Triple X

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Triple X Page 14

by Amelia June

  Chapter 11

  June 2nd, 2008

  Jordan, Abby and Edan awoke to the blaring alarm clock. They had to be up early today, the day of the rally. All of them were on pins and needles with excitement and tension. Their usual boisterous morning shower was quite subdued, despite cramming all three of them in the tiny stall. Abby got out first and toweled off. She moved around the bed fussing about what to wear on television. She still couldn't quite believe that Jordan had figured out a way to hack the secured network cameras and get them on the air. He had guaranteed they'd be on at least one major network, maybe two, while the President's speech was broadcasting on the others. Abby felt tendrils of fear in her stomach, alongside the nausea. She was afraid for all of them--afraid they would get caught, afraid their message would not be received, afraid that the country would fall prey to this madman for years to come. She had no idea, nor did anyone else, what the President was planning to announce at his big speech, but somehow she felt it was not good news. She fretted over her wardrobe; nothing fit the way she wanted it to, despite being only a month along. She finally chose a modest ankle length skirt and sweater, which made her look further along than she was. She had decided to allow them to film her, and she figured she may as well look as pregnant as possible.

  "Abby, I can hear you worrying from here," said Jordan, from the bathroom. "We have hours before the rally for you to worry so relax and take it easy right now. You and little peanut do not need the extra stress." Jordan had taken to calling the baby 'peanut', while Edan preferred 'bean', as he had discovered the baby was about the size of a lima bean. Edan walked out of the bathroom and sat Abby down on the bed, pulling her feet into his lap for a quick rub. She rolled her eyes, but accepted the treatment willingly.

  "When do you need to go to the office, love?" Edan asked Jordan. Jordan and a few other techies were meeting early to set up the necessary reroutes and double blinds so that they could hack the system without being traced.

  "I think I should be okay to leave in about an hour. I want us to have breakfast together first."

  "My thoughts exactly," said Edan. He gave Abby's big toe a kiss and went off to the kitchen wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else. She watched him go, paying special attention to his amazing ass. How can I possibly be aroused today of all days? Chalking the feeling up to pregnancy, she got up to help Edan in the kitchen. Together they scrambled eggs and fried a little bacon. Edan snuck in some spinach when Abby wasn't looking because he had read that spinach had a lot of folic acid, good for growing babies. Abby toasted wheat bread and made fresh squeezed orange juice.

  The three of them sat down to the table together and tucked in. Abby looked around the table, then took each of her husbands' hands. They stopped eating and looked at her expectantly.

  "Hey, guys. I just wanted to say how much I love you both. I know we're doing a great thing here today, an important thing for our future and our baby's future. But I want to say that I don't care if we can never get married legally. To me, you are both my best friends and my husbands. I feel deeply bonded and connected to each of you. I can't imagine my life without the two of you in it, and I'm so thankful you're here with me." She leaned over and kissed Jordan, then Edan on the cheek. They joined hands as well, and nodded at her.

  "I feel the same way," said Edan. "I'm so blessed to be here, joined with you two. I was terrified my love for you, especially you, Abby, would go unrealized. I was afraid I'd never see you again after that night. I've never felt the depth of love that I feel with you two."

  "Well, you two know how mushy I am," said Jordan, "but I love you guys so much. I've been in love before, but I've never felt so safe, at home, as I do here with you. You are truly my husband and wife, and will always be, no matter what the law says."

  "Group hug!" said Abby. They stood up and held each other tightly. She felt a deep peace flow through her, and for the first time since waking up she thought things might just work out for them today after all.

  * * * *

  10:00 a.m.

  Nina read Sarah's latest email and her heart lifted. Her friend had made contact with a sister in Newark who was willing to take Nina in for the duration of her pregnancy. Nina didn't want to freeload off of anyone, but she knew she needed help to get a job and a place to live. First, though, she needed to find a new identity. She scoured the internet for hours, searching for someone who could help her. She had a line on two different resources in the DC area, but wasn't sure how to approach them without giving herself away. She wrote Sarah back and passed on the information. Sarah was really helping her, which she thanked God for. But then again, Sarah was pregnant as well, thanks to Nina's information. They were expecting siblings, considering Sarah's husband had co-fathered Nina's baby as well as Sarah's. She was thrilled that her baby would have a family that was safe and sane, unlike the man she was currently planning to escape.

  Nina didn't know what he was planning to announce to the country tonight, but she was sure that once that speech was over she would be leaving the White House for the last time. Nina could not imagine herself ever being in the same room with that man again, but knew she had to put on appearances for her safety's sake. Her husband was so obsessive over this speech that if she refused to go she was afraid he might punish her. She could not risk her baby like that. She laid out a respectable 'First Lady' dress, and said a silent prayer that it still fit properly. She was starting to feel wide in the hips, and had recently begun feeling sick to her stomach. She was happy to be feeling pregnant, and welcomed each symptom as further proof that she had done the right thing.

