. What this means is that Edan can help couples or more work out legal arrangements, like joint property ownership, power of attorney and even child custody. Life gets complicated when marriage is off the table."

  "I guess so. I've never thought of it that way before. This Edan Jameson seems like a busy man. How does he find the time to organize rallies like this?"

  "When you're committed to your beliefs, you find the time. He's been a driving force for our community, and I really admire his ability to mobilize people. Imagine how much courage he has, being out as poly and bisexual. Especially given the current political climate."

  "Isn't it a risk to be so politically open these days? Even you said you were on a few lists and you don't broadcast your sexuality to everyone in Congress."

  "I guess Edan feels the risk is worth it. I dunno. We'll have to ask him after his speech."

  A hush fell over the motley crowd as Edan took the stage. Abby stood on tiptoe to see him, and when she caught sight of him he took her breath away. Holy cow, he's gorgeous. He couldn't possibly have been looking directly at her in this crowd, but somehow he seemed to be gazing into her eyes. He is engaging. No wonder he's such a great speaker.

  He stood about five eleven, slender but not lanky like Jordan. He was good looking, sporting curly hair that fell to his shoulders. His skin was cafe au lait in color, though whether he was tanned or just naturally dark was unclear at this distance. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, and he looked nothing like any lawyer Abby had ever seen. She stared at him, entranced. Something about him was drawing her in, and she found she couldn't look away. Jordan looked at her, then she saw him do a double take to see what she was watching so intently.

  "Why Abby, I do believe you're crushing on Edan Jameson."

  "What?" said Abby, distracted.

  Jordan sighed. "Well, you wouldn't be the first on earth to fall for Edan's smokin' hot bod. As it happens, he's also single at the moment. His lover moved out two months ago to be with some guy he met online."

  Abby turned to look at Jordan, shocked. "Okay, from what I know of him he's intelligent, he's passionate, he's fine beyond all reason. What on earth could be better than that on the internet?"

  "To each their own, I guess," said Jordan, amused. "I know if I ever had the chance I'd have gotten with that in a heartbeat. Sadly, our paths cross often but never when the planets are properly aligned."

  "Oh, the speech is starting," said Abby, still staring at the man on stage.

  "Ladies, gentlemen, freaks, geeks and queers, welcome to DC!" Edan yelled into the mic and the crowd erupted in cheers. His entire body animated, he grabbed the mic and moved to the front of the stage, engaging the audience.

  "I find it interesting how we identify ourselves. Freaks? A freak not that long ago, was a young man who wore long hair and bell bottoms, and protested against an immoral war. A geek was a carnival worker, living her life outside the mainstream. And a queer? Well, we all know what that word means, and who has used it to attack us. We have reclaimed these words as our own. I say, it is time to reclaim our rights as well.

  "There are some that say this is not the right climate for activism. These folks say that now is the time for hunkering down, for staying safe against the rising tide of hatred. I say no! I refuse to lie down and hide when all of us are denied the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. As I watch those in power twist the words of the Bill of Rights to fit their needs, I say no! I refuse to be a willing pawn in the plot to erase all who are different, who don't fit the mold of the Good Christian American.

  "Because since when, my friends, has being a good Christian meant being hateful and arrogant? I don't pretend to be a theologian, but I have heard the phrase "Love Thy Neighbor"! I am your neighbor, President Jones! We are all your neighbors!"

  As his speech went on, Abby found herself growing more and more impressed with Edan. He was witty and smart, saying all the right things to this diverse crowd to make them laugh and to get them hyped up about the cause at hand. He held sway over the audience with skill and poise, an
d he seemed perfectly at home in front of people. If I was speaking to a crowd this large, I'd be terrified. She listened to him speak and felt her heart rise in her chest. She felt his passion and Jordan's ringing through her and she believed she would do just about anything to make sure the rights of these people were protected.

  Halfway through his talk she saw the crowd begin to get a bit unruly, people yelling back at him as he demanded equal rights for all people, regardless of who they loved. He noticed too, because he turned his talk at that point to channeling all that rage and frustration into things people could do to help, everything from remembering to vote to donating money to running for office themselves.

  By the time he wrapped up, everyone was excited and chatting about ways they could make a difference. Abby felt stunned. She was truly moved by the words Edan spoke, and felt a pull to him that was stronger than she had felt for anyone except Jordan. She smiled at her own silliness. She was crushing on this man, someone she had never met and seen one time. He was magnetic, to be sure, but only a person in the world. She wondered where these feelings were coming from, and chalked them up to the electric drive of all the people around her united in a common cause.

  Jordan pulled her close to him as the crowd began to move to the different booths and activities in the area. "Come on," he said, "I'll introduce you to Edan."

  "Oh no," said Abby, "I really don't need to meet him. I just enjoyed his speech, that's all. I think he's amazing to be so brave and honest about his life and what he believes in. Just like you." Wow. I'm shy all of a sudden?


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