  Nina started pulling clothes out of her closet and packing them in boxes. She wanted to be ready when the time came. She had already moved most of her things out and into storage, taking them a little at a time so that she would not be noticed. She didn't have much that was her own anyway. Most of what she used daily belonged in the White House, not to her. She was looking forward to a time when she could have her own little house. She didn't want much, just a room for her and one for the baby. But she could cook on her own stove and do her own dishes, something she never did here. She felt useless, like nothing more than 'the President's wife'. In her own home she would find meaning through a job of her own and through raising her little boy --she was sure she was carrying a boy.

  Lately she had been considering names for the little one, and thought she might name him after her father, Gabriel. He was a good man, and she wanted to honor his memory. She wished, not for the first time, that she had listened to him about Michael. Before he died he had warned her about her husband, told her he didn't trust him, despite his devout appearances. Turned out he was right all along, and she felt like an idiot for ignoring his advice. Well, she was done making that mistake. With a lot of luck and help from God--the real God, not the insane version her husband believed in--she would be able to disappear. Her husband would never know of the child he helped create; would not be able to poison the mind of his offspring with his madness.

  * * * *

  11:00 a.m.

  Abby paced back and forth waiting for her permit paperwork. The woman behind the counter was eyeing her in a strange way, and Abby couldn't help but feel paranoid. They had gotten approval for their rally a day after applying, but had not been able to get the paperwork in hand until the very day. She wondered if someone was going to deny them at the last second, but at last her number was called. She went to the counter and the dour woman handed her the stack of papers with an uninterested glance. Abby laughed at herself; she was so worried she was imagining conspiracies where there were none. She left the courthouse and hopped the Metro back to the Human Rights Campaign offices where Jordan and his crew were deep in cyberspace. Edan was running around town picking up chairs, podiums and other gear he needed to make everything run smoothly. He would need the paperwork she had just picked up to set everything up in the next hour or so. She got on-line and started counting rally attendees who responded by email.
Over five hundred people had already reserved seats, and she knew at least another couple hundred were projected. The announcement of their rally had spread across the internet like wildfire. Pro marriage sites, pro family sites, and infertility sites were all encouraging people to attend, to send a message to the President on the steps of Congress. By now news of the press conference had been released, so everyone understood that their protest was in direct response.

  * * * *

  "That should do it," said Jordan, leaning back in his chair. He ran a hand through his unkempt hair and rubbed his eyes. He had been staring at a computer screen for days now making sure everything was ready. "I think we're secure now," he said, looking at Abby. "I'm confident that we can go forward without immediate detection. By the time they are tracing us, we'll be off-line. We only need five minutes of airtime anyway, just enough for Edan to make his speech and give the website." They had ultimately decided that Edan would speak quickly and clearly, stating the basic facts, and they would upload all the information to a secure website. Jordan had set up all kinds of redirection so that they could not be shut down, and arranged things so that the website could handle a massive amount of traffic. Everything seemed to be in place now, but still Abby felt a strange sense of foreboding, as though she knew something terrible was going to happen. She could only hope and trust that things turned out for the best.

  * * * *

  12:00 noon

  President Jones kneeled once more before his Lord and savior, praying for strength and wisdom on this momentous day. As he began to hear the words of God echo in his head, his eyes rolled back and he began to have a fit of faith. He had been having these fits for a few days now, since he had been fasting from food and water for the announcement. First, the word of God would begin to sound in his head, then a warm, all encompassing light would surround him and lift his spirit up. Often times he received directions from God, about policy, about furthering his holy mission. He had noticed once that God had the voice of his father, and was unsurprised.

  He soaked up God's love each time the fit fell upon him, and he awoke, usually after an hour or so, feeling refreshed and strong. He was truly blessed, touched by the Spirit. This time, as he felt himself falling deeper into the fit; he thought he heard a voice telling him to stay alert, that he was not guaranteed success. He was directed to be cautious, to be careful who he trusted. He nodded mutely in agreement, and he was brought back to himself by a knock on the office door. He stood up, shook himself off and said, "Come in, Van Sant, come in." His voice sounded thick and dull, a side effect of the fits.

  "Are you all right, Mr. President?" Van Sant looked at him strangely, and, reaching up, Jones realized he was bleeding from a small cut in his forehead. He probably hit his head when he fell.

  "I'm fine, no worries. I just bumped my head under the desk picking up a pen. Now, tell me everything is prepared for this evening."

  "Yes, sir, we are all set. The last news station just checked in, and we expect a full audience of lawmakers. There is one thing I wanted to discuss with you though."

  "Yes? What is it?"

  "The rally the Human Rights Campaign is holding seems to be quite large. From what our security operatives can deduce, they are expecting a turnout of more than five hundred people. Their website seems to say they have some kind of new information they plan to present."

  "What kind of information? They've already released the results of their so- called 'research' without success."

  "We aren't sure, Mr. President. I wanted you to be informed."

  "Thank you for the report, Van Sant. I do not doubt they believe they have some important new scientific breakthrough, but my evidence will put all their 'theorizing' to rest. I am not concerned."

  Van Sant nodded and left the office without another word. He was a faithful follower, not one to ask questions and make judgments. Jones found him to be an excellent assistant and advisor, if a bit overly cautious.

  Jones gazed out his window over the city, the capitol of America. He could feel the nation on the cusp of change, felt the power of the Lord in every fiber of his being. He was on a sacred mission, and he was determined to carry it out.

  * * * *

  6:00 p.m.

  President Jones took his wife's arm, gazing proudly at her. They stood before the closed doors of the House chamber, waiting to be introduced. Jones seemed proud to have Nina on his arm tonight. Nina did her best not to seem afraid. "Nina, I know you are aware of what I am going to tell the country tonight. I'm sure God revealed His plan to you as well, but I want to tell you myself how pleased and proud I am that you are having my child. I could not have chosen a better vessel for my son than you."

  Nina blinked, astonished, and tried to look unsurprised. This was the last thing she suspected. How did he know? She tried to come up with a response that would not anger him.

  "I...I have to confess I'm surprised. I didn't know you were aware of my pregnancy."

  "Of course, Nina, of course I am aware. After all, it was God who directed me to deliver my seed to you the night you tried to turn from Him. It was God who helped me bring you back into His light, and who has granted us this miracle of miracles. I have your blood test results, and I plan to inform the country this very night that we have been blessed with the ability to create life once again. If we can do it, others who are truly faithful will be able to as well. God has given us back our children, in exchange for our devotion to Him."

  As her husband spoke, Nina felt her perception begin to shrink. Her vision began to tunnel, and all she could hear was the droning of her insane husband's voice. He was using her pregnancy, her child, as proof of his claims. This man believed that God had granted him a child because of his devotion, because of his intolerant policies and his fanatical claims. She began to shake. She could not stand with him one second longer, could not tolerate his touch on her arm. She began to burn with a dull anger. She turned to look at him, and saw him smiling proudly at her, actually believing she loved and supported him. This maniac who raped her, tore her flesh and called her a whore was now expecting her to stand by his side and help him lie to the entire nation. His lies had become his truth, but she refused to let them become hers. She tore her arm from his grasp and ran, away from her husband and away from the security detail. She ran blindly down the hall, unsure where to turn.

  * * * *

  "Let her go," said Jones, "she's safe in the building. She is overcome with emotion and may feel a bit lightheaded due to the pregnancy. Let her go, she'll return when she can." The secret service officers stopped their pursuit and returned to the President's side. This was far and away from their usual policy, but they followed orders dutifully. After all, the non-faithful often lost their jobs, or worse. The President straightened his jacket and waited for the page to call him into the House chamber.

  * * * *

  Nina ran through the Capitol building, lost, then finally burst out a side door. She looked around wildly, not sure where to go, turned around and ran square into Cal Franklin.

  "Cal...what...what are you doing here?" Nina sputtered, confused. She hadn't seen the former Chief of Staff since he quit working for her husband months ago.

  "I'm here at a rally for the Human Rights Campaign, but I think a better question is what are you doing here, Mrs. Jones, and where is your security detail? Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine, I'm just...oh, Cal, I can't believe what he's done. What he's doing right now." She broke down, unable to hold back the tears of horror any longer. Cal looked at her, confused, then pulled her into his arms and let her cry on his shoulder.

  "Mrs. Jones, what do you mean? What's he doing?"

  Nina gazed up into his eyes and decided she could trust him. She knew he had quit working for her husband based on his principles, and now she felt in him a kindred spirit. She swallowed, wiped her eyes, and began to tell him what was going on.

  As she spoke, Cal began to grow more and more excited. After she had f
inished her story, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "Mrs. Jones, let me tell you what I'm doing here tonight. We have the scientific proof that it takes three to make a child now. We have physical evidence that your husband knew this months ago and withheld the information from the public intentionally. We are getting this information out to the American people, once and for all. I think you can help, too, if you're interested.

  "Listen to me, Nina, all is not lost. If you agree, I think I have a way to stop him from spreading his lies any further. Come with me, there's some people I want you to meet."

  * * * *

  6:15 p.m

  Abby watched Jordan mess around with the camera and his computer once more, making sure everything was set up just right. Edan was scheduled to go on stage in about five minutes and everything had to be perfect. In an open window on the computer Jordan was monitoring the President's speech. He had spent the first five minutes spouting his usual 'pray and God will deliver' bullshit, but now he was talking about having proof that God had granted a miracle.

  Looking up at over the massive crowd, Abby was surprised to see Cal Franklin ushering someone toward the podium. She and Jordan watched in amazement as he realized that Franklin had the First Lady in tow. Edan leaned over to Cal and listened as he spoke, quickly and heatedly.

  "What is going on up there?" Abby squinted to get a better view.

  "I have no idea, what on earth is the First Lady doing here?"

  "I'm going up there. I'm supposed to be on camera soon anyway. Love you, Jordan." Abby kissed him on the cheek then made her way to the stage. As she did so she could hear the President's voice over her earbud.


